One Shot 7: Drumsticks

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"What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive."

Okay, it was still not her cue to start hitting the drums. She stretched her hands a little.

She felt a slight wincing pain. Oh please, not now.

"I can't keep up and I can't back down I've been losing so much time."

Since her cue was after chorus, she took a glance on the crowd that they were playing. The spotlight was mainly focusing on the vocalist, and since she was the drummer, she was at the back, away from the spotlight.

She liked it better though. She didn't want to be the center of attention.

"'Cause it's you and me
And all of the the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me
And all the other people
And I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you."

She waited for a few seconds before she hit her drums.

Lesley focused on her drums. Well, the moment she started hitting her drums, she played it with all her might, like she and her drums became one.

It seemed like she had her own world, but she still listened to the band attentively so she couldn't miss a beat.

Lesley could hear the crowd's screaming. She just shrugged and continued to play.

She was used to it though. Their vocalist, Gusion, had a lot of fans because of his talents and looks. He was their lead guitarist too.

Lesley just paid attention to her drums. She was looking down on it for the entire song. Yes, that was how focus she was.

They went to backstage after playing. Lesley was wiping her sweat when she nearly jumped in surprise because she felt something cold on her right arm.

She looked at the culprit. It was Gusion who was smiling widely at her with a cold bottle of water.

"Here, you're sweating too much." Gusion offered.

She accepted it, "Thanks." She tried to open the bottle, but when she was about to twist the cap, she felt a wincing pain in her left wrist.

Gusion noticed her sudden facial expression, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She answered, enduring the pain on her left wrist.

"Let me open that for you." He grabbed the bottle from her hand, opening it before giving the bottle back to her. "Are you sure you're fine? You were like, wincing earlier."

She smiled slightly at Gusion, "I'm fine Gusion. No need to worry."

Lesley felt Gusion was not convinced but she was thankful he didn't push it anymore.

"Hey Les, we can drop you by to your house. It's pretty late already." Claude offered. He was the bassist of the band.

"Yeah, we want to make sure you go home safe and sound." Clint added, the pianist and guitarist.

She was about to decline their offer but Gusion put his arm on her shoulder, "And no buts Les. We want to make sure our band's princess will go home safely."

Lesley sighed in defeat. She couldn't argue anymore, she was overpowered by these three men.

"Fine, as if you're really going to allow me to go home by myself." She said with a small smile while shaking her head.

The three men smiled cheekily at her.

Gusion snatched her drumsticks from her before lifting his guitar and holding her hand, "Let's go."

Lesley just let him to pull her, her gaze was fixed at their intertwined hands.

She could feel her heart was racing and the blush was creeping on her cheeks.

Please, stop Lesley. You know you're just a friend– a bandmate. Stop from falling for him! She scolded herself in her thoughts.

But she knew it was too late already.


"We'll look for a female vocalist?" Lesley asked.

They were on their studio, more on like practice room. Clint's family owned the place. Well, they were family of musicians.

"Yes, we need to." Clint answered.

"But Lesley is the one who does the second voice right? Their voices harmonize each other perfectly." Claude opposed.

Gusion nodded. "Yes. I think we don't need female vocalist though."

"I understand that they really harmonize each other, but it will be more convenient if they are both in front of the stage." Clint looked at her, "Can you leave your drums and be our female vocalist?"

Lesley was taken aback by Clint's question.

"Clint, you know how much Lesley loves her drums." Claude said.

"Exactly. So it will be more convenient to have a female vocalist so Lesley can focus more on her drums." Clint said in a final tone.

"Will be that okay with you Les?" Gusion asked her.

"Yeah. And it will be better if we have another girl in the hand. I was overpowered by the three of you." She answered and smiled.

Clint clapped his hands, "Alright! So we'll start looking for our female vocalist now!"

"Now?" The three of them asked in unison.

"Yeah! We'll just put up some posters." Clint answered them while showing the posters. "It will be our rest day too."

