The Thousand Elf

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter you had a chat with Lefiya and Bete


POV: Aiz

Part 1.

I am walking down the halls of the Loki Residence. Today is Lefiya's date with (Y/n), last night she was happy and excited. Inside, I was happy for her. As I walked, I see Tiona and Tione running my direction. They looked to be in a hurry and seemed pretty worried.

"Aiz!" Tiona says as they ran up to me.

"Is there something wrong?" I question to them.

"We can't find Lefiya" Tione says in a worried tone.

"She's supposed to be getting ready for her date with (Y/n) but she's no where to be found" Tiona adds.

"I saw her walk into the kitchen earlier" I replied.

Tiona and Tione looked at each other with confused looks "The kitchen?" They say in unison.

"Yes, is that a problem?" I ask.

"C'mon let's go" Tiona says and Tione takes my hand and drags me along.

We headed towards the kitchen at a fast pace, I was just trying to keep up with them as they speed walked there. Once we get to the kitchen, Tione and Tiona peak in through the kitchen door and I do as well. Inside, Lefiya was humming to herself happily as she prepared what looked like a picnic basket.

"A date with (Y/n), a picnic with (Y/n)-" Lefiya hummed, while also saying other things.

"I'm a little confused here" Tione whispered "wasn't the purpose of the date to see if Lefiya liked (Y/n)?, seems like she's head over heals for him"

"More like she's trying to get him to fall in love with her "Tiona added.

"I wonder why she's like this all of a sudden, it's weird enough that she fell in love with him the way she did" Tione says.

"Maybe it's hormones or something" Tiona replied.

"Oh, hey guys, I didn't see you there" Lefiya says as she looked at us while we were still peaking through the open door. Then the three of us walked inside.

"Oh, uh, we've been looking for you" Tiona says to her.

"Really?, did you think I ran off or something?" Lefiya questioned while tilting her head a bit.

"Yes, we genuinely thought you did" Tione answered.

"Why would I do that? I'm going on a date with (Y/n), I wouldn't want to miss that" Lefiya says to us. Lefiya then excitedly comes over to me and hold my hands while looking at me "Aiz,. How is (Y/n) on dates?, is he a romantic?, or maybe he's the shy type?"

"I'm not sure...(Y/n) and I have never been on a date before" I respond.

Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya gasp at my response "Really?, you've never been on a date with (Y/n)?"

"He and I were keeping the relationship a secret, a date would be hard to do would it not?" I say.

"You have a point there" Tiona says.

"I have to go, (Y/n) will he here soon, see you later" Lefiya says. Lefiya then grabs the picnic basket and walked out of the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"We should go see her off" Tione says.

"Good idea" Tiona replies.

Part 2.

POV: You

I'm at the door, getting ready to leave to pick up Lefiya, I didn't exactly have a plan for my date with her and was going to figure it out as we went. Hestia is waking by and catches me at the door.

"Leaving already?" She asks me.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Alright, have a good time" Hestia says and pecks a kiss on my cheek before walking off.

I walk out the door and went off into Orario. It was around 9 in the morning, all the adventurer traffic had died down for now. I walk by the Hostess of Fertility to check on Syr and Ryuu before heading over to the Loki residence, I see Syr sweeping the front steps.

"Good morning Syr" I say with a smile and a wave.

Syr immediately gets flustered and then runs inside, I stood there, confused "That was weird"

"Sorry about her, Syr's been a little off since the war game" I hear Ryuu's voice say.

I look behind me and I see Ryuu holding a basket of linens "Why's that?" I question.

"Not sure exactly, however, she did take notice of your actions during the game" Ryuu says, she then notices I'm not wearing my armor "So, where are you off you today?l

"I have a date today" I replied.

"A date?, with Aiz I presume?" Ryuu says.

"No, not exactly. I'm going on a date with the elf I fought during the war game, Lefiya. When she woke up yesterday, for no known reason, she had some how fallen I love with me without knowing it. So, we're going on a date to see if that feeling is true" I explained to Ryuu.

"That feeling she has, it is more then true" Ryuu says.

"Why do you say that?" I asked her.

"Well, how do I put this. When most elves find what you could call, our destined one, we tend have something similar to unconditional love, it varies from elf to elf on just how unconditional that love can be. Me for instance, if you were to some how turn against me for and want to do evil, I wouldn't hesitate to put you down if I had to. However, half elves are not affected by this, though there are extremely rare cases" Ryuu tells me then continues  "For your case with this Lefiya girl, she's a rare kind of elf that instead of finding her destined one the normal way. She on the other hand, touched you at some point, most certainly during the war game, and in her sub conscious, she knew you were her destined one"

"Interesting, good to know there's a logical reason for it. Say, how do you know that?" I say.

"It's how my mother and father met" Ryuu says simply "I won't keep you waiting any longer, good luck"

Ryuu then walks past me and walks into the Hostess of Fertility. With the new information I received from Ryuu, I then continued on my way to the Loki residence to get Lefiya. I thought about what Ryuu said on the way and it made sense on why Lefiya had become the way she did. Soon enough, I arrive at the Loki residence. Waiting outside on the front steps was Lefiya and she was holding onto a picnic basket.

"Ah, good morning (Y/n)!" Lefiya says with a smile when she sees me and stands up.

"Good morning" I replied back as she made her way to me.

"If you don't mind, I made us a picnic basket so we could go on a picnic together" Lefiya says as she continued to smile.

"I don't mind, I didn't have much for plans for what we would do for the date" I replied.

"Fantastic, there's a spot I'd like to show you that will be perfect for our picnic" Lefiya says.

"(Y/n)" I hear my name called out, I look past Lefiya and see Tiona, Tione, and Aiz at the front door "Please take good care of Lefiya" Tiona says.

