The Withering Rose

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My mind wasn't cooperating. All it was thinking was Seongwoo, Seongwoo, Seongwoo! My mom rubbed my back in a comforting manner, I looked at her.

"Mom, what should I do? Seongwoo's in trouble because of me... I can't let that happen." I grabbed my hair in frustration, I was losing my patience too.

"Daniel son, we'll let you use the window. But please, be careful on your way." I heard my dad say. I turned to him then hugged him.

"Thank you dad, and mom. I will come back safe, I promise." I broke out from our hug, then proceeded searched for a hard thing. I saw a wrench on the kitchen table, maybe our faucet was still broken. I used it to break the window.

I jumped out from the shattered window. The night breeze hitting my face again.

"Seongwoo, please be alright." I calmed myself before sprinting on the castle's way.


Third person's pov

Jihoon and the police officers arrived at the dark castle. It began raining, a sudden downpour. As they park the vehicles infront of Seongwoo's castle, Jisung and the others started panicking.

"WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE!?" Daehwi shouted in frustration. Jinyoung was beside him, still digesting the situation they might encounter.

Jisung was having his hypertension. Jaehwan was screaming with Sungwoo. Minhyun was trying to be calm among the others.

"Guys, calm down. Panicking won't solve anything." Minhyun vocalized his thoughts. They planned out well on how to stop the policemen.

As they arranged their position, the policemen outside was trying to break the door. Minhyun and Jaehwan was behind that door, trying to put pressure to stop them from entering. Jisung, Sungwoon and the 4 others went to their own places.

"Let's use the cars to pull the door." One of the officers said. Jaehwan heard it then told it to Minhyun. They moved away from the door, going to the side of it, ready to attack.

"Mr. Park stay here, we'll just handle this case." Once the officer turned his back Jihoon attacked him from behind. Using his handcuffs he choked the officer to death, as he unlock his self from the cuffs he smirked.

"Heh, whoever you are beast. I won't let you have Daniel." Jihoon picked up the gun and hid in the bushes, waiting for the officers to enter the castle.

Seongwoo wasn't aware of what's happening. All he was thinking of was Daniel. His Daniel. He kept on thinking that Daniel won't come back, not noticing the withering rose. Every heartbreak is a chance for the magical rose to lose it's petals.

Seongwoo was in a deep thought when someone opened the door.

"So you're true. A beast indeed!" Jihoon who sneaked inside the castle was behind Seongwoo. When Seongwoo heard Jihoon's voice his temper changed to angry.

"HOW DARE YOU TRESPASS MY CASTLE!" Seongwoo growled loudly. Jihoon felt afraid, but knowing he has a weapon his confidence came back.

"Shut your smelly mouth beast. Daniel won't ever be yours, a beast like you should die." Jihoon didn't hesitate to point the gun to Seongwoo, while he pulled the trigger.

Seongwoo's arms got scraped from the bullet, earning him a loud roar of pain. He quickly ran to the veranda where the withering rose was.

"You can't run from death you filthy beast!" Jihoon chased Seongwoo.

While Jihoon and Seongwoo fights, Jisung and the rest were trying their best to scare the officers away too.

Jisung lit up his hands then pointed it at the butt of one officer, making it scream from pain before running off. Guanlin kept on running to make the officers trip, Woojin sways his feather duster feet to make the dust fly to the officers eyes. Jinyoung pours the hot tea to the other officers, while Daehwi ordered the spoon and fork to attack. Jaehwan kept the officers inside his wardrobed, while Minhyun he tried his best to move in his piano form. Sungwoon on the other hand screams to scare them away.

Daniel came wet to the castle because of the downpour. He saw Seongwoo and Jihoon in the roof, throwing punches to each other. Jihoon has a gun though.

Daniel quickly ran inside the castle to save Seongwoo. He notices the police officers running away from the castle, like they've seen a ghost.

"What happened?" He stops to help Jisung from standing. "We scared them off, they might see Prince Seongwoo." At that moment Daniel knew they didn't know about the two on the roof.

"I-I'll go to Seongwoo, now. Thank you for everything. You guys worked hard." Jisung and the others nodded him off.

"Seongwoo, I'm sorry to bring you in this position." He did his best to reach the third floor. When he did, Daniel quickly noticed the withering rose. There was only two left. His heartbeat raced, Seongwoo, he thought.

Seongwoo got shot on his shoulder and legs. He fought his best to defeat Jihoon. Jihoon was now lying unconcious on the roof. He didn't have the guts to kill him. Seongwoo was losing many blood, when Daniel came to him.

"SEONGWOO!!!" Daniel quickly kneeled in the now weakened Seongwoo. He reached for Seongwoo's hands and put it to his crying face.

"Da-Daniel, you c-came... I'm happy that it's you I see before I die." Seongwoo said trying to not close his closing eyes. Daniel was crying hard, tears falling to Seongwoo's face.

"Seongwoo, please don't die. I promised you I'll come back right? I'm here, promise me you won't leave me too." Seongwoo smiled at Daniel. It was a sad smile.

"I won't leave you. Because... I'll be your... Guardian angel." Daniel shook his head, clutching Seongwoo's hands in his face more.

"Daniel... Can you hug me before I die?" Daniel didn't waste his time and hugged the beast. Seongwoo closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes.



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