Chapter 2: A Show of Power

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Things in the city were out of control when the news of Bell spread. Particularly, a certain trickster Goddess was in the middle of a meeting with her executives.

Loki: I'm sorry, say that again?

Riveria: Like I said, the boy I'm talking about has the ability to cheat death. The rescue team confirmed he was dead, then this talking orb appeared and resurrected him.

The others were at a loss for words at what the elf said. Even Finn couldn't believe it when he heard it the first time.

Tiona: Is he in a Familia?

Riveria: Yes, he is with Lord Miach.

Loki: Eh? Miach got lucky with that one. I wonder what else the boy has in store?

Finn: Whatever it is, we should do something to make amends for our mistake. I'll be responsible for it and will meet up with him later. You'll be coming with me, Loki.

He looked at the Goddess who held her arms above her head.

Loki: *Smiling* Sure! I'd like to meet the boy myself!

Finn: Good, then this meeting is concluded.

With that, everyone made their way out except the three heads, Loki and Ais who was deep in thought.

Riveria: Is something on your mind, Ais?

Ais: I... I'm just confused. Why wasn't he angry at us? We were the reason he died.

Riveria: That's hard to say. Maybe you can ask him next time you see him?

This made the girl turn to Finn with pleading eyes.

Finn: We're still resting from the expedition. If you really want to come along then I won't stop you.

Ais nodded as she, Finn and Loki left for Miach's. With Miach, he was currently with Naaza helping organize their store. Bell was outside training with Icarus watching.

Bell: There's got to be a faster way to do this.

Icarus: If there is, we don't have that kind of luxury. You're stuck doing it the old fashioned way. Speaking of, you still have another 200 situps before you're finished.

Bell: Yeah yeah.

He was busy finishing the last of his training routine while Miach heard the door open revealing major figures of the top Familia.

Loki: Yo Miach!

Miach: Loki? What brings you here?

Loki: Well, first things first we came to apologize.

Finn: Indeed. It was our fault those monsters escaped and so many adventurers were hurt including one of yours. Is there any way we can speak with him?

Naaza: Bell is currently outside training. We can bring you there if you wish.

Finn: Please do.

The two then lead the three outside where they could see an albino doing situps on the ground.

Bell: 198... 199... 200!

Miach: Bell!

The boy turned and saw his Familia along with three others. Icarus sensed the extra movement and concealed his presence.

Miach: We have visitors who want to see you.

Bell: *Walks to them* See me?

Finn: That's correct. First, we wish to apologize about the incident with the minotaurs, please forgive us. *Bowing*

Bell: No, it's fine! I'm fine now, please raise your head!

Loki: Onto other news, I hear you're quite the special child.

Bell: ?

Loki: Come now, news is spreading pretty quick about how you can cheat death.

Finn: Loki, he has no reason to reveal any secrets and we don't have the right to pry.

Loki: Aw, you're no fun. Well, just saying, if you need help with anything, just ask. Finn here is eager to pay you back for the trouble.

Bell: Oh, I see. I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thank you.

Finn: Is there anything we can do for you right now?

Bell: Not really. All I'm lacking is training, but I plan to handle that.

Finn: I know, why don't you have Ais help you?

The boy looked to the girl next to them who fidgeted in place.

Bell: Is that fine?

Ais: Y-Yes, I want to apologize for what happened. I don't mind helping you with training.

Bell: That won't be a problem? *Looking back at the two*

Loki: Well, as long as you don't try anything funny. Ais is mine after all.

Finn: Yeah, like she said, we dont have any problems with that. Our Familia is going to take it easy for a bit and Ais here is always eager to train. Maybe this will help her slow down a bit.

Bell: Lord Miach?

Miach: If you want to go through with this, I'll support your decision. Naaza?

Naaza: I agree. Hopefully training with a First Class helps you in the dungeon.

Bell turned back to the three and bowed.

Bell: All right, I'm grateful for your help.

He then turned to Ais and smiled.

Bell: I'm looking forward to training with you!

Finn: Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?

Bell nodded and the date was set. The three left leaving Bell and his Familia to return to their work.

Bell: I think I'm going to go out for a bit.

Miach told Bell to be back before dark as he was leaving. He had no particular destination in mind. He just went out in the city to sightsee. While he did that, many people saw and murmured to themselves about him.

Civilian A: Look, is that?

Adventurer A: Yeah, the kid they say is immortal.

Civilian B: He looks so young.

Many had hears the tale, including a Messenger God with his captain.

Hermes: Excuse me, young man!

Bell turned and saw a blonde man with a feathered hat and a blue haired girl next to him.

Bell: Yes?

Hermes: Sorry, my name is Hermes. She's my Familia captain, Asfi. I'd like to talk with you for a bit if you don't mind?

Bell: Okay?

He tilted his head not knowing what this person wanted. All he knew was that he was a God. They found a private cafe to sit and talk.

Hermes: So, is this the first time you've been to this city?

Bell: That's right. I've been an adventurer for a short time.

Hermes: Really? And who would your God be?

Bell hesitated before Icarus spoke with him.

Icarus: [I don't think he's here to cause trouble. Just try to keep the answers to a minimum.]

