Bar Fight

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Hello everyone, it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter the group got out of the dungeon and got a few kisses along the way.


POV: You

Part 1.

It has been a few weeks since we were all stuck in the dungeon. Me, Lili, and Welf were in a pub that was our alternative to the Hostess of Fertility when they get super busy. Today we were celebrating Welf's rank up. The three of us were sitting at a round table by a wall.

"Cheers" The three of us said as we bumped our mugs together.

"Congratulations on reaching level 2 Welf" I say to him..

"Thanks bud" He says with a smile.

"Level 2 huh. You know, since your one of the best blacksmiths in the Hephaestus familia, everything you make will go up from now on" Lili tells Welf.

"Well, I'm just relieved this means theirs less of a chance I'll tarnish Hephaestus's good name" Welf says before taking a drink from his mug.

"Sadly, this is probably the end of our charming little party as we know it" Lili says in a sad tone.

"What do you mean by that Lili?" I question.

"The whole reason you joined us on our journey was so you could rank up and acquire some smithing abilities, right. I guess now that you have done that this is it then" Lili says as she looked down at her mug.

"Hey, don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes" Welf says then pints fork at me while it he a sausage on it "Do you think I'm just going to ditch you guys just because I got what I wanted. Count on it kid, I'm staying" Welf then tore into the sausage.

"It's too bad Mikoto couldn't come with us tonight, she had plans tonight with Chigusa" I say.

"So (Y/n), have you gotten any close to ranking up yet?" Lil asks me with excitement.

"After what happened back on the 18th floor, my ability level shot up" I tell them then took a bite of some bread.

"You kidding me!, I finally caught up to you and your already almost a level three. That's just not fair" Welf says then angrily takes a bite from his sausage.

"Oh c'mon, What did you expect?" Lili tells him.

"What's all this talk about a level 3?" The three of us hear someone say and we see some kid who's around Lili's height standing in front of us with who u assume are his friends watching from their table "I don't give a fat fuck how fast you say you've gotten that high. Fact of the matter is that your nothing but a big damn liar. Your a scared little boy who runs away from monsters and used your friends to rank up. Now you've piggy backed your way to almost level three. If I was that pathetic then I'd be to embarrassed to show my face in public. Hahaha!"

The little runt laughed his head off after his little rant while gesturing all around that made him look like an idiot. The runt had dirty blond hair and wore some sort of black uniform.

"Just ignore the little twirp (Y/n)" Lili tells me.

"That was my plan from the beginning" I say and took a bite of my food.

"Oh look, this must be absent minded little misfit buddies. A blacksmith who can't sell his cap and a pint sized supporter brat. I guess they are a fitting bunch for the phony rook" The runt says and all of his friends laugh but one guy. The runt then starts to walk around our table "Of course you would prowl around with the rejects, I mean what would you expect from a weakling from a puny familia, what a sad freaking joke"

I some how knew what was going to be said next, which just at the thought made my blood boil.

"They obviously don't have any dignity, just look at their leader. A no name goddess whose only redeeming quality is her giant floppy boobs"

Right after the little runt said that, I stood up and slammed both of my fists into the table, broking it clean in half. I was furious. Lili and Welf were shocked that I had just broken the table.

"You can call me out all you want, I let you off when you made fun of my party members but you dare insult my goddess!!" I shout at the runt and he looks at me shocked, not expecting my reaction.

"P-please calm down (Y/n)" Lili says.

The runt then scoffs "Whatever, your only mad because it's true. C'mon, just admit it, it must be humiliating to serve that bimbo runt of a goddess"

I then used the stake knife that was conveniently in my hand and I threw it towards him. The knife flew past his face and into a wooden pole behind him. Now the runt looked terrefied.

"Say another damn word and the next sharp thing that ends up in my hand will end up between your eyes" I state as I clinched my fists.

The guys that were at the runt's table stand up and ready their fists, besides one guy who just sat there. I cracked my neck then I cracked my knuckles.

"If you guys want a good old bar fight then you've got one" I say.

Welf stood up with a grin on his face and Lili shook her head.

"Typical bar dwelling adventurers" Lili says.

