Chapter 3: Plight of the Trickster Familia

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The meeting had gone smoothly enough and Albert was satisfied. Now was the task of telling his past family about their future. The meeting itself had taken around half an hour so Bell and his familia were still outside waiting for them as Royman asked Bell to stay since the boy was able to peacefully negotiate with them. The siblings returned back outside and saw Bell again.

Bell: Did everything go fine in there?

Albert: It did in fact. I know we just met and all but may I ask that your familia meet us in the Hostess of Fertility later this evening? There is something we want to discuss with you all.

Bell looked to everyone else for their thoughts on the proposal.

Bell: Well?

Welf: I guess it's fine if everyone else it alright with it.

Lili: If it explains everything properly than Lili will be sure everyone is present.

Haruhime: I-I have no objections.

Mikoto: Nor do I.

Bell: So we're in agreement then. We'll see you there.

Albert smiled and thanked Bell for agreeing to his request before taking his siblings and leaving. As they left Bell went to Eina to request her presence as well. She said it was fine since having a guild official as a witness would be useful. With that Bell and his friends went into the dungeon for the day.

The siblings found a quiet place to rest before discussing their next move. That was when Celdia decided to speak up.

Celdia: Perhaps we should split up for this. We could all apply for the familias and then invite them to the Hostess and explain the future for them there. Two birds with one stone.

Alise: That's a pretty good idea.

Celdia puffed out her chest at her sister's praise.

Albert: So then, who wants to go where?

Celdia: I guess where each of our mothers are. So me, Karmi and Ariel will go to Loki.

Albert: Then Me, Haruka and the rest will go to Hestia.

Eileen: I will also apply at the guild. They must still be I rough shape with only mom there.

She laughed to herself a little at the thought of the mountain of paper work Eina had to go through.

Albert: If everyone knows what they're doing then let's go and meet back up and the Hostess tonight.

Everyone: Right!!!

Alise: Albert, I'll catch up with you guys. Ardi and I will go to the Hostess early to rent the place out for the night.

Albert: Okay then, best of luck to everyone.

With that, everyone split up to complete their respective parts of the plan. First was Celdia's side. The trio had made it to the gates of the Twilight Mansion and  went to apply for the familia.

Ariel: Excuse us, we'd like to apply for the Loki Familia.

The girls had lucked out as one of the guards on duty this time was Raul. When he saw the girls, he thought he was being pranked. Each of them bore a striking resemblance to Aiz, Tiona and Lefiya but that thought was crushed as each girl was shorter than them and had white hair.

Guard: This isn't a place for kids, now get lost before-

Raul: Hold it. Someone told me earlier that a bunch of white haired kids were causing trouble at the guild earlier. If this is them then we should at least get the captain out here.

Guard: You mean that was real?

Raul: That's right, keep an eye on them while I get the captain out here.

Guard: Y-Yes sir!!!

Raul then rushed inside and ran quickly to Finn's office passing Aki on the way.

Aki: What's the rush?

Raul: Something urgent came up I need the captain's help for this.

Aki: I'll go with you then. I have a day off today and have nothing better to do.

She'd never say out loud that she just wanted to spend her day with him but he's too dense to get the message. They barged into Finn's office where they found him along with the rest of the executives.

Raul: Captain!!!

Finn: My, this must be important if you're going to disturb our discussion on the next expedition.

Raul: I'm terribly sorry, but something came up outside while I was on guard duty and your presence would be a big help.

Bete just scoffed at him when he finished.

Bete: It's just guard duty, what the hell could be so hard that you need the captain's help?

Raul: You mean you didn't hear what happened at the guild earlier today?

Tiona: No, tell us!

Raul: Apparently the Freya familia executives were trying to recruit a bunch of kids to their familia.

Bete: Why would they be interested in a bunch of squirts?

Raul: Beats me, but that's not the craziest part.

Lefiya: What happened next?

Raul: Vana Freya lost his cool when they turned down the request to join and-

Riveria: Wait, you're telling me that they turned down a chance to join one of the top familias in Orario?

Raul: Yeah but that's not all. He attacked a young demi elf girl but she caught his spear with only her fingers. She even dodged all his attack without breaking a sweat.

Bete: BULLSHIT!!! There's no way some kid is that fast.

Raul: You think that's crazy? A little renard girl pretty much thrashed Bringar single handedly. Then some blonde boy beat Ottarl.

Riveria: The King was beaten?

Tione: That can't be right!

Raul: That's what I heard. The kid hardly put any effort and the King was on his knees panting.

Finn: If we assume they are all that strong, then we should tread with caution if some are trying to join us here. Okay, I'll go out and see them with you. Gareth and Riveria, come with me.

Gareth: Aye.

Riveria: In a moment.

The high elf couldn't help but notice her daughter deep in thought.

Aiz: (Maybe they can help me with getting stronger but-)

Riveria: Are you think what I think you're thinking?

Aiz: I want to ask them how they got that strong, but I also want to see if Bell wants to train with me.

Riveria: Oh? And why the sudden thought about him hmm?

