Chapter 2: Rising

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AN: Before I begin, I'll leave the new visuals for Cerina and Esmeralda here now that I got around to getting them.

AN: The armor isn't as important so take it how you want it.

Once more on the walls, Bell was hard at work with Ais and Cerina. The former helped him work on his sword training and the latter helped him get the basic fundamentals of magic theory. A few hours later, the morning went by and they took a break once more. Ais was surprised once more by the boy's improvement. In the short time they've spent together, he's learned basics such as countering in the small openings she left for him to exploit when he showed little talent when they first started. He's come a long way in such a short time.

Ais: Spending more time with a sword has done a lot of good for you, Bell. I can't think of anyone who's improved as quickly as you.

The boy blushed as he leaned back on the wall and looked downward to his boots. 

Bell: *Blushing* I-I'm not that great. You were a good teacher, that's all.

The blonde giggled with as smile as she laid back against the wall as well while the albino turned to the half-elf.

Bell: I should thank you too, Cerina. It's nice of you to try and teach me about magic, but I'm not so sure about the point since I don't have any. Isn't magic supposed to be rare?

Cerina: It is. A person can only ever get three spells but you may as well have the knowledge if you ever reach that point. You never know how your Falna will change with each update, especially after doing something grand.

Ais: She's right. You could get lucky after a level up.

Bell: I hope so, but I'm not anywhere near Level 2 anyway. I'm still not clear past Floor 5 in the Dungeon.

Cerina: There's no rush. Let's take it one step at a time.

Bell: *Nods* Right!

Ais: *Standing up* That's enough rest. Ready, Bell?

He got up off the ground and got into a stance with his sword once more. 

Bell: Whenever you are.

They did what other spars they could fit into the last few hours before they parted ways once more. After that, Bell went to the Dungeon as Hestia was still out, so getting some funds would be on him. 

Bell: I wonder how Floor 4 would work?

He had been roaming around the first three floors and finding little challenge. He had many scraps with the monsters there, but his drills with Ais had sharpened his skills enough that he could manage on those floors even if he was alone. On the fourth floor, it was nearly the same, though the volume of monsters made things more difficult. The rabbit dodged the attempts to slash him and he responded with swift attacks that slew the monsters instantly. He only ran into a few other adventurers there, so he would make that floor his limit until Hestia returned and could update his status. 


The walls near him began crumbling as they revealed more monsters being birthed out to attack him. He turned to the noise and saw more monsters spawning in the room he was in.

Bell: *Gripping his sword* Looks like there's more of them. Well, better get to it.

He readied his blade and ran to engage the horde in combat.

That evening...

While Bell was busy in the Dungeon, the gods themselves were busy keeping themselves entertained. The main method being attending Ganesha's party his Familia was hosting at their home. Ganesha himself was in the middle welcoming everyone who was just arriving. As for Hestia herself, she was already there both eating and taking some with her for her and Bell to eat later. She had somehow gotten a neater seat of clothes to wear. It was a simple white dress and she used a blue upper piece to cover everything else. Hestia felt it better to keep a low profile, so she literally, stayed low while eating. However, some would interfere with that plan. Mainly, a beloved Goddess of Beauty who had just arrived to the party.

Freya: Hestia, good evening.

The sudden greeting behind her startled Hestia as her pigtails jumped up with the rest of her body.

Hestia: *Mouth full* MMPH?! Freya?

Freya: Sorry, were you in the middle of something?

The tiny goddess gulped down her food while her face showed mild annoyance now that several eye were on them. The silver-haired goddess tended to have that effect on people, especially the men. 

Hestia: I'm always too busy to deal with you.

Freya: *Giggles* I do so adore that about you.

Hestia: Well... you could be worse.

She grimaced and leaned to the side where she saw another figure dash to them. This was Loki in a fancy black dress. She had also come to attend.

Loki: Hey, Freya!

Freya: Hello, Loki.

Hestia: Just great. Why are you here, Loki?

The red-head lifted her face to show dominance over Hestia as she smirked.

Loki: *Smirking* Come on, you know me. Loki does whatever she wants. 

Hestia growled under her breath before she remembered something she wanted to do.

Hestia: A-Actually, I just remembered something. Loki, I've got a question for you.

Loki: Oh yeah? What's up, shrimpy?

