One Shot 17: Unexpectedly

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This is a new One Shot 17 for you fam!


Lesley flopped on the sofa after a tiring match. It almost reached thirty minutes, and thankfully, their team won.

I'm the Queen of Crits everyone. Remember that. Lesley smirked to herself.

No matter how they bullied her in the early game, she got her revenge on the late game.

"That took a toll of you, right Sis?" She heard Harley asked her and flopped himself on the other sofa.

"Very. I'm afraid I can't make dinner." Lesley said, but of course, she was just bluffing. She couldn't let Harley eat anything that could harm him.

"Do I need to go to Sis Miya's house and inform her to cook for us too?" Harley suggested.

"You just want to see Nana, that's what you want to do. You just watched my match with her earlier." She teased her little brother.

With that, the midget blushed, "Sis!"

That made Lesley laughed, "What? What I said was right."

Harley almost wanted to throw a card to his big sister but he stopped himself.

"Go on, and you'll lose a card because I'm gonna put a hole on it." Lesley tried to provoke her little brother.

Harley pouted, "I hate you Sis."

She laughed and hugged her little brother, "I love you baby brother. And don't bother to tell Miya to cook for us. I'm just kidding you. I can still cook, I'll just rest for a few minutes. But you can go to their house. I know how much you wanted to see the love of your life even you were just with her earlier." She rolled her eyes.

Harley smiled and hugged her back, "Thank you Sis! You're the best sister ever!"

She flicked his forehead playfully, "Of course, I'm the only sister that you have. Now, go. But be back before dinner."

Harley used his second skill but she heard him shouted "I will, love ya!"

Lesley shook her head lightly and flopped on the sofa again before removing her eyepatch and closing her eyes to rest.

She was about to get up when an announcement popped up.

"Eris. picked you to play."

Lesley groaned out of frustration as she was being teleported to the battle platform, "Oh come on!"

She knew this in-game name. This player picked Kagura earlier with that tiring match.


Lesley almost startled when someone spoke. She looked at that someone and saw that it was the dagger assassin.

"Hey." She greeted back.

She looked up and saw the player's name. It was Eros.

Lesley frowned. That player picked Hayabusa earlier too.


Her eyes widened. Is my player and Gusion's a couple? But we are not a couple! Not even close.

They weren't even close and couldn't even pass as friends.

Lesley shook her head lightly. Maybe she was just thinking too much. There was no way that this couple player thought of them as a couple.

"Oh my gosh!"

The awkward atmosphere was gone when they heard a loud shriek.

"Freya?" Lesley said.

Freya hugged her tightly, "Girl! I'm so sorry for interrupting your moment but I can't contain it anymore. Your chemistry is too strong!"

"What?" She and Gusion said at the same time.

That made them looked at each other at the same time. And Lesley didn't know if her eyes were tricking her or she really saw that one side of his lips curved into a smile.

Lesley was startled again when Freya squealed so loud and the latter saw that.

"I'm sorry Les. I just can't contain my feels." The valkyrie apologized.

"The heroes spectating are so loud. They are squealing." Atlas said who also appeared in their battle platform together with Chang'e.

That made Lesley frowned, "Why?"

Freya gave her an are-you-kidding-me look, "Girl, most of the heroes ship you two." She said while pointing her and Gusion.

The frown didn't leave Lesley's face, "Why?" She asked again.

Freya rolled her eyes, "Can't you see and feel it Les? Your chemistry? It's overflowing."

"If you wanna talk about Chemistry stuff, you should ask Kimmy." Lesley said.

Freya groaned in frustration and looked like she wanted to strangle her but she stopped herself, "You're so frustrating!"

Lesley laughed and hugged her friend to console her, "Frey, I have Harley to handle with, he's already too much. And Gusion and I were not even close. Stop pairing us. He might have a girlfriend or whatsoever, this shipping thing might be a nuisance to him."

She said it without looking at the dagger assassin's direction.

Freya moved closer to her to whisper, "But that's not what I see. Look how he looks at you."

Curious, Lesley turned towards Gusion's direction and her breathing slightly hitched upon seeing that he was indeed looking at her with an emotion in his eyes that she couldn't read.

