Chapter 20

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I'm soooooooooo sorry for the horrible update :/ (And a lot of scene changes)


A man in a casual pair of trousers and vest stood at the corner of the street, skimming through the newspaper in his hands, blending effortlessly in the crowd of the metropolis. Every six seconds or so, his eyes flickered towards the door of Flemming's Dressmakers, keeping out a sharp eye for any suspicious movement among the crowd while waiting for their target to come outside.

The task provided to him was indeed peculiar, but so was the target. It donned a vest with shiny purple peacocks embroidered on it, glinting in the occasional ray of light and its features too, put it mildly, quite unlike a normal man. A bit chubby, round and, er unusual for someone of the working class and of his age.

However, he was fully aware of his employer's temperament and prefered to silently carry out his work and keep his questions and opinions to himself. Turning yet another page of the newspaper, he looked up out of the corner of his eye to see the door open and a woman in a blue dress and blonde hair step out hurriedly and flag a cabbie. As she flung herself inside, he heard her ask the cabbie to hurry up to the Docks.

Strange woman, he thought, drawing back his attention towards his newspaper as he awaited the return of Mr. Victor Linton.


Rikkard Ambrose hated anything that was a waste of his precious time. Knowlege is power is time is money, and thus a waste of time was equivalent to wasting money, something he never ever intended to do.

However, as he had to waste approximately 12 seconds to search for each one of his file in the three trunks of the only luggage he had seen important enough to carry himself, he convinced himself that it was the inconvinience caused due to the lack of a secretary that was the cause of his irritation and lack of focus.

It wasn't at all related any way to the fact that he might have been missing a certain someone's grumblings, banters and unnecessary face contortions which were being the cause of the unusual number of times his finger kept on twitching recently. It wasn't as if Rikkard Ambrose was actually wasting his time fetching his own files and missing someone. Indeed not. Nothing to do with that at all.

Then why was he still wasting his time reminiscing the feel of her soft lips perfectly moulding with his, her fingers in his hair, her figure pressed close to him, safe- Stop!

Another muscle pulled in his chest and he gritted his teeth in a desperate attempt to get rid of the images seared behind his eyelids, the touch of an ifrit imprinted on his skin. These kind of distractions were intolerable!

His fingers curled into a fist as he reread the same paragraph for the second time. If he had to get back that file, he needed to focus. Not a single moment could be afforded to be wasted!

A few minutes had passed when he realised he was rereading the same page for the third time, his mind seemingly fixated on the issue of his...his reckless ex-secretary's safety and if he had seen her for the last time-No!

The mere thought of not seeing her again, not hearing her curse and grumble at him or tease and laugh at him sent a...very inadequate feeling coursing through his veins and led to the pulling of another muscle in his chest, something the doctor had reassured him wasn't an after effect of...his swim in the English Channel and he had the most unreasonable and ridiculous urge to make sure that she remained unharmed.

What the bloody hell was wrong with him?!


"Afraid of a teeny weensy glass of overripe grape juice? And me?" I huffed at the hare brained maggot sitting with a group of equally pigeon livered swizzlers. "Ha! You wish!"

"Ol' William 'ere is the best among us! You better flee from here, young chap, before 'e-"

"Indeed, is he?" Settling down on one of the empty chairs around the table, I flashed my most innocent smile at the hairy fopdoodle right opposite to me and pulled down a protesting Vincent, my brand new friend, on another seat. Dropping my shillings on the pile, I smirked at William. "We shall have to see that now, won't we?"


I blinked hard, trying to remove the stupid white thingies dancing in front of my eyes, but they wouldn't budge. Even when I tried to catch them, they slipped right out of my fists. The bloody wankers!

Rising out of my chair abu...arub...aprutely, I made a grab for it, before it slipped out again. "Bloody hell! Come here, you flapdoodle!"

"Excuse me?" A deep, rough voice rumbled from somewhere above me, in the general direction of where the stupid slippery white things were moving rap...rupitly. Squinting my eyes, I tried to ignore them and looked at the tall, well built block in front of me.

A hand tugged on my arm, pulling it down and I stumbled on something behind me, the white things increasing in number and moving more fastly. "Hey!"

Blinking harder than before, I rubbed my eyes to remove a few of the stupid dancing thingies before turning to throw a glare at the person under me, which a part of me recognised as Vincent. "You tosser! Why'd you pull me! I was going to get that thing, and crush it into dead beat, just like that blasted what-was-his-name in no time!"

However before I could wait for a reply from Vincent, another hand pulled me up by the lapels of my tailcoat and I nearly stumbled again.

What the hell was wrong with everyone, pulling me up and down as they wished! I was an in...anti...intepadand suffragist, and I wasn't going to let anyone move me without my expr...exmas permission!

"What did you say, you puny nutter?" His ugly, glaring face appeared in front of me and I grabbed on the first thing I could find to balance myself, which turned out to be his ear.



He immediately let go of my tailcoat and I tumbled on a figure behind me, which unfortunately got out of my way at an ashtonishing speed and gave an opportunity for the blasted floor to attack me.

  Blast! I was surrounded by opponents on all sides without the great army of yellow piggies by my side!

  Don't worry Lilly! You are an intepand suffergit! You don't need anyone! You can do this alone!

  I nodded to myself. Of course! I could easily handle this overgrown mutt by myself!

  Pulling up myself, I narrowed my eyes at the tall giant in front of me and carefully stepped out of the way when he swung a fist at me. Yay! I laughed at his annoyed expression, managing to keep myself up with one hand on the chair behind me. Smart of me, wasn't it?

  "Missed me!" His eyes narrowed at me and his jaw clenched. "Got a bad aim, have ya, mate?" My grin widened at him when I noticed a yellow piggy sneak up to him and cheered loudly. The piggy army was here!

  The next fist came at my face and I dodged it just in time, when the floor decided to ambush me from behind. Bloody hell! This was not fair!

  However, before I could land on my generous behind, again, a firm hand caught hold of my arm, leaving me hanging from one arm like a limp doll, before I got my swaying feet to choose one position, making sure to stamp hard on the floor! Bloody traitor!

  We had got a deal last time hadn't we? Why had it betrayed me to the enemy?

   The piggies stood by my side solemnly in silence, some nodding their heads at me, while others cursed and shook their fists in rage at the floor. Yes!

  "Yellow piggies unite! The floor shall be defeate- Hey!"

  The body connected to the hand holding my arm pulled me in the opposite direction of the traitor and the giant, enemy of the yellow piggies fist swinger, dragging me along with it before I could even protest or call upon the piggy army for help. Blast!

  I pulled back my hand and tried to dig in my heels in the floor, but of course the traitor didn't help! "Hey! You wanker! Tell your hand to let go of my arm! Now!"

   An unexpectedly familiar face turned to me, the rage in his eyes not quite concealed and it took me a moment before I got the name.

  "Mr. Dick Amby?" Yes, that was him, right?

   Why would he be here now?

   Oh wait-Crap.
   Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

     This chapter sucks. Majorly. Horribly. Terribly. I can hardly comprehend what I have written myself. So sorry.

  I haven't written in...what? A month? Shit, this ought to be bad. But, but, but, I'm definitely not giving up on Dangerous Silence. It is my first full fanfiction book and I'm determined to complete it. Hopefully I'll be complete this book in this lifetime itself...sigh...

  Anyways, thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment! (Even if it is about how horrible this chapter was, go ahead)

  Yours truly,

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