Gusion and Claude shouted Yes! while pumping their fists in the air. Lesley just smiled and was thankful silently because she could rest her hands.

She was hoping her left wrist would be fine before the battle of the bands next month.


Lesley was about to enter their practice room when she heard some laughters inside.

She opened the door and saw them talking to a girl.

I guess she's our new female vocalist?

They seemed so busy talking to the girl that they didn't notice she entered the room.

Or so she thought.

She almost jumped in suprise when someone poked her cheek.

"Hi Les! How's your day?" Gusion asked her, smiling widely.

"As usual, of course." She answered while she picked up her drumsticks.

"Harley's being stubborn as usual? Like stopping you from practicing with us because we're boys?"

Lesley laughed, "Yeah. You know him."

Lesley's smile slowly faded because she noticed Gusion was staring at her.

"Gus, is there a problem?" She asked him.

Gusion suddenly blinked his eyes many times, as if waking up from a dream. "N-no. I just can't help it."

Lesley's face expressed confusion, "What?"

Gusion shook his head, then smiled at her, "Nothing. It isn't the right time yet." Gusion offered his hand, "Come, you have to meet our new vocalist. Clint was the one who recruited her."

She shyly accepted his hand as they made their way to Clint, Claude, and their new female vocalist.

"Hey Les! Meet our new female vocalist, Angela." Clint said. "Angela, this is Lesley, our drummer princess."

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Angela smiled at her, shaking her hand.

"Likewise." She answered, smiling slightly.

The moment Angela let go of her hand, Lesley noticed that she rolled her eyes.

What? Did I do something wrong? Or she's a– No, I'm not a judgmental person.

She just shrugged it, though she felt there was something wrong with her.

Lesley thought adding one girl to the band would be a good idea but now she was regretting it. Instead of having girls' time or girls' talk, Angela was always near to the three boys. She couldn't help it but to think she was flirting with them, by simply battling her eyes or those playful hits to them– especially to Gusion, she didn't know. She didn't want to be judgmental.

Clint insisted Gusion and Angela to know each other more, like hanging out always because he said it would help them to have chemistry on stage. Gusion nearly wanted to vomit by Clint's reason.

Lesley knew Gusion was against it. But seeing the two of them talking happily, like she couldn't relate to the conversations– she felt she was left out.

During practice break, she would just play music on her phone, or play games with it– she didn't bother to join their conversation.

But of course, Gusion being Gusion, he would always join her, sharing earphones, playing games with her– not letting her to be alone.

And Lesley swore, she always caught Angela glaring at her.

As the battle of the bands came near, the pain in her left wrist worsen. She already went to the doctor and he suggested that she should take a rest but she couldn't, not when the battle of the bands was coming near. It would be a hassle to the band to search for a substitute drummer.

It was their break time from practice, the boys went out to buy some snacks so Lesley and Angela were left in the practice room.


She looked at Angela.

"I think you should go away from Gusion. It will be the best if he will just talk to me only. We should have natural chemistry you know."

Lesley gave her a blank stare, "I believe it will not be my decision, it will be Gusion's."

Angela raised her eyebrow, "That's why I'm telling you because Gusion keeps on talking to you instead."

"That's not my problem." She answered nonchalantly.

Angela frowned then went near her, and grabbed her left wrist!

Lesley winced because of the pain, but she endured it.

"This is the last time I'm warning you." Angela said angrily.

And that was when the door went opened, revealing the boys.

Angela immediately let go of her hand and smiled to the boys. While Lesley on the other hand, massaged her left wrist, and she felt it was swollen.

"Is there something wrong?" Claude asked while looking at the two girls.

"Oh, nothing! We're just talking about the incoming battle of the bands." Angela answered while smiling.

Clint and Claude smiled, thinking that the two girls were already close.

Lesley just smiled lightly, bearing the pain on her wrist. She caught Gusion staring at her, down to her hand which she was massaging.

She instantly stopped because she didn't want Gusion to notice it.

