Chapter 10: Step by Step

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A few days passed after Bell's visit with Ais and the others. It was currently some time in the afternoon and everyone was in the middle of something. Alise was in the deep levels of the dungeon. Darion and Lucy decided to perform a feat to boost them to level 6. Syrene and Riis were staying behind in the colloseum. Alise was hesitant at first to leave the two behind as she didn't want them to spawn a juggernaut by accident if their spells broke too much of the dungeon. They could lose themselves a bit when they get into a groove from slaying monsters.

On the surface, Albert was with everyone else in Hearth Manor and he was reviewing Bell's latest update with everyone.

Albert: So I take it that his newest skill manifested?

Hestia: Sure did, now you don't have to worry about leaving everyone else in the dust, Bell.

Bell just kept staring at the paper. His eyes teared up a little but he had a smile on his face.

Bell: This is just what I needed. Now I can help everyone get stronger with me.

Welf: So, what's it do?

Hestia: If I understand it, Bell can take the effects of one of his skills and grant it to members of his familia and/or party.

Many had wide eyes at this.

Lili: We should take advantage of this quickly. Lady Mikoto and Master Welf are close to leveling up along with Bell.

Mikoto: That is true, however we still need some kind of feat to push us to the next level.

Bell: Wait, if I can share Liaris Freese's effects then maybe we should raise our stats to SS and SSS like I've been doing.

Haruka: Yeah, that's how dad can fight people a level higher than him.

Welf: Well, when you put it like that maybe we should be a little patient.

Haruhime: This investment in time could pay of quite well in the future. I think we should all do this before leveling up.

Lili: Lili agrees with her. Let's focus on raising our stats to the limit first.

Bell: At least the extra effort isn't wasted.

Albert: It won't be, I can guarantee it.

Ardi: Then our plans are settled?

Everyone: Yeah!

They had their goals set and now were ready to move forward. In the Loki familia, the three sisters were also hard at work. They helped the executives plan out the best course of action for powering up their members. And by "they", it was mostly Celdia. She would give the brief summary of the meetings as it was only her and the main three executives along with Loki. Everyone was either outside training or in the dungeon. Karmi and Ariel brought Ais and the amazon twins outside. Karmi would just spar with her mom and aunt while Ariel helped Ais with her wind magic. While one side was getting proper help, the other was getting a proper beating. Karmi was getting Tiona and Tione used to fighting all out.

Karmi: That's the way! Come on, let's keep going!

Tione: Don't have to tell me twice.

Tiona: I'm just getting started!

Karmi had her usual weapon while Tione had her short sword and Tiona had her new urga. Karmi kept her weapon separate as fighting two people with two weapons is easier and more fair than swinging a heavy weapon like it's a light stick. Tione and Tiona rushed her together, but the girl held firm and gave up no ground. They took frequent breaks so the two could catch their breaths before staring again.

AN: At the time of writing this, I don't remember what Tione's weapons are called. I am also having them armed since I feel that amazons are naturally adept at fighting hand to hand.

Off to the other side of the training grounds, Ariel was helping Ais master her spirit powers.

Ariel: Ready, mom?

Ais: I'm ready.

Both: Tempest!

There was an immediate difference in their winds. Ais had a strong current flowing around her while Ariel was more controlled. It was a fierce gale but a gentle one at the same time.

Ariel: You need to have more control over it. You're wasting energy just letting it loose like that.

Ais: I'm not sure how to fix that.

Ariel: Well, most of it comes from your own hatred. Don't let your feelings of hate and anger control you. The wind needs to feel free.

Ais: But... I

Ariel: You already found your hero. You can let these feelings go. Your wind will listen to you if you are willing to let go.

Ais closed her eyes and tried to let go of her hatred. She pictured the future her and Bell had. She saw them under a tree, she sat there with Bell sleeping on her lap while she saw her little kids playing not to far from them with her now living parents. She focused on the warm feeling in her heart that image gave her. As she did this, her wind slowly calmed itself. When Ais brought herself back to reality, she noticed immediately that she wasn't feeling drained. She still knew her wind was using up energy even with her development ability, but this new feeling was different. It felt more... natural.

Ais: Wow, is this what it feels like?

Ariel: You're amazing! You got that feeling down on your first try!

Ais: Thanks, so now what?

Ariel: Now we can spar with our wind.

She focused her magic in between her hands as it condensed. She closed her hands before gripping something in her right hand. What she pulled out was a long spear.

AN: Imagine it in the same style as the Hestia Knife but as a spear.

Ais: (That's incredible! She pulled a weapon out of thin air!)