"And don't get to rowdy either~" Tione says.

"Be safe as well" Aiz adds..

"You don't need to worry, she won't have a single scratch on her when we come back" I say.

"I'll lead the way" Lefiya says and we start to walk away from the Loki residence with Aiz, Tiona, and Tione watching us "I think you'll like the place I have in mind"

{Time Skip}

Lefiya and I were outside of Orario, walking through a forest that was a few miles away. Lefiya's smile never left her face, she also hummed to herself.

"So Lefiya, what did you do before you joined the Loki familia?" I asked her.

"Well, I went to a magic academy for three years, after graduating I joined the Loki familia. I was an honors student" Lefiya says with a proud tone.

"That's cool" I reply

"How about you?, What did you do before becoming an adventurer?" She asks me.

"I lived on a farm with my grandpa, when my grandpa died after a goblin attack, I came to Orario to become an adventurer. My grandpa was very fixed on me becoming an adventurer if something were to ever happen to him, though he did it in a subtitle way. A little more then three months ago I joined Goddess Hestia's familia...maybe it was four months? I'm not exactly sure" I explained to Lefiya.

"Wow, that means you leveled up to level three in only four months" Lefiya says "How do you do it?"

"Not sure really, just grinding the dungeon I guess" I say.

Lefiya giggled a little "You are truly interesting (Y/n)" she says.

"Yeah, I guess I am"

"Oh, we're here" Lefiya says. We then emerge from the forest into a clearing inside the forest. There was a large pond in the clearing with a small water fall that led into a creek the grass was a nice shade of green with some wild flowers sprouting out of the ground as well. "What do you think?, isn't it beautiful"

"It seems peaceful" I say as I looked at natures animals roam around in harmony.

"I come here from time to time have alone time" Lefiya says as she sets up the picnic blanket.

Lefiya sits on the picnic blanket and I sit across from her. She starts to take things out of the basket, sandwiches, juice, and fruit. Lefiya hands me a sandwich and pours me some juice.

"Here, I hope you like it. I made this all myself and the juice was freshly squeezed this morning" Lefiya says happily, with a smile still on her face.

I take a bite of my sandwich then took a sip of the juice and Lefiya watches as I do "It's delicious, I like it" I say to her.

"I knew you would like it" Lefiya says happily then takes a bite out of her sandwich.

Lefiya and I spent some time eat the picnic she made. Lefiya was enjoyable to be around for the most part, she's cute, knows how to cook, she's even kinda adorable. Once we finished eating, Lefiya let's out a light yawn.

"Lefiya, are you tired?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" Lefiya says with a saddened tone "I got too excited and didn't get much sleep, and then I woke up early so I could make this picnic"

I give her a light smile "Here, take a nap if you like" I say while patting my lap.

"Really?" She questions and I watched her elf ears twitch a little.

"Yeah" I replied.

Lefiya smiles before turning her back to me and laying back. She rests her head in my lap and looks up at me, she smiles before closing her eyes. Time went by, and I decided rested my eyes for a bit as well. I hear rustling near by and my eyes shoot open. I notice the sky was starting to turn an orange hue, It was early evening. The forest was silent, I couldn't hear any animals, only the sound of the creek. I then hear the sound of laughing. The thing is, it wasn't human laughing. Lefiya was still asleep in my lap. I reach behind me on my belt and I grab onto Hestia knife. I pull it out then started to tap Lefiya's cheek.

"Lefiya, wake up, we have a problem" I state.

Lefiya begins to wake up, she opens her eyes and she smiles once more "You're still here" She then sits up then rests her head against my shoulder. She was giggling to her self then saw that I had Hestia knife in hand "What's wrong (Y/n)?"

"Goblins, Wild goblins" I state.

Then, from the edges of the clearing, there were short green figures emerging from the forest, one of them being a large hobgoblin. We were surrounded, to make matters worse, I knew the reason why they where here, and it wasn't because they were hungry.

"What are monsters going so close to the city?" Lefiya questions.

"Stay down, I'll take care of this" I tell her while standing up.

I knew what the consequences of this encounter would be if I lost. The goblins drew closer while laughing and snarling to themselves. I get into a fighting stance and activated my power, as there is no point in holding back. I first charge towards the hobgoblin, it swings its massive club towards me, I slide under it and jumped up before slashing the hobgoblins throat. For extra measure, I fire bolt it's head. The massive body falls to the ground and I continue, I killed every last goblin there, it was quick, and part of it was personal as well on a another level. After a few minutes, there was nothing but magic stones and goblin blood in the clearing. I turned off my power and looked towards Lefiya while putting Hestia knife back.

"Sorry Lefiya, this place is now...covered in goblin blood" I say nervously while scratching the back of my head.

Lefiya seemed to have ignored what I had said. Lefiya was glowing vibrantly with a smile as it seemed like she was swooning over me with stars in her eyes "That was incredible, I expected nothing less from you" Lefiya then skips over to me "I've made my decision"

"Decision?" I question.

"Mhmm" Lefiya hums and leans forward with a smile "I've decided to accept my love for you and be your girlfriend. My hero"

Lefiya then pushes her lips into mine. I didn't resist her as this was basically the point of the date and from what Ryuu told me about elf's, it was bound to happen. She pulls away with a bright smile on her face.

"Let's go and tell everyone the news" Lefiya says.

"Alright, and I'll tell the guild about the goblins tomorrow" I replied.

Lefiya grabs my left arm and hugits  before giving me another smile "Lefiya is not what I expected, for some reason I expected some one more...resistant about all of this. However, it's good that I'm wrong"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the wait, I had many writers block when writing this. Until next time, bye.

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