The Curse

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I haven't heard from the voice last night. That's good. This freaking castle is huge! Everyone could get lost to it and couldn't find the exit. Good thing I slept on this red sofa that's luxurious af.

"Wow, this place looks antique with all the spider webs and sht." I wonder around the first floor. Some looks clean like it was always used.

"Can I live here?" I ask myself.

"Ofcourse you can." I was startled by a voice. It's from a boy.

"W-who's there? Are you the owner? Ghong Seongwoo?" I bring up my guard. What if this castle was a mafia hide out???

"Pfft! He said Ghong instead of Ong. Haha!" I must be going crazy.

"Are these voice in my mind?" My tummy started to grumble. "Oh right! I haven't eaten yet maybe this is hallucination from hunger." I nod to myself. I'm so lonely where's a friend when I need one.

I tried to find the kitchen in this huge castle. I hope I can find it sooner, I think I'm gonna pass out from hunger.


"Seongwoo, the curse can be lifted by that boy!" Jisung said as he flail his golden candle holder hand. He's the candle holder that boy Dangle was holding last night.

"Don't tell me what to do! He's not even a girl, it's true love we're talking about Jisung!" I explained madly. He frowned and said, "Seongwoo, true love isn't measured by gender, age, or anything. It's about the genuine feeling you feel for each other. And that boy down there is the one for you." Daehwi the teacup nodded in agreement.

"So you guys are telling me... That you know my secret of being a gay?"  My eyes were almost popping out.

Jaehwan the wardrobe laughed. "Seongwoo, you wouldn't even look at the princesses that was here in the ball, before we turned like this. You were looking at every man who passed by infront of you. I might add with heart eyes. You're gay, we can tell." Sometimes Jaehwan is so loud being the wardrobe suits him. He sure is talkative.

"No! I still won't let that Dangle here in my castle. Get him out now!" I turned my back at them.

"Whatever, Prince Seongwoo!" Sungwoon the clock said and closed the door with a bang. The others following him.

I watch as another petal fall from the rose.

"I'm sorry guys."

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