1K Special Chapter 8: Love of a Samurai and a Blacksmith

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The sun rose again and the people of Orario got ready for the day once more.  At Hearth Manor, Albert decided to introduce their other method of training.

Mikoto: Lower our levels? How will that help?

Haruka: You know how mom can increase levels, well that comes at the cost of lowering excelia gain. The opposite is also true. If I lower Dad's level to 1, then he'll gain an excelia boost proportionate to the change which would be a four times boost on top of his skill.

Albert: Yeah, so Welf, Lili, Mikoto and Haruhime will have their levels lowered to 1 and they'll train on floors 1 to 7 with Bell and me on guard duty.

Alise is going to go lower with her siblings for their training which is why they left early. The rest of the gang finished their breakfast and made their way to the dungeon. Bell went to the guild to check with his advisor/girlfriend.

Bell: Eina!

Eina: Bell, off to the dungeon?

Bell: That's right. We're trying out a new training method and we won't be lower than floor 7.

Eina: Okay just... be safe.

Bell accepted their relationship but was aware of their positions so he just pat her head. He didn't want her to get in trouble or worse lose her job.

Bell: I will, promise.

They both blushed slightly before Eileen came to say goodbye too.

Eileen: Goodluck you guys.

Bell: Thanks.

They left and made their way to floor 1 of the dungeon. This was when Haruka cast her magic. Other people watched innawe as the little renard chanted. This time, instead of gold light it was a dark purple and everyone intended felt the effects.

Welf: Man, I feel heavy.

Mikoto: This is quite unsettling...

Lili: Is it? Lili doesn't feel much.

Haruhime: Me either.

Welf: I guess since me and Mikoto are higher level, we feel the stronger effect.

Lili: That would make the most sense.

Bell: You guys ready?

Everyone: Yes!

With that, they all began clearing the floor. It was a slow start, having a level decrease made everyone shaky. Their only saving grace was that they retained the stats they had at their current level so everyone was at least at F and E rank thanks to yesterday's training.

Lili: Lady Mikoto, to your left!

Mikoto: HAAAH!

Welf: Lili, duck!

Their coordination at least wasn't hampered much. The timing needed to be adjusted but they overall could handle their enemies. They cleared floor 1 in good time along with floors 2 to 4. At floor five, things got a little hard. Then at floor 7, a mob of war shadows appeared and overwhelmed them. Bell had to step in and deal with most but no one was injured badly.

Welf: Thanks for the assist, Bell.

Bell: I'm glad you guys are alright.

Lili: We've cleared every floor so far, should we head back?

Albert: Yeah, we can we've been here a while.

Being focused on training, the day went by fast. It was almost sunset by the time they came out. They made their way back to cash in their loot and Bell went to report his dive to Eina.

Bell: And that's about everything.

Eina: Well, it's good to know you're alright. Well if that's all then your report is complete. I'll see you tomorrow Bell.

Bell: R-Right, bye Eina.

They said their goodbyes, got their loot and left for the manor. There was still some light so hey wanted to do some more training. They arrived home and were met with Hestia.

Hestia: Welcome back everyone!

Bell: Hehe, we're home goddess.

They went in and Bell told her what they did. Hestia decided that now was the moment of truth and went to update them with Lili first.

AN: I don't know their exact stats so I'll be making them up.

Liliruca Arde

Level 1

Str F-455

Vit B-810

Dex C-701

Agl C-727

Mag B-855

Lili: Wow, Lili went up nearly 2 ranks in every ability!

Hestia: Guess that training really does work. Okay, call in Haruhime.

Haruhime was up next.

Haruhime Sanjouno

Level 1

Str F-410

Vit E-536

Dex E-411

Agl C-658

Mag S-981

Haruhime: My agility and endurance shot way up!

Hestia: It'll be good to balance out your stats before leveling up but good work.

Haruhime: Thank you, goddess. I will go get Mikoto.

Mikoto was up.

Mikoto Yamato

Level 2

Str S-942

Vit A-877

Dex S-905

Agl S-951

Mag A-899

Mikoto: Perhaps I should look into leveling up.

Hestia: Yeah, I have a feeling it's that time for you and Welf.

