Chapter 6: One Answer and One Hundred Questions

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The day of reckoning had arrived, it was time for the Loki familia to begun their expedition. Everyone was outside the dungeon while Finn gave another of his speeches. He informed everyone that they would go in two groups and that the first would remain on the middle floors to collect loot and raise funds while the first would make camp on floor 50. After that, they will move on in hopes of getting to floor 60. The past week and a half was nothing but torture for the executives. Bell's training helped immensely and they all rose at least one rank in every stat. It was great because Finn, Gareth and Riveria were ready to level up with Tiona and Tione closing the distance with their level 6 stats.

Two days passed and now the executives along with Raul and Tsubaki were on floor 59 while they watched Ais and Bete clean house.

Tsubaki: Never gets old, that girl's somethin else.

Raul: Captain, are you sure it's safe for Bell, he's only level 1?

The black haired man looked concerned at Bell as he was obviously not ready to be here given his level.

Finn: It's fine, if anything we would only slow him down.

Tsubaki: Huh?

Finn: You tell them.

He turned to Bell who had a bored look on his face.

Bell: I don't want to sound rude, but they're taking a while with this.

Tione: Seriously, look how fast they are!

Bell: It's kinda slow for me...

He rubbed the back of his head as they stared dumbfounded at him. After taking a rest, they arrived at their destination.

Finn: At long last, we're here.

Gareth: So this is floor 60?

Riveria: The floor beyond what Zeus and Hera explored.

Tiona: Oh wow, this is so exciting!

Tione: This is history in the making!

They all explored together until the felt the hallway they were in shake. The place they were in was a maze of stone hallways, the ceiling was incredibly high that you could build a large house here. The walls cracked and from them emerged what they least expected. Out from the walls came several giants that resembled goliath from floor 17, only they were all black in color. All of them, 7 in total, roared before one brought its arms down and smashed the ground.

Bete: Gh, what the?!

Gareth: They gotta be at least level 5 in strenght!

Bell: Captain.

Finn: Huh?

He turned to the boy whi had a small smile on his face.

Bell: Can I take them?

Finn wanted to test everyone's training results, but now wasn't the time to take risks like that, not when Bell could enable safer engagements for them later.

Finn: Go ahead.

Raul: Wha, captain?!

Tsubaki: You really gonna send the kid by himself?

Ais: He can handle it.

The two didn't feel entirely convinced. That is, until Bell let out some of his aura which silenced everyone. His back had a dark mist swirling around it before s sword appeared.

Bell drew it and stood in place as the goliaths began to back away in fear.

Riveria: Incredible, they're actually afraid of him.

Tiona: Yeah, go wild!

Bete: This should be good.

The executives watch in excitement as they waited for Bell to make his move. The boy leaned forward before muttering something under his breath.

Bell: Kami Chigiri...

His sword lit in a purple flame, his body shuddered a bit before several after images of him ran forward and cut all the monsters in rapid succession. One moment they were there and the next they had slash Mark's all over their bodies before they all disintegrated. Everyone who saw this was amazed at the boy's skill.

Raul: N-No way...

Tsubaki: What is that kid?

Bell walked back to them and they ran to him.

Tiona: That was so cool! How'd you do that?!

Tione: Yeah, spill! I've never seen anything like that!

Bete: Ha, that was a good move there!

Ais: Please, you have to teach that to me!

Bell: Haha...

He just scratched his cheek sheepishly before everyone moved on. As they mapped out the floor, the walls shook again and more of the same goliaths spawned. Finn decided to have Bell distract two of them since they could likely handle the other two. Tiona, Tione and Gareth easily handled one while Finn and the rest made quick work of the other one. They grouped back together only to watch Bell knock both of his on the ground and stomp their heads in and kill the instantly.

Raul: Wow...

Gareth: Ha, the boy's something else.

Bete: Wonder what his actual level is?

Finn: After discussing with Loki, it was safe to say that even level 10 was far too low.

