War Game

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter the last of the relationship holes have been filled.


POV: You

Today was the day before the war game and I had to leave today, I didn't know how to feel about all this. On one hand I win, on the other hand I'm forced to live with a god that I would want to beat the shit out of. I'm on the wall with Aiz. Tiona and Tione had told me good luck the night before.

"(Y/n), I wish you luck, and please come back in one piece" Aiz tells me.

I smile slightly "I will, nothing will stop me from being with you. Even if your goddess got in the way I would still fight to be with you. No matter the odds"

Aiz then pulls me into a hug and kisses me, this kiss felt like forever and I didn't want it to end. When we separate from each other our face are only a few inches apart. Aiz then grabs my left hand with her right hand and places it on her butt. With her hand she makes sure I get a nice feel. Her but nice and firm, not to much and hot too little, it was just right.

"That's for motivation" Aiz tells me with pink flushing up her cheeks.

I then chuckled a bit "Tione told you to do that didn't she?"

"She did, So are you motivated?" She tells me.

"More then ever" I replied. "I'll see you when I get back" I tell her then gave her a quick kiss before having to pullout of her embrace.

I start to walk away then Aiz says something "(Y/n), if you end up losing. I'll do what ever it takes to get you back"

I smirk "I know you will, but I will not lose this one. There's more than just my life on the line"

I continue on my way and Aiz just stood there and watched as I walked away. I thought about what Aiz said and wondered.

"Just how far would the Sword Princess of Orario go for me? That's love for you I guess"

{Time Skip}

I walked all the way back home, which was now just a pile of rubble. It was the meeting place to meet before the war game. As I walked up I see Hestia, Lili, Mikoto, Ryuu, and Welf.

"Finally, The calvary has arrived" Welf says to me.

"Don't be so dramatic"

"(Y/n)!" Hestia says as she runs up and hugs me. I start to see tears welling up in her eyes.

I hug her back "I know what your thinking, don't worry, everything will be alright. We will win"

"I know, but I have the right to worry" She replies while looking up and smiling at me.

"Mind giving me a stat check up before we have to get going?" I ask.

"Not at all" She says.

I walk over and sit on a large piece of debris. I take off my armor and shirt for Hestia. Hestia proceeded to her thing, after a minute or so she lets out a loud gasp. Lili, Mikoto, and Welf huddled around us.

"Umm, is there something wrong Hestia?" I question.

"This is amazing!, Thank the gods!" Hestia exclaims.

"What is it? Is he level 3 now?!" Lili asks.

"Nope even better" Hestia says back.

"What could be better then that?" Welf questions.

"Level 4?" Mikoto says with uncertainty.

"Nope, he's got a new skill!. It says here that it's called Divine Judgment" Hestia tells everyone.

"Divine Judgment?, how do I get a skill like that?" I ask her.

"Dunno,but there's some versus you have to recite. I'll copy them down for you. Your stats have also increase exponentially as well. " She tells me then copies the versus down onto a piece of paper.

POV: Hestia

"First Liaris Fresse, then (Y/n)'s power as a demi-god developing out of now where, now This skill. How is it possible for a skill like this to exist?. To draw power from the heavens....This was your doing Zeus, wasn't it?"

{Time Skip again}

POV: You

I stood at the carriage that would take me to the location of the War game. Hestia was hugging me with a tight hold.

"Be careful out there, okay (Y/n)?" Hestia tells me.

"I will" I replied.

"I'll be waiting patiently for your return" Hestia tells me.

"I know you will" I say. Hestia let's me go and I then get in the carriage "Stay safe Hestia, I'll be back soon"

The carriage then starts to move and Hestia just stood there and watched as I rode away. Her face was filled with worry. I turned around and laid back in my seat.

"You're that rook fella aren't you?" One of the guys that rode in the carriage says.

"Yeah, that's me" I replied.

"Thought so, we're all rooting for you in the war game" He says.

"Yeah good luck"

"Give'm hell"

Two other guys say "Thanks for the support, I wasn't expecting much support my way since I'm facing the Apollo familia" I say with a nervous laugh.

"(Y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice shout from behind me.

I quickly turn around and I see Syr running behind the carriage "Syr that are you doing, you're going to hurt yourself"

"Here, take this" Syr says while holding out a necklace to me.

I reach out and take it from her hands "It's a good luck charm that an adventurer at work gave me. It's supposed to protect you. Do your best out there, I'll have lunch waiting for you like I always do" Syr then runs out of breath and stops running.

"Thanks Syr" I shout to her as I slowly got further away from her.

I turn back around then look at the necklace. It was small and had a green gem on it. I didn't think much else about it before putting it on around my neck. I looked up at the afternoon sky, thinking about the coming day.

"Tomorrow is when it begins. The game that will define the rest of my life"

Part 2.

It was the next day, Me, Welf, Ryuu, and Mikoto were standing atop a ridge looking at the castle that the Apollo familia were holding up in. The game was about to start soon.

"Finally, the time has come" I say.

"Do you really wanna fight that guy one on one?" Welf questions.

"Of course I do, today is the day the world sees what the Hestia familia is made of" I reply.

"We shall prevail in this battle where the odds are stacked against us" Mikoto says in a valiant manner.

