One Shot 12: The Hairstylist and the General Rosa

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"It's an order from Lord Paxley." Tigreal said.

Lesley's left eye twitched, "They made him banished from their family and now they were looking for him?"

Tigreal sighed, "The issue in their family is none of our business, General Rosa. But we have to obey their order."

"I know. I'll take my leave now Sir." She did a salute to Tigreal before she went out of the office.

Lesley sighed the moment she was outside the office. She couldn't really comprehend the way of thinking of noble families.

Like now, they received an order from the head of Paxley family to look for the patriarch's fourth son, Gusion Paxley.

She knew that this Gusion guy was more of physical combat which was against the tradition of the family for this family believe that those people who used weapons were merely weaklings and cowards. They were a prestigous mage family here in the Land of Dawn after all.

Rumors said that the family were amazed by the skills of Gusion but then they gave him two choices: to forget his fighting style or to be banished from the family.

And you know what he chose. And now they were looking for him.

They hated weapons but they were ordering us people that used weapons to look for his son. Lesley thought.

The irony huh. Claiming they were powerful but they couldn't even find one person.

She sighed once again. Though she didn't want to do this but her superior told her so, she got no choice.

"Alucard, Zilong." She called her two constituents, "There was an order from the Paxley family. We need to find his son, Gusion Paxley. Spread the word in the entire empire. There was a bounty of ten thousand diamonds on who can hnd him."

"Wait, they were looking for their rebellious son?" Alucard asked confusedly, "I thought they made him banished from their family?"

Lesley massaged her temples, "Exactly what I thought but Tigreal said it was none of our business. It's an order anyway, we need to obey."

"Right." Zilong said, "But it is really a wonder huh."

"And we are not sure if that Gusion Paxley is here inside the empire. We might be searching for nothing." Alucard added.

That made Lesley massaged her temple more for her headache became severe.

This is going to be stressful.


The order was spread throughout the empire and the people were eager to look for Gusion Paxley.

Lesley thought it would be a disaster but she was thankful it was not because they might be determined to look for the rebellious Paxley, they were disciplined enough not to make chaos to the empire. Some even went out of the empire to find the Paxley's fourth son in other kingdoms.

She sighed, at least it would be easier to find Gusion this way.

"A penny for your thoughts, Miss General?"

Lesley looked at someone who just spoke.

"Hello Miss General." The hairstylist greeted her.

She rolled her eyes, "You're being too formal Mister."

Lesley didn't know any personal information about this famous hairstylist in the empire. He told her to just call him Harry, though. She couldn't tell if they were friends or not but they were always talking casually.

Actually, they first met when Lesley decided to have a haircut. Zilong recommended the hairstylist to her.

He just arrived here in the empire that time but he already gained the title of being the best hairstylist in the empire.

She was star-struck when she saw him for the first time. Lesley didn't know that a handsome man like him could be an amazing hairstylist.

She remembered what he told her when she said she wanted to cut her hair.

"Your hair suits you. You don't need to cut your hair. It is beautiful, just like you Miss General."

Lesley blushed at the thought.

Ah yes, she was having that feeling towards the hairstylist.

"I need to because you are in your sinful uniform, Miss General." The hairstylist said that made Lesley came back to her senses.

Her eyes widened with what he said, "Wait, what?"

An emotion flickered in the eyes of the hairstylist that she couldn't read but it made her heart thumped, not in nervousness but something she couldn't comprehend.

The hairstylist blinked and the emotion was now gone in his eyes then he smiled at her, "Nothing. But I can feel that something was troubling you. Mind having a coffee and talk about it?"

That made Lesley smile, "Sure. Thank you Harry."

He offered his hand to her which she gladly took. She felt a tingling sensation once their hands touched.

Her breath hitched when she felt his other hand on her lower back and when he leaned towards her and smelled her hair.

"You smell so good." The hairstylist said as he buried his face on the crook of her neck to smell her.

"T-thanks." Her voice barely came out from her throat because her mind was in a mess because of his sudden actions.

He was this clingy to her when they were together, always. But she wasn't still used to this.

He made her sit on a chair while he prepared their coffee. They were on the second floor of his house. The first floor was his shop.

"Here." He said as he placed a cup of coffee in front of her.

She mumbled thanks as she picked up the cup to take a sip.

"So what's troubling you?" He asked as he sat on the chair in front of her.

"We received an order to find a person that we are not sure if he's really here in the empire." Lesley sighed as she played the cup of her coffee using her fingers, "And what's pissing me off was they made him banished from their family and now they were looking for him?"