Their eyes widened at the thought that he was leagues above the Empress of the Hera familia. Bell returned and they decided to make their way back to camp now that their goal was complete.
However, on their way back they were swarmed by a massive group of goliaths.

Finn: Everyone, on guard!

They readied their weapons and fended each of them of. This time, they had to contend with twelve of them. They were outnumbered, but Bell was able to take care of most of them while the rest were cleaned but by everyone else. The last one was finished by Bell who threw it into the wall, destroying most of it in t he process. After the fighting, Finn had everyone check on their inventory.

Finn: Raul and Tsubaki, what do our supplies look like now?

Raul: We have healing potions left.

Tsubaki: I'm down to the last magic sword.

Finn: Very well then, let's begin making our way back-

He didn't get a chance to finish before something unexpected happened again. For the first time in a long time, the dungeon cried out like it never had before. They all had to cover their ears from the noise.

Riveria: What is that?!

Tsubaki: The hell's happening?

The rest of the walls collapsed around them leaving them in a rectangular box with only two exits left. They heard a liquid noise above them, they looked up and saw two purple drops coming from the ceiling. Some couldn't help but tremble at the sight.

Bete: What the?

Ais: Those feel sinister. I don't like this.

Finn: My thumb is throbbing badly. I'd say to run but our exits have been cut off.

The purple liquids dropped down, one in front and one behind them. They soon took shape into large bony monsters.

AN: I'll be leaving the names out for now as I have a use for these in another story. The ones here and the ones I will use then will be the same so the info on these monsters will be released in the future.


One immediately charged them and Gareth intercepted it only to be thrown into a wall.

Gareth: AH!!!

Tiona: Gareth!

Bete: Come get some you piece of crap!

He tried to throw a kick at the monster, but it swatted him away easily.

Riveria: These things are fast!

Finn: What to do now?!

Ais decided that now wasn't the time to sit around, so she quickly went into action as well.

Ais: Tempest!

Cloaked in her wind magic, she decided to go for the kill immediately by using Lil Rafaga. Unfortunately, her sword couldn't pierce the monster's skull and it threw her aside.

Ais: Gah!

Tsubaki: Stand back!

The blacksmith quickly drew the last magic sword she had and swung it, aiming for one of the creatures only to be shocked to see that her attack was being reflected back to her.

Tsubaki: Shit!

Riveria: It can reflect magic too?!

Off to the side, Bell and Tione had their hands full with the other one. Bell saw the attack coming for them and quickly amped up his speed. He rushed to them at a blinding pace and knocked the attack away.

Finn: Wha- Bell?

Bell: Just stay out of the way, captain. I can handle this.

Raul: Hang on, I know you're strong but these things are on a whole different level. You can't just fight them by yourself!

Bell: Just trust me!

Finn hesitated at first, but remembering Loki's words, decided to let Be have them.

Finn: Very well, we need to find a way out and get back together with the others.

Bell nodded and took his blade again. This time, he took the blade and pierced his other palm with it. This greatly confused everyone as the boy was hurting himself at a time like this, but the pressure they felt from him grew as he drew his weapon back out.

Now in the sword's place, there was a scythe in his hand.

AN: Imagine this came out instead.

They had they mouths open as they saw the boy pull out another weapon from his hand. After grabbing his weapon, he gave each monster a cut which forced them backward. He then charged up hellfire in his free hand to fire at one of them.

Riveria: Wait, they can reflect magic, don't do it!

Her warning went deaf on ears as Bell fire a ball of hellfire at one of the monsters. What surprised them was that it wasn't reflected back at him. They looked in and saw the monster burn away in front of their eyes. Bell soon turned his head around to the other monster which shook in terror. Soon, it grew confused as its vision inverted which was impossible. That is, except for the fact that Bell had cut its head off before it could even realize it. It wasn't long before both were nothing but ash. Everyone walked up to the boy and asked how he was capable of this.

Ais: H-How...

Bell: This scythe is special. Anything I cut with it has their magical properties sealed as long as the cut remains. It doesn't matter if they can reflect it, I can just slash any part of them and all their traits are sealed.

