Chapter 12: Secrets

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The news of the children had spread all across the city. This included the god, Hermes, as well. He had heard how the Hestia and Loki familias had gotten new and more powerful members. These children had also beaten the strongest of Freya and Loki's children. This left the god curious about them so he decided to dig deeper into them.

Hermes: Asfi, in regards to the newcomers of the Loki and Hestia familias, I want you to uncover as much as you can about them.

Asfi: Alright then.

At first, she thought it was yet another annoying job assigned to her by the god, but the overly serious nature he had quickly had that thought dismissed from her head.

After almost two weeks, Asfi returned and gave what she could find to Hermes.

Asfi: So here's what I found: Apparently they have close relations to people in their specific familias. Three of them reside with Loki, ten with Hestia although one is working with the guild.

Hermes: That's good to hear. I also heard that the guild will post about them today, so we will get to see their strengths soon.

The two went to the guild to see the postings. When they arrived, the place was dead silent as Eina was putting sheet after sheet on the bulletin board. What Hermes and Asfi saw would shake them to their cores.

Hermes: T-This is

Asfi: How?

Everyone saw how each of these kids had broken the thought to be impossible level 10 barrier.

Adventurer A: This can't be right!

Adventurer C: The guild wouldn't lie about this, those familia would be fined all the way to hell for something like this.

Adventurer B: But look at those levels. Even the Empress of the Hera familia was only level 9, and these kids all out level her.

Adventurer A: Where did they come from?

Everyone was murmuring until Hermes started laughing. Asfi was confused as all she knew was that the god was about to go on a monologue.


Eina grew concerned about him.

Eina: Lord Hermes, is everything all right?

Hermes: Alright? I couldn't be better.

Eina: ?

Hermes: You mean you don't see it?

Everyone was confused, but a certain quarter elf had already caught on to the god's scheme.

Hermes: Just look at those levels, tell me what you see about them.

Adventurer A: Well, they're the strongest we've ever seen.

Adventurer D: Yeah, even more so than the Zeus and Hera familias.

Eina: Yeah, they were already at their peaks when-

She stopped and realized what this meant.

Eina: You don't mean...

Hermes: Exactly, these children have what it takes to defeat the black dragon, the very monster that decimated the Zeus and Hera familias all those years ago.

With that, every shouted in joy that peace was as good as done with these kids. Eina herself was happy with this, but the words of Albert still gave her great doubt. With Hermes, he went to Hestia to ask about them in person.

Hermes: (I know Zeus asked me to look after the boy, but maybe I can use this to help him.)

He and Asfi quickly got to Hearth Manor and Haruhime was there to greet them.

Haruhime: Lord Hermes and Lady Asfi?

Hermes: Ah, good afternoon. We want to speak with Hestia, Haruhime, could you tell her?

Haruhime: Oh, yes.

She quickly informed Hestia of her visitor whi immediately voiced her displeasure.

Hestia: (I'm really not in the mood for him right now.)

She had Haruhime guide the two inti her office and they quickly got to business.

Hestia: What is it, Hermes?

Hermes: I'll get right to the point, I'd like to ask you about those kids who joined you and Loki.

Hestia responded with a glare. Before Hermes could continue, Asfi pointed something out to him.

Asfi: Someone is eavesdropping on us right now.

Haruhime saw that the woman gestured to the door and when it was opened, Riis and Syrene could be seen falling down.

Riis and Syrene: Hehe...

Hestia: You two? Where are the others?

Riis: They went to the dungeon to collect stuff for Uncle Welf.

Syrene: We stayed behind to say hi to mom, and we just got back home when we saw them come in.

Hermes: Mom? Your mother lives near here?

Hestia: Girls, I don't think it's a good idea to-

Riis: Relax, big brother said we were going to tell Lord Hermes anyway.

Haruhime: You were?

Syrene: We will tell you all about us, as long as you tell the Hestia familia everything about Bell.

Hestia: Everything about Bell?

She asked the half elf before turning to Hermes who was sweating a little. Even Asfi was confused as she had no idea what the god was hiding, probably some secret pervert plot for later.

Hermes: What do you mean? T-There's nothing to tell.

The deal was sealed when Riis walked to the god and whispered something into his ear. Hermes widened his eyes and asked how they knew that. The twins responded by smiling at him.

Riis: Just wait for everyone to come back, and you'll find out.

And so they did just that, two hours came and went before every member returned. Bell and the others were hesitant about Hermes' goal, but the kids were ready for the exchange.

Albert: If we are ready, we can begin. You don't know who we are, Lord Hermes, but let's get introductions out of the way.

Nearly 40 minutes passed, but those 40 minutes were the most impactful the god had ever had. Hermes learned all he needed about them. They were the greatest legacy of Orario, the children of the boy he was tasked to help. Not only that, the boy had fulfilled his destiny to be the world's last hero. His happiness was cut short when he heard of the boy's fate.

Albert: That's our story, now you can spill yours.

Hermes: R-Right, well. First off, I have to apologize to you Bell.

Bell: After everything you did, you know an apology isn't enough. The xenos almost died because of you.

