Chapter 5: Family Gathering

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All hell had broken loose at the boy's declaration. To think that the boy who became a stuttering mess in the face of women would be married to seven of them. Naturally, reactions were mixed. Welf and Mikoto were happy for their friend. Riveria proud to learn that her daughter was able to move on from her revenge and find happiness. Hestia and Loki were furious at the idea that their favorite children had gotten together. Finn was smiling along with Tione although she felt strange that her sister and one who she sees as her sister share the same man. She hoped her and Finn would reach that point as well. Bete just huffed and Gareth was laughing loudly. Even Mama Mia and the girls were happy for Ryuu and Bell. The mood was happy overall. Although in spite of this, one was the opposite.

Bell: Is that some kind of sick joke?

Bell said this with a dark look on his face and stared at the ground. His previous embarrassment vanished at the news of his marriages. The pub was silent. They had never seen this Bell before.

Albert: Bell, I know what you're thinking and I assure you that it isn't like that.

He tried calm Bell down but his words fell deaf on ears.


Everyone was stunned. It wasn't like Bell to snap like that.

Hestia: (What's going on with Bell? Why does he sound so angry?)

Bell: Are you trying to tell me that I became some playboy that toys with the hearts of girls!? I won't accept it! This can't be right!

Welf: Hey, relax.

Bell: How can I relax?! I was told that I'd cheat on all these woman in the future.

Lili: Master Bell, please, it's alright.

Bell: No, it's not Lili! You put your faith in me and I took advantage of it! I'm disgusting, a womanizer, trash!!!!

Bell had tears running down his eyes as he berated him self for being unfaithful to the girls sitting with him. Seeing where this was going, Ardi got up from her seat and went to him.

Ardi: Bell, let's go outside for a bit. You need some time to cool off.

Bell: ...fine.

As much as he didn't want to, he and the half elf went outside to discuss the boy's future love life. While inside, Albert was dealing with the damage control.

Miach: What's gotten into him?

Hestia and Lili couldn't help but feel guilty. It was always them who called Bell a playboy and a womanizer and now the backlash showed itself to everyone in the pub.

Hestia: That was because of me. I would always become a bitch whenever I saw him with another girl.

The little goddess was crying at the thought that she caused her child to lash out like that.

Lili: This-  This isn't only your fault Lady Hestia. Lili is also to blame. Lili acted no better when Master Bell was with another girl.

Loki: Oi kid, how is your family even holding together if that happened?

She had a point. It looked like the thought of being with more than one woman was too much for the poor boy. The next thought in the girls' heads was how to fix this. Obviously the easiest way was to decide on one person Bell would be with. The question was who? Eina decided to speak her thoughts.

Eina: If it really bothers him that much, I won't push him to that decision. If he only wants one wife then he can choose it. I'll be fine as long as Bell's happy. I'd hate to bother you other ladies for my selfishness.

Riveria: Hold it Eina. This is your chance to have a happy life. Why are you just throwing it away?

Eina: You saw how he acted. What's the point in my happiness if all I'm doing is troubling Bell?!

The other girls thought the same thing.

Bete: Not to interrupt but how did he even get them all together to begin with? If he hates the idea of a harem as much as we've seen then this should never have happened.

Tione: I hate to agree but Bete's right. How'd they all get married in the future.

Albert and Alise got nervous as they both were uncomfortable hearing about this from their mothers, Albert especially.

Albert: This... isn't an easy story to talk about. If you don't want to hear it you should leave for a while.

Aiz: Was it really that bad?

Albert: Bad is too weak a word to use for this. It's like when Aiz was younger and first started adventuring.

Loki and her top executives couldn't help but wince at the thought. One was already bad enough but to think the boy went through something similar.

Haruhime: As much as it hurts, I need to hear what happens.

Lili: I agree. We're family and we need to be there for each other. Lili is staying right here.

Ryuu: (If there's any chance to help Bell with this I'll take it.)

Ryuu: I will stay as well.

One by one, everyone decided their move until it was unanimous that everyone was going to listen.

