Target Spotted.

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"One large coffee and one blueberry muffin." A grouchy old woman snapped at the brunette behind the counter. "No sugar or cream in the coffee, I like it strong and black."

Rolling her deep green eyes, Amara turns around grabbing the largest cup and filling it to the top. After clasping the lid tightly on the top, she grabs a muffin and turns back around.

"That'll be five dollars and fifty cents." Amara waits for the old hag to pay her bill.

"It's outrageous your coffee if so expensive, it's not even that good." The gray haired lady snapped as she slammed her money on the counter.

"Well if you didn't like, you wouldn't come here every morning to drink it. So, you got two options." Amara smiles widely. "One, you can find a new place to drink coffee or two, shut the hell up and drink what you ordered without throwing a fit."

Stunned, the lady grunts and leans on the counter. "I demand to speak to your manager."

"Wonderful, I'll go get him now." The brunette spins around, flicking her long, thick hair over her shoulder.

Knocking impatiently on her bosses door, the short thin woman sighs.

"Amara, what is it?" The older, handsome man raises a brow as he swings the door open.

"A customer wants to speak with you." She rolls her green orbs. "I pissed the old hag off again."

Huffing, her boss rubs his chin. "You have to stop picking a fight with her Amara."

Leading her boss to the old lady, Amara stops at her table. "Here you go miss."

"Ah, Harold. I'd like to speak to you about your waitress here." The lady sips her coffee and scoffs. "She's rude to me everyday when I come in."

"Maybe don't tell the workers at the place you order your coffee, that it sucks." Amara crosses her arms over her small chest.

Harold looks at the younger woman and back to the older woman. "What's so wrong with our coffee?"

Stumped, the old lady scoffs once again. "Well it's gross and it's too expensive." She shrugs her bony shoulders.

"Yeah?" The young brunette pushes past her boss and slams her hands flat on the table. "Well then maybe you shouldn't come here." Standing tall, she huffs and faces her boss. "I've worked here for four years, never once had a problem with a customer. A week ago, she shows up bringing problems."

Taking in what Amara said, Harold rubs his chin as he stares at the women infront of him.


"Okay." The man with reddish grey hair clasps his hands together. "Uh- Amara, a word in my office please."

With her arms crossed, Amara looks over at Mrs.Ringwald then back at Harry with a shocked face expression.

"Whatever." She mumbles under her breath as she follows her boss to his office.

"Amara, you need to stop letting this woman get under your skin. "You're going to scare off all the other customers."

Squinting at him, she opens her mouth. "She's purposely pissing me off."

Crossing his arms over his chest, the older man sighs. "How is she purposely pissing you off?"

"She's always making snarky, old hag remarks." Her brunette hair sways as she speaks.

"Why don't you just go home for today? You can have a better day tomorrow."

Chuckling sarcastically, Amara turns to leave. "Better hope she's not here if we want a good day."


Standing outside with her roommate and life long friend, Amara takes a drag of her cigarette.

"I'm assuming work didn't go well." Don raises a brow at his friend as he takes a huff of his cancer stick.

Shaking her head, Amara keep her mouth shut. She knows once she opens it, she'll rant about the shitty day she's had.

"Did that old hag come back?"

"Yep." She exhales the smoke before flickering her ashes.

Don runs his hand through his curly black hair, unable to come up with a rational solution, he keeps quiet.

"Maybe I'll quit." Amara scoffs. "I mean, I've only been working there four years."

"Maybe you should." Don shrugs his shoulders. "Find somewhere better, your pay is shit if I'm being honest. You're attitude isn't for that work environment."

Narrowing her eyes once again, the small woman turns her head to look at her friend.

"You snap at everyone." Her best friend holds up his hand and counts her flaws on his fingers. "You have no patience, and you can be mean. I think the only reason Harry hasn't fired you, is because he thinks your cute."

"Has anyone told you, you're an asshole?"

Smirking, Don meets his brown eyes with her green ones. "You do, everyday." Throwing his cigarette butt in the ash tray, he turns to leave. "I gotta go back inside. I'm meeting Carrie."

With that, Amara is alone outside with her thoughts... She's not that mean, is she? Sure she snaps at the old lady but, the old lady always starts it.

From the corner of her eye, she sees a man's figure in the dark. Watching as he gets closer, she pulls out another cigarette after throwing her butt out.

As the man makes his way to the door, she has a better visual of him. She's never seen him before. He's handsome though, she'll give him that.

"Ya know, they say women smoking isn't attractive." He raises a thick brown brow.

Never breaking eye contact, Amara flickers her lighter, and lights up her cancer stick. After inhaling the satisfying smoke, she exhales the cloud in the strangers face.

"You know what I say?" She raises a brow. "I don't care."

Smirking, the man with chestnut hair and icy blue eyes comes closer. "I personally think it's sexy." Sticking out his hand, he stands up straight. "Abel Hendrix. I'm new to this town."

"Sounds like a made up name." She takes his larger hand in her small one. "Amara Peeters."

"Peeters huh?" He raises a brow at the small but beautiful woman.

"Yeah, you've probably heard it before."

Looking at this woman, The man can't really get a good read on this woman. She's different from the women he usually is ordered to Target. She's shielded, it's going to be alot harder to get close to her. Her ego seems big and her attitude even bigger.

"You could say I have." He shrugs.

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