Rough Patch

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you, Lili, and Welf had arrived on the middle floors but things soon turned south after that.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, Lili, and Welf had just fallen through the floor and fell and hit cold hard ground. I lifted myself off the ground then felt a sharp pain in my left arm. I look at my left arm and see a large cut on my upper arm, through my now torn sleeve. I look and see a large rock on Welf's ankle and I see Lili sat up against a few rocks.

"What in the hell....."

"I guess that got rid of our previous problem" Welf groaned while holding his leg.

I then hear the sound of a hell hound. I look up and I see one appear from the edge above us. It opens its mouth, readying to breath fire at me. I held out my right arm, readying it. Right when the hell hound breathed its some what narrow stream of fire I sent one of my own back.

"Fire bolt!" I shouted with some pain in my voice.

My firebolt shoots through the hell hounds fire and kills it in the other side. I turned away from the incoming fire and let the salamander wool do its job. After the fire went away I went to help Welf. I grabbed the stone and tossed it to the side with the pain in my arm growing more after putting stress on it.

"Damn it all" I say as I held my arm.

I then helped Welf with my right arm and put his left arm around my neck so that I could help him around.

"How bad is your ankle?" I ask Welf.

"It hurts like hell to move it, but I can stand if need be" He replies.

"Lili, you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my bag took most of the impact for me" Lili states.

"Good to know"

The caves around us were wet and gave off a slight blue glow, looking like a more cave like version of the early floors.

"Hey,how awesome are we, we were on floor 13 for only 20 minutes and next thing we know we dropped 2 floors" Welf says.

"The floor caved in so fast, it's a miracle that we were able to make it out" Lili says as she gripped the straps of her bag.

"And without this salamander wool I would be toast right now" I say.

"Your fashion advisor is pretty smart" Welf says.

"Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without her" I say.

We then hear a growl "Not another one" Welf says as he tried to hold his sword up.

"That wasn't a monster" Lili pouts "That was my stomach"

"Let's take a break right here" I say then looked at Lili "Check if the lunch Syr and Ryuu made is still good after that fall"

I set Welf up against a wall and he leaned his sword against the wall next to him. Lili dug through her bag before pulling out the lunch Syr and Ryuu made. Some how the boxes survived the 2 floor fall though the boxes looked unscathed.

"What the heck are these boxes made off?" Lili asks as she set the lunch boxes on the ground.

"Not sure" I say.

I unwrapped the cloth on the boxes and opened the boxes revealing food that honestly looked better then the doors Mama Mia makes.

"Holy shit that food looks good" Welf says with his mouth watering.

"Let's eat then, we have a long trip to the 18th floor, we need to regain as much stamina as possible" I say.

{Time Skip}

After we indulged in Syr's and Ryuu's delicious lunch that they made the three of us tried to find the stairs downwards. During our small lunch break, I made a makeshift splint and put it on Welf's leg. We walked and found another dead end.

"Great, another dead end" Lili says.

"Guys, if worse comes to worse, I want you guys to leave me behind. Admit it, I'm dragging you guys down" Welf says to us.

"There's no way in hell I'm leaving you behind Welf" I tell him.

"There's no other choice" he says.

"Wait, I think I might know a way we may able to get out alive, if we can some how make it down to floor 18" Lili says.

"Isn't that one of the safe zone floors?" I questioned.

"Yeah, if we can get down there we would have to deal with 3 floors instead of going up 15 floors" Lili says.

"But the monsters are going to be stronger" Welf argues.

"It's our best shot" I state "better then dealing with 15 floors"

"But how will we get there?" Welf asks.

"We'll use a pit, the middle floors are filled with pits like that one there" Lil says as she points at a massive hole in the ground "Going straight down through the floors will get us there faster then trying to find the stairs. It's the most efficient way down"

"But what about the floor boss, some of them are freaking huge" Welf questions "Like the one on floor 17"

"That's Goliath, but the Loki familiar should have already beaten him. And when you consider his average recovery time, we will barely make it" Lili explains to us, but it wasn't like me or Welf had a better plan. Me and Welf look at each other "Your the party leader so you decide"

"Let's do it. That's our best option" I say.

Part 2.

After a considerable amount of time, we had reached floor 17. Just off the top of my head, it was probably late at night. We weren't incredibly tired at the moment, we'll that because Lil was holding a bag of something that was supposed to ward of monsters, let's just say that then stuff in the bag smelled like shit. Even though it was probably night time, the halls of the floor were bright in some places. The white stone walls of the open rooms were eged out and looked geometric compared to the plain cave walls.

"Please little lady, can you do something about that smell" Welf says as I supported him.

Lili turns around and waves the bag in our faces "How do you think I feel!?!, I'm the one holding it!!, how about you hold it you stupid jerk!"
Lili then turns back around with the bag in front of her.

We then pass a hallway that lead out of the room and I see a ignition of fire that went along with a growl. Inside the hallway was a single hell hound.

"Let me take care of this" Weld says. The hell hound goes to breath fire but Welf holds his right hand out at the hell hound and said a incantation "Ignite herotics, Will-o-Wisp"

The fire the hell bound breathed out traveled back into the hell hound as if time went backwards and shortly after the hell hound exploded.