Albert: *sigh* okay then. Well, when Bell first found out about everyone's feelings, something in him snapped. He would rant about how he was the scum of humanity, how he deserved the worst punishment. He'd go to the deeper parts of the dungeon and fight until his body was nothing but cuts and bruises. There was hardly ever a day when he smiled. It's like his personality just flipped, Bell was never the same.

Aiz: And this was all because of us?

Albert: Sort of. He overheard a conversation between you all about who would get to be with him. He hated how things had to be taken that far because of him. He never blamed any of you, he blamed himself which is why he did what he did.

Ryuu: How long? How long was he like this?

Ryuu was scared for Bell. She knew what people were capable of when driven purely by emotion and a lot of damage can be caused in a small amount of time.

Albert: Four months.

Everyone gasped at this. How could the boy's body handle that kind of punishment for that long?

Eina: And how was this all resolved?

Tiona: Yeah, if there was a way to fix it let's hear it!

The other girls were in agreement, even Lefiya. She was startled at the sudden change of Bell's attitude. He never did anything wrong and all she ever did was insult him. Like it or not, the guilt was starting to affect her.

Lefiya: I'd like to know as well.

Tiona: Wow, didn't think you had it in ya to be nice to him.

Tiona smiled at her friend as she hoped that Lefiya would begin to realize Bell was a good person.

Lefiya: It's just... I guess I've been too hard on him and for no good reason.

Eina: Why's that?

Lefiya: I...I was jealous. He was taking away Miss Aiz's attention from me and I didn't like that so I took out my frustration on him.

Off in the back, a certain half elf was listening to her.

Celdia: (This can't be right?!)

She was shaking as Karmi and Ariel asked what was wrong.

Karmi: You doin' okay sis?

Ariel: You're shaking a lot right now.

It was than that the girl began to start crying.

Celdia: They always told me mom was a highly respected mage. I looked up to her and dreamed to be just as good. But here, I found out that Uncle Bete was right about Mom when she was younger. *Sniffle* She really was a lesbian firecracker.

The girl sobbed quietly as she was comforted by her two siblings.

Back with the others, Albert was telling how Bell's harem route was possible.

Albert: Basically, you seven all banded together and explained to Bell how it was to okay. You told him that he wasn't being unfaithful and that you all knew he had a big enough heart to love all of you.

Lili: I guess that's true about him.

Haruhime: I-I don't mind sharing. Even a small piece of Master Bell's love is enough for me.

Ryuu: I still don't feel like I deserve him, but if it's just a small piece, I can live with it.

Aiz: Me too...

Aiz originally didn't like the idea of sharing, but as she thought about her original goal, getting stronger at any cost to save her mother, she felt that she didn't deserve to have Bell all to herself either. Until recently, the thought of starting a family hadn't even crossed her mind. Now though, she learned that she and Bell would share their lives together. She liked that feeling, the warmth in her chest was a soothing one. If sharing Bell meant she could cling to that feeling, then that's what she would do.

While all this was going on, a rabbit was having his own pep talk outside.

Ardi: You know, getting married to that many girls is just about every guy's dream. Everyone knows you aren't one to play with a girl's heart so there's no need to beat yourself up over it.

She sat next to Bell on the steps outside as he listened to her.

Bell: But still, I feel like I'm hurting everyone by not giving one my full attention.

Ardi: You don't have to. If there are more than one, you just have to split in up in a way that makes everyone happy. I'm sure that you all can work something out. They'd be grateful enough just to have your love.

Bell: Really?

Ardi: Positive. Your heart is big. Big enough to love all of them. Any amount is enough for them Bell, never forget that.

Bell thought on her words. He did feel something for each girl. Maybe not quite Lefiya yet, but he would be happy to be a big part of their lives. With that, he decided on what he should do.

Bell: Thanks for the talk. I really needed this.

Ardi: It's my pleasure.

They both smiled at each other before going back inside. When they did, they found the girls on the couch looking at Bell. Their eyes were still red as they were probably crying recently but they all held determination in their eyes.

Albert: They've made their decision and I see you have as well.