She raised her eye brow but had to stifle a giggle as Aiz blushed a little and looked away.

Aiz: I want to try to make up for not being there when he needed help so figured I'd help by training with him.

Try as she might, the redness on her cheeks still lingered.

Riveria: (She's slowly coming out of her shell. Just how do you do it Bell Cranel?)

After her talk, Riveria joined the Finn and Gareth outside to the main gates with Bete and the Amazon twins in tow while Aiz decided to stay behind for a bit to plan how she would meet up with her rabbit. What they saw produced the same reaction as Raul earlier. Finn had a look of surprise at the girls but quickly shoved those feelings away as he went to talk to them.

Finn: Good afternoon, I'm Finn Deimne, Captain of the Loki Familia. I presume you three wish to join our ranks?

They walked up to him and Celdia responded.

Celdia: That's correct. My name is Celdia, these are my sisters Ariel and Karminika.

This surprised them as each girl was of a different race.

Riveria: Ingoring your families ties, it's quite bold of you to claim that name as your own being a half elf. How did your parents even get away with that.

The princess wasn't mad. More so, she wondered how that was even possible as every elf in the world would have hunted the child down for this blasphemy.

Celdia: I'm not sure myself, we just came the city yesterday and now we're here to join the Loki Familis to be adventurers.

Ariel: We would appreciate it if you would consider us.

Finn felt his thumb throb. On one hand these girls were clearly stronger than they appear, that much is clear to him. What made him concerned is the resemblance they had to certain familia members but he pushed that thought aside for later as now it was time to test the girls.

Finn: Well since we came all the way put here, follow us to the training grounds. We'll test your capabilities there.

Celdia: Thank you very much.

Karmi: HELL YEAH!!!


Celdia: Shut up and behave, we haven't been accepted yet idiot.

Karmi: Okay, okay relax Cel. I'm just super excited for this.

Everyone made it to the training and split up to test each girl as it was the most efficient.

Gareth: So I'll guess that the girl and the amazon are the only close combat fighters while the half elf is a mage.

Celdia: That would be the long and short of it sir.

Finn: Okay then, Ariel correct.

He looked to her and she nodded.

Ariel: Yes.

Finn: You'll be facing me.

Gareth: I'll take the amazon. The elf's all yours mama.

Riveria: Enough with that!

Bete: Where the hell is Loki. She should at least be here to watch.

Riveria: She got wasted last night and is still sleeping in her room. Can you go get her Aki?

Aki: Right away!!!

She left and the first combatants stepped up. It would be Gareth and Karmi first. Aiz had walked outside to watch the fights. Tione saw her a waved.

Tione: Over here Aiz!

Aiz walked to them and took her place between Tiona and Lefiya to watch.

Aiz: Are they trying to join?

Tione: They are but look at them. Don't they all look familiar? Especially that human girl.

Tiona: Ya know, she does kinda look like Aiz. And the other two kinda look like you and Lefiya.

Lefiya: That filthy human had relatives and didn't say a single word about them.

Riveria: Enough of that talk Lefiya. The fight is starting so pay attention.

Lefiya: Yes, Ma'am.

Back on the field, Karmi was stretching her arms and legs before she drew her weapon from her back.

AN: I figured her weapon would be a mix of Tione's and Tiona's. Imagine two buster swords but smaller and thinner. Now if anyone has played smash then they know Pit and Dark Pit's weapons. Their blades can combine to become one weapon. Well, that's the idea here. Karmi can dual wield it as two swords like Tione or combine them to make a psuedo urga like Tiona. I hope that was easy enough to understand for you guys but back to the story.

Karmi: You ready for this!?

Gareth: I like your fighting spirit girl. Give this all you've got!

Karmi: Right!!!

As stupid as she was, she knew that her best would kill him so she held back a bit. Unfortunately, that doesn't change that Karmi was as much of an idiot as her mom and such she gave the dwarf a run for his money by keeping him on the back foot the entire fight.

Gareth: ( Damn, this kid's something else. She's quick on her feet but still hits hard.)

She adapted an annoying fight style where she switched between hard blows from her urga to quick strikes with the dual swords. This dance continued for a few minutes before the old man had enough.

Gareth: *pant* Alright... I give.

Everyone had dropped their jaws to the floor. Here was a girl who looked 13 years old and she and she single handedly defeated one of the strongest adventurers in the Loki Familia. The girl flashed her sisters in the audience with the rest of the Loki Familia a smile while holding two fingers in a v.

Karmi: I guess that was a good enough warm up. Are you okay though?

Gareth: You're telling me that was hardly a warm up for you lass?

The dwarf stared at her dumbfounded before laughing.

Gareth: HAHAHAHA!! You'll do just fine here with your skills.

Finn: Okay, Riveria, get him healed up then it's your turn.

The elf did as requested. Gareth was back on his feet then he joined the amazon twins as the next two took their positions.

Tiona: Are you sure you're fine? That was a rough match.

Gareth: I'll be fine girl. Best keep your eyes forward though, the next one is starting.