Mikoto: I shall fetch him.

Welf went in and he had similar results.

Welf Crozzo

Level 2

Str S-931

Vit A-811

Dex A-808

Agl B-733

Mag B-780

Welf: Nice! This training is really helping the rest of us catch up.

Hestia: Yes and hopefully it helps Bell feel better about his skill and leaving you all behind.

Welf: I'm just glad we won't slow Bell down. Being 2 levels apart doesn't help matters but this should help close the gap. Well, thank you goddess.

Hestia: Right, good work.

They went down and reviewed their stats. Bell was happy everyone was able to grow a lot. He felt bad about leaving everyone behind but with this training, they could finally catch up to him.

Bell: This is great!

Welf: Now, what should Mikoto and I do to level up?

Albert: Well one option is to beat someone stronger than you. So what thought was that Haruhime could level up Welf and he would be level three. Then he and Mikoto would fight each other. If she wins, it should be good enough to level up. Then when the spell runs out, Welf and Mikoto fight again but with her at advantage. Welf would then level up should he win.

Hestia: That could work.

Just then, the doors opened and Alise along with her siblings walked into the living room. Most looked wiped out save Alise and Ardi.

Albert: Welcome back you guys.

Ardi: Good to be back. Now then, let's get you guys cleaned up.

They walked with her to the bathing room while Albert told Alise of the plans for everyone. She agreed that would be the best idea.

Everything went on as usual until Hestia jumped.


Bell: Goddess?

Hestia: What is this? There a huge amount of arcanum being generated at the front gates.

Albert: No way...

Alise: They made it!

Welf: Who made it?

Welf's question went unanswered as the two children rushed outside. Everyone gathered outside as Ardi and the others just finished dressing themselves after their bath. In front of the gates, another rift opened.

Mikoto: What in the world is that?

Albert: That's what we took to come here. It's a rift in time.

Hestia: But only a god could do that.

Alise: Correction, only a being with arcanum.

Hestia: But only gods have those. What else could have arcanum to open rifts in time?

No one could answer as three figures stepped out. One was a tall red haired boy who resembled the familia blacksmith but the boy had an eyepatch. Another was a girl with long red hair and a moderate sized chest. Both had grey eyes. Last was another boy who wore tight clothing but one look was enough to tell that he was from the Far East. He had black hair and purple eyes.

AN: Pretty much what a ninja would wear but I'm going with a getup similar to speed o sound sonic from One Punch Man.

???: Sorry we're late, convincing our parents wasn't easy.

Albert: That's fine bro.

Hestia: And just who are these three?

Albert: Right, sorry. Allow me to introduce you, these are Wallace and Wendi Crozzo and the other is Masako Yamato. They're the same age as me and Alise and they're demigods, the only ones in our time so far.


*Insert sounds of astonishment*

Bell: Demigods?

The girl walked up to Albert to greet him, although her face was a little red along with Albert.

Wendi: H-Hi, Albert.

Albert: I-it's nice to see you got through alright.

Wallace: What, so if Masako and I got separated everything would be fine if your girl was safe?!


Their faces became tomatoes at his words. Wendi just stared at the ground but was smiling at how the boy called her. Albert decided to walk to Alise.

Albert: Can you...

Alise: I got this, you two try not to enjoy yourselves too much.

The redness on their faces didn't disappear as they walked inside leaving Bell and the others with Wallace and Masako.

Lili: If your names are Crozzo and Yamato then that means-

Wallace walked up to Welf and gave him a hug.

Wallace: Yup, this guy's our dad.

Masako followed suit and knelt in front if Mikoto.

Masako: It's an honor to meet you here mother.

Mikoto: Mother?!

Mikoto blushed at the thought of having a child. She fantasized about her child with Takemikazuchi until the thought dawned on her.

Mikoto: If you're a demigod, then is your father?

Masako: He is.

Mikoto: *Loud Squealing*

Mikoto squealed before passing out red in the face and smiling. Haruhime went to check on her before Masako greeted her too.

Masako: It's an honor to meet you as well aunt Haruhime.

Haruhime: O-Oh, the honor is mine.

She carried Mikoto back inside to let her rest while Welf asked his question.

Welf: Please tell me your mother is who I think.