Bell: I'm a part of the Miach Familia.

The two were surprised to know he joined that God despite their financial crisis. It was enough to know the boy had a good heart.

Hermes: Tell me more about yourself. How about family? Parents? A Grandfather?

Hermes was curious about how his old friend was doing. He hadn't heard from him in a while and wanted to know how he was, but the boy's answer left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

Bell: I'm not sure. I don't remember having anyone like that.

Hermes: Huh?

Bell: Sorry, everything from before 5 years ago is a blur to me.

The God had a serious look on his face for a moment, before putting his cheerful face back on.

Hermes: Oh, sorry for asking.

Bell: No, it's fine. Is there anything else?

Hermes: No, but after hearing about which Familia you're in, I figured I'd give you a hand every now and again. Wish I could do more, but were usually quite busy.

Bell: I understand, thank you.

Hermes Well, it was nice meeting you.

Bell: Mhm.

Bell left the cafe leaving only Hermes and Asfi there. She watched the boy leave before a loud thud startled her.


Hermes: DAMN IT ALL!!!

Asfi: Hii!! L-Lord Hermes?!

Hermes: *Sigh* Sorry about that. (What happened to you? If Bell doesn't remember where he came from our whole plan is going to go up in smoke.) Let's just go back, Asfi, we have what we came for.

Asfi: We do?

He didn't say anything back and the two left after paying for the food. Back with Bell, he was wondering why the God had that look on his face.

Bell: Did he seem distressed for a second there?

Icarus: [I definitely saw it. He probably knows something but now might not be the time to pry. We still have our business here in this city.]

Bell: I know, this force of darkness is strongest here. It must be because of the Dungeon.

Icarus: [I'm glad you're making use of that darkness power you acquired a year ago, but it still feels wrong to me. Maybe I'm overreacting because I'm made from the light, but there's no telling how it will affect you moving forward.

Bell: I just have to limit my use of it. My light powers should be enough.

Icarus: [Let's hope it stays that way.]

The Next Day...

Bell had arrived at Twilight Manor to receive his training from Ais, but was stopped at the gates.

Loki Guard: Can we help you?

Bell: I'm here to see Mr. Finn and Miss Ais.

Loki Guard: And your proof of this appointment?

Bell: (Crap, they didn't give me anything!)

While the one guard was staring at him, the other who had black hair got a good look at Bell and saw many similarities to the person the executives were discussing yesterday.

Loki Guard: You ok, Raul?

Raul: He looks familiar. I think I heard the Captain talking about an extraordinary white haired boy. I'll go get him.

A few minutes passed and the man came back with the blonde prum from the previous day.

Finn: Wasn't expecting you to come here so early.

Bell: I prefer early rather than late.

Finn: Well, that's a good mindset to have. The saying does go "To be early is on time" I believe. Come with me, Ais should be just about ready in the training fields.

He led the boy there while the two by the gates looked in astonishment at how Finn knew him. When they got there, they saw Ais in her armor waiting. Several others in the Familia were also nearby, curious about what was going on.

Finn: He's here, Ais.

Bell: *Bowing* I'll do my best!

Finn: Hope you don't mind an audience. I tried to keep this under wraps, but Loki may have had a bit too much to drink yesterday.

Bell: It's fine. So, should we start?

Ais: Yes.

She drew her sword but began to wonder if it was a good idea to go that far on the first lesson. Bell said it was fine and grabbed a sword that she had set aside for training.

Bell: So, what first?

Ais: I'll see how well you do in combat first.

In the audience, Riveria was watching with many other executives from higher up.

Riveria: He must be confident if he isn't afraid of using real swords to practice.

Gareth: That takes guts if your facing Ais.

Lefiya: Or he's just crazy.

On the ground, the two had begun their mock battle. Ais was holding back enough to play as a level 2 while Bell was giving it his best effort. He aimed a slash at her side which she blocked and she proceeded to parry the rest of his attacks. The boy was adept at using a sword, but it was just above average. In terms of skill and abilities, Ais had the advantage in both. When Finn arrived with the others, he saw them deeply observing the match.

Finn: Is this really that interesting to you all?

Bete: The brat's just getting knocked around. Nothing to write home about here.

Tiona: Don't say that, he's putting up a good fight.

Finn: Hmm...

Tione: Captain?

Finn: It's my thumb again. Something interesting is going to happen.

He had a smirk on his face as he recalled what Loki had said to him. She mentioned there was likely much more to this boy than just cheating death. It sounded crazy, yes, but she had a good feeling about this.

Bete: So, who do you think is gonna drop first?

Riveria: You know this is only practice, right?

Tiona: How about who gets the last hit?

Tione: I'll take that bet.

Bete: I got Ais, then.

Lefiya: Me too!

Tiona: I'll go with the new guy!

Gareth: HA! I'm putting my faith in the boy as well!

Riveria: *Sigh*

Finn: You already knew it was going to come to this.

Riveria: That doesn't make it any easier.

The bets went around and to no one's surprise, it was heavily against Bell. With the two in the sands, they were completely oblivious to what was going on and were focused on the spar at hand.