The little goddess used all her will power to not punch the washing board in the face right there, though, she gritted her teeth in self restraint.

Hestia: Ahem. Well, it's about your child, Wallenwhatever. I was just wondering if they have some kind of romantic partner?

Loki: *Menacing* HAH? Absolutely none of them do! No one is getting their grubby mitts on my girls, especially my Ais! Anyone who tries is getting torn to shreds!

Hestia grunted at that as this was not the news Bell needed to hear when she returned. Freya stood to the side and smiled while the two rivals butted heads.

Freya: You two are such good friends.

Hestia and Loki: No, we aren't!!

Freya: By the way, Loki, I love the dress. I don't get to see this side of you very often.

Straightening up to answer her caused Hestia to face plant to the ground, but that wasn't a big deal to Loki.

Loki: Right? I heard a little pipsqueak was coming to the party, so I wanted to look good to mock her for being poor.

As she picked herself up, Hestia returned Loki's taunt with a smirk of her own.

Hestia: That's rich because I've got a funny joke of my own to laugh about.

Loki: Eh?

The red-head started getting nervous, knowing where this was going, but her fears would be realized when Hestia returned fire.

Hestia: *Smirking* You had the bright idea of showing up with a chest as flat as yours!

Loki felt an arrow strike her at the word "flat" and Hestia's mocking laughter only further resolved her to break into tears before the rage took over and she snarled in anger.

With Bell...

One loud lecture from Eina about staying so long on the floor he was on later, he had cashed in his stones and made his way home. The coins rattled in his wallet of a pouch, but what he felt was a good haul was hardly worth much once he took a look at the prices at a weapon shop on his way home. There were still some people passing by on the streets, but Bell had little interest in the few stares he received as he lay his head on the glass separating him from quality weapons.

Bell: *Sigh*

As he despaired over his lack of personal funds, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see a friend.

The blue-haired god, Miach, who carried a bag of products about to be made into potions for his Familia to sell.

Miach: Hello, Bell. Looking to do some shopping?

Bell: Oh, hello! I wish, but I don't have that kind of money. It's surprising to see you here. Why aren't you at the party with the other gods?

Miach: *Smiling* I was invited and planned to attend, but I'm far too busy. I do have to help provide for my Familia. By the way, here.

He handed the boy some blue potion vials.

Bell: Uh, how is giving me free potions helping your Familia?

Miach: Don't say it like that, Bell. Friends should always have each other's backs. Anyway, you take care now.

Bell: O-Okay.

He bowed and took the vials before Miach left. Now on his way home once more, the boy couldn't help but wonder what his Goddess was up to right now.

With Hestia...

Hephaestus: Are you going to do that all day?

 She asked this in an annoyed tone to Hestia who was performing a dogeza in front of her office desk. This all started back at the party when Hestia asked Hephaestus to make Bell a weapon back at the party.


Hestia and Loki resumed they fight, though, it was mostly one sided as Loki had Hestia in the air by her cheeks and the tiny goddess flailed around. The other gods simply watched them fight and the two repeatedly threw insult after insult at each other before Hestia threw more jabs at Loki's chest, figuratively and literally, causing Loki to stomp off in tears. Right after Loki left (like a lil' bitch!!) the smithing goddess came wearing a dress of her own and with a glass holding her drink.

Hephaestus: Still at it, huh?

Hestia immediately recognized the voice and happily jumped to her feet to greet her.

Hestia: Hephaestus! I'm missed you! I'm so glad you're here!

Hephaestus: Really? 

Hestia: Of course!

The newly arrived red-head sighed before shaking her head lightly.

Hephaestus: Let's skip the pleasantries then. What do you want?

Hestia: Eh?

Hephaestus: I wasn't born yesterday, Hestia. I know you get like this when you want to ask for something. If it's money, you're not getting any.

Hestia: *Slightly offended* What? Who do you think I am? I wouldn't ask my best friend for something like that!

Hephaestus: You've got a lot of nerve saying that after freeloading off my Familia. 

Hestia: Irk!

Hephaestus: Then, you come back in tears about how you were broke after I kicked you out!

Hestia: Ugh!!

Hephaestus: Do you really wonder why I assume you want something.

The tiny goddess groaned on the ground from her friend's ruthless assault while Freya watched the two with amusement. 