Wallace: Are there any other goddesses who look like me dad?


Bell: I'm really happy for you Welf. I guess you could also say you have one up one me, I'm not with a goddess.

Hestia: Well you cou- mmm.

Lili covered her mouth with a sly grin on her mouth.

Lili: Yeah, it's a shame but no need to feel bad about it.


With introductions done, they all went back inside. There they found Albert and Wendi and the couch cuddling. They were stuck in their own world so when the others came in they were startled when they opened their eyes.

Albert: D-Dad, back so soon?

Bell: We were out there without you for almost half an hour.

The two lovebirds looked to the ground embarrassed at their loss of their sense of time.

Bell: So I take it you two are a thing?

Albert: That's right.

His face was still flushed but he looked at his father with a serious face.

Albert: Although, for now it's just as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Albert patted the girl's head as she smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

Bell: Well it's good to know you found someone special.

Albert: Thanks, Dad.

All was happy until Bell felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Welf and his face was staring at the ground with his eyes darkened.

Welf: Bell...

Bell: Huh, Welf?


Bell: Woah Welf, calm down!

Bell was in front of Welf, trying to calm him down while Albert was in a protective posture in front of Wendi. Things were tense until Welf started laughing.

Welf: Hahahaha! Sorry Bell, but finding out I was a parent and that one of my kids was in a relationship, I just couldn't help but play the overprotective dad. But look at it this way, now we're in laws.

Bell was relieved at first but then his face brightened at the news.

Bell: Oh yeah, you're right!

And so, the days went on but with some newcomers with them. Welf had found new energy at the news of his future so he went to work to perfect the magic weapon he forged on the fly back in the dungeon.

Welf: This has to be perfect.

This project took him nearly 6 days to finish. Mostly because he wanted to know his kids better. He wanted to introduce Hephaestus to them but he wanted that to be when he asked for her love. Fortunately, he had the support of his friends. Those 6 days came and went and Welf had finished his masterpiece.

Welf: It's done. Now, time to test it.

At first glance, it looked like a normal saber. But upon further inspection, it was made from materials used to make powerful magic weapons. Along with that, it was incredibly durable. Not durandal, but strong enough to take a bunch of beatings. When he finished he asked everyone to go to the dungeon with him to test his creation.

Welf: Guys, I think I've done it.

Bell: Done what?

Welf: You'll see, come on. Let's go to the dungeon to test this.

Mikoto: Right!

Lili: Lili's been waiting to see this.

Welf along with Bell, Mikoto, Lili, Haruhime and Ardi went to the dungeon. They came to floor 12. It was open enough so that they could test his magic sword safely.

Welf: Okay, my first iteration was a magic sword that didn't break. It used the user's mind instead.

Bell had heard about this from Welf earlier when he told about their side of the expedition. He was amazed that Welf could pull that off. This though, this was something far superior to it.

Welf: If I did this right, this sword can use just about any magic element.

Bell: What?!

Lili: That's incredible Master Welf.

Mikoto: If this works then you'd be the best magic blacksmith in the world!

Haruhime: Let's not waste anytime!

Ardi: Auntie's right, let's get this show on the road!

Welf: Okay, here goes.

A horde of imps and orcs approached them. Welf readied his sword and swung. Since his entire lineage had dealt with fire, his affinity to that element is strongest which would make the sword shoot out fire magic. It's power was still as destructive as ever as nothing but stones remained. Welf then set up the next step of his plan.

Welf: Okay, Lili, I want you to use it next. My guess is that the sword should release a power different from fire so I'm hoping it shoots out your affinity.

Lili: I'll do my best.

Another orc appeared and Lili swung the sword. This time, instead of fire, a wave of light came out and vaporized the monster. Everyone was silent at this until Welf shouted with joy.


Bell: This is amazing, Welf.

Mikoto: Imagine if all of us had one of these.

Ardi: You guys would be a force to be reckoned with.

Bell: Maybe it's best for people like Lili and Haruhime.

Welf: I see, they could use these to defend themselves better since they don't spend much time fighting compared to us.

Haruhime: That's a good idea, but I don't want to rely on something like that.