They practiced again after eating snacks, and Lesley kept on missing the beat because she couldn't move her left wrist properly.

Clint stopped her, "Les, do you have a problem? You kept on missing the beat."

Lesley was startled, "I-I'm sorry. This time I won't."

"Are you tired Les? We can call it a day for now." Claude asked.

Lesley's eyes widened, "No! I'm swear, I'm fine. I'll do it right this time. I'm so sorry."

"Maybe she is just really not good enough. Why don't we just look for other drummer? There are so many talented out there, unlike her." Angela said then she looked at the three with a smile, "Right?"

And Lesley swore, she could feel dark auras surrounding the practice room.

The three guys remained silent until Gusion went to Lesley, and gently grabbed her left wrist. She winced slightly because it was swollen. And there, he saw her secret.

Lesley could feel Gusion's aura darkened more.

"What did you do?" Gusion asked Angela in a deadly tone.

"What?" Angela asked, smile was still plastered on her face.

"I saw you holding Lesley's left wrist earlier and now it's swollen." Gusion looked at Angela with anger, "What did you do?"

Angela's smile faded, "I-I didn't do anything wrong."

"First, you insulted Lesley and now you injured her? Get out Angela, we don't need you." Gusion said angrily.

"Yes, no one messes with our princess, Angela. I'm sorry. You should get out." Claude said calmly, but could sense anger in his voice.

"And for your information, no one is more talented than Lesley. Please get out before we forget you're a girl." Clint said while pointing the door.

Angela's eyes watered, "B-but–"

"Please, it's not Angela's fault okay? Calm down." Lesley interrupted, "I already had this wincing pain in my wrist weeks ago. I didn't tell you because I don't want to be a burden to the band. Don't be mad at Angela."

"Weeks ago? Lesley, you're injury could have worsen!" Gusion said worriedly, "We could have arrange our practice for you so you can rest your wrist. You didn't even tell me!"

Lesley felt guilty, "I'm sorry. I just don't want to burden you guys, not with battle of the hands coming near."

"Battle of the bands is important but you are more important, Lesley." Gusion said then he kissed her forehead and hugged her, "Most important even."

"But please don't be mad at Angela, she didn't know."

"You know no one can get away when they messed up with you Les. You are our princess–"

"She's my queen." Gusion interrupted Clint.

Clint laughed, raising both of his hands, "I know. Okay, back to the topic, Angela thank you for your time but we can't let you be in our band anymore, I'm sorry."

Angela just cried and went out running of the practice room.

"So, you wanna have some time alone? It's about time Gusion. You can't wait until the battle of the bands." Claude teased Gusion.

Gusion didn't answer, but his face was red. Clint and Claude laughed before going out.

"We should treat this first." Gusion said as he gently kissed her left wrist.

"I-I'll just apply some cold compress later. I will be fine Gus." She was still startled by Gusion's actions. "But what does Claude mean that you can't wait until the battle of the bands?"

Gusion sighed and scratched the back of his head, "I'm planning to confess to you at the battle of the bands."

Lesley’s eyes widened, "Huh?"

Gusion chuckled, "Ah, so innocent." He hugged tightly and whispered to her, "What I'm saying is, I love you Lesley. I love you so much."

Lesley cried in happiness and hugged him back. "You don't know how much I wish to hear those words from you."

"Oh Lesley, who wouldn't love you? You're my kind of girl. I couldn't asked for more. I love you most." Gusion said as he hugged her tighter.

"I love you Gusion."

"Ah, music to my ears." Gusion said then he wiped her tears. "Please stop crying, it breaks my heart."

"They are tears of joy."

"But they are still tears. I don't want to see you cry. Harley would be furious if he saw you crying."

Lesley laughed, remembering her little brother. "Oh, you will have a hard time on Harley to allow you to be my boyfriend."

Gusion laughed, "I have all time in the world though. Whether he liked it or not, you're mine and I don't have any plans on giving up just because of him." He said as he placed a kiss on her lips.

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