"Maybe he is just curious on what we are talking about." Lesley sighed.

"Whatever Les." Freya said in defeat, her friend had always a reason for all things.

Lesley then smiled to Gusion apologetically, "I'm sorry Gusion. I didn't know why the other heroes are like that. Just don't mind them, they will get tired soon."

But the dagger assassin didn't say anything and was just staring at her.

"Gusion?" She tried to call his attention.

It looked like it was effective when she saw Gusion shook his head lightly.

"I don't mind though." Gusion said in a low voice with a small smile playing on his lips.

That made Lesley looked at him with confusion. She was about to ask him but it was interrupted by the announcer, indicating that their game had started.


"Congrats to us!" Freya shouted when they destroyed their enemies' base.

Lesley wiped her sweat in her forehead and neck before giving Freya a smile. She also removed her eyepatch. Her left eye was already aching, she had been wearing that for a long time this day.

"Whoa." She heard Chang'e exclaimed, "It's my first time to see you remove your eyepatch Big Sis Lesley!"

"Is it?" She chuckled and pinched Chang'e's cheek, "Maybe we can invite the kids for a sleepover next time?" She said while looking at Freya.

"The guys would be jealous, for sure they will crash it." Freya answered.

"Should we ask Odette or Silvanna? Each of them have castle. They can accommodate all of the heroes." She suggested while she was starting to walk outside the battlefield with Freya and Chang'e.

"Sounds great. Let's tell them that later. For now, we need to go home to eat." Freya said while holding Chang'e's hand. "See you later Les!"

Lesley just waved them goodbye with a smile. Freya lived together with Zilong and Chang'e. Freya and Zilong had already been in a relationship for a long time.

She continued to walk even though she was already exhausted. She still needed to cook dinner.

Looks like my little brother's match is not yet finish. She thought while walking. She saw the announcement earlier that one player picked Harley.

Lesley took another step and she didn't see it coming that her knee would buckle in exhaustion. She wobbled and thought she would fall to the ground when someone wrapped an arm around her waist.

"That was close." A husky voice said.

Lesley felt a chill ran down to her body upon hearing that voice. His hot breath was also fanning to her right ear.

She stepped out from his grasp, startled. "Uh— thanks."

"Are you okay?" Gusion asked her with worry.

She gave him an awkward smile, "I'm okay. I'm just tired, maybe. I haven't rest that much since I had several matches this day."

"Do you want me to accompany you to your house?" He offered.

She waved her hands continuously, "Oh no, I'm okay. It will be a hassle to you. My house is out of your way."

They were actually living next to each other houses before she lived where Harley was staying. As far as she remembered, she only stayed there for a week before Harley demanded for her to leave her house and transfer to his.

Harley's main reason was he didn't want her to live in a house next to Gusion or any male heroes. She knew Harley was really overprotective of her, so to stop his tantrums, she obliged on what he wanted.

"And what if you stumble again?" Gusion asked while raising one of his eyebrows then mumbled some words that weren't audible to Lesley's ears. 'I won't let any man to hold you.'

"Then I'll stand up and continue walking?" Lesley said with hesitation in her voice, saying the obvious answer to his question.

Much to Lesley's shock, Gusion chuckled. Her eyes widened as she was looking at him.

She could see that the other heroes were starting to gather around them. The girls were mostly trying to hold theirselves to squeal, while the guys were cheering for Gusion.

Lesley gave Gusion a crooked smile, "I think I should leave. We're kind of gaining attention now, they might misunder—"

"Then, we should leave now." Gusion said.

Lesley nodded, "Yeah, we should—" She let out a yelp when Gusion scooped her in his arms, "What are you doing? Put me down!"

"And let you stumble again? Not happening, Les." Gusion said seriously as he began walking.

"Other heroes might misunderstood and your fiancee might also—"

"Fiancee?" Gusion cut her wiith a frown.

She avoided his gaze, "Well, I heard you are engaged?" She said, it should be a statement but it turned out like a question.

Gusion was silent for a while and was staring at her before he chuckled, "Well, I am not but my brother is."

"Oh." Was all Lesley could say, "So Guin is not engaged with you but with your brother?"

"Yeah." He answered while he was still carrying her.

