One Shot 3: Captured

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This one shot is more on like an introduction to my GusLey book– See You in My Dreams. You might wanna check that out.


"Gusion! We'll be late for school! You know how strict Ms. Alice is."

"Just a minute okay? I'm still searching for the perfect subject for my project." Gusion said while scanning the place.

"Why don't you just choose to your previous pictures? All of them are good anyway. You can still get a high grade for that." Claude said nonchantly.

"I'm not satisfied with those." Gusion sighed. "If you're afraid to be late then go ahead. I'll follow you later."

Claude just shook his head but still waited for him nonetheless.

Gusion continued to scan the place, looking for his perfect subject. Yes, you could call him perfectionist but photography was his passion.

He wanted every photo he captured was perfect that could root on the minds of people that would see the photo.

"I'm giving you fifteen minutes Gus. That's the only allowable time we have before we get late for our class." Said Claude while looking at his watch.

"I told you, you can go ahead. Don't worry about me."

"Yeah? And then you'll get lost tracks of time, finding that perfect subject and before you knew it, it was night time already?" Claude folded his arms while scolding Gusion.

Gusion looked at Claude briefly while his left eye twitched, "Oh, I'm so sorry for that. You know how passionate I am with photography."

Claude nodded, "Yes I know that. That's why I'm here to remind you the time."

Gusion smiled a little to Claude before he went back to scan the place. He was thankful that his best friend was supporting him.

They were both taking Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography. Actually, taking photographs was their hobby since their childhood. Gusion was just more passionate in this field. He wanted to be the best in this fleld. He wanted to leave his name marked on people's mind when it came to photography.

So about what Claude said earlier, there were many times that he didn't attend their classes because he lost tracks of time. He could be very eager in finding the perfect subject for his photo that he didn't notice it was already evening. He guessed he was too focus.

He was very smart too. He could ace every subject. Not to mention that he came from a good family and his looks could make every woman swoon.

"You have five minutes left." He heard Claude said.

Gusion groaned frustratingly. He still hadn't found his perfect subject!

He didn't lose his hope though. He still looked at the viewiinder of his camera.

Scanning the place once again, he suddenly stopped his camera on a certain someone.

And that certain someone was a girl with eyeglasses, a very long magenta hair, who was frantically reading a book on her right hand and holding a cup of coffee on her left hand, with a lab coat hanging on her left arm.

The girl seemed to be blabbering something then looked up and read again the book she was holding.

Perhaps she was reviewing? Gusion thought.

He used lens to zoom in to the girl and to have a better look to her.

There's nothing special about her, but why can't I look away from her?

The girl was so simple in her white long sleeves, jeans and sneakers, but why did he feel that she stood out from the rest?

He saw the girl made her way to the bus stop while still reading then sipping her coffee.

Gusion was surprised and felt like he was pulled from his reverie when someone tapped his shoulder.

"Your time is up. Let's go." Claude said.


"Did you find your perfect subject?" Claude cut him.

"No but–"

"No buts. Let's go. Your fifteen minutes is over." Claude said and started to walk. "You can search for your perfect subject later, after class."

Gusion sighed. He took another look at the girl who was now about to ride a bus before he followed Claude.

He took his camera and looked at his latest captures.

And he was shocked to see his photos of the girl earlier. There were so many of them.

Did I absent-mindedly pressed the shutter button many times earlier?

He was swiping the photos and was even more shocked and his heart beat faster when he saw the last photo.

The girl was looking at the picture, smiling. And she looked like an angel with her hair slightly blown by the wind, her surroundings was so bright.

I already captured my perfect subject. Gusion smiled to himself while staring at the picture, feeling he was also captured by the simple girl.

Will I able to see her again?

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