Lili: She's right, these could easily become a crutch we need to lean on all the time. As much as it pains us, we still need to learn to fight better.

Welf: I'm just saying, a quick burst of power could help in a sticky situation.

Bell: Let's just hold on to them as an emergency. Welf does have a point though, you two don't use up much mind to help support us so this could help raise your magic stats as well.

Lili: I guess you're right, but let's not be complacent.

Ardi: If everything's taken care of, shall we head back?

Bell: Right. You got what you came for, right Welf.

Welf: Sure did, now I just need to pay Hephaestus a visit.

Mikoto: I wish you luck Welf.

Welf: Hey, if things went well for you, then I think I'm willing to give this a go.

Mikoto was much brighter than usual and that was because of her tall with her old god. She and Masako paid her friends a visit. When she told them of her future child, they were ecstatic for her. She used the time to tell Takemikazuchi of her feelings. Things went as well as she was willing to hope. Her feelings weren't accepted...yet. The god needed to collect his thoughts since he'd never seen Mikoto as a woman, but knowing this he was willing to give it a try. If not for himself, but for Mikoto and their child. Speaking of which, the two got along well and fairly quickly. He was raised in a mostly Far East mind set and thus fit in perfectly with the others.
Mikoto told the others of her talk with the god. They were happy to know that the two were at least on the same page. She wasn't with him, but Masako assured her that she need only be patient.

Back with Welf, he brought the two kids to show them to Hephaestus. He went inside Babel and towards her office. When he got there, he was about to knock before Tsubaki came to greet him.

Tsubaki: Hey there, Welfie!

Welf: Gah, where do you even come from?

Tsubaki: C'mon now, you know I gotta stick around near here when I'm not in my forge. So what brings you here? Is it about the kids here with you?

Welf: Yeah well, I got something for Lady Hephaestus but you can join too. I'll enjoy seeing the look on your face.

Tsubaki: Ooo, scary~

Welf knocked on the door and waited.

Hephaestus: Come in~

The four walked in and found her behind her desk. She was currently working through paper work, nothing exciting. She look up and saw Welf which brightened her mood.

Hephaestus: Ah, Welf. It's nice to see you drop by.

She smiled at him and he returned with one of his own. It's times like this when the atmosphere warms up with these two together. The children were all to familiar with this.

Wallace: Hey, remembered what you came here for.

Welf: Right. Lady... no, Hephaestus, I'm here to collect your end of our deal.

Hephaestus: What do you mean?

Welf: Here, look at this.

He took out his new magic sword and showed it to them.

Tsubaki: The hell? Looks like a normal sword.

Welf: Just you wait.

Hephaestus: This- This is a magic sword unlike any I've seen! This one can't be broken from overuse! It's essentially unbreakable!

Tsubaki: Say what?! That's incredible, nice job, Welfie!

Welf: Not only that, this beauty can use any magic element based on the user's affinity.

Hephaestus: ...

Welf: So, what say you?

Welf was smirking at his accomplishment. He felt proud that he was able to get this reaction from his old captain and goddess. Hephaestus on the other hand said nothing. She just walked up to him but stopped when they were essentially face to face.

Welf: Hephaestus?

She was still silent but in an instant, she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss. Welf burst red but soon returned it. Tsubaki and the kids smiled at the two for finally finding each other.

Tsubaki: (Bout damn time.)

Wallace: (Nice one, Dad.)

Wendi: ( This is even better than when they told me as a bedtime story.)

The two soon separated to catch their breaths. Their faces were flushed but both had happy smiles.

Hephaestus: It's wonderful, a work of art. I'm so proud of you. As for our deal, I'm all yours.

Welf grinned even brighter before the two went for a second round. Shorter this time, they separated for Welf to say his piece.

Welf: All my struggles were for this moment with you. Hephaestus, I love you. You were the one who helped push me the most, pushed me to be the best I can be. I want to spend every moment I can with you, in this life and the next. Will you stand by me forever?

Hephaestus' was streaming with tears. She covered her mouth in her hands before nodding with a smile.

Hephaestus: Yes, yes I will! I swear I'll follow you when your life ends! I promise we'll always be together!

They kissed again and everyone enjoyed the tender moment. Time passed as Welf remembered the other thing he came here for.

