Sneak Peek

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I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but I made a couple of changes in the book. And because I had nothing else to do, I wrote a little sneak peek for a sequel, Piece By Piece (I don't know why I name fanfics after songs sometimes). I'm not sure if you're gonna like it, in fact, there might be controversy, but this is just the beginning, I probably won't go through with it.

It was a beautiful day on Bird Island. Two little hatchlings, Zoe and Vivi, were building a sandcastle on the beach, with their parents keeping an eye on them.

“I think it needs a moat," Vivi suggested. “Something to keep enemies at bay."

“Why?" Zoe asked. “We have Auntie for that."

Speaking of Zoe's “auntie," who was actually her godmother Red, she popped her head out from underneath the sandcastle, looking around.

“Bomb, anything from Piggy Island?" Red asked the big black bird, who crawled out of the sand.

“Nope," he replied.

“Chuck, anything to the north?"

Chuck emerged from the sand and gasped. “Nope. Nothin'."

“What's that?" asked Vivi. Red looked through a pair of binoculars and saw something white hurdling through the air.

“Incoming pie!" Red alarmed.

“It's coming straight for us!" Zoe shouted.

“What do we do?!" Bomb asked worriedly as the pie got closer and closer.

“Duck!" Red ordered as everyone got down. Unfortunately, a duck looked up and got hit in the beak by the cream pie.

The birds looked towards the distance and Red zoomed the binoculars in to find a dozen green piggies celebrating next to a slingshot and some more pies. One of them, King Leonard Mudbeard, especially made Red's blood boil.

“Those pigs..." she growled.

“Are gonna pay..." Chuck added angrily.

“For our lunches!" Bomb joined in.

Red was confused, but she tried to fix it. “Uh... Because of our hunger to give them..."

“A taste of their own..."

“Quesadilla!" Bomb finished. Red gave him a look. “What?"

“Okay, enough talk," she decided. “It's time we took action."

Red, Chuck, and Bomb raced into town with a giant bottle of hot sauce and headed for a slingshot.

“It's Red!" an excited hatchling said.

“I'm sorry, everyone, but we're taking over the blue line," Red announced. “Official business."

“Of course!" Pinky said, understandingly. “Anything for you, Red."

“Hey, Red!" shouted Alex, who was painting a billboard. “Isn't it funny how nobody liked you until you saved Bird Island, but now we all love you?"

Don't remind me, Red thought, but it was true. Everyone saw her as the ugly tomboy with thick eyebrows and anger issues until she saved the eggs from being eaten by the Bad Piggies.

“Ha! Thanks so much for bringing that up!" Red said with a fake smile, then loaded the hot sauce bottle into the slingshot.

“Okay, ready?" she asked her friends as they pulled the strap back. Three..."

“Two..." Chuck continued.

“Two!" Bomb repeated.

“No, Bomb, you say ‘one,'" Red corrected him.

“Oh, right," he remembered, embarrassed. “One!"

The three birds let go, and the hot sauce was sent flying across the ocean, towards Piggy Island.

“Yoo hoo!" a pig called out to a waiter at the Taco Hog restaurant. “Hot sauce, please?"

Suddenly, the giant bottle hit the pig and knocked him out cold.

Back on Bird Island, the birds were cheering for Red and her heroism.

“Thank you!" she said, smiling. “Thank you very much!"

Back on the beach, a hatchling was jumping up and down at a mime holding balloons.

“Ooh! I really want the red one! The red one! Balloonie!"

On Piggy Island, Leonard and his new assistant, Courtney, were using a giant magnifying glass to capture the sun's rays and aim it at the balloons.

“That's it, a little bit higher," Leonard ordered Courtney, who was more focused on her hot pink cellphone.

The balloon the hatchling held was suddenly popped, along with the ones the mime had, causing them both to cry. Then, the hot beam of light was used to pop a bouncy castle, causing a bunch of hatchlings to fall out. Luckily, Red Chuck, and Bomb catched all of them before they could get hurt.

“I was bouncing!" Jay cried with the rest of the hatchlings.

“You mess with the hatchlings..." Red growled, and climbed up on a diving board with the guys, “... you get the cannonball!"

“Ready, big guy?" Chuck asked Bomb.

“Oh, yeah! You ready, bigger guy?!" Bomb asked Terence, who grumbled and gave him two thumbs up. The four birds leaped off the board and into the water, causing a massive tidal wave to roll across the ocean and crash into Piggy Island, soaking the entire city and everyone in it!

As Jay was licking the worms inside of an ice cream cone, he noticed about five giant piggy blimps floating above the beach, each one holding a large bag. A familiar voice laughed from above.

“This might pinch a little!" Leonard shouted as thousands of giant crabs were dumped onto the beach, pinching every bird they came across.

“Catch you later!" Leonard yelled as the blimps returned home. “You stupid birds..."

A dozen crabs surrounded Hal as one of them picked his feathers and pulled money out of his wallet.

“Not on my watch!" Red said, taking the wallet from the crab as Bomb rolled on the rest of them. “I believe this is yours."

“My hero..." Hal cried happy tears as she gave him his wallet back.

“Don't... stop..." Red replied, blushing. “I said, don't stop."


On top of his castle, Leonard was watching the birds run around in terror through a telescope. He then noticed Red brush her head feathers back and sighed dreamily. Leonard would never admit it, but even after she foiled his plans and destroyed his home, he was still in love with her. But he really did wish he could get over her.

“Leonard? Hey, Leonard!" Courtney interrupted, pointing towards the opposite direction. “You should probably..."

Leonard turned around to see what Courtney was pointing at. It seemed rather large and was flying through the air.

“That's not coming from Bird Island..."

I do have quite a few ideas for this one. For example, after Silver and Red have little conflicts with each other, Silver could hold up her pinky and say, “Sisters?" I saw it in an episode of The Big Bang Theory once.

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