Round Five

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Blueberry and Adorable were walking slowly through the rainforest, Blueberry hobbling carefully. Blueberry tripped and Adorable caught her. 

"That's it." Adorable said gently. 

"I can't believe I have to learn how to walk all over again." Blueberry grumbled. Then she looked up at the canopy. "At least it's not night." Adorable nodded. 

"Well, that concludes our session for the day." Adorable said in a mock haughty voice. Blueberry laughed, then clutched her throat.

"Ow, don't make me laugh."Blueberry fumbled for her special berries that eased the pain in her throat. She sighed and set them down on a rock as she clutched her throat, feeling the claw marks. 

"Come on." Adorable said, leading Blueberry back to her hut. Blueberry eased down on the bed, falling asleep before Adorable was even out the door. It must have been hours later when Blueberry felt a sharp pain in her throat. She groggily reached over and went to grab the berries. Her claws closed on air and Blueberry sat up sharply. The berries were gone. She clutched her head, worried. She must have left them on the rock! Two choices. Stay here and endure pain, or risk my life getting berries. It was a close call, but Blueberry decided that it wouldn't be that dangerous. She flew off to the rock, her throat throbbing. Blueberry reached the rock, but surprisingly, the bag of berries wasn't there. Blueberry lifted up the rock and looked around, but nothing. 

"Looking for...this?" A voice suddenly inquired. A cloaked figure...the cloaked figure was standing causally against a tree, the pouch of berries swinging in their talons. 

"Yes, in fact I am." Blueberry straightened her wings, though she was terrified out of her mind. 

"Well." The figure smiled, teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Come and get it." Blueberry snarled. 

"My pleasure." Blueberry leapt at the figure, delivering a blow to the back of their head. The figure whirled around, slashing their claws along Blueberry's sides. Blueberry roared and leapt at the attacker again, claws swinging. The attacker whirled around, and Blueberry felt claws connect with the now-healing scar on her throat. Blueberry roared with pain, blood pouring out of her neck. The attacker grabbed her throat and slammed her against a tree. Blueberry scrabbled at the claws. 

"Why are you doing this?" She wheezed. 

"The RainWings won't be lazy after this." The voice snarled. 

"You're right." Blueberry said. 

"I know." Then, the dragon whipped around and threw Blueberry into a tree so hard, tremors cracked through it. Then everything dropped to nothingness, and her body dropped to the ground. The cloaked figure was already gone.


The accused is Adorable


- Adorable is quiet and shy, mostly those are the ones who hides secrets under their wings

- Adorable doesn't like being near other dragons

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