The hairstylist stopped from sipping his coffee for a second but then he continued.

Lesley leaned on the chair, "It was ironic that they ordered us who uses weapons just to find this guy even though they are well-known that hated weapons. They are claiming they are powerful, noble and the prestigious mage family but they couldn't find this one person."

The hairstylist chuckled because of her frustration, "They are desperate to find him huh."

"I know their family issue was none of my business but this is giving me a headache." Lesley massaged her temples.

She saw him stood and went behind her, removing her hands from her temples as he replaced it with his hands, massaging it.

"Better?" He asked her.

Lesley closed her eyes and felt her mind relaxed, "Yeah, thank you."

After massaging her temples, his hands went down on her neck and shoulders, easing the tension on her muscles.

"Ah, that feels good." Lesley blurted as she felt him continued to massage her.


Lesley nodded and a moan escaped from her lips because of his massage.

"I can do something to make you feel better Miss General." He whispered to her ear in a husky voice.

Before Lesley could respond, he scooped her in his arms and placed her on his bed.

"Wait, Harry. What are you–"

"Shh." He silenced her, placing his forefinger on her lips. Then he moved to the edge of the bed to remove her boots.

She couldn't utter a word and just watched him removed her boots. She shivered as his fingers touched her skin. She didn't know if it was an accident or not.

After removing her boots, he laid down beside her, covering both of their bodies with a blanket as he gathered her in his arms, burying his face on the crook of her neck, inhaling her.

"You need some rest Lesley. Don't stress yourself too much." He whispered to her as he brushed his lips against her neck lightly.

She bit her lips from the sensation. She even held her breath. How could I sleep when he is being like this?

He moved and placed tiny kisses on her cheek, "Breathe Lesley, breathe."

With that, Lesley took a deep breath. She looked at him, "Why are you so clingy to me?"

He shrugged as he tightened his hug and continued to place tiny kisses all over her face, "You're still not ready to hear my reason Miss General."

That made Lesley frowned, "Why?"

The hairstylist just smiled at her and didn't utter any word. He moved her so her face was buried on his chest where she could feel and hear the fast beating of his heart.

It was lulling her to sleep.

"Have a good sleep, sweetheart." Were the last words Lesley heard and she felt him kissed her forehead as she dozed off to sleep.


"Thank you and I'm sorry for taking too much of your time." Lesley said as she stepped out of his house.

The hairstylist smiled sweetly at her, "You know I don't mind right? I love spending time with you."

Lesley blushed and looked down as she heard him chuckling.

He held her chin so she could look at him, "Pretty as always. Take care okay?"

She nodded and smiled at him. She felt he was closing the gap between them but then she heard footsteps, approaching them.

Lesley pushed the hairstylist gently while her face was still flushed.

He almost kissed me under broad daylight!

"General Rosa."

She looked at who called her, it was Alucard and Zilong, panting from running.

"Sir Tigreal wants to talk to you." Alucard said.

She frowned, "Why?"

"Your little brother, Harley, was taken by the Paxleys."


"Sir! That was my little brother! Let me go after him!" Lesley hysterically said as she was pacing back and forth in front of Tigreal.

She was crying out of frustration right now. Just what kind of sister she was? How could she not protect her little brother?

She couldn't do anything but to blame herself.

"Calm down Lesley. We will save your little brother. Just calm down."

She frustratedly wiped her tears, "How can I calm down? That's my beloved little brother."

She wept as she sat down on a chair.

She heard Tigreal sighed and patted her shoulder, "Stay here. I'll be having a meeting with high ranking knights okay? We will construct a plan to save Harley. Just calm down Lesley."

Lesley heard the door opened and closed as she continued to weep.

She couldn't think right now.

Harley was a Mage Genius, they could have taken interest in him. Not to mention he could open a portal.

I would not forgive myself if something bad will happen to Harley.

She heard a knock and a royal knight entered the room, approaching her, "General Rosa, you have a letter." He went out after he gave the letter to Lesley.

Confused, Lesley opened the letter.

Miss General,

I'm sorry that your little brother got involved with this mess. You don't have to worry, I'm going to save your little brother before this day ends.

After all, all they needed was me. I'm sorry for keeping a secret to you sweetheart.

I'll explain to you later and I want to say those three perfect words to describe how I feel for you, that is, if I am able to come back.


Lesley gasped as she quickly picked up her rifle and ran outside.

You got a lot of explaining to do, Gusion Paxley.


Heyyyyyyyyaaaa~ we all love cliffhangers, don't we? *evil laugh* Gonna leave the rest to your imaginations! *winks*

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