"If things go as planned we will win" Ryuu states. We then hear the sound of a loud gong. Though it sounded close yet far away as well "Here we go"

Ryuu pulls out two magic swords that Welf had created for this occasion and ran to the position
she was going to attack. Mikoto runs with her to do her part. Me and Welf start to running to our position. As we did, we hear multiple explosions coming from the direction Ryuu was in, followed by screams.

"Say Welf, how strong are those magic swords?" I ask him.

"Let's just say our elf friend can let loose to her hearts content if she wishes" Welf says while smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

I sweat drop at the amount of destruction that could create. Me and Welf then got to the front gate of the castle and stood there. Soon enough we see what looked like the little twirp from the bar, who actually was my one and only pallum, Lili, in disguise. She opens the main gate for us and we walk inside.

"Thanks Lili" I say and she smiles.

Me and Welf then start running through the castle, with Mikoto and Ryuu successfully keeping a lot of the enemy at bay. I knew for a fact that Hyakinthos had to be at the top of the tower in the castle. The tower was separated from the main castle building with a single bridge connecting them. As we ran through the tunnel that lead to the bridge, we could see Daphne along with some archers and mages.

"I'll take care of them, get to the tower" Welf tells me.

As the mages started to cast their magic, Welf uses willo the whisp. The mages spells blow up and knock them out, Daphne shielded her face from the blast and I ran past her. As I did, I said something to her.

"When we win, you'll win too" I tell her.

I run into the tower and up the large amount of stairs. As I did I slowed my pace as I got near the top of the tower. There was a floor under the top floor where I assumed Hyakinthos was. I walked onto the floor and my hand started to glow.

"This, is the beginning of the end for you Apollo" I say then raise my hand and point it at the ceiling "Firebolt!"

The bolt struck the ceiling, exploding the entire top of the tower. I stood there as the tower crumbled down on top of me. Nothing hit me, but I could hear some shouts as who ever was in the room above me fell and got covered in rubble. Through the dust I see Hyakinthos starting to stand up from the rubble. I draw Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru before rushing towards him. I go to attack a few times and with his speed he was able to block my attacks. Then, with the last attack, I attack with Hestia knife and he tried to block it with his sword but Hestia knife ends up chopping his sword in half..

"How are you the same weakling I fought before?" He questions in disbelief as he stared at his broken sword.

"That's the catch, I was never weak" I tell him.

I leap towards him, As I am about to attack him with Hestia knife, Cassandra jumps out of no where and spears me into the ground, keeping me in the ground. Hyakinthos jumps away before starting to chant.

"I am loved, the treasure of lights. I offer this body to the almighty sun god-" He shouts while holding his right arm up.

"Get off of me, you'll be free when I win" I tell her and she just shakes her head. I wasn't going to do any thing rash because I did not want to hurt her if I didn't have to.

A ring then forms above him "-Bring a fire for my enemy, come forth westerly wind. Aro Zephyros!"

He then swings the ring towards me. Lili then rushes towards me. "I won't let you hurt master (Y/n)!"

Lili quickly swipes Casandra off of me and I dodge the attack. I put Ushiwakamaru away and turn around to see that the ring had turn directions and is coming my way again.

"Homing magic" I mutter before dodging the attack.

"There is no escape for you" Hyakinthos shouts.

As the ring comes my way again I hold Hestia knife in front of me. The ring makes contact with Hestia knife and spins continuously. I then counter it and fling it away and it flies toward Hyakinthos before exploding. It knocks both of us on the ground but the ring was closer to Hyakinthos. I come to my senses and stand up above the rubble. As the dust started to disperse I put Hestia knife away and draw Raikou. Hyakinthos then starts to stand up while holding his left arm.

"Let's finish this" I say then griped Raikou and raised it in the air "I am a Descendent of Lightning, a Child of Fire, and a Son of Myth. Fighting for the goddess who gave me my blessing-"

Above us, a swirling storm of dark clouds form. Lightning then strikes Raikou and orange bolts of fiery lightning zap across the blade. Hyakinthos watches in disbelief.

"- and so, In the name of Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth. I shall give you Divine Judgment!"

I then swing Raikou towards Hyakinthos and a wave of fiery lightning rushes towards him. He gets enveloped by the wave of lightning and he starts to shout in pain. When the lightning dies down, I see Hyakinthos kneeling on the ground in burnt clothing with scorch marks all over him.

"The arrogance of you and your god was your undoing. This is the price you pay" I state.

POV: Aiz

I watched as (Y/n) calmed victory over the Apollo familia. I felt happy and a small smile formed on my face. Nothing is going to happen to him now.

"My, my, what a flashy heroic ending befitting the victor " Tiona says as she clearly swooned over (Y/n).

"Mr. Argonaut's so cool!" Tione says as she fan girled.

Bete then goes to leave the room "Where are you going?" Tione asks.

"None of your buisness" He states before leaving the room.

"The dungeon, maybe?" Tione questions.

"Probably the dungeon" Tiona says.

We all then hear the sound of thunder stomp through the halls. The double doors to the room then swing open. In the door way was Loki, coated in an aura of murderous intent with eyes filled with fury.


Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. Sorry for how long it took to update. I hope you all enjoyed reading chapter. Until next time bye.

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