"But I heard from Fanny that you have something for each other. Why don't you fight for her?" Lesley asked in a whisper, but was still audible to Gusion's ears.

Gusion chuckled and shook his head lightly, "Girls and their gossips, really." He continued to walk, "I'm a man of my words, Lesley. If I have feelings for her, I will not think twice but to go back to the family who banished me and fight for her." He stopped walking and stared at her, "But as you can see, I'm here and carrying you in my arms. What do you think?"

Lesley blushed with the way he stared at her. She couldn't contain on how he was looking at her. It was as if his stares were piercing her to the soul, trying to convey a message through his eyes.

Trying to ignore the fast beating of her heart, she avoided his gaze once again, "I think I can manage from here. Thank you."

She quickly hopped to the ground. Lesley was still exhausted actually, she wobbled a little when she hopped but she managed to stand and used her camouflage to run away.

Don't get swayed Lesley Vance! Just don't! She reminded herself.


Sleepover came and they were in Silvanna's castle. There were enough rooms to accomodate all of them but the heroes were thinking otherwise (mostly the male heroes) since they suggested that they should just lay futons on the j would stay in one room.

So here they were, with tons of futons, they were all inside the gathering hall.

"Les, you still have your eyepatch." Odette pointed out.

"Oh." She reacted before removing her eyepatch.

Though half of her face still couldn't be seen because of her hair.

"Les! I wanna put your hair in a high ponytail!" Miya told her while she was doing the girl kids' hairs.

"So you think I am a kid?" Lesley joked.

Miya rolled her eyes, "You know I like fixing your hair because you keep on hiding your face with that!"

Lesley laughed with what Miya said. She remembered that the latter told her that it was kinda disturbing when she was hiding her face with her hair. She had a reason though.

"Don't!" Harley interrupted.

The heroes frowned at Harley.

"I don't want to explain. Just don't." Harley added.

Lesley smiled to her little brother and opened her arms to him, inviting him for a hug. Harley quickly ran towards her and hugged her tight.

"Thank you baby brother." She whispered.

"Even though it is really something you should be proud of, I don't want to force you if you don't want to." Harley said.

Later that night, the kids were on the other side of the gathering hall, away from adults. The kids were already sleeping— at least the mages created noise barrier for them so they can sleep peacefully.

Most of the heroes— especially the males— were drowning their selves with booze. The females were just casually drinking their cocktail drinks.

"We are just curious Les." Irithel said, "Yes, we've seen you remove your eyepatch but it seems like you are still hiding your left eye. Why is that?"

Lesley chuckled after drinking, "Nothing. It's just like it's unusual?" She said, not sure with her words.

"Why are we not allowed to drink cocktails?" Guinevere asked with her crossed-arms.

"You're only seventeen, still underage. Same with Ruby." Silvanna answered.

Guinevere huffed after drinking her lemonade, "Underage but I'm already engaged." Her eyes widened, "Whoa, that rhymes!"

That made the girls chuckled.

"So Guin, who do you really like? Your fiancé or Gusion?" Fanny asked with a smile— threatening smile though, Lesley could see it.

That made Guinevere frowned, "Gusion? Why did you include him?"

"It was rumored that you met him after your engagement and you had feelings for each other?" Layla said.

Guinevere frowned for a second before she laughed out loud, "What the heck! Who spread that rumor? Yes, we met before but—" She rolled her eyes, "I don't like him. Gusset is way better than him."

That made the girls 'Oohh!' and looked teasingly at Guinevere.

"So the name's Gusset." Odette said while nodding.

With that, Guinevere blushed with the teasing she was receiving at the moment.

"And here I thought I can match you with my brother or Granger." Silvanna said.

As if on cue, Granger looked at them and looked at Silvanna intently.

"Princess, you know I'm yours." Granger told Silvanna with a smirk.

That earned a lot of tease from the guys.

"Oh! Pussy-whipped!" Alucard told Granger.

Lesley and Silvanna grimaced, "Language!"

Alucard behaved immediately while Lesley and Silvanna looked at each other before laughing. Both of them understood each other since they were both elder sisters.

They went on like that until they called it a night. But Lesley couldn't sleep so she decided to go out for some fresh air. Though she was having a hard time to stand since Silvanna was hugging her tightly.

