One Shot 27: Adlib

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"Goodness, it's so cold!" Lesley shivered as she gripped on her coat.

It was already November, but they had to shoot a scene in the beach— or a cliff near the sea rather.

They were shooting for an action television series. It was her first to do an action series but she was excited to do this especially when the director and scriptwriter personally chose her to be the female lead.

"Lesley, are you ready?" The director— Director Author— asked her.

"Yes!" Lesley answered as her personal assistant got the coat from her.

"How about you Gusion?" She heard the director asked her co-actor.

"Yeah." The annoying man said cooly.

Why annoying? Lesley didn't really want to work with Gusion Paxley. Aside from he was too arrogant—

"Kyaaaa! Gusion!"
"Gusion, marry me!"
"Gusion, impregnate me!"

—he had so many fans that some of them were also following her everywhere.

Gusion was really a popular actor. Aside from he was really good looking, he was really good at acting too.

People say that he was kind, but Lesley couldn't find even an ounce of kindness in him. Maybe because her first impression to him was arrogant.

Arrogant maybe because the way he spoke during interviews? Carrying his own chair? Lesley wasn't really sure. She just saw the arrogant vibe in him.

Maybe because he is too good-looking that he looks like a jerk? She thought.

Right, she was generalizing good looking men out there.

It was Lesley first time to accept an Action-Romance genre. Mostly, she only accepted pure action, thriller, horror, drama (with no romance at all, purely life lessons only) or comedy.

It was not because she was a manhater or whatsoever, she was just afraid that she couldn't have that chemistry to her on-screen partner since she was not used to romance.

Plus, based on the interviews of leading actors today, they were quite afraid to be her partner. Not afraid in a bad way— it was the exact opposite actually. She was one of the highly praised and respected actress that the actors felt they weren't worthy enough to be her partner.

But this Gusion Paxley... he was the most in-demand actors today and she learned that he didn't hesitate to accept the offer.

And she learned that in one of his interviews before, when Gusion was asked on who he most wanted to partner with, he straightly answered Lesley Vance.

Maybe that's why Director Author decided to give him the lead role?

"Okay, this is a hard part. We have to shoot these two scenes at the same time, okay?" Author said, "I don't want anyone, especially Lesley and Gusion to get sick so let's do this in one shot."

The scenes they had to shoot was Gusion's fighting scene on the cliff and her fighting scene in the shore.

Gusion would fell from the cliff and she would save him since he would be drowning because his character had a deep wound in his thigh from a sword.

Oh, she forgot to tell what this series was about.

It was set in the ancient time where the Borealis Kingdom was invaded by the bigger and stronger Australis Kingdom. Lesley's role was the adopted princess of Borealis and her secret identity was the Borealis' secret weapon— the royal family's shadow, Death Arrow. She was very skilled archer that could hit her target with hundred percent accuracy.

Only the royal family knew her identity and her being the adopted princess was only a disguise. Her role was to protect the royal family.

There was a long, cold war between Borealis and Australis. But it turned into violence when the Borealis royaly declined the marriage proposal between the Borealis princess and Australis crown prince. The Australis was offended, saying Borealis had the guts to decline the bigger kingdom from them.

Gusion's character was the captain of the Australis knights. He was assigned to lead the attack to the Borealis. But actually, he was an illegitimate child of the Australis king (and the Australis royal family didn't know this). He wanted to kill the Australis king and his family for tormenting and killing his mother.

Under some circumstances, Lesley's and Gusion's character would meet first as enemies but they would became allies to bring down the Australis.

"Hi there, Lesley." Gusion greeted her, "You ready for a specific scene later?"

Lesley gave him a glare, "It's just an act okay? Or better yet, I'll have a double for that scene."

He gasped, "You can't do that!"

She just stuck her tongue to him and pushed him lightly, "Go to your place already. It's kinda freezing."

He just smiled and gave her a two-finger salute. She just shook her head and tapped on his chin since he was taller than her.

