The Eggs!

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Red, Chuck, and Bomb ran down the mountain as fast as they could. They knew the pigs were up to no good, and they needed to stop... whatever they were doing.
As they ran, Bomb tripped on a branch and fell on top of Red and Chuck. The three birds began bouncing and rolling down the mountainside, until they finally landed in a bush at the bottom of the mountain. Red suddenly heard another explosion. She got her friends back on their feet and they headed for the village.
Out in the middle of the forest, the other birds were inside the party tent. They couldn't hear or see the explosions from outside because the party lights and music was distracting them. They also didn't notice the DJ pigs leaving. They were just too busy having fun.

As they rushed to the village, Red, Chuck, and Bomb saw three pigs breaking into someone's treehouse! One pig was on the porch holding three eggs, and the other two jumped up on a trampoline and each took an egg. The third pig jumped down with the last egg. They saw the three birds and ran off with three of what birds loved more than anything else.
"They're taking the eggs!" Chuck exclaimed.
"Follow them!" Red shouted.
The three birds followed the pigs all the way to the village. There were explosions and pigs everywhere! Most of the pigs were running off with the eggs. The birds had never seen such chaos!
Suddenly, Red felt someone slap her behind. Right underneath her tail feathers. A small scream escaped her beak. Before she could say anything, she heard a familiar voice from behind.
"Right on time, eggscelent!" Leonard said, smirking. With that, he jumped on a zip line and took off, laughing manically. Red didn't have to be a genius to figure out that this was the shady pig's plan all along. Not wanting to waste another second, she turned to the others.
"Chuck, go shut that party down, now!"
"Me? But I only know how to get parties started!" he said, putting on a cowboy hat.
"GO!" Red yelled, scaring Chuck.
"On it," he replied as he took off in a yellow flash.
"Bomb, we gotta stop them!" Red said. With that, the two birds ran after the pigs.

Soon enough, Chuck made it to the party tent and tried to get the birds' attention.
"Can everyone please stop partying?! There are eggs being stolen!" he screamed.
They couldn't hear him. All they could hear was loud music. Chuck decided to try telling a few birds at a time.
"Matilda, we need your help!" he screamed to the chicken. "The pigs are stealing our eggs!"
"What?!" she exclaimed, confused. Why would they do such a thing?
Chuck ran off to warn other birds.
"We have to get back to the village!" he screamed. "Stop dancing and start running!"
The rest of the birds didn't know whether to believe him or not.

Meanwhile, the pigs were headed back to their ships. They put all of the eggs in a pile on a platform and climbed aboard the ship.
"Come on, let's wrap it up!" Leonard ordered. The eggs were scooped up in a net and hanged from the back of the ship.
“We got to get the eggs off the ship!" Red shouted to Bomb as they ran towards the pigs' boat. But how were they going to reach the net? The ship had already set sail!
Then Red saw a few trampolines they left behind. She and Bomb began hopping from one trampoline to another, getting closer and closer to Leonard's ship. Finally, they grabbed hold of the net and climbed up to the top.
“What the heck are they doing?!" Leonard exclaimed.
“Untie the rope and drop the eggs in the water!" Red shouted.
Bomb pulled at the rope, but it wouldn't budge.
“It's too strong," he said. “I can't break it!"
Leonard ordered the rest of the pigs to get Bomb and Red off the eggs. As they began throwing stuff at the birds, Red got another idea.
“Blow up the chain!"
Bomb got really nervous, but he knew it had to be done. The fate of the eggs depended on it! He climbed up the chain and tried to detonate. It wasn't working.
“Leonard, isn't that the girl you like?" Ross pointed out.
“Oh, yeah! See if you can grab her!" Leonard ordered. “Perhaps it'd be fun to have her around."
“Come on, Bomb!" Red shouted. “You got this! Blow up!"
“You got to get me mad!" Bomb reminded her.
“Well, then what makes you mad?" she asked.
“Try insulting me on a personal level," he suggested.
“Okay, um..." Red thought for a moment and said the first thing that came to mind. “Your poetry stinks! You're just a bad poet, and you know it!"
“I know, I know!" Bomb cried. Just before he could explode, the pigs fired their water guns and he lost his grip on the chain. As he fell, he knocked Red off the net and they fell into the water below. Ross failed to catch her with a fishing net, and Leonard whacked him in the head with it.
“I'm sorry, Red," said Bomb. “I couldn't do it..."
“Don't give up!" Red replied. “This isn't over!"
“Thanks for your hospitality!" Leonard laughed as the ship sailed farther away. Many other pigs laughed, too. Ross just waved goodbye.
“Set sail for Piggy Island!"


The following morning, the entire bird population was shocked and saddened. Their little village was completely destroyed by the pigs and all the eggs were gone. The mothers cried in despair over their missing eggs. One of them being Olive Blue.
“We'll find them," her husband Greg assured her, but he was having some doubts.

Red and Bomb met up with Chuck and the rest of the birds on the beach. Not one of them knew what to do.
“MISS RED!" Judge Peckinpah shouted, marching up to the young female. Even at his normal height, Red found him intimidating, especially with his cowboy hat. But much to her surprise, the judge removed his hat and gazed at Red sadly.

“What do we do now?"

About darn time.

In other news, I heard they're planning a sequel to The Angry Birds Movie! How cool is that?!

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