Chapter 9

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Dedicated to Manang15

"You!" He turned me around so I was fitting snugly into his arms, but his hands lingered on my waist. I poked my finger on his hard chest, keeping my eyes stern under his intense gaze. Even in the dim light of the moon and a few stars, his chiselled face was visible to me clearly, and looking into his sea green eyes, I nearly forgot exactly why was I angry with my employer. Was it something he had said..?

The file, Lilly! Ask him about it!

Right. Thanks.

"You!" I repeated, poking him accusingly with my finger again, and gave him an angry glare.

"What were you both talking about?"

I swallowed the lump that had suddenly decided to appear and settle itself in my throat. How did he know?! Had he heard the Captain' He was looking...cough...displeased...cough... enough...

But how did he know? Was he spying on me? That...chauvinist piece of ice! Why did he think that I should tell him whatever happened in my life?

"Whatever I and the Captain talked about is none of your business." I gave him my best glare, while he stiffened and returned an artic cold glare freshly imported from Antartica, cold enough for me to get a frostbite. His grip on my waist tightened as he spoke, emphasising on each syllable.

"What exactly was the business between you and the Captain, would you care to explain, Mister Linton?

Crap, crap, crap! Stupid me! He didn't know about the proposal! And I had told him on his face!

Dammit Lilly! How could you be so foolish?! Now only one thing to do: pray that the Captain's soul rests in heaven!

No, no. There must be some way out which did not end in the Captain resting six feet under the ground! Think, Lilly, think!

Wait. If he was not asking about me and Captain Carter, then he must be talking about me and...Dalgliesh!

"Oh, we both were only talking about silly suffragist stuff, you know, boring things like that..." I waved my hand dismissively, lying through my teeth. "Anways, you were asking about Dalgliesh, right? He-"

His finger on my lips cut me off and I had to work hard to disguise the shiver that travelled down my spine at his touch. His eyes narrowed by 0.00743 inches, and I gulped.

"I don't believe you." His little finger tapped twice on my waist, agreeing to my spectaculations of the mention of a certain Captain making him...emotional, to say the least.

"You do know what would I do if I found that you were lying to me." The stupid lump was refusing to dislodge itself from my throat, no matter how hard I swallowed.

With my vocal cords unable to function, I gave a imperceptible nod, and my inner feminist protested how easily I was concurring with the greatest chauvinist south of the north pole.

It is much better than a dip in the Thames, I chided her.

"Tell me what you and Lord Dalgliesh were talking about, then." He looked into my eyes with his usual aura of cold indifference, hiding the storm brewing behind them.

Good, now that the Captain is out of mortal danger, you can ask him.

What? My eyes lingered on his lips, and for a wild moment, I wanted to kiss them until I ran out of breath and then some more.

What the bloody hell are you thinking?! Kissing a man? Where is the spirit of feminism gone?

My cheeks turned red, and I was grateful for the dim lighting. I silently thanked my feminist for saving me there and opened my mouth, but no words came out.

Ask him about the file! Clearing my throat loudly, I forcefully pushed down the stubborn lump, cleared the haze in my mind and spoke,"I will tell you what Dalgliesh told me, but on one condition." I raised my first finger, and he remained silent.

If he would have been anyone else, he might have atleast raised an eyebrow, but for Mr. Don't waste your energy in useless facial contortions Ambrose, I supposed it was too much to ask. Fine with me. More than a year with him, and I could hear his unsaid words quite well.

"Tell me what is in that file, and I will tell you what did Dalgliesh told me."

"Do not test my patience, Mr. Linton. You seem to have forgotten that I give the orders around here, and not the other way round." The storm was brewing once again his blue green eyes, and his finger gave three more taps on my waist.

I looked into his eyes, unmoved and determined. "Well then, you seem to have forgotten that its way past working hours, and I am in a bloody dress, so its MISS Linton to you." I scowled at him while ignoring his little finger tapping repeatedly on my waist, reminding me to tell him already, but I would be damned if I gave in to his demands so easily!

"If you want your paycheque anytime in the near future, you better stop demanding to know what is in that file. Its none of your concern, Mr. Linton. I am repeating myself for the last time- what did Dalgliesh tell you?"

Judging from his degree of glaring and non existent expressions, I bet my next paycheque that whatever is in the file is much, much more valuable than a dozen of my paycheque.

Really? Isn't it also because you know he has never deducted a single penny from it, no matter how much he threatened you?

Ahem. Keep quiet.

"Tell me what's in the file, and I'll tell you what he told me." Annoyance flashed in his eyes, and I chose to stand my ground where other men would have flinched at the threat left unspoken. Unlike other men, I was not afraid of him.

Because you know that he is the last person who will actually harm you ever, because he l-

Keep quiet, will you?! I am waiting here for his answer! I shushed that voice and concentrated on hearing the answer, which seemed to be taking a bit too long to come out. Too much bloody long.

"Can you repeat that, sir? I didn't quite hear what you said."

"Because I did not say anything, Mr. Linton. And nor am I going to." Another glacial glare was directed towards me to give in, but I promptly ignored it.

