Chapter Four

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My pager buzzed yet again, marking the fifth time today that someone demanded the hotel manager's attention. Frankly, it had become utterly exhausting. Although it was part of my job, the incessant onslaught of entitled patrons was starting to take its toll.

After expertly addressing the complaint, apologizing profusely, and forcing a polished smile, I finally resolved the issue of a woman who accused one of our staff members of wearing her shoes inside her room. No sooner had she departed than my pager went off once more. Thankfully, upon inspection, it was a message from one of the higher-ups requesting my presence.I summoned the elevator to the managerial floor, a section of the building that housed offices, boardrooms, staff quarters, and a movie room, just below the penthouse level. As I emerged from the elevator, I quickly adjusted my posture and plastered on a professional smile before turning toward the office. However, my attention was diverted by a figure emerging from the second elevator further down the hall.

I assumed it was either a guest who had lost their way or someone curiously exploring the premises. There was something vaguely familiar about their silhouette, yet I couldn't quite pinpoint the person's identity. 

"Excuse me, sir," I said, approaching the man. I couldn't help but notice his posture stiffen as I drew nearer, confirming my suspicion that he was likely a curious explorer. "Are you lost, sir?" I inquired with my practiced hospitality tone.
He turned to face me, his movements slow and hesitant. To my surprise, it was the very same man who had caused me to fall in the bathroom and witnessed my mishap by the elevator the day before. What was he doing here?

"Hi," he exclaimed, his enthusiastic wave a stark contrast to my bewilderment.
"You again?" I marveled at how calmly the words escaped my lips, given my naturally impulsive tendencies. "I've encountered you twice in two different hotels under rather unfortunate circumstances, and now here you are."
I moved closer, a crease forming between my brows as I studied him.


"Mhm mhm-" I interrupted, not allowing him the chance to explain. "Are you a stalker or perhaps a... hooker?"

His initial expression of horror gradually transformed into uproarious laughter.
I stood there, observing him, which afforded me ample opportunity to take in his striking features. This man was undeniably attractive, possessing the kind of alluring charm that instantly captivated anyone who laid eyes on him. His chiseled physique suggested a dedication to maintaining his appearance, likely spending hours admiring his toned muscles in the mirror.Although I couldn't see his abdomen, I had no doubt it was equally impressive. Above all, he was a breathtaking vision of dark beauty, precisely my type.
Despite this, I couldn't bring myself to warm up to him, given our inauspicious history together. Not only had he inadvertently caused my painful tumble on the same day my boyfriend had asked for space, but now his laughter in the face of my genuine inquiry only served to stoke my irritation.

"Are you going to answer my question, or should I call security?" I pressed, my patience wearing thin.

His laughter subsided as he met my gaze. "Omolola, do I honestly strike you as a hooker?"

"Well, it's just that-" I began, only to halt abruptly. Had he just addressed me by name? I was on the verge of expressing my astonishment when a man emerged from one of the offices, specifically the one designated for the new head manager—my immediate superior. Recognizing him as Samuel Adeoti, the owner's secretary, I was taken aback when he spoke to the man standing before me.

"Boss, I thought we agreed to meet in the lobby," Samuel remarked.
A fleeting expression of shock or fear crossed Samuel's face as he noticed my presence. To make matters more perplexing, he had referred to this man, who inexplicably knew my name, as "boss."
"Miss Lola," Samuel greeted with a polite nod.

"Mr. Samuel," I reciprocated, offering a smile. Turning back to the alleged stalker, I inquired, "Do you know this man?"

Samuel smiled. "Oh, he's-"

"I'm Ore, a close friend of Samuel's," the man interjected, cutting Samuel off.

I glanced at Samuel, who confirmed their friendship with a nod. "We've been best friends for years," he affirmed, patting Ore's shoulder affectionately.

Although their bond appeared genuine, I couldn't help but wonder why Samuel would address his friend as "boss." Could it be possible that Ore was, in fact, my direct supervisor? Surprises always had a way of throwing me off my game, and this development was no exception.

"But you just called him 'boss,'" I stated, my tone flat.
Ore chuckled nervously. "I've been trying to break Samuel of that habit; it's a slang thing between us guys." He then urged Samuel to leave with him. "We should get going."

"Uh, yeah," Samuel agreed before bidding me farewell.

Despite Samuel's explanation, I couldn't shake my doubts about the nature of his relationship with Ore. The idea of Ore actually being my boss didn't seem so far-fetched anymore, but I wasn't sure how I would handle the situation if it turned out to be true.

That evening, after deciding to call it a day at around 6 pm, I headed to one of the hotel rooms where I often stayed when I didn't go home. Thankfully, after encountering Ore in the morning, I hadn't dealt with any difficult customers until closing time.After taking a shower, I grabbed my laptop to review the day's events and prepare for the next day.

Suddenly, my phone notified me of a new message. I rarely used my phone for work-related matters, but the possibility of it being from Mike prompted me to pick it up.
Glancing at the notification bar, I noticed it was from my besties' group chat.
Janet: Check out what I saw! *attaches photo*
Desire: What the hell?!
Janet: Oh Lord! *face palm emoji*
Desire: How is this possible? Hold up, Omolola hasn't seen this yet.

Curiosity piqued, I wondered what my friends were referring to that I hadn't seen yet. Bracing myself for the unknown, I opened the picture, unsure of what awaited me.


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