Hermes: Well there is a reason for why I've been targeting you.

At those words, the four Hestia members glared at the god for openly stating his hostility to their captain.

Hermes: Let me finish. To explain why, first I have to begin with your origin.

Bell: My origin?

Hermes: Yes, because I knew your old family. The ones that came before your grandfather.

Everyone's eyes widened at that. Even Bell himself was eager to learn more about his past. Any lead to his parents was worth following.

Hermes: First, your grandfather isn't who you thought he was.

Bell: What do you mean?

Hermes: Well, describe him to Hestia and she will probably know.

Bell did just that, from his looks to the pervy habits he tried to teach Bell, Hestia grew more and more shocked as the dots connected.

Hestia: T-T-That's Zeus, you just described Zeus exactly!

Naturally, Bell and his familia were alarmed by this. Their captain was at least indirectly related to one of the strongest familias in history.

Bell: I can't believe it... Then is he?

Hermes: He is alive. I disappear from time to time to meet him and catch him up with your adventures, and he has thoroughly enjoyed what he has heard, especially about your harem.

Bell could only blush as he somehow lived up to his grandfather's other teachings.

Hestia: So, Bell is indirectly related to that familia?

Hermes: No, his father was a member of it, but he was only a weak supporter.

Weak supporter he may have been, it still didn't suppress the immense shock of Bell actually having blood relations to them.

Bell: And my mother, what about her?

Hermes: Well let me ask you this, does the name Silence sound familiar?

The adults in the room could only shudder at the name.

Welf: Alfia...

Lili: An executive of the Hera familia. She was level 7.

Hermes: Correct, and also your aunt, Bell. Her younger sister was Hera's favorite child and your mother.

Hestia Familia: WHAAAAAAAT!!!

Mikoto: No way, your a descendant of the Zeus and Hera familias.

Haruhime: Unbelievable, you never knew?

Bell: No, my whole life until recently had always been my grandfather!

Hermes: Yes, you are the last legacy of Zeus and Hera. Not only that, Zeus prophesied that you would be the one to slay the Black Dragon. As such, he asked me to look out for you and give you frequent tests for your heroics.

Bell: You mean... that's why you did all those things to us.

Hermes: That's right, it's all in preparation to make you a hero. So again, I have to apologize for doing them, but I want you to understand why I did what I did.

Asfi was speechless, her perverted god had kept this groundbreaking secret for all these years. He was more responsible than she expected.

Hermes: Well, that's my story for you. Although from the kid's lack of shock, I'm guessing you all knew about it.

Albert: Yes, it was just that father's history would have been too much to process at the time.

Bell: Son...

Hestia: Alright! So now that we have no secrets left, what should be are game plan?

Alise: Well, Cel told me that Finn is almost ready for their expedition, so I figured we could join them.

Ardi: Yeah, I'd be good experience for all of you.

They would have jumped at such a golden opportunity, if it weren't for a major factor.

Haruhime: But, would we just get in the way? None of us are first class adventurers.

Lili: Lili agrees, we would never last down in the deep floors.

Haruka: Actually you could.

They all turned to the white renard.

Haruka: With dad's new skill, you all will grow incredibly fast. And with the safe zone dad discovered, we can safely train in the coliseum.

Hestia: That's a great idea! With you all there, everyone will be safe!

Bell: Maybe we can get Lyd and the others to join us?

They went on with their planning. Albert just watched on with a smile at how they were growing.

Albert: (We'll change your ending father, I swear it. I'll stop you from dying a pointless death.)

Hermes on the other hand was deep in thought.

Hermes: (Something doesn't add up here..)


Hermes: And you say that he cleared floor 100?

Albert: Yeah, dad made history that day. He came back safely and without too many injuries thanks to the xenos helping him, but he was completely, mentally exhausted.

Hermes: (Hmm...)

Back to the Present

Hermes: (Something happened on Floor 100, but what?)

In Another Place Outside of their World

A green haired woman could be seen talking to a man.

???: You've managed to satisfy them this time, but they are far from finished.

????: I know, but we've come too far to stop now. I gave up almost everything and I will see this to the end.

???: Thank you again. You're doing everyone a favor that they would never be able to repay, gods and mortals alike.

????: Lady Rhea, my family means everything to me. If I need to die and regain my body to keep them safe, then I will and that includes you too because you're family.

He gave the woman a determined smile which made her give a warm one in return.

Rhea: Well then, you should use this time to rest and recover before you continue. We wouldn't want tou to die a second time, right Bell?

AN: Probably the best image I can find on an adult Bell.

Bell: Of course not.

AN: And that's it for this one. Bell and the others found out about his origins and the expedition is getting closer, but they will push forward together. Not only that, now there's Rhea and an adult Bell in the mix somewhere else. What's coming now only time will tell.

So, 3 months into writing and now there are 50 people following me. I can't thank all of you enough for your continued support of all of my stories. I enjoy writing them a lot and it means a lot to know you all enjoy reading them. Thank you all for staying with me in my journey through these stories and hopefully you stay for the rest of them. See you.

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