Ais drew her Desperate before the two got into positions. Then, they rushed forward and began their spar. Ais was on the back foot for the most part but she was holding her own fairly well. She noticed that Ariel had most of her footwork, but saw that she used some moves only used by one person. If she was her daughter, then it made sense that Finn would teach her how to wield a spear. Her style of fighting was hard for Ais to deal with. She combined graceful strikes with brutal frontal assaults. It was like a dance only she was in complete control of everyone's moves. Ais hadn't realized that she was being played the whole time. They did this for the whole day before calling it. They went back inside to clean themselves and prepare for dinner.

A few days went by and the children were mostly able to keep themselves out of the spotlight for the most part. Many have still heard of the kids who beat the Freya familia, but they know nothing beyond that. In those few days, Darion and Lucy had fought Udaeus and went up to level 6. Everyone celebrated for the youngest children and the two were happy to spend it with their family. Welf and Mikoto were able to defeat goliath by themselves and rose to level 3 each. Mikoto was able to get the development ability Mage from her magic classes with Celdia when she visited and Welf got the skill Abnormal Resistance along with an increase in level to his blacksmithing skill. Haruhime and Lili had all their stats at S or higher and Bell was also ready to level up with stats all at SSS or higher. His agility had even gotten to SSSSS which shook everyone. Bell was happy that he was helping everyone with his new skill although, Eina had given him an earful when she heard about it. As for now, Bell was with Haruka in the dungeon to test a theory of his.

Haruka: And you're absolutely sure about this?

Bell: Yup.

Bell left her on floor 9 and came back up being chased by a minotaur. He had Haruka prepare her spell in advance.

Bell: Do it!

Haruka: Right!

She did what Bell asked and lowered him to level one. Bell's plan was to repeat his feat for his level up from level 1 although his stats are a lot higher than back then. To counter that, he came with just his Hestia Knife, no armor. Bell and the monster began their bout.


Minotaur: *ROAR*

They clashed, Bell with his knife and the monster with its stone axe. Bell was able to weave around the minotaur but speed was all he had over it. This time, they were just about equal in every other aspect.

AN: If I remember right, Bell's stats were only as high as SS and SSS when he first fought so the extra 200 to 300 in all his abilities should make this more even for him.

Bell: ( Things will be different this time! I don't need magic to beat you!)

He threw quick slashes at the monsters abdomen and it was quickly covered in cuts. The monster was able to eventually break through and knocked Bell into a wall.


Bell: Gh... that hurt...

He got back up and resumed fighting. Bell rushed back at the monster more ferociously and was able to disarm in like last time. He was able to bait a downward slash from it and used that opening to stab it's right arm and render it useless. With that, the monster got ready to charge and and this time, Bell was not dodging. He got into position to meet it head on.

Minotaur: *ROAR*

The monster charged him with the intent of piercing him with its horns but Bell caught them in his hands. Now they were at a standstill where giving an inch would mean certain death. Bell put in the rest of his strength into scooping the monster up by the horns then slamming it down to the ground. He then jumped onto it's back while it was still on the ground, then grabbed the horns again and twisted as hard as he could and broke its neck, killing it.

Bell: Haa...Haa...

Haruka: I'll revert you now.

Bell: Thanks sweetie.

Bell gave her a smile before heading back up. When he returned to the guild Eina saw him battered but alive.

Eina: Bell! What happened to you?

Bell: I was trying an idea to level up. I had her lower my level to 1 and fought another minotaur.

Eina: You willingly made yourself weaker and fought another minotaur!?
What have I told you?

Bell: I know, but I need to get stronger. Please understand, Eina.

Eina: Please, just don't go crazy out there.

Bell: It's fine, Haruka is a lot stronger anyway. I'll see you!

Eina: Right, good luck.

They said goodbye and returned home where Hestia updated Bell's status. As usual, luck was on the rabbit's side.


Everyone rushed into the room at that.

Welf: You're level 5?!

Lili: Congratulations, Master Bell!

Mikoto: You've earned this one.

Haruhime: I'm happy for you, Bell.

Albert: Nice, dad.

Everyone gave their congratulations to Bell.

Bell: Thank you, everyone. This means a lot to me.

News of the Rabbit Foot's level up would soon take Orario by storm. Bell would forever shatter the limits of what people thought was possible. Meanwhile, Albert and Alise had finally finished planning their latest scheme.

Albert: At last, it's done.

Alise: I'm pretty sure this should help manifest the right skill. This will all be up to dad and how he feels about everyone.

Albert: Please, after going on a date with everyone he'll go through hell and back just to return alive. Hopefully this will prevent the curse from taking effect when it does.

Alise: We still have time, let's do what we can.

Albert: Right.

AN: Finish. Looks like Bell has a busy future ahead of him. What exactly do his kids have planned for him? Yes, there will be more screen time for Bell and his girls rather than just training. As for lemons, I don't feel confident enough to write them and I think I'd just be making stuff up, I'll have to read up on them but for now I won't be doing those.

Thanks as always for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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