Welf: Well since that's been settled, I have something else to show you.

Hephaestus: Something else?

Welf: Yes, these two.

Hephaestus looked at Wallace and Wendy. She felt the arcanum from them. It was faint but she could still sense it.

Hephaestus: Why can I sense divinity from them?

Welf: Well, remember how Bell's kids came from the future?

Tsubaki: You mean?

Hephaestus: Are they?

Welf: Yup! They're our kids.

Welf smiled as Hephaestus embraced all of them.

Wallace: Haha, it's nice to meet you again, mom.

Wendi: Yeah, same here.

Hephaestus: So, what are your names?

Wallace: I'm Wallace and she's my sister Wendi.

The girl smiled at her.

Tsubaki: Hoope you two aren't getting any funny ideas now. We still got a business to run.

Tsubaki smirked as the two blushed heavily at the thought.

Hephaestus: I-it's far to soon for that.

Welf: I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a parent just yet.

Wallace: But uncle Bell was a year younger than you when Al was born.

Welf: ...T-That's beside the point. And don't you get any ideas young lady.

He pointed to Wendi as she blushed and looked at the ground.

Hephaestus: What's with her?

Welf: Well our little girl's kinda together with Bell's oldest son.

Hephaestus: HUH?!

Tsubaki: Hehe, now you guys are actually brothers now.

Welf: Hell yeah!

They all enjoyed some time as a family together. The kids shared stories of what their parents did in the future.

Wendi: And that's why he wears an eyepatch.

Hephaestus: You really wore it because you thought it looked cool?

Wallace: Yeah, I was never bothered by your eye but I liked your eyepatch.

Hephaestus gave her future son a hug. They continued talking until the day came to an end.

Mikoto's Side...

Mikoto was getting to know her son while Welf was in his forge doing the same with his kids.

Mikoto: So, I'm curious how I was as a mother. Did I do good?

Masako gave her a reassuring smile.

Masako: You and Father are the best parents I could ask for.

Mikoto: That's a relief to hear.

Mikoto was glad she would be a good mother. Now her mind was to the god who'd had her heart for years. How was she going to break the news to him? What about Chigusa and the others?

Mikoto: But, how will I tell everyone?

Masako: We can go today. I'll go with you and help explain everything. You just focus on getting father to see eye to eye with you.

Mikoto: I will.

The two made off for the Takemikazuchi estate. They arrived and were welcomed by Chigusa. She was happy to see her friend come to visit and went to tell the others. They came and went to the guest room to catch up while being served tea.

Chigusa: So, what brings you here today, Mikoto? Just here to hang out?

Mikoto: Well not entirely. Lord Takemikazuchi, I'd like to speak with you in private please.

Take: Of course.

They went somewhere else, leaving Masako alone with the others. The atmosphere felt awkward as they wondered who the boy was. He felt strangely familiar to everyone but they couldn't quite say why.

Ouka: So, are you going to tell us who you are kid?

Masako: You'll know it due time. For now, I ask that you just be patient with me and her.

Chigusa: Ouka, let's just wait.

Ouka: Fine, he doesn't seem like a bad person anyway.

Masako: Thank you.

They ate tea and waited for the two. Chigusa took this opportunity to ask about the boy. Ouka was also curious and ask some questions of his own.

Chigusa: So from you clothing, I can tell your Far Eastern. Did you grow up there too?

Masako: No, my parents were from there but I was born in Orario. I was just raised mainly with those customs in mind.

Ouka: Are you an adventurer too?

Masako: I am. I use it to make money and send it to family back in the Far East.

Ouka: I thought you grew up here?

Masako: I did, my parents and I have visited them before.

Chigusa: Do we know who they are?

Masako: I'm afraid I can't say.

Ouka: Why? What do you have to hide?

Masako: ...It's complicated.

With Mikoto...

She was a nervous wreck inside. Her heart thundered as she walked closer to the future she wanted with him. They stopped and sat down as Take asked her what she wanted.

Take: Okay, what did you want to tell me?

Mikoto: ...

Mikoto: (It's now or never!)

She closed her eyes then opened them. Her resolved was hardened as she unloaded her feelings to the god.