She was about to disentangle Silvanna from her when someone did it for her. It was Granger.

She frowned at him but he just gestured her to be quiet.

She got the message right away as she just watched Granger carefully carried Silvanna as the latter clung unto him. Lesley giggled because the two of them looked so cute. She saw him carried her to the other side of the gathering hall.

Lesley then went out to the garden stealthily. She didn't want anyone to wake up.

She sat down on the bench and stared at the starry sky as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Why are you still awake?"

That made Lesley's eyes shot open in shock and what was more shocking was that Gusion's face were just inches away from her!

She almost yelped in surprise but thankfully, she stopped herself since it would wake the others.

Lesley sat properly, "Do you really have to bring your face close to mine? You nearly gave me an heart attack."

Gusion chuckled and sat beside her, "It's cold out here." He said before draping over her shoulder the balnket he was wrapped in that she didn't notice.

They were now sharing his blanket, wrapped around them while sitting on the bench.

Lesley almost wanted to scream, and the blanket was not helping because it had Gusion's manly scent.


"Hmm?" She hummed while still staring at the stars.

She didn't hear him answered so she looked at him.

Only to find out that he was staring at her with unreadable emotion in his eyes.

He raised his left hand to cup her face. She almost flinched with the sudden contact since his hand was quite cold.

And before she could react, he tucked her hair away from her face, revealing what she had been hiding.

Her very unusual eyes.

"Oh God, why are you so beautiful?" Gusion blurted as he was staring at her bluntly.

Lesley could see that his pupils were dilating while staring at her and she knew hers too.

"D-don't look at it." She whispered and closed her eyes.

"Love, they are beautiful. Look at me please." Gusion whispered.

Lesley could feel the fast beating of her heart as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Gusion. The emotions she could see in her eyes were overwhelming that she wanted to cry.

"It's weird." Lesley contradicted.

"No, they are beautiful." Gusion opposed as he dropped sweet kisses on her eyelids, especially to her left eyelids.

Lesley had amber eyes, actually. But her left eye was rare: half of her left iris was amber, while the other half was grey.

She had sectoral heterochromia.

Gusion was still staring at her though he was dropping sweet kisses to her hair, forehead, and nose.

"Gusion." Lesley called him.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

"Please stop doing that. It's not like you love me." She whispered.

"But I do." Gusion answered, "I'm not sure when it started but I know that it is way before the heroes started shipping us."

He then held her hand and raised it with his, intertwining them. "And see this? Your hands perfectly fit mine." He let go of their hands but then he gently pulled her for a hug, "Your body perfectly fits mine. And..." He trailed before pulling away a little to place a light kiss on her lips, "...your lips perfectly fits mine." He whispered on her lips before claiming it to a passionate kiss.

Lesley moaned a little and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her little moans urged Gusion more to pull her closer. His hands were now gently massaging her waist.

They savored the moment with the cold breeze but the blanket around them protected them from the cold night.

He reluctantly let go of her lips, both were panting as their foreheads were leaning to each other.

"Yep, definitely. You are mine, Lesley." Gusion whispered with a smirk.

Lesley chuckled, "Yep, you are possessive, definitely."

That also made Gusion chuckled, "You might be thinking this is unexpected but let me say that best things happen unexpectedly. But one thing is for sure though."

That perked Lesley's curiosity.

Gusion smiled at her, "I love you."

It made Lesley smiled, her tears were now brimming in her eyes from too much happiness, "I love you."

"There's another thing for sure too." Gusion said while gently pulling Lesley to sit on his lap, the blanket was still wrapped around them.

Lesley blushed with that, "What?"

"Harley would kill me."

That made Lesley laughed out loud that could wake up the heroes.

But fortunately, Gusion was fast enough to stop it from happening.

He quickly claimed her lips for a kiss once again.

The others found them in the garden that morning; Gusion was leaning on the armrest of the bench, his lower extremities on the bench while Lesley was leaning on him— almost lying on him. The blanket were still wrapped around them.

Their peaceful sleep was disturbed by tons of flying cards towards Gusion.


Omg, didn't notice it was this long already. HAHAHAHAHA.

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