"Are you going to be okay Welf?" I question him "You've been casting that spell a lot the past few hours"

"Yeah I'm fine" He tells me "Don't worry about me"

He wasn't fine and I knew it, he was getting weaker as I've been having to support him more. If we don't find our way to floor 18 then we might pass out due to the lack of stamina. The three of us then hear a loud roar infront of us.

"You've got to be kidding me, this isn't funny anymore. What the hell!?!" Welf says as we looked infront of us.

In front of us were 5 minotaurs, and each of them had a large stone axe. I hand Welf off to Lil and brought out Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru. I leapt towards the nearest minotaur and cut his hands off. I then got onto his back and dug both of my knives into its through and cut its neck wide open. The minotaur body falls to the ground with me on its back. I stand up with some minotaur blood on me now. I then turned to the other minotaur. I put my knives away and grabbed the dead minotaur's stone axe.

"You can all go burn in hell" I say and the head of the axe starts to sparkle blue and white.

I jump in the air and gripped the axe with both hands. Even though my left arms wasn't in the best of conditions it wasn't going to stop me from protecting Lili and Welf. I bring the sparkling stone axe down onto one of the minotaur. I might of put to much power into the swing because after the axe when straight through the beast it hit the ground, causing a explosion of white and blue magic. When the light dissipated there was nothing left of the minotaurs or the head of the axe.

"Holy shit..." Welf says in disbelief.

I coughed a bit as the dust from the destroyed rock filled the air. I looked at my hand after I coughed and I saw blood on it.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Lili asks me as she walked towards me with Welf.

"Yeah, everything's fine" I say then I coughed more blood up.

"Your not fine at all!" Lili shouts "You must have gotten hurt besides your arm during our fall!"

"I said I'm fine Lili" I tell her.

I looked around as I started to feel a pain in my chest. I was hoping that with just a stroke of luck that the boss room was close so that we could get to floor 18. Through a dark tunnel on one side of the room, I see a glistening room that looked huge.

"That must be it" I say as I pointed at the tunnel "The boss room has got to be through there"

I then started to feel a pain in my chest. I ignored it to the best of my ability and took Welf from Lili. I supported Welf as we walked through the dark tunnel and Lili lead the way. The walk through the tunnel felt like forever, but that might be the fatigue talking. We soon enough arrived at the room on the other side. The room was huge, big enough to hold a boss that's named Goliath. On the other side of the room was another tunnel, which probably lead to the 18th floor. On the left side of the room was a flat glistening wall while the right side was jagged.

"Let's hurry before Goliath appears" Lili says.

We start to move as fast as we can through the massive room. Before we got to the half way point the flat wall starts to crumble before the face of Goliath appears and it roars. As Goliath spawns from the wall, massive chunks of the wall fall down towards us as it moved its humanoid body. We weren't even half way through so there was no way we would make it without one of distracting it for a bit.

"I have to do this, for Lili and Welf's sake or their dead"

"Lili, take Welf. I'll distract Goliath so you guys can get to the tunnel" I tell Lili as I handed Welf off to her.

"Are you insane!?!?!" She shouts "your going to die!!"

"At least both of you will be safe" I tell her.

I then, feel the same feeling I did when I fought the oversized minotaur. Power surging through me, feeling as if I'm invincible and that nothing could stop me. I pulled out Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru, gripping them tightly.

"Hurry!!" I tell Lili "I promise I'll meet you on the other side!"

I see a tear stream down her cheek as she starts to move towards the dark tunnel with Welf. I turn back to the Goliath while gritting my teeth.

"I won't let you kill them" I shout at Goliath.

"All I need to do is buy them some time then I'll get out of here as well"

Goliath swings it's hand down onto me and I evade the attack.  When I evaded the attack I felt much faster then before, and I also noticed that my left arm wasn't in pain and neither was my chest. Goliath goes for a swipe attack and I jump over its massive hand. I dash behind Goliath then dashed passed its left ankle and cut a chunk of it out, making it unbalanced and fall to the ground. I look towards the tunnel to the 18th floor and I don't see Lili or Welf in the room so it was my time to go. I run at a speed I didn't think I could run at towards the exit. When I entered the tunnel a massive hand of Goliath nearly missed me as it tried to grab me. I quickly found out after entering the tunnel that the floor slopped down at a steep angle instead of stairs their being stairs. The feeling of power started to leave me and I tripped, not being able to keep up at the speed I was going. I stumble down the slope until I reached the bottom. I felt the feeling of grass against my face as landed at the bottom. I got to stand up and I see Welf and Lili next to me unconscious. The only thing I could think is that they exerted the last of their energy when I bought them time. In the distance in front of me I saw someone standing in  what looked like a forest. I try reaching out to them.

"Help......Please...." I say before feeling my legs give out under me.

The person runs towards me and catches me before I hit the ground. My head was against their chest and the last thing I saw was long flowing golden blond hair before losing consciousness.


Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Until next time bye.

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