Chapter 1: Oh No, Oh Shit, Oh Fu-

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Several days have passed and Bell was making steady progress in the dungeon. Several trips to floor 4 have convinced Eina that he was ready for floors 5 and 6. Bell himself has been a major topic in the guild too. Many of the staff ask Eina how she was able to get an adventurer like Bell. He was so easy to work with and very polite. Not only that, he was very efficient in the dungeon, always returning with hardly any injuries. The worst he's gotten was a few scratches from some kobolds, but aside from that, he was always fine. If that weren't enough already, he was also making more money than most level 1 and 2 parties. Needless to say, Eina was quite proud of him. Right now, Bell was talking with Eina at the front desk.

Bell: Alright, I'm heading down now. Only up to floor 5.

Eina: That's good to hear, I'll be waiting for your report.

Bell nodded and waved goodbye before heading down. Just like the last few days, he killed the monsters with little trouble. Even after a few days, many of his stats had hit H and G ranks with all the work he'd been doing. As always, Icarus would hold the magic stones once his pouch ran out of space.

Bell: Man, I really don't need a supporter with you here.

Icarus: [Haha, that's true!]

After around 5 hours, he found himself on floor 5. He began to feel a difference when the monsters began to spawn even faster.

Bell: Wow, there sure are a lot of them.

Icarus: [Nothing we can't handle.]


Cutting down the horde of kobolds, Bell finally had a chance to catch his breath a bit. Unfortunately, the dungeon had other plans, and it spawned an even bigger horde of dungeon lizards. Bell had a concerned look as he saw them ready to attack.

Bell: That's gonna be a problem.

Icarus: [No need to restrain yourself here, it's kill or be killed.]

Bell: I hope you're right, or this is gonna get much harder.

Bell then got ready to deal with all of them. He jumped into the air as fire surrounded his body. Then he pulled out several flaming knives before throwing them at the horde of monsters that exploded after the knives hit them.

Bell: Phew...

Icarus: [You doing ok?]

Bell: Yeah, I think I'll be fine.

He walked to the pile of stones that replaced the monsters and collected them. Another 30 minutes passed before Bell had enough.

Bell: I think that should do it for now.

Icarus: [That's good, because I was running out of space again.]

They prepared to head back up, but a monstrous roar interrupted their thoughts.


Bell: ?!

He turned and saw a minotaur running at him.

Bell: What?!

Icarus: [Best get moving Bell!!]

No need to tell him twice. Bell picked up the pace and did his best to escape.

Bell: What the hell?!

Icarus: [A minotaur this far up should be impossible!! How is one here?!]

About 5 minutes passed before Icarus detected something.

Icarus: [Bell, stop, we can't go any further!!]

Bell: Huh?! Why?!

Icarus: [I'm detecting movement ahead. It's likely other adventurers. We can't afford to bring this monster any higher!]

Bell: That leaves just one option, but I'm still not ready for another cast.

Icarus: [Damn! It should be fine, there's nothing it can do that'll cause permanent damage.]

Bell: So you mean-

Icarus: [It'll work out!]

Bell smiled as he got ready to challenge the monster. Obviously, he stood no chance. His stats were far too low to make any kind of impact in the battle. He did have one last hope.

Bell: *Cough* It's all or nothing!!

His body became shrouded in purple light before he threw a massive purple ball at the monster from his hand.

The orb exploded and Bell hoped that was enough to stop the minotaur. Sadly, that wasn't the case as it shrugged it off before charging the boy again. It trapped Bell in its horns before tossing him into the wall.


Bell: GAH!!!

It then proceeded to rag doll him until the boy was dead. The few who knew him had a hint to him demise. Miach had felt a great pain and widened his eyes before slamming the back room door open which greatly concerned Naaza. Back in the guild, Eina accidentally ripped part of Bell's status sheet when he brought it in the day before.

Eina: (Bell...)

Back in the dungeon, a blonde swordswoman and a jade haired elf had run into the corridor that they heard the minotaur was at. Sadly, they arrived in time to see it deal a killing blow to the boy.

???: NO! We were too late, Ais.

The elf said this to the girl who only looked at the minotaur with hate as she proceeded to slash its abdomen before it crumbled to dust.

???: *Grunts* I'll go get a search and rescue team, can you guard his body?

Ais: I can do it, Riveria.

Riveria: Thank you, Ais.

She gave her a sad smile before getting to the surface. It wasn't long before the team came down to recover several bodies of the victims. Riveria had explained that it was the failure on her Familia as the minotaurs had escaped them as they were returning from their expedition. Two of the rescue members placed the boy in a body bag before everyone returned to the surface. It was then that a gray haired werewolf had seen the carnage brought by the monsters.

???: Tch, bunch of weaklings.

The elf just gave him a death glare before scolding him.


He just grunted before everyone made their way up. A moderate sized crowd gathered when they saw the large group of bodies piled up at the dungeon's entrance. Even if Bell had stalled one, there were several more that he wasn't aware of, and they rampaged on the upper floors, killing every adventurer they found. Adventurers and guild staff alike watched this in horror as body after body was piled on the ground. There, a certain half-elf was looking with her heart clenched.

Eina: (Please, please, PLEASE!!! DON'T BE ONE OF THEM BELL!!!)

Miach and Naaza were there too, but they already knew what became of the boy. Both of them had tears in their eyes. It was then that the last group arrived, those being the ones with the Loki executives.

Rescue Member A: Set him down easy.

Rescue Member B: This was horrible. This boy didn't deserve to got out like this.

Eina had heard this and rushed to where they were.

Rescue Member A: Ma'am? I don't think you want to see this.