Hestia: Hmph! Alright, so maybe I was like that-

Hephaestus: *Drinking* So now you admit it.

Hestia: But things have changed! I have my own Familia!

Hephaestus: Oh yeah. That Bell person. The boy with white hair and red eyes.

While she remembered her friend's first child, Freya had something whispered into her ear by someone else before informing the other two about her leaving. After recovering from the awkward atmosphere of Freya leaving and the men becoming disinterested, Hestia resumed her conversation with Hephaestus.

Hephaestus: So, what were you gonna ask me?

Hestia: Huh?

Hephaestus: Fair warning because depending on what you say I might not speak to you again.

Hestia: Alright then.

The tiny goddess steeled herself being jumping down into a dogeza.

Hestia: *Pleading* I want you to make a weapon for Bell! Please!

End of Flashback...

Hephaestus: What are you even doing?

Hestia: It's something I read from Takemikazuchi's books. It said this was the best way to ask for a favor.

Hephaestus: *Sigh* He's always meddling where he shouldn't be. Look, you know I don't come cheap so why are you bothering to ask?

Hestia: It's because of Bell! He's growing and I'm scared it won't be very long before his current gear won't be able to keep up with him! He's dashing head first towards his dream and I want him to be prepared for anything he could run into! I'm his Goddess, but I haven't been able to prove that in supporting him! If I could at least provide him with a weapon he could rely on, I can rest easier he has a partner who'll always be by his side no matter what!

The smithing goddess widened her eyes. She was surprised by the reasoning and resolve her friend put forth. Having a Familia of her own helped change her friend for the better. Smiling, she prepared to accept her friend's plea, feeling proud of how she's grown as a person.

Hephaestus: Alright. I'll help you-

Hestia: *Panicking* Ah!! I knew this wouldn't be enough for you!

She jumped up to her feet in a panic, fearing that wouldn't be enough to persuade her friend. In a last ditch effort, she grabbed a large platform of wood that was made in a way that the part one stood on was hovering over the floor like a bed frame. Hephaestus saw all this happen with shock and confusion before Hestia lit a torch in the room.

Hestia: I have no choice but to use the Burning Style Dogeza I also read from Takemikazuchi's books!! 

With paranoid eyes, she was moments away from lighting the wood, and the carpet under it, on fire before Hephaestus put her into a full nelson to stop Hestia from burning her office.


After they calmed down, Hephaestus told her friend they both would be busy for the next day or two in the forging process.

Hephaestus: You're going to help in this process, Hestia. I hope you're prepared.

Hestia: *Determined* Yes! Whatever you need!

With a smirk, she led her to her personal forge. Inside, Hestia saw how around a third of the room was taken up by instruments used for forging with the middle already split in half by them. Holding her hammer, the two immediately got to work.

Several days later...

In Twilight Manor, everyone was in high spirits for the festival today because today was Monsterphilia.

Esmeralda: It's finally here!! Monsterphilia is back!!

Riveria: You don't have to shout this early in the morning. 

The mess hall had the tables and seat lined up for everyone to eat and dozens were already there eating their breakfast.

Esmeralda: Sorry, I'm just excited to see the show in the arena!

Tiona: Totally! We gotta hurry up and get to the arena while the seats are good!

Lefiya: Where are Miss Cerina and Miss Ais?

As she asked, they arrived with both yawning just a little bit from how early it was.

Esmeralda: You two sleep ok?

Cerina: We're fine. 

Ais: I got a little held up last night from thinking of lessons for Bell. I forgot we agreed to take today off for the festival so I was worried over nothing.

The blonde was embarrassed enough to blush only slightly before getting some food for herself. After several minutes, they all cleaned up and gathered by the exit before Loki came.

Loki: Hey, Ais. I need to borrow you for a little bit.

Ais: What for?

Loki: I need an escort for a little meeting I got today. Can you help me out?

The blonde looked back worriedly before giving into Loki's pleading face. Her friends were disappointed, but Ais made a point to return with them for the show later as well as threatening Loki to keep her hands to herself. As it turned out, said meeting was with Freya who was in disguise as to not draw attention to herself with her natural beauty. The three were in a separate little table on the second floor of a shop that served them drinks as they talked.

Loki: What, you got yer eyes on another child? You never change, Freya.