They were astonished at this.

Gareth: Damn, that has to be the most broken thing I've ever heard.

Riveria: You never cease to inpress.

Bell: Hehe, well, should be start heading back?

Finn: Yes, let's move everyone!

With that, Bell struck his palm again with the weapon and pulled the original sword back out. They made their way to camp, picking up old drop items along the way. They met up with the rest of their familia on floor 18 after another long day of travel before making their way back to the surface. The guild was almost closed when they returned so they would have to cash in their drops in the morning.

They returned home to find Loki ready to welcome them.

Loki: Welcome home, my pretties!

She jumped into the air as the woman moved to the side, one by one. Sadly, Lefiya wouldn't be lucky and she was groped by the goddess.

Lefiya: G-Get off! S-Someone help!

They all had looks of pity on their faces as they left her to fend for herself.

Ais: Sorry, Lefiya.

Lefiya: Don't apologize, help me!

The elf shouted at them before Loki brought her attention back.

Loki: Someone feels like they're growing.

Lefiya quickly broke out of her grasp and covered her chest.

Lefiya: I-I'm not!

She denied her before Finn gave a brief report of the expedition.

Finn: The expedition was a success, I'll give a full report to it later.

Loki: Sure, meet me in the office.

While Finn, Gareth and Riveria made their way to his office, all of the members gave themselves a well deserved break while the three heads along with Bell went to tell Loki of what they discovered.

Loki: Well, I'm all ears.

Finn: Yes, well, we were able to successfully arrive to floor 60.

Loki: Hell yeah, that's great!

Finn: Thank you, but what we discovered there was unsettling to say the least.

Loki: What happened.

The goddess dropped her carefree attitude and became more serious.

Finn: We didn't get very far, but the monsters we encountered already pose a great threat for us.

Loki: What'd you find there?

Gareth: It was goliath from floor 17, only there was a lot of them, and they were a lot stronger than he floor boss.

Riveria: He's right, I'd estimate them at level 5 at the very least.

Loki: That doesn't sound good.

Finn: If that weren't the worst, they spawn in large numbers. The lowest group we came across was four at a time. If Bell weren't with us, I'm not sure what would've happened.

Bell: Happy to help, captain.

Loki: Good to know all went well.

Finn: Sorry, but that isn't everything.

Loki: Hm?

Finn: Something happened down there. After we beat another swarm of goliaths, the dungeon screamed.

Loki: Huh?!

Riveria: We aren't sure either, but after it did, two powerful monster appeared.

Loki: What were they?

Finn: We aren't sure, but they were the strongest we've ever seen. I'd go as far to say that they were a few steps away from being on par with the Behemoth.

Loki: WHAT?!

Finn: Yeah, they were made entirely of bone, but it was extremely tough. Even Ais' strongest attack couldn't break through.

Loki: Seriously?!

Riveria: If that weren't bad enough, it was fast on its feet and could reflect magic.

Loki: Reflect magic?!

Gareth: Aye, Tsubaki tried using a magic sword on one, but the monster's hide sent it back towards us.

Loki: *Sigh* Thank the gods you went with them Bell. I couldn't imagine what I would do if any of them died.

Bell: I wouldn't let that happen to them. Besides, even if I did, I could just resurrect them.

All four deadpanned at that.

Loki: That ain't something you can just say straight like that...

Bell: Uhh... sorry?

Loki: Don't worry kid. Well, if that's all, then we'll have to par Ouranos a visit tomorrow.

Finn: That we do, but for now I think we all need time to rest.

Loki: Right. Well, good job down there, you all deserve a break now.

Finn: Thank you goddess.

With that, they left and went on with their night. However, with the knowledge of the 60th floor, how will they prepare for what comes after?

AN: After thousands of years, the next chapter is complete. The monster I used will be one I'm going to use for my other stories as well so this won't be the last you've seen of them. Now that they're back home, they have a lot of work to do if the want to handle the deeper floors of the dungeon.

Hopefully you all enjoyed this one. Thanks for reading and see you in the next one.

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