Characters, introduction and authors note.

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Taekwoon is the son of one of leaders of the most feared gangster group. He loses his family and almost himself to a car crash. Before his father dies, he gives him the key to some important information. The other leader of the gang wants the information and Taekwoon, to abide by the gang code.... "A son of a gang member will also be a gang member". But it becomes dangerous for Taekwoon later on when someone unexpected becomes a gang member in his place. He realizes upto what extent his love is really dangerous.... when he has to let go of to hold onto.


A mysterious young man with a lot of secrets. Being a son of a gangster and running away from the place where he lost his entire family, he is wounded inside and out. He gets adopted by a rich widower and becomes an heir .He catches the attention of Tae Ha; a girl who enters the same university as him and at the same time. She tries to get closer to him. Little does she know about what kind of person Taekwoon is. He is a chic and quiet guy. He prefers not to engage with anyone. Which leads him to realize his love for Tae Ha too late. But can he still love her, no matter what she becomes?


A normal girl with a bubbly and happy attitude. She gets curious about the mysterious Taekwoon. Her personality leads her to fall in an unrequited love with Taekwoon. But will he be able to leave everything for her despite not having feelings for her? And what will she do when her love is realized too late?


Being the adopted son of a gang leader, he is forced to train as a gangster and be what he is not. He works for the gang, mainly as the tech guy. He has incredible hacking skills. He seems like a ruthless and cold killer from the outside, but is actually a loving and caring person. But the gang has no place for such personality traits. He falls dangerously in love with Tae Ha, until he is fighting between which side of his personality to choose.


A man driven by revenge and hate; he will sacrifice anything and everything to get what he wants. He wants to hunt down his former partners son; Taek Woon and ultimately ends up losing what he already had.


He is always trying to make himself seem better than his older brother Mad Wolf. But he keeps failing and later on when he could not bear anymore underestimation he goes too far.


A connection between Taekwoons past, present and future. He is a successful and very rich businessman and owner of the LTC group (a multi business company), and who happens to be a childless widower. He adopts Taekwoon and takes care of him and trains him to make him the perfect heir for his company.

MINOR CHARACTERS (In order of appearance throughout the fanfic)

Jackson- Mad Wolfs eyes to the world and trained spy.


Hey! DANGEROUS LOVE is the 1st book of the "VIXX LOVE" series. This is my second VIXX fanfic and I hope you enjoy it. The introduction makes the story seem a little boring but that is because i want to avoid any spoilers. All the action kind of starts after the 2nd chapter so please be patient! This fanfic is a bit more complex and planned than my Hyuk fanfic so I'm hoping that my skills have improved. I'm open any ideas or opinions, so please leave anything in the comments or DM me through instagram @vixx_slayed.
This fanfic is a work of my own imagination so please do not take or alter or distribute in any way. Character names are also imaginative and don't refer to anyone in particular except for Taekwoon and Hakyeon. Similarity to any other event or story, real or fictional is completely coincidental. Chapters will be updated with a 3-6 day gap. Unless I have exams or school work or can't come up with the next part of the story...In which case I'll be a teeny bit late.


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