Shots fired.

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Noah/Abel's POV:

"Answer me this." Amara starts as she glares down at the bar. "Why are you so interested in my life?"

Taking a chug of my beer, I set it down and look over at her. "Again with this shit?"

Rolling her eyes, she sips on her drink. Maybe I shouldn't of sounded so harsh.

"Let me rephrase the question." She gives me a tight smile. "Why are you always there to help?"

Her question confused me, I understood it just fine. I'm just not sure how to answer.

"I mean, you don't know me or Donny. Still you agreed to keep me company, you stood up to Erick for me, you gave me a ride and now you're drinking with me."

I need a good lie, one that sounds genuine. Stroking my beard, I meet her eyes.

"I consider you a friend." I lie straight through my teeth.

Narrowing her eyes, her eyebrows knotted together, she glares hard at me. Something I've grown use to in the last month.

Before I can say anything more, my work phone rings from my pocket. "I have to take this." Holding up my phone, my turn and exit the bar.

"What?" I growl into the phone.

Huffing, my boss replies. "Update now."

"I'm getting closer to her, we're together right now."

"You need to get into her room. I don't care what you have to do, get in her room and find that flash drive." Veronica's tone is rushed. "I sent another agent, he should be there now."

I felt the hair rise on my arms in anger. "You did what?" I ask cooly.

"I need the process sped up Noah, in a few weeks Peeters shipment of women will be coming in. While he's busy with that, you need to get that flash drive."

Hanging up the phone, I march back into the bar. Sure enough, there's another agent flirting with Amara. Once I reached them, I glare at the guy. Of course Veronica would send someone I hate.

"Abel." He beams as he looks up from Amara. "I haven't seen you in a while."

Narrowing my eyes, I stare at Matt's face. I can't stand this guy, with his smug face. Gripping my beer bottle, I give him a sly smirk.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

Reaching over Amara, he pats my shoulder. "That's funny but, Brandon Cox is my name." He gives me a knowing look.

"Must of slipped my mind." I look away as I chug yet another beer.

From the corner of my eye, I can see 'Brandon' throw his arm around the back of Amara's chair. To my surprise, she doesn't seem to mind. There's no way in hell I'm going to let this prick take this mission. I want the credit, I'll be damned if he comes in to steal my job.

His smug smile irritates me. He's been here not even five minutes and he's already got Amara laughing. Something I haven't been able to do in the month I've known her.

"Wanna go somewhere quieter?" I hear him whisper in her ear.

If I want the credit for this mission, I need to speed up my process with Amara. I need to do it soon so this douche bag doesn't get the chance.

Setting down my beer, I reach over and pry my foe's arm off my target and stand between them.

"Actually, Brandon she came with me. There's plenty of women in this bar, why don't you go prey on one of them?" I glare at the man equal to my height.

Although he's my height, I have a much bigger build. Knocking his ass out wouldn't be an issue.

Titling his head up in a challenging manner, he puffs his chest out.

"I think I'll let her answer."

Silently, I wait for Amara's response. Keeping steady eye contact, I threaten him mentally. If he fucks up my chances on this mission, I'll end him.

"Although you're extremely nice, he's right. He took the time to bring me here, it's only fair I hangout with him." She shrugs. Even though she apologized, her face says she's not sorry at all.

"Well, just keep in mind. I don't give up easily." Brandon smiles down at Amara before walking away.

"What was that?" The tiny brunette cocks a brow as I sit beside her.

"What was what?" I pretend to be oblivious. Grabbing my beer, I chug what's left.

"I could of brought him home tonight." She points out. "You completely cock blocked me."

Giving her a small smirk, I reply. "You could of went with him, and yet you stayed."

"Touché." She smiles. Pressing the rim of her bottle to her lips, she chugs the rest of beer as well.

Now would be a good time to 'speed up the process.'

"Amara." I start, looking in her eyes. "I know we don't see eye to eye, at all." I huff quietly. "But I want to take you out somewhere." I sounded so genuine, I believed my lie.

There's no way in hell I'd ever want to go out with her, even if I was a normal guy. She's nothing like my ideal woman.

Examining her expression, I give my choice a second thought. Maybe it wasn't the right to ask that. She seems shocked and dumbfounded.

"Amara?" I raise a brow while waving my hand in front of her face.

"Are you serious?" Her cheeks turn dark red as her brows knit forward. "What kind of joke is that?" She scoffs before hoping off the bar stool.

"Wait." I call after her. "I promise you it's no joke." I lie straight through my teeth. What can I say? It's literally my job.

Stiffing up, she spins around and meets my gaze. "I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"If we can't get along long enough to be friends, what makes you think we'd make it on a date?"

"Because I like you." I shrug nonchalantly.

It's all lies, piled on top of more lies. 

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