Chapter 8

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The room was dark but I could make out Gage's large form on the bed, snoring softly, his chest moving in deep, relaxed breaths.

He had to be fallen asleep. The wolf mask was still on. I wondered if I would be punished if I reached out and took it off?

There could be a valid reason why he didn't want to show his face to me. Maybe he was scared that when the games were over, I'd tell the police what he looked like, or he was just plain fucking with me.

That could also be one of his kinks.

I grabbed his arm lightly and placed it on his side, making sure that I didn't make a sound while doing it. He wore nothing other than a pair of boxers. I let my eyes appreciate his sculpted body for a second.

He had broad shoulders, hard muscles, and hands that could choke the life out of you and I guess that should have been my cue to go back to sleep and not test him.

But I never learn. I've always been taking risks in my life, dipping my toes where I shouldn't, and ironically, that was the reason I had landed myself in the bed of a complete lunatic.

It was such a shame that such a gorgeous body belonged to a mad man.

Carefully, I picked up my discarded lacy black shorts from the floor and put them on along with the bralette.

Gage was facing the other side of the room; he made no movement which could mean that he really was sleeping. Realistically speaking, it wasn't like he was a robot who operated on batteries, he had to be exhausted from all the activities we'd taken part in, game or not, his body needed rest.

Slowly, making sure I wasn't making any sound, I tip-toed to the door and opened it. I closed it behind me. I ran across the room to the main entrance of the old house.

I didn't expect the locks to work, but when I turned it, the knob gave away easily but that also made a loud sound. My shoes were placed on the racks which I put on before quickly sprinting out of the door.

The house was situated between wilderness. I'm not even kidding.

The car wasn't even visible.

What should I do?

I ran blindly into the darkness, without a map, without a direction as to where I was going. The thick branches collided against me as I tried to weave through the overgrown grass. He'd chosen a good location, the house was so deep into the forest, no one could come across this place. If I screamed for help, I wasn't going to be rescued.

No matter which direction I turned to, it all appeared the same to me.

After moving around in circles for what felt like hours, I realized that it was of no use. I wasn't going to find the way out of here.

My legs were about to give up, they trembled as I continued to walk in a direction. The woods were never-ending.

And then suddenly, my world started spinning, the ground beneath my feet caved in, falling into a dark pit.

I lay on the muddy floor, staring at the stars at the top. I tried to pull myselfinto a sitting position but couldn't.

"Hello." I called out, my voice was trembling, "Anyone there? Help me!"

My hands and knees were scraped badly, but it was nothing more than a few scratches.

What if none one finds me here? I'd rot in this pit and become a skeleton.

I screamed until I thought my lungs were going to give out.

A face peeked from the top of the pit.

A face that I'd gotten familiar with since the last two days.

He towered over the pit, holding a spade in his hand. "I'll give you three options, Snowflake. One, I'll throw this dirt on you and bury you alive. Two, I'll leave you alone in the pit and let the wild animals have you for breakfast. Three, I'll rescue you from the pit, but then you'll have to do whatever I ask you to and that means accepting the punishment. Which one is it going to be, Pet?"

"You're the only reason I'm here in the first place! You sadistic bastard!"

"Now, now, there's no reason for you to abuse your Master." He said cooly, wearing a grin on his face, "You call me another filthy word, and you'll regret it. I can promise you that."

"Sadistic motherfucker!"

He laughed, "okay, which ones are you gonna choose? Haven't got all night."

"Option three."

He turned away, leaving me to look at nothing. He slid something down the pit. When the thing descended, I noticed what it was.

A chair with a harness.

I put both my legs into either side of it and sat down. It was like a swing, for a minute, I thought Gage changed his mind and the asshole would rather bury me.

Minutes later, I felt a harsh tug on the rope and was pulled out of the pit like I weighed nothing more than a feather.

As soon as I was out, he picked me up into his arms, holding me to his chest, I thumped my fists over his hard body.

"I want to go home!" I moaned.

"That's where I'm taking you."

More tears spilled out of my eyes.

He kicked open the door of the house and walked through the hallway into a room with a mattress on the floor and a door to what I assumed was a bathroom.

Other than the bed and a lone chair, the room was bare with no other furniture.

He threw me onto the mattress and captured my right wrist into a leather padded cuff that was linked to the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer me. He never did. He only spoke when he wanted to.