The three guys charged at the two of us. Welf grabs the first one off the ground before throwing him at a wall.  A guy comes and tries to punch me in the face, I catch his fist and punch him in the gut with a upper cut then sweeper his feet out from under him.
The third guy runs at me and I punch him square in the nose then kicked him in the side of the face.

"Anyone else want some?!" Welf shouts.

"I'll play along" The guy that was sitting just sitting at the runt's table says.

The guy had maroon collided hair and wore the same black uniform as the runt. He stood up from his chair and looked at Welf. The guy ran at Welf, almost fast enough to seminal dissappear to the naked eye. He then grabbed Welf with one hand and threw him back first into a wall.

"Welf, you okay?" I question as I looked at him.

As I stupidly looked away to look at welf. The guy gets in front of me and punches me in the face. I quickly get my get bearings and punched him in the face. It's didn't phase him as much as I would of liked, allowing him to punch me in the face two more times. He picked me up by throat with the entire pub watched. Blood streamed down from my nose as the fury from before grew.

"(Y/n)!" Lili shouts helplessly.

"Don't yell me that's all you got Rook, and I was just getting started" He says. As he held me up I could hear people talking as the room was silent.

"Isn't that guy from the Apollo  familia"

"That would be Phoebus Apollo,  also known as Hyakinthos"

"I've heard that he's a level 3"

"The punishment for hurting my friends are severe. Accept the consiquences for your poorly chosen actions" Hyakinthos says then starts to tighten his grip on my throat.

"Your lucky I didn't get my hands on that runt" I say to the best of my ability "Alot of talk and no bite"

I then lifted my legs up and wrapped then around his arm, putting him in a arm lock as he gripped my throat. He let go of my throat when I put the arm lock in full effect and started to bend his arm the other way. When he let go, I immediately got out of the arm lock and put him in a choke hold. He scratched at my arm while he tried to get out of the hold.

"I'd advise to to not mess with me or my friends ever again" I tell him. I then let go of him and Sparta kicked him into a table "Now get the hell out of here before you regret it"

Hyakinthos growled as he stood from the ground. He looked at me before looking away "I've lost interest anyway"

Hyakinthos and his friends then leave, limping and such but the runt was no where to be seen.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Lili asks me.

"Yeah" I say as I wipe the blood under my nose

"What the hell was up with that guy?" Welf questions.

"I have no clue" I replied.

Part 2.

The three of us had made our way back to the church after the bar fight with the guys from the Apollo familia. I sat on the edge of the bed while Hestia tended to my face. Lili on the other hand was angrily taking care of Welf.

"You did an amazing job (Y/n)!, I kinda didn't expect you to come back in such rough shape though" Hestia says with a giggle "What a naughty boy you are, I don't know if I should be proud or concerned"

"I'm not exactly sure if we are on the same subject" I say to her.

"You hear that (Y/n), you've been acting all sorts of wreck less lately and it's all Welf's bad influence" Lili says and hits Welf's arm.

"Hey, don't blame all this on me little bit!" Welf says "And can you be a little more gentle with me!"

"I can not!" Lili tells Welf.

"Regardless, you should be more careful about the fights you pick. Just look at all these bumps and bruises" Hestia says.

"Of course, but wasn't going to allow them to say the things they said" I tell her.

Hesita smiles "it makes me happy that you are ready to jump to my defense, though I don't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger. So just be careful"

"Not to get off topic but you do realize my job it's self is dangerous right?" I say and Rai squeaks from his box.

Hesita then places both of her hands on my cheeks and smiled "Do your best to laugh it off if it happens again. Promise me,  next time, think that I wouldn't want you to stoop to their level"

"I promise I won't do anything rash next time, but that won't stop me from doing something" I say.

"Anyway, I couldn't help but wonder what was up with those guys. I was thinking it was jealousy but something seemed off" Lili points out.

"Did you catch what familia they were from?" Hestia asked as she looked at Lili.

"The Apollo familia" I state.

"What did you say?!" She said and a tick mark formed on her face.

"The Apollo familia" I say then stood up and stretched "I'll talk to Eina about it tomorrow, I'm she'll love hearing it"

"These Apollo guys....They don't know who their truly messing with"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I know it was a little short but it's only because we haven't dived into the sauce. Until next time bye.

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