They heard the fans screamed. They had their cameras pointed to them.

"Did your fans thought that I'll hurt you?" Lesley asked while frowning.

Gusion, who was a bit startled when he touched her, chuckled, "You mean, our fans?"

She was confused but before she could ask, they heard Director Author speaking through a megaphone.

"Alright everyone, go to your positions. Let's do this in one take only, I don't want to risk your health. Gusion and Lesley..." Author trailed, "I need you to do an adlib after the drowning scene."

Lesley gasped. Adlib? Why didn't she tell us earlier?

"Gusion, we should talk about the adlib—"

"No need." Gusion cut her, "You're a good actress, we can do it."

Lesley was about to speak more but Gusion ran towards the cliff where he should be shooting his scene.

She sighed and just shook her head lightly.

"Alright! In three, two, one... Action!"

Their characters must supposed to meet on the cliff but Gusion's plan was discovered by the loyal knights to the Australis family and planned to kill him.

She would saw Gusion fighting against many knights and while on her way, she was also blocked by the Australis kinghts.

Lesley's character— Phoebe— wasn't used fighting in close combat but it didn't mean that she didn't know how to wield a sword.

Although it was only an acting, she had to make it seem it was real to the audience.

When she defeated the knights blocking her, it was on the exact time where she saw Gusion whose character was Aither— facing more than ten knights.

She helped him by hitting the knights with her arrows inflicted with poison (of course, it was only fake) but like what the script said, Gusion would be having a deep cut on his thigh, causing him to lose his balance and fell from the cliff.

She hit the remaining knights with her arrow and the crows flying above them. They were messenger crows of the Australis royal family.

Lesley then jump into the water to save Gusion.

Goodness! It's really cold!

Then she grabbed Gusion's body to the shore.

Lesley was huffing, she felt that she wasn't acting now because she really ran out of breath plus it was really cold.

And now, the scene that Gusion indicated earlier.

The cardiopulmonary resuscitation ir CPR scene.

Lesley actually wanted to back out when she read this particular scene but because she Director Author who was one of the renowned directors today personally chose her, she didn't have the heart to decline.

Focus Lesley! This is just for acting!

She checked his pulse and breathing as said in the script before she pinched his nose and opened his mouth by grabbing his chin and kissed— or more on like act like she was doing CPR to him.

She was nervous as hell inside but she didn't show it. She did what was told in the script and Gusion was supposed to wake up after two CPR but he didn't.

Lesley was confused and frowning, "Why aren't you waking up?"

Did he get drowned for real?

She panicked and tapped on his cheeks, "Hey, wake up you idiot!"

Lesley did a CPR to him again and it took her three CPRs before he coughed out the water.

He slowly opened his eyes, "Ha... What is this? Was Princess worried of me?"

How could he— is this the adlib he was talking about earlier?

"Of course not!" She scoffed and hit his chest making him wheezed, "Stupid."

Gusion chuckled and that really annoyed Lesley for real.

"I can see that you're already fine. Get up because we have to plan our next move now that there are knights who knew your real plan is." She glared at him, "If you can't get up then crawl. I'm not going to help you."

Lesley was about to stand and would like to end the adlib as soon as possible but Gusion was thinking otherwise as he grabbed her hand to pull her towards him.

She fell on top of him and what more was that... Their lips were touching each other.

Lesley's eyes widened— it was her genuine reaction and her initial reaction was to push him away but he quickly grabbed both of her hands before he rolled them over.

He was now hovering her with him pinning her hands above her head.

She was still in daze from the sudden kiss earlier.

"Sorry Princess, I don't have my consciousness earlier." Gusion smirked at her, "I want to taste your lips with all of my senses awaken."

"W-what..." Lesley mumbled, her voice even barely came out from her mouth.

"Please, excuse me." He said before claiming her lips once again.

Lesley couldn't react, she was just lying there with her eyes wide opened.

Is this still for an adlib? What the heck?