He stood up and disappeared out of the door while I sat there on the mattress wondering what was going to happen next.

Gage appeared into the room again holding a couple of stuff that'll I was too scared to look at.

He had a black leather collar with a name tag hanging over it.

It read 'Snowflake'

A legit pet collar.

He placed it around my neck and clicked it into place.

"Take off your shorts." He demanded.


I felt the sting of his slap against my face.

He wasn't smiling this time. "I'm a little hard-handed when pets don't obey. Take off your shorts."

With shaky hands, I reached for the shorts and slid them down.

"That's a good girl." He said, "Turn around, kneel and spread your legs."

Fear splintered into my heart.

With a weak voice, I asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Do as I say. From here forward your answers are going to be 'Yes master and please master.′ I don't want to hear the word 'No.'"

My entire body buzzed when he touched my skin. He forced me to face the wall and bent me over, "Spread your legs."

I spread my legs, it was weird to be bare to some stranger with my ass hanging in the air.

"You've got a beautiful little ass, Snowflake. It's nice and round."

I was flush against the ground, feeling embarrassed at his dirty words but also insanely turned on.

I waited and waited for something to happen, until I felt a caress on my ass cheeks and then his fingers lowered towards my butt hole.

"No," I said but it was barely a whisper.

His finger teased the crease there, circling, and then touched my folds, caressing there slowly, building the nerves. His expert fingers could do magic because I was slipping into a complete state of bliss. To my utter dismay, the wetness pooled there as he continued to stroke me. I moaned, despite hating myself for it.

He continued the assault over my swollen clit, while I bucked against his fingers, wanting more, needing him to keep doing that.

"Master...." I moaned.

"Do you want this, Pet?"

I nodded, "Yes, please keep going."

I wasn't even shy anymore as I moved my ass towards his fingers wanting the release. His fingers dipped into my core when I was so close, the knot of pleasure was seeking for the release that was so close.

"Gage..." I blurted out.

His fingers stopped and he let out a sigh.

I turned around to look at him, "Why did you stop? Keep going!"

"What a greedy little pet." There was a trace of annoyance in his voice, "What did I say about using names?"

"I'm sorry, I meant Master. I just blurted out your name by mistake!"

"Mistakes have consequences. You tried to escape but I was about to go lenient on you for once but if my pet keeps defying me, there's little I can do."

"Please put your fingers back there."

He got hold of my hair in a tight grasp, "Bet you would beg any man that was touching you there, horny little selfish slut that you are."

"That's not true," I whispered.

He held up a tube in his hand. I got excited that finally, he was going to give me what I wanted. I dug my face into the pillow, anticipating the most mind-blowing orgasm I'd ever had in my life.

I gasped when he touched my core but that lasted for like point five seconds as his fingers reached the rear end. He rubbed the gel from the tube over my butt hole.

The anticipation turned to horror, "What are you doing?"

His finger pushed inside and I winced at the intrusion, it felt different and I burned with embarrassment. "Not there..."

He pushed his finger deeper, massaging the area that I had never let anyone dare to touch but here he was, doing exactly what I didn't want him to. He was going to have anal sex with me.

Gage could get cruel when he wanted to be and that bastard could plunder my ass until sunrise and feel no remorse. I think he didn't possess a heart, in place of it was a dark void.

Oh god, please no.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed he was holding something between his fingers. A foxtail which he deftly plugged into my rear end.

It burned so much, I cried in pain, clenching the bedsheets. He nudged it deeper and deeper until the pain receded. A similar fluffy eared hair band was placed over my head.

"That's your punishment. You'll be a fox girl for the next twenty-four hours until I say otherwise. If you stand up, I'll paint your ass red. You're going to be walking on all fours." He said, "Eyes on the ground."

I averted my gaze away.

"Good. I have some business to attend to tomorrow, so I'll leave you here. When I come back, I need to see you kneeling at the door waiting for your Master's return. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, Master."

He hooted, laughing manically, "All it took was a butt-plug and some ears for you to actually be obedient. Well, I guess I can't expect a stray I picked off the streets to be trained completely in one day."

"What if I have to use the bathroom?"

"What if you have to take a dump?" He asked mockingly, "Remove it, do your thing, put it back in." He said simply.

My cheeks colored. You would have to give him credit to be so cruel. He was being an asshole on purpose.

Gage stood up to leave when there was a loud knock on the door.

* * *

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