The silver-haired goddess chuckled to herself as she described her new desire. One about a child whose soul possessed a color she'd never seen before and and become enamored with. Ais simply looked out to the busy crowd on the street beneath her before spotting a familiar sight of Bell running through it. Right after she did so, Freya spoke up and got her attention.

Freya: Sorry, Loki, but I'm afraid I have to depart.

Loki: Why? What's up?

Freya: There's been a little emergency, so I'll be off.

As she left, Loki realized she was stuck with the bill while Ais wondered why Freya left so suddenly. 

Ais: (Was it because of... no. That can't be right.)

She brushed the thought aside before the two left to enjoy the festivities.

With Bell...

In the last several days, Bell went through what he felt was a living hell. Now that his swordsmanship had improved greatly, Ais took it upon herself and increased their sparring intensity several fold with Bell having been knocked out several times. The first time was after Ais landed a spinning back kick to his face and sent him flying backwards. In that situation, Cerina did what Riveria had told her about in the past and brought Bell onto her lap to rest. The half-elf giggled to herself as she lightly brushed his hair, feeling how soft it was. Ais commenting on how it was like petting a bunny made the girl laugh loudly and woke the boy up. Once he regained his bearings and realized where he was, he immediately shot up and away before apologizing for passing out. 

Bell: *Blushing* I'm sorry! I guess I passed out!

Cerina brushed it off as nothing major before he resumed his training with Ais. By this point, the blonde made an effort to stay a level apart from him in strength and that meant he would be knocked out several times with each time resulting in him waking up on Cerina's lap. After several recuperations, Ais asked about what her sister was doing and Cerina offered to let the blonde try. Needless to say, Bell blushed even more when the other Wallenstein sibling gave him a turn on her lap. Ais would quickly get addicted to this feeling of a rabbit on her lap, forcing Cerina to make sure Ais stopped knocking him out on purpose to give him a lap pillow otherwise he wouldn't be able to train properly. After all, he couldn't work if he was out cold. Little did Bell know, but this would push him past his limits and to a new world of power.

In the present, however, he had another quest. That would be to hand a purse to Syr, who her coworkers at the Hostess asked him to deliver it to. Since he wanted to meet Hestia at the festival, he happily accepted their request before heading out.

Speaking of Hestia, the short goddess removed the white glove off her right have and brought her index finger towards the blunt edge of a black blade. She dragged it along the blade which was quite long all the way down to the handle which was also black with a dark blue guard separating it from the blade. The blade itself had engravings which glowed a bright blue from her touch all the way to the tip of the blade which was curved on one side like a knife's blade. Off to the side, Hephaestus sat and smiled knowing their job was done.

Hephaestus: And that should do it.

Hestia: All right!! When can I give it to Bell?!

Hephaestus: Whenever you want.

Hestia ran to her friend and pulled her into a hug.

Hestia: Thank you so much, Hephaestus!

Hephaestus:  You're welcome. Now, don't go forgetting our deal. You will pay me back for this.

Hestia: *Beaming* Yeah, of course I will!!

Seeing how happy her friend was, the red-head decided not to press on and ruin her bright mood. Instead, she had her wash up and leave to find her child so she could give her the present which they had wrapped nicely in a box Hestia now carried on her back. 

In the present...

Hestia happily wandered the streets looking for Bell before she eventually found him checking around several food stalls. 

Hestia: Bell!!

Bell: Wha- Goddess?! 

Hestia: Hey!! *Giggle* Been a while!

Bell: Yeah, it's great to see you! Where have you been? I thought the party would end a few days ago?

Hestia: Oh, I had a little business to take care of. What are you doing?

Bell: Oh, I'm looking for a friend who forgot their wallet.

Hestia grabbed onto his arm, causing him to blush. She giggled happily before pulling him along with her.

Hestia: I got it! Well, we can always look for her while we go on with our date!

Bell: Wha- wait!! Don't pull me so hard!!

And so, they went along together and Bell did his best to try and spot Syr anywhere in the crowd. However, he wouldn't be that lucky. 

At the same time, Cerina and the others were finally at the entrance to the arena with Esmeralda being an excited child with Tiona about the show. They walked past all the other vendors along the path to the arena and were standing in front of the large hallway leading inside. 

Tiona: We're here!!

Lefiya: Let's get to our seats!

Esmeralda: Yeah!! 

All the way in the back, Cerina had a slightly conflicted face. Part of her hoped to run into Bell and watch together with everyone, but it looked like it wasn't meant to be, so she caught up with the others. Although, she did wonder what was holding up Ais and Loki. 

In another reality...

Smaller, child-like versions of Cerina and Esmeralda were currently talking with each other. The others were unaware the two even existed since they were mere mental hallucinations formed from past traumas.

Mini Cerina: *Looking around frantically* Where is he?!

Mini Esmeralda: Who?

Mini Cerina: The nice rabbit boy! He should be here so we can talk about things other than fighting and magic!

Mini Esmeralda: Forget that! I wanna see the monsters get whipped!

Mini Cerina: Hey!! Wait for me!!

And they ran and followed their real doppelgangers into the arena.


Over the next hour, the show was moving along as scheduled. The tamers all got their chances to show off their skills and the crowd was loving it like always. However, there would be some complications when the next show was a few minutes behind schedule. This forced a member of the Ganesha Familia to head under the arena where the monsters were held and find out what was going on. 

Ganesha Member A: What's the hold up?! The next monster should've been up already!

The woman arrived down and was met with the sight of all the guards down there slumped onto the ground. Just past them were the cages holding the monsters in place which were thankfully still secured. She went to see what happened and all were in a strange state of bliss that kept them from acting like normal. When she stood back up to think about the cause, she felt her sight stolen from her and a massive wave of pleasure wash all over her body. Behind her was a cloaked Freya who used her hands to cover the woman's eyes while lightly flooding her with charm. The pleasure overwhelmed the woman as her legs wobbled and she moaned lightly. 

Freya: Tell me, how many monsters are currently in here? What kind do you have? 

The woman immediately told the goddess what she wanted to know before Freya let her fall to the ground, feeling very pleasured. She walked down the hall and looked through all the monsters currently housed by Ganesha. She had her charm to protect her so Freya wasn't feeling worried. Rather, she was looking for a worthy opponent for the one on her mind. Luckily for Freya, her desired challenger came in the form of a silverback monster she found bound up with chains and caged. She deemed it worthy and quickly put it under her spell. Walking up to it, she caressed its face before giving it orders to attack so she could watch and enjoy the show that was about to start.

With Bell...

The albino was quickly losing hope he'd ever run into Syr and give her wallet back to her. Speaking off, his own was drying out due to all the food stalls he and Hestia visited. Eventually, they arrived at their last one which was just a few steps away from the entrance to the arena where the show was happening. Bell stood to the side and sighed while Hestia finished the snack she bought.

Bell: Where could she be?

Hestia: Hey, she could be in the arena. We could take a look inside before circling back.

Bell: I guess it's worth a look.

Not two steps forward, the ground beneath them rumbled and everyone was on alert at the sudden event.


Bell: Huh?

The rabbit looked around and soon, a silverback jumped out from the entrance to the basement of the arena. The civilians saw this and ran away in fear while Bell instinctively got in front of Hestia. As the monster jumped up and hung over them on the arena wall with its arm, Hestia couldn't help but notice their gazes meeting.

Hestia: *Nervous* Uh, w-why is that thing looking at me?

In the creature's mind, Freya's voice echoed loud and clear. She wanted it to go after Hestia and with its system full of divine charm, that was precisely what it would do.


The loud roar was more than enough for Bell to react and grab Hestia for a hasty retreat. They quickly rushed to the tight area where they lived and hoped the lack of room would be enough to lose it. 

Bell: Why is that thing after you?! Do you recognize it?

Hestia: No! I've never seen that thing ever!

Seeing it was right behind them, he took a sharp turn through a narrow alley, forcing the monster to the rooftops. The civilians nearby shut themselves tightly in their homes and waited for this storm to pass. While Bell had this dilemma, a certain other group was wondering what was taking so long in the arena.

Cerina: Huh. Are they supposed to be taking this long?

She had a curious expression while Esmeralda had finished her fourth tub of popcorn.

Esmeralda: Come on!! What's the hold up?!

Lefiya: Are they taking a break?

The seats they got happened to be within ear shot of Ganesha himself. So when members of his Familia informed him of monsters breaking out, they knew why the show was being delayed.

Esmeralda: Looks like they could use a hand.

Tiona: Oh yeah!! Time for us to join in the festival!

She threw her fist into her other hand as they all rushed out of the arena to help quell the chaos that was several other monster rushing out of the containment area.

Cerina: Looks like we're gonna have to split up to cover all this ground. Lefiya, let's stay here and help the Ganesha Familia.

Lefiya: Right!

Esmeralda: We'll have a look around for any stragglers.

Tiona and Tione rushed off and she was about to join them if Cerina hadn't stopped her.

Cerina: Hold on!

Esmeralda: Hm?

Cerina: You three be safe.

Esmeralda: *Smirking* You too.

The red-haired amazon leaped away as well and they all busied themselves with hunting down the runaway monsters. Thankfully, some Guild Employees were in the area and they helped guide all able adventurers in the area, so the clean up was relatively smooth. Though, some would disagree with that.

With Bell...

After taking several winding turns, Bell managed to lose the silverback for a brief period. The creature crouched on a rooftop and tried to sniff them out. As they caught their breaths, Bell gave Hestia instructions on what to do as he pulled out his daggers.

Bell: Goddess, I'll buy you some time to get out of here. You go and find other adventurers to help.

The tiny goddess' eyes widened from hearing such a ridiculous plan.

Hestia: Are you out of your mind?! There's no way you can fight that thing on your own!

Bell: I have to try! I won't let anyone else important die on me! Not to mention, the more time we spend running, the more that thing is going to destroy the neighborhood! I'm an adventurer too, so I should at least keep it in one place before some stronger ones arrive!

Hestia: Absolutely not! You can't- 


She shook her head and backed away. When she did, the loud sound of the box on her back hitting the wall was heard by them and Hestia remembered another thing she had to do. She helped get Bell a new weapon, but also, it had been several days since she last updated his status. Her eyes widened was she quickly brought the box down for Bell to see.

Bell: *Curious* Goddess?

Now that they had a quiet moment, he wondered what was inside the box until she opened it and revealed a fine, black sword for him to see. Bell marveled at how beautiful it looked.

Bell: Woah! Where'd you get that?!

Hestia: Sorry, I'll tell you later! Just show me your back!

Bell: What? A status update now? Why?

While he fired question after question, the monster quickly followed its target's scent and narrowed down their little hiding place in a small fountain square. Meanwhile, Hestia was quickly updating the boy's status and she was shocked to see what he was doing.

Hestia: Bell, you could've told me your friend was a girl... Both of them, actually. What the hell were you doing while I was gone?!

Bell: Sorry!! 

She grumbled jealously as she saw how Bell spent every morning with the same two girls that she also asked Loki about back during Ganesha's party. Although, all her jealousy was overshadowed by the sheer amount of growth the boy went through with all their help.

Hestia: (His average is around B for all his Basic Abilities except Magic!! That skill is crazy!! Wait- with a jump like this, he could take out that giant monkey no problem!!) 

Smiling widely, she finalized his update while Bell asked about the sword.

Bell: Goddess, you still haven't answered me about the sword.

Hestia: It's a gift for you. A special, living sword. Now, you have a weapon that'll get stronger right beside you.

The albino gripped the handle and the engravings glowed a bright light before fading away. The light show on Bell's back during the update also alerted the silverback to their location. Hestia pulled his shirt down and confidently pushed him forward.

Hestia: You got this, Bell!

Bell: Huh? I'm just going to buy time for-


The monster jumped to the ground in front of the place they hid and the boy ran out to face it.

Bell: Go find help, Goddess!!

Hestia: I don't have too!!

The albino turned back in confusion , only to find the monster was about to smack him away with its arm when he turned back. Bell was ready to brace for impact when he was inevitably sent flying. However, when he blocked with his sword, he was surprised to find he only slid back a small amount and the force wasn't as strong as he thought it would be.

Bell: Wha- GH!!

Roaring loudly, the silverback was going to squash him with its free left fist. Bell tried to dodge out of the way, but found that when he did, his body moved faster than he was used too. Seeing the attack coming, he moved out of the way before it had even gotten that close to him. The monster still had some dangling chains on its arms, so when it tried to use the to attack Bell, the albino easily cut through them and the makeshift armor it was wearing. 

