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(N/G stands for nightguard.)

(N/G) was casually reading the newspaper when they stumbled upon an advertisement.

Contest! it read. Submit your resume via email for your chance to earn a job at Panther's Paradise, coming soon near you!

A new restaurant coming to town? Interesting. Well, (N/G) needed the money they sent their resume to the email address listed and waited.

Weeks later, they finally got a reply:

Congratulations, (N/G)! You have been chosen to work at the new Panther's Paradise!

(N/G) perked up with excitement. Finally, they had a job! They marked the date on the calendar so they'd know exactly when to get started.

Soon enough, the day came. They quickly got ready and started heading to the location.

It already looked almost perfect! Decorations were hung, tables were set up, games were in place, and, of course, the animatronics were on their stage.

There was a letter on one of the tables:

Welcome to your first night working at Panther's Paradise! We have some tasks for you. First, you need to check on the animatronics and make sure they're working properly. We had them custom-made, but we're not completely sure they'll work. We were told that they, uh, were a little finnicky during production. You need to check the spring locks, fix any broken parts of the endoskeletons, and maybe run through the shows to make sure everything's in order. Feel free to check whatever after that. Maybe make sure the games are running okay. But the main priority is the animatronics. Also, be sure not to turn them off all the way. It takes a while to get them powered up for some reason. We started the process for you so they'll be ready as soon as you get there. That's all you need to know!

No signature. Strange.

No matter, all that was needed to be known was known. (N/G) immediately began work.

It was almost midnight by the time everything was done. (N/G) let out a small yawn as they started to leave.

... uh oh. The door's jammed.

A feeling of panic immediately started coursing through (N/G)'s veins as they struggled to get the door open, but it wouldn't budge.

Finally, the midnight bells chimed.

(N/G) was trapped in Paradise...

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