Mikoto: Lord Takemikazuchi, how do you see me.

Take: What do you mean?

Mikoto: Do you see me as your child, a daughter or... as a woman...

Her cheeks flushed at the last one. She was embarrassed at herself but she needed to know. Take was confused.

Take: (A woman? What does that mean?)

The god was horribly dense.

Take: Why does it matter how I think?

Mikoto: Forgive me, but you're horribly dense when it comes to a woman's heart.

Take: Huh?

Mikoto: I want to know because I'm in love with you!

Take had a look of shock on his face. He never could have imagined that she felt this way about him. He'd always thought of her as a child, but now he was reflecting on past events with her.

Take: (Now it all makes sense. Her attitude at time, that's why she was so nervous and red in the face. That explains why she made that cake for me.)

At this realization, he now knew how dense he was being. So much work for his attention and he jus ignored her. He couldn't say he felt the same, but he wasn't lying when he felt that he wanted to give this a chance.

Take: I'm sorry, I can't say that I feel the same.

Mikoto: I see, I'm sorry.

Mikoto was fighting hard to keep her sadness in check. She felt that tears could leak from her eyes any minute. She was about to head back before he spoke again.

Take: But, I would be willing to give this between us a try if you would let me.

Mikoto's eyes widened. He was really willing to give her a chance.

Mikoto: You mean it? You'd give a relationship between us a try?

Take: I do. I don't mean right now, but in the near future. I'm only asking you to wait. I need to sort out my thoughts, but I promise to at least try. I owe you that much.

Mikoto: Thank you. Thank you so much.

She cried tears of happiness. This was a great step forward in her life. The two went back the the guest room to find Masako talking with the others. The door opened and they saw Take along with Mikoto with her eyes still red but smiling brightly. Chigusa couldn't help but ask her how things went.

Chigusa: I take it things went well?

Mikoto: They did.

Take: She confessed her feelings. I agreed to give a relationship a try in the near future after I've sorted out my thoughts.

At that, everyone congratulated the two of them. It was a big step forward for the familia. Things were bright until Mikoto revealed more news.

Mikoto: Everyone, I have something else to say.

Take: I hope it has something to do with the boy you brought with you. I don't want to alarm anyone, but I'm sensing arcanum from him.

Ouka: You mean to say he's some kind of god?

Take: Yes, but if that was the cause, I would have seen him somewhere in heaven but this is the first time we've met.

Masako: I will explain that starting with who I am. First however, I will ask if you remember Albert and the others.

Take: The kids from the future? Bell's kids?

Chigusa: What do they have to do with you.

Masako: It's because I came from the same time as them. I'm from the future. You sense divinity from me because I am a god. Partly anyway. My father was a god and my mother was mortal, making me a demigod. I look familiar to you to everyone because I got my looks from them. Those two are my parents.

Everyone: HUUUH?!

Take: A child with Mikoto?

Ouka: You're a demigod?

Chigusa: No way, that's incredible!

Masako: I'm glad I don't have to hide who I am anymore. My name is Masako Yamato, it's nice to meet you all.

He gave them a smile before everyone in the room embraced their family member. They asked the boy about the future and he told them about how things were. He said that times were peaceful just about everywhere. With his familia, he was able to send lots of money back to the others in the Far East. They were happy to know that everyone was able to live good lives thanks to their hardwork. Masako would spend several days with them and they got to know the boy as well. Now that everyone was there, Orario had more future kids. With the arrival of these demigods, time will tell how things will change. All that can be said is that things will change for the better.

AN: Annnnd done. This took longer than I would have liked and I apologize for the delay. I've spent most of the day making gifs and collecting pictures because with my third story, I plan to make use of those to make things clearer for everyone. Mainly for fight scenes as I'm not the most descriptive with them.

Anyway, 1000 views! Thank you all so much for reading this. It's my first story and it makes me happy to know you all enjoyed it. Many thanks to the people who comment and favorite these chapters. You guys are what help motivate me to write these chapters. I'd give specific shout outs but there are so many of you now that I can't say them all without either misspelling your names or forgetting some so if you've either favorited or commented on a chapter, then this applies to you. With nothing else to say, I will see you in the next chapter.

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