Bell: Yes.

With that, Bell walked up to them and gave his response.

Bell: I won't make any promises that I can't keep and I'll be frank, I still don't feel comfortable about this. But, I want to listen to my heart and it's telling me to accept all of you.

The girls minus Aiz, Tiona and Lefiya began to shed tears of joy. They were relieved that their chance to be with their loved one was still alive and in their favor. Aiz still didn't understand love entirely, but she was happy about this and was eager to learn.

Bell: I promise to at least do my best and love you all equally, if you'd allow me.

Pointless. They all knew what they wanted.

Lili: YES, Lili wants to be with you!!!

Haruhime: I would've given anything for this day. *Sniffle* I want to be your wife Bell!

Eina: I... I'd be more than happy to.

Ryuu: I promise to love you as well, Bell.

Tiona: Yeah!! We could read hero stories all the time!

Tione: *Facepalm*

Lefiya: If you're fine with me, then I'll give this a shot.

Bell: As long as you don't hate me.

Lefiya: I used to hate what you did, but I never really hated you.

Bell smiled, relieved that the elf didn't hate him for whatever he did to her.

Aiz: ...

Bell: Something wrong?

Bell was worried. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he didnt want Aiz to say no to him. Everything he's done led up to this.

Aiz looked to Riveria for help.

Riveria: Whatever your heart says, follow it.

Aiz looked back at Bell and gave a small smile.

Aiz: I do want to share this life with you.

Bell was ecstatic. He had done the impossible. He got the Sword Princess. Before he had a chance to fantasize, Aiz asked him one more question.

Aiz: If I'm ever in danger, would you save me?

Bell: Of course, you mean the world to me Aiz. I promise to be the hero you deserve. For you and for all of you.

The girls were red and teary eyed besides Tiona and Lefiya. They and Bell got together for a group hug.

Welf: (Way to bro. I'm happy for you.)

Mikoto: ( I pray you all have a long and fruitful life.)

Hestia: (Damn, this sucks. I'm happy for Bell but...)

Albert noticed Hestia's attitude and went to comfort her.

Albert: It's okay, he treated you the same.

Hestia: You mean?

Albert: It's nothing legal but he at least gave you similar attention as his goddess.

Hestia was happy to hear this and started tearing up herself.

Loki: ( Is that really Aiz? She looks so happy. Damn, I hate to have to let the rabbit have her but it's for her own good.)

Finn: He's quite the man.

Tione: True, I hope you follow his lead and propose to me soon captain!

Gareth: Ha! She's got ya there Finn. The lad's already beat you to the punch seven times over.

Bete: (Good luck rabbit. You've got a hell of a hill to climb with those girls.)

Albert: Well, with that out of the way let's move on to us.

Miach: That's right, just who are you kids?

Albert: I'll tell you but first I want the girls to separate from Bell and move to a separate table. Lili, you can sit with Hestia.

Lili: Can Lili ask why?

Albert: You'll all understand soon enough now move along.

The did what he asked and they all sat at their own tables. One for Aiz, Ryuu, Tiona, Lefiya, Haruhime and Eina.

Hephaestus: What's the point in all this?

Albert: Well we're from the future correct?

They all nodded.

Albert: And we all share similarities to some the people her.

Again they nodded before Riveria pieced it all together.

Riveria: That means that you're their children!

Albert: Bingo. We share some similarities to them because of that. Any white hair or red eyes came from Bell, he's our father. Anything else came from our moms. Okay, everyone, go and greet your respective mother.

The did what was asked. First, Haruka ran to Haruhime and gave her a hug.

Haruka: Hi mom!

Haruhime: It's nice to meet you daughter.

Her cheek were slightly red as she petted the girl's head, something she loved from her mom.

Next was Karmi, she walked up to... Tione?

Albert: (Why?)

Tione looked at the little girl before looking at Bell with bloodlust. Bell trembled while Finn sweat dropped as he tried to calm the amazon down.

Tione: GRRRRR!!!

Karmi: Pfft....kuku....BWAHAHAHAHAH!!

