Food Poison=Love?

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I decided to make Seongwoo a peach cake. I always have a special spot for peaches and I don't know why.

"Hey Daniel, let us help!" Jisung jumped infront of me in the table. The others just came from the kitchen.

"Hmmm... I can handle this, but thank you for your kind offer." I smiled at them. Daehwi moved forward to me.

"Please Daniel hyung? Please please please?" He's such an adorable maknae I can't resist!

"How could I say no to that? Alright, you guys can help me a little!" They all jumped in joy, making my insides warm. It's been a long time since I felt this warm feeling. The feeling of being loved and friendship.

"Look, look! Daniel's crying!" Jaehwan said, making me and the others shock. I'm crying? I touched my cheeks and there was tears.

"Ah! It's all your fault guys for making me cry." I said in a joking manner. They gathered nearer from me, making it seem like we were having a group hug.

"Sorry Daniel hyung! We won't make you cry again." Woojin said leaning closer to me. I shook my head, "No, you guys just made me feel again. I forgot this feeling before, thank you."

"Crybaby." I heard one of them said. Then I saw Jisung hit Jinyoung's head.

"He's older than you! You child, have some respect." Jinyoung only nodded his head at Jisung who was still angry.

"It's fine, hahaha! Come on let's make Seongwoo a peach cake now." I encouraged them, they all broke from our small group hug.

"Okay!" All 8 of them answered in chorus. I clasped my hands together, then grabbed the flour.

We're doing it fine I think.


Third Person's pov

"Guanlin, add more salt." The younger boy does what he was ordered.

"Woojin add a bit of egg shells." Woojin adds a little more than told.

"Jinyoung add the ketchup instead of food coloring." Jinyoung who was enjoying the sabotage added the ketchup instead of red food color.

"That's good. Now, we're all gonna be saved and live a happy ever after." Jisung laughs evily, making Sungwoon to nudge his side. Jisung stared the shorter boy with a 'what?' look.

"Shut up Jisung, the boy might hear you." Sungwoon whispered.

"Alright, alright. I'll shut up." Jisung made a zipping motion in his mouth.

"Won't this food poison our Prince?" Minhyun said in a silent voice. The 7 members looked at him in shock.

"Holy sht!! You're right! What do we do now?" The calm leader panics for once. The other's did the same running in places.

"We're doomed!! Forever!!!" Woojin screams in his dolphin voice. Making the busy boy named Daniel flinch.

"What's happening guys? Oh! It's finished? I'll take it to the oven then." All of them stared the mix of dangerous cake batter in the container being shoved in the oven. Mouth hanging open and their heart dropping.

"Ah-haha ha ha! You put it in the oven. Ha ha ha!" Sungwoon says sweating from nervousness. Daniel nods innocently because he is really innocent.(or not🌚)

"Let's go watch tv for awhile." Daniel leads the way in the living room. After seeing the boy fleet, they continued screaming and panicking.

"We're dead! We're going to be stucked like this forever hyung!" Guanlin yells at Jisung's face.

"GUANLIN CALM DOWN! YOUR SALIVA IS SHOWERING ME!!" The younger boy backs away from embarrassment. Jisung wipes at the saliva in his face.

"Don't do that again please." The older boy said pointing at the foot rest boy.

"I'm sorry hyung, I was just nervous." Jisung nods as he understand's Guanlin's feelings.

"What do we do now hyung?" Daehwi asks to their leader.

"We wait. That's the only thing we can do." And they did.

After waiting, the oven made the 'ting!' sound as Daniel walk back to the kitchen.

"Oh? Why is it a little ugly? Whatever, the taste is important anyway. The icing should cover the ugliness." He talks to his self again. The 8 members left the kitchen earlier, no evidence that they were with Daniel when he did the cake.

Daniel spreads the icing beautifully. Adding fruits on top of it.

"Seongwoo! You ready to get your ass beaten?" Daniel calls the waiting challenger.

"Like hell that would happen." Seongwoo whispers from Daniel ears. Daniel jumps from the surprise attack.

"Yah! Why did you have to get close like that?" The beast boy just shrugs and grinned, making Daniel's temper rise more.

"Here eat it already! I can't wait to serve your sorry ass next." It was Daniel's turn to smirk. Making Seongwoo sweat from hotness.

"Whatever! Let's get this done with." And he takes a slice of Daniel's peach cake ft. 8 others.

As soon as the cake made it's way to Seongwoo's face he makes a sour face. Daniel watched him intently, nervous.

Seongwoo spits the cake out of his mouth. "What the fck is this? Some poop?" Daniel's heart dropped to his feet. Oh no, what's gonna happen now?


It's been 2 weeks since I agreed to make him fall for me. At first, it was hard, like Seongwoo was being cold to me again and we were back to square one. But unfortunately I like challenges.

And now I'm trying to win his heart by pick up lines. Yes, pick up lines.

"Seongwoo, are you a beast?" He glares at me for a moment before asking why.

"Because you ripped my heart out from my chest and kept it." I winked at him. I swear he giggles sometimes and it's so cute.

"The hell? That was lame Daniel." He shook his head in pretend to be disappointed.

"Whatever it's your turn anyway." We're currently walking in the rose garden. We sometimes bond here, okay maybe alot.

"Daniel, are you a lonely book character?" I frowned at him, but still asked why

"Coz I'll write your story better with me." He winks at me too, but fails a little. I blushed. I FREAKING BLUSHED!!!

"Ooohh, someone loved it." He teased. I jokingly pushed him, trying to hide my redness. I heard him laugh.

"For a beast, you're cheesy." I said, still looking down.

"And as for that fckboy face, you suck at pick up lines." Seongwoo stuck his tongue out trying to mock me.

"Who says I'm a fuckboy? I don't fck around. I'm loyal." He rolled his eyes still not believing me. I reached for his hands and pulled him closer to me, his eyes widen.

"My face says fuckboy, but my heart says Ong Seongwoo." I think he just became a tomato.


My OngNiel heart😭💕

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