AN: I'm not bothering myself to write down chants for spells especially long ones like the ones Riveria and Ryuu use. So I'll be using this <###> in place of those really long chants. I'll be making up short ones along the way. Probably only a sentence long so they aren't swift strikes like firebolt. For example: <In the black pits of despair the hero soars on wings of courage> Helios! I have this one saved for later in the story but here's your sneak peek for now.

Riveria: Are you ready Celdia?

Celdia: Ready when you are!

Both drew their staffs and prepared for battle.

Riveria: You may have the first move.

Celdia: Thank you. <Ensnare my target in a prison of ice> Icicle Spears!

A ball of ice rose from Celdia's staff and hovered in the air before it exploded into dozens of ice spears that flew at Riveria.

Riveria: (She can chant a spell that quickly?!)

She braced for impact but slowly opened her eyes to see herself completely trapped in the middle of all of them.

Celdia: <The darkness is banished and the cycle begins anew once more> Daybreak!

Celdia raised her staff and a massive fireball that shone like the sun manifested.

Celdia: I'm afraid it's my victory Lady Riveria.

Riveria: I underestimated your abilities as a mage. You're a fine mage, maybe even better than me.

Celdia: Thank you for your kind words.

While Celdia helped clean up, a certain orange haired elf was a complete mess. Not only was her teacher defeated, but by another elven mage younger than her. Many other spectators had gathered after Gareth's match and were able to see the most recent one. Many were amazed at the ability of children. Another of their executives was defeated but this time they had no chance to fight back. This battle had ended in a single move. This caused a certain prum's thumb to throb like never before.

Finn: (These kids are strong. Probably the strongest in history. I doubt the old Zeus and Hera Familias could beat the at their best.)

He licked his thumb before looking at Ariel.

Finn: That leaves us now. Are you ready?

Ariel: Yes!

The two made their was to the field before taking their battle stances. Aiz watched the last two fights but something about the girl awakened something inside her. She couldn't quick pit her finger on it but she felt some kind of familiarity with her. She drew her attention back to the fight at hand as Finn drew his spear.

Finn: Aren't you going to draw your weapon.

Ariel wanted to but it would draw too much attention too soon so she went with an alternative.

Ariel: No, I'll be facing you empty handed.

She took up a battle stance before charging the blonde prum. She threw her right fist forward for a punch but held back. Finn used his spear to block but the sheer power behind the blow pushed in back and caused his arms to shake.

Finn: (As I suspected, she's just as strong as the other two. I don't stand a chance, but I have a reputation as the familia captain and as such I can give up until I've given this my all.)

They clashed for a but before Finn backed off the cast his Hell Finegas.

Tione: He's really using that now?!

Gareth: He likely understands that this is his best chance for victory.

Bete: It's not like it matters. Those other two kids knock you and Riveria down flat. Finn doesn't stand a chance.

Gareth: Doesn't mean he'll back down without a fight.

Tione: He's right, the captain will go down fight like the hero he is.

Tione was correct, Finn would go down fighting but not with a chance to fight back. Ariel proved she was Aiz's daughter by giving Finn a spinning back kick that sent him flying into a wall.


The whole manor was silent. They had watched and three of their veterans get bested by a bunch of kids. Even Loki who came to see the last match was at a loss for words.

Tione and Riveria went to check up on Finn. Somehow he was still conscious and Riveria cast her healing spell on him. After, the three heads of the Loki Familia brought the three girls in question before their goddess.

Loki: Are these kids seriously here to join us.

Finn: That is correct and as you saw, they are the strongest adventurers in the city as of now.

Loki: Wait, even Gareth and Riveria lost?!

Gareth: Yeah, those youngsters are no joke.

Riveria: So what do you say about them joining us Loki?

As if she had to be asked.

Loki: Hell yeah I want them in! Come on inside and I'll give you girls your falnas.

Celdia: I'm sorry but could be do that later? We have to meet up with the rest of our sibling. If you want can you and the executives meet us and the Hostess of Fertility later tonight for dinner?

Loki was a bit of a fool most of the time but right now, she could tell the girl was hiding more than she let on

Loki: Why is that? Just what are you girls hiding?

Celdia: We would be more than happy to explain it to you all there later tonight, so do we have a deal?

Loki: Okay, fine! I'll bring my executives there tonight but you better not hold out on us.

Celdia: Yes, thank you goddess.

With that, the three left and went to meet up with their sibling. Meanwhile, the executives were back in Finn office discussing what had transpired.

Lefiya: Are you sure this is a good idea? We don't even know a thing about them.

Riveria: As mysterious as they are, I could tell they had no bad intentions. If we want to know more, we'd best hear them out tonight.

Finn: So we all agree to meet them at the Hostess tonight.

Everyone: Yes!

Loki: Man, this is gonna be a hell of a day isn't it?

Finn chuckled nervously as he nodded at his goddess.

And so the first part of the siblings plan was complete.

AN: And that's the first part done. The next chapter will be dedicated to Albert and Alise's perspectives.

I know some of these ideas might be confusing but I'll do my best to keep things simple for everyone. With that, I hope you enjoyed reading and take care.

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