The girl started laughing which confused everyone.

Karmi: I'm sorry auntie but that face was priceless.

She wiped the tears from her eyes before running to Tiona and giving her a hug.

Karmi: Sorry mom, I couldn't help myself.

Albert: Yeah, and that almost killed Dad.

Karmi: My bad. Also, hi mom.

Tiona: Oh my gods you're adorable. I see you've gotten your sense of humor from me!!

Tione: Among other things...

Tiona: Hey!

Everyone laughed before Celdia went to her mother.

Celdia: Hello mother.

She bowed to Lefiya before hugging her.

Lefiya: I'm... I'm sorry if I came off on the wrong foot with your father.

Celdia: ... It's fine, as long as your promise to love him like he does you.

Lefiya: I swear on my pride as an elf.

Celdia: Thank you.

Next up was Albert and Ariel. Aiz was surprised the boy who had her father's name came to her.

Albert: Mother.

Ariel: Hi mom!

The both gave her a hug before she asked Albert something.

Aiz: Son, your name, is it.

Albert: It was my grandfather's.

Aiz started tearing up. Here was the man who her parents promised would be her hero. Then here was this boy, her son, who inherited her father's name.

Ariel: I got my name from your magic. Dad always said it was your mom's way of being with you. So Dad named me this way to show how she's watch over all of us too.

This was all too much before Aiz cried and hug the two tighter. Riveria saw this with a smile on her face that grew bigger when she realized something.

Riveria: (I'm a grandmother and with all these beautiful grandchildren.)

Finn and Gareth thought the same.

Welf was beaming about how he'd be the best uncle in the world and Mikoto was eager to pitch in when the time came.

Hestia and Loki were happy to see their children blossom.

Hestia: (I wonder if I'll be granny or auntie, either is fine.)

Loki: (Damn they're hot.)


Loki: Why?

Riveria: Grandmother's intuition.

Next was Eileen. She walked up to Eina and sat next to her.

Eileen: Hope I wasn't too much trouble so far mom hehe.

Eina: It's fine sweetie. I'm glad I got to meet you.

They embrace each other before they all turned to Ryuu. Her table was still empty and there were still six kids left.

Ryuu: This can't be right? You all- I...

Her eyes filled with water as Alise and her sibling went up to her.

Alise: Hello mother.

Ardi: Nice to meet you mom!

Syrene and Riis: Mommy!!!

Lucy and Darion didn't say anything. They just got near her legs and gave Ryuu a bright smile. There was no helping it, Ryuu quickly brought her children in a big hug before turning to Bell.

Ryuu: Thank you. Thank you so much Bell.

Bell just gave her a smile before responding.

Bell: Anything for you guys.

Mama Mia and the other girls of the pub were happy for their elf. She'd been through too much so she deserved to have this blessing. They all enjoyed their warmth before Lili spoke up.

Lili: Wait, if I'm married to Master Bell then where are my kids!?

Albert: Oh, they're triplets and they stayed behind.

Lili: But why?

Albert: They're out of the city with Finn's kids to help out other prums all across the land.

Finn couldn't help but sigh in relief that his legacy was carried on after him.

Albert: This is great. It's nice to feel like a real family again.

Bell: You got that right.

Albert: I really dont want to ruin this mood but we still have ti say why we came here.

Finn: What do you mean.

Albert: We came back to this time because of something terrible in the future.

Welf: What was so terrible that you all had to come back here?


Everyone tensed at the boy's lack of a response. It wasn't long before he broke the news.

Albert: We came here to correct a mistake from the past. I told Lord Ouranos we came here to save someone. Well, that someone is you Father.

Bell: What?

Albert: In the near future you'd take on a calamity and be cursed by it. That curse would take your life.

AN: And that's that. Bell was able to fulfill Zeus's wish and the wishes of the girls who loved him. The girls were able to learn of their children. All is good until they learned of Bell's fate. Now what is to come for Bell and for Orario itself?

This was a close second to what I wanted to write. The meeting of mothers and children was really exciting. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment on your thoughts and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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