Round Three

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Vivid walked up to Honeydew, her claws shaking nervously. Vivid had decided that it was time to confess her feelings for Honeydew. Honeydew turned around, smiling at Vivid in a way that made her heart explode. 

"Honeydew," Vivid began. Honeydew leaned forward. "I...I have something to confess." She paused, twisting her claws nervously. "I have a crush on you." Honeydew looked surprised, but he smiled and grabbed her talons.


Periwinkle decided it was time to confess her feelings for Honeydew. She walked up to him, but realized that Honeydew was already there, his claws wrapped around Vivid. Periwinkle began to shake angrily. She frowned and turned away, disbelieving that her crush just confessed his love to SOMEONE ELSE! She didn't turn around until she was far away, and she noticed Honeydew's pitying eyes trained on her, his face calculating, as if he as reading everything she just thought. Periwinkle couldn't believe it. She SHOULDN'T believe it. She growled. Vivid was always beating her to everything. Honeydew, everything. Periwinkle sat down on her hammock, drifting off into sleep. 


Vivid sighed happily. She couldn't believe she had just done that. She drifted off to sleep, dreaming happy dreams. It must have been hours later when Vivid awoke to the sound of creaking. Her head snapped up, and she noticed the figure bathed in moonlight, covered by a dark cloth. She screamed and leapt away from the figure, who's wings were pressed against their sides. Suddenly, another figure appeared in the doorway. Vivid recognized it as Fossa. Fossa took no hesitation in leaping towards the figure, who whipped around. The two battled under the moonlight for a moment, hissing and jabbing, before the cloaked figure threw Fossa to the ground. Vivid turned away, cowering against the wall. It was over in an instant. The attacker dropped Fossa's body on the ground and leapt to the window. Suddenly, the figure began to speak. 

"I'll be back." Then they leapt out the window. Vivid pressed again the wall, shaking like a leaf. 


Accused is Periwinkle

Reason(s) --

- Periwinkle is known to be rather hot-headed

Periwinkle is a good fighter

Periwinkle had a crush on Honeydew, but Vivid got to him first

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