Icarus: [You might want to pick up the pace if you don't wanna get clobbered.]

Bell: (You think I don't realize that?!)

Not wanting to stay on the defensive any longer, he broke away and made some distance between her before tossing his sword to the side. This made Ais and many others confused before a crackling noise was heard. Ais saw his hands being covered in lightning and sensing magic.

Ais: (He can use magic already?)

He put his hands together and pulled them apart, while twirling a staff covered in electricity. His body was also consumed in a cloak of lightning.

Everyone was in awe at how he had made a weapon appear out of thin air.

Finn: What?!

Riveria: What kind of magic is that? It's unbelievably dense!

Tiona: That is so cool!!!

Bell: Time for round 2.

He went in again, this time swinging his new staff around and making use of his superior reach.

The girl was caught off guard even more when she saw how each swing released a wave of lighting. The surprise factor hadn't lasted long, as Ais had quickly adapted to the change. Soon enough, the crackling began to fade and the staff dematerialized.

Tiona: It's gone already?

Riveria: It must be a temporary spell.

Finn: Still, it's destructive capabilities are quite impressive. I'm even tempted to teach him to use a staff.

Bell was panting and sweating while Ais was looking the same as when they started. Satisfied, she decided to stop.

Ais: We can stop now.

Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

Bell: How'd I do?

Ais: You did very well. I'm surprised you're able to use a spell like that.

Bell: Thanks.

Ais: As for your skill with a sword, it needs work but it was better than I anticipated for someone of your caliber.

Bell: Well, I haven't been here that long. I did my own training for a while.

Ais: I can see you have a talent for it. We can take a break, then I will teach you more about sword wielding.

After a while, many began to leave after the spar was over. Several had also forgotten about the bet and were instead amazed at the prowess the boy possessed.

Loki Member A: That spell was insane! I hope I get some like it someday!

Loki Member B: I know! I'm so jealous a newbie like him has something like that already!


It was almost evening by the time they had gotten out of their training mind set. They hadn't been realized how much time passed before they saw it was nearly sundown.

Bell: Time sure flies. Thank you again for this, Miss Ais.

Ais: No, I did this to make up for our mistake.

Bell: It's really not that big of a deal to me. We can do this again if it's still bothering you.

The girl had a smile before nodding to him.

Bell: I should be getting back home. I guess we both lost track of time and I don't want my Familia to worry. Tell Mr. Finn thank you for me.

Ais: *Waving* I will.

The boy waved goodbye and left as Ais carried the weapons they cleaned up back to the side with the other boxes. She then went inside where her friends were waiting for her.

Tiona: Ais, over here!!

She turned and saw Tiona along with her sister and Lefiya by the bathroom. As they took their showers, Ais was assaulted with questions from them.

Tiona: Who was that guy? He handled himself pretty well down there.

Ais: He was someone who had fallen victim to a mistake of ours. Finn and Loki had to apologize personally to his Familia for the trouble.

Tione: He didn't seem upset when you say it like that.

Ais: Because he wasn't. He didn't hold it against us and said it was fine.

Tiona: Wow, so he's nice too.

Lefiya: I'm more curious about that crazy magic he had. That staff came out of nowhere.

Tiona: But it was so cool!!

Ais: Loki did say he was a special person.

Tiona: What's that mean?

Ais: Originally, all we knew about his magic was that he could resurrect himself.

This shocked the other three after hearing it again.

Tiona: Wait, he's that immortal adventurer people were talking about?!

Tione: I thought that was a prank or something?

Ais: No, it's all true. Riveria, Bete and I saw it ourselves.

Tiona: We should try to have him join us! He's going to be amazing someday!

Lefiya: I think Lady Riveria said he was part of the Miach Familia.

Tiona: Aw shucks...

Tione: Maybe we should start doing business there too? Staying on his good side will help.

Ais: *Nodding*

Tiona: Yeah, I'm gonna be friends with him!

Tione: Let's pick this up another time, though. I heard we're having roasted boar tonight.

Immediately after, Tiona rushed out and went to her room for some clothes before rushing to the dining area with her friends trying to catch up behind her.

With Bell...

Bell: Well, that was fun.

Icarus: [There aren't many times you can have a friendly fight like that.]

Bell: After Telskyura, this was a nice change of pace.

Icarus: [I'd rather not remember how many times I had to revive you after that nut job of an amazon killed you.]

Bell: Her sister was nicer at least. She had the decency to keep my body in better shape after I died. Maybe I should pay Bache a visit in the future.

Icarus: [After we help stabilize Lord Miach's Familia. They're still deep in debt.]

Bell: You're right. One thing at a time.

AN: I swear I had another actual chapter released between February and March, but I realized that was for a different story, my bad. Well, this is out of the way now. Hopefully things don't get too rough for Bell once news about him spreads even more.

To any Destiny players who did Master VoTD, the loot really was not worth the trouble of doing a harder raid. I don't see much point in the adept weapons when you can craft god rolls with enhanced perks of the normal weapons. They screwed that one up, so hopefully that gets fixed.

Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this. Leave you thoughts in the comments and I'll see you in the next one.

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