Riveria saw her friend's daughter and pulled her two companions away, giving her space. Miach and Naaza followed her. Eina then opened the bag and gave an audible gasp as she saw dead corpse of her adventurer. She quickly closed the bag before bawling her eyes out. Her friends quickly went to her to comfort her.


Many of the guild staff looked on in sadness. In the few days she's known him, they had gotten close enough to be great friends. The boy was also a joy to have in the guild. Riveria saw this and went to her.

Riveria: Eina?

Eina: Lady Riveria... what happened to him? *Sniffle*

Riveria: I'm so sorry, it was our fault. A horde of minotaurs escaped our Familia and rampaged through the upper floors.

Eina was greatly upset when she heard this. Riveria was an important person to her, but it hurt to hear that she was part of the reason this innocent boy lost his life. Still, she couldn't fully blame her.

Eina: You did your best, I know this is bothering you as well.

Riveria brought Eina into a hug to comfort hurt, but they were interrupted when the werewolf spoke again.

Bete: Please, what's the use of crying over weaklings? Serves them right.

Riveria gave him another glare before everyone in that room gave him a look of disgust. Miach and Naaza were furious that he had the nerve to insult Bell like that, especially after what happened to him.


Icarus: Oh, then I gladly say that I have a big problem with that!!

They looked in confusion as they wondered where that angry voice came from. It was then that Icarus appeared for everyone to see causing them to look at him with wide eyes.

Miach: Icarus...

Icarus: Yeah, you can insult the so called "weaklings" here, but wouldn't that include you as well?

This caused a tick mark to appear on Bete's head as he looked at the floating orb in anger.

Bete: HUH?! And what the hell are you to speak to me like that?!

Icarus: Who or what I am is of no convern to you. I'm just baffled by the fact that you can even call yourself strong. As one of the strongest in the city, you should have easily been able to deal with a measly horde of minotaurs.

Bete: Yeah?! Well, we were-

Icarus: I'm not done you mangy dog! You can see all the damage that was done because of your incompetence. A bunch of third class adventurers that died from monsters too strong for them, or the first class that couldn't stop monsters the could easily kill with one arm. I wonder which is the bigger weakling here?

This only made the wolf angrier.

Bete: Alright, you piece of crap, I'm gonna!

Riveria: You stay where you are, Bete!! What that thing has said was correct! This was our fault, so don't you try to start anything!!

Bete: Grr...

He just shoved his hands into his pockets before walking away. Ais then saw the blue haired god and spoke to him.

Ais: Was he with you?

Miach: Yes... he was a new member of my familia. Now we'll have to use the money he made to give him a proper burial.

Icarus: Don't worry about that.

Miach: What?

Icarus: Look, just stand back and give me some room. I need to fix that idiot's mess.

Icarus then glowed brightly before many parts of him spread out leaving a glowing ball in the center. His part rotated around that ball before claiming shut, releasing a wave of energy above the boy's body.

Immediately after, the bag began to move, and Bell's body came out of the bag, fully restored, much to the shock and confusion of everyone in the room.

Bell: Ow... I'm gonna feel that tomorrow.

Icarus: Glad to have you back with us, Bell.

Everyone stared, bug eyed, as the formerly dead boy got back to his feat as if he never died to begin with.

Eina: Bell?!

Bell: Miss Eina?

Eina: BELL!!!

She threw he arms around the boy followed by Miach and Nazza.

Bell: *Suffocating Noises* Can't... breathe...

They quickly let go as they asked what happened.

Miach: How? You were dead.

The orb then spoke up again.

Icarus: Whoever said I could only revive him once?

Naaza: You can bring people back to life?!

Icarus: Only Bell, and that was because we got out of that place.

Riveria: That's unbelievable! There has to be some kind of limit!

Icarus: Sorry Miss, not up here. If Bell dies for any reason, I can just bring him back in top form as many times as necessary.

Everyone stared in astonishment as they saw for their very eyes a boy that could not be killed.

Miach: So it's a lesser form of immortality?

Bell: More or less, I can still die, but I don't stay dead.

Eina: Wait, but what about in the dungeon?!

Bell: Oh, I can handle that myself.

Riveria: Wait, you're saying you can revive yourself?!

Bell: Yeah, I can.

Naaza: Why didn't you do it then?!

Bell: The minotaur was still there. No point in coming back if I'm just gonna get clobbered again. Plus, they were all carrying me, so it would've caused more problems if I did.

Icarus: Bell's resurrection spell is a lot more flamboyant than mine.

Eina: In any case, it's so relieving to see you well.

Bell: Sorry I worried you all. Still, I can't help but feel guilty that these others can't come back.

Riveria: Please don't, it was our fault to begin with.

She turn to Miach.

Riveria: We will give you, as well as the other Familia's involved, proper compensation for our mistake. You have our sincerest apologies, Lord Miach.

Miach: It's alright, my child has returned to me. That's all I can ask for. Come Bell, let's go.

Bell: Alright.

He turned to Ais.

Bell: Thank for getting back safely, I'll thank you some other time.

He gave her a smile as Ais looked at him in confusion.

Ais: (He isn't mad at us?)

Riveria: Alright, you two go on and give Finn the update. I need to deal with matters here.

Ais nodded as she dragged Bete back to where the rest of their Familia was. Of course, the city was talking about this the rest of the day. Many bars were full of people spreading the tale of the boy who could cheat death. Many more grew curious of this person, but for Bell, he simply enjoyed spending time with his Familia.

AN: And that's a wrap. To anyone questioning how Bell couldn't kill the minotaur, his stats weren't high enough to do so. Even with a super like nova bomb, a minotaur was a monster from the middle floors so Bell's stats would need to be higher if he wanted to kill it in one shot. Thing are only going to get more awkward for him as news of his feat spreads throughout the city, especially when the rest of the Loki Familia hears of it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks for ready and see you in the next one.

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