She felt Gusion bit her lower lip before licking it, making her gasp. She felt he smiled before continuing to kiss her passionately.

His kisses were gentle that she couldn't help but closed her eyes and moved her lips along with his.

Lesley was startled when she was hit by the waves and that was her wake up call but Gusion pulled her.

Gusion was now sitting on the sand with her on his lap.

Both of them were catching their breaths while staring at each other.

He lifted his hand to her cheek, brushing off some of her hair strands before it trailed to her neck, shoulder, arm, and finally to her hand. He intertwined his hand to hers before closing their gap again for a kiss.

It was a slow, passionate kiss with sea waves brushing against them under the million of stars in the sky.


Lesley's eyes snapped open and pushed Gusion away from her. But Gusion still chased her lips but she covered his lips with her hand.

They were both huffing— from too much intense or tension between them or whatever, Lesley didn't know.

They were just staring at each other while breathing heavily.

Lesley felt Gusion kissed her palm before licking it so she was startled that she quickly stood away from him.

What the hell was that, Lesley? Did you really do that with him? Just for an adlib? She scolded herself mentally.

Gusion chuckled before standing up.

"Good work everyone!" Author clapped her hands, "Rest for a while and then we'll wrap up. Thank you for your hard work!"

Their respective assistants quickly ran towards them to wrap them in the towel.

"Good work Gusion and Lesley." Author told them, "That turned out good."

Lesley blushed so she hid her face in the towel.

"Didn't expect that you will grab the opportunity of that adlib to do that Gusion." Author said while shaking her head but she was smiling, "You sneaky child."

Gusion just gave Author a cheeky grin. The latter left to help the staff to wrap up.

When she and Gusion were left alone, he tried to reach for her but she flinched away.

"I knew that it shocked you, I'm sorry." Gusion said sincerely.

Lesley could still feel his lips on hers. Her lips were trembling and still felt hot from that intense kiss.

"All of that..." She mumbled, "Just for an adlib?"

Gusion was shocked at first before he smiled at her.

He slowly approached her again and this time, she didn't flinch.

"Didn't you hear what Director said earlier?" Gusion asked her with a smirk before leaning in towards her, "I grabbed that opportunity to kiss you, Lesley."

She gasped and glared at him, "Didn't tou read the whole script? There were at least five kissing scenes in the first part including the CPR earlier! Isn't that enough?"

"Nope." He said smuggly, "Never." He brushed her lips with his thumb.

Their moment was cut by the loud screams of people watching them.

And before they knew it, they were trending online.

There were no actual spoilers from the scenes they shot but there were a lot of hints by the people who watched them.

"Oh my gosh! I knew it! They have such a strong chemistry!"

"This is the first they worked together right? But their chemistry make it seems that they know each other for a long time!"

"I'm telling you people, their tension is so palpable! Especially in that scene! It was so intense that we who were watching were gripping each other's arms!"

"I think they are livers behind the camera! They are just hiding it!"

"Haaa..." Lesley let out a frustrated sigh after reading the trending online.

It was a good thing since everyone couldn't wait for the television series to air but a bad thing since everyone were starting to ship them.

And the reason why Gusion's fans were also following her.

She massaged her temple from too much stress.

After a while, her personal assistant came to her in panic.

"Lesley! Check your personal account!"

"What?" Even though she was confused, she got her phone and log in her personal account.

Her eyes widened upon seeing her notification.

And when she saw the post where her fans were mentioning her, she didn't know she could get more shocked.

It was a picture of Gusion with flowers, chocolates, and coffee with a caption.

"On my way to start courting my queen, @LesleyVance."

Lesley dropped her phone in shock before she took a deep breath.

"What the hell is this Gusion Paxley!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

And that, how was the biggest loveteam in the industry started and how everything went real.


I really don't know how to end this HAHAHAHAHA.

Sorry for late update on all of my books, I found a new donghua (is it still called donghua although it's 3D?) called Throne of Seal.

And I'm kneeling to queen Sheng Cai'er!

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