"Then forget that Dalgliesh said anything about the file, shall we, madam? Its getting quite late, and cold, so I would like to take my leave. Goodnight." Giving him a smug smile, I disentangled myself from his long, muscled arms, and waved him goodbye, while controlling my laughter so hard, I felt I would burst.

Oh God! His expression! I doubled up in laughter as soon as I had turned away from him, wiping a tear as it slipped on my left cheek. I was sorely tempted to look at him once again, but concluded that this much riling up was enough for tonight; he won't be able to take any more without atleast actually scowling at me. And that, ladies and gentlemen, would be totally against the rules of stone statues all over the world- to give any expression other than the one they had been carved into.

Holy hell's whiskers! The temptation of looking at his expression was more than having a whole bar of chocolate by myself, and believe me, having that kind of heavenly stuff was the most delightful treat in itself!

Taking a deep breath and placing one hand over my sore stomach, I was turning about when his hand curled itself around my waist and pulled me so close to his hard chest, you wouldn't be able to pass a paper between us. I sucked in a sharp breath at his sudden proximity, and my laughter faded away abruptly when I looked into his eyes, an intense storm brewing there.

He leaned his head so that our foreheads were touching, but I tried to clear my head which was filled with a lot of gobbledygook colours, and voices and emotions, and the sparks at his touch were not helping at all.

"Something very funny here, Miss Linton?" His voice came out a bit more rough than usual, but all I noticed was his lips moving and wished they would move like that against mine. My poor feminist's voice was a tiny squeak against the roaring voice admist the chaos in my mind.

Kiss him! Kiss him!

So I did. Pulling him down and getting on my toes, I pressed my lips against his as hard as I could, my eyes closing reflexively. Our lips moved hungrily in a frenzy, claiming and devouring each other like it was the end of the world, and set my body on fire. Sparks travelled down and settled down in the centre of my body, and my fingers entangled themselves in his soft hair. His hand tightened its grip around my waist, holding me close, and moulding us together. His other hand wandered around to my back and traced random shapes there, my skin delighting in his soft touch.

When we finally pulled away for breath, he whispered softly against my lips, "Ifrit. My ifrit." My lips pulled involuntarily into a broad grin and I wished that I could stay with him like this forever. I wanted to- "What did Dalgliesh tell you about the file?"- slap him. Definitely slap him all the way from here to Antartica, and kick his cold stingy ass into the freezing water. He would definitely enjoy himself there with all his fellow icebergs.

Seriously?! Had he kissed me to ask what had Dalgliesh told me about his bloody file? He was definitely digging his own grave, if you'd ask me. He could rest assured that I would pack the mud on it very nicely.

I took a step back from him, narrowed my eyes and considered the fact whether the law would consider breaking a granite head as legal murder, but gave up. The law was bound to be stupid; it was written by chauvinist fools like the one in front of me. Well, that was not a problem, this one would cease to exist in the next few moments probably.

"You can bloody keep on wondering what Dalgliesh told me about the file, until I know what exactly is in that blasted piece of paper and not before! Go. To. Hell!"

Giving him an annoyed glare, I started walking stiffly out of the alleyway, but not before I felt his hand around my waist, and I instinctively elbowed him in his stomach, but that piece of stone didn't even flinch.

"Let me go, I'm warning you; I am absolutely not in the mood to talk with you, Mr. Rikkard Ambrose. You can go and talk to someone who will tell you 'what Dalgliesh told me'!" I spat out the words, wriggling to get out of his tight grip on me, but he stiffened and only held me tighter.

"Stop wriggling Lillian. Now." I froze at the realisation that he had actually called me Lillian. And his voice was a lot more hoarse than usual. But it was only when I felt a bulge on my behind, that I understood exactly why.



My scowl quickly morphed into a grin, and soon into full blown laughter. Oh! Oh god! I was gasping for air between chuckles when he let go of me and gave me a glare.

"Don't be late tomorrow again, Mr. Linton."

"Yes, sir. As you say, sir." I gave him my biggest grin possible and a mock salute, and looked at his tall figure walk towards the road, until I registered his exact words.

"Hey! I am NOT late everyday!"

"Indeed, Mr. Linton."


Dear Lords and Ladies,

Now that is what I call a loooonnnnggg update! And look, no cliffhangers this time! You're welcome! I would think of it as my Christmas gift for all of my dear readers!Hope you all enjoy it! Merry Christmas to all of you!

I'm soo deep in trouble, if it would be the Indian Ocean, I would be halfway to the oceanbed! I have my exams in 8 days, and I haven't even started the portion! Look at that! I can't stop thinking about what should I write ahead even when I am staring at my history textbook, so you can assuredly tell that I am going to fail this time.

Anyways, vote, comment and follow! Suggestions and feedback are always welcome!

See you after exams!(Hopefully!)

Yours truly,
Ifrit5789 (drowning in the syllabus)

P. S. My exams are upto second week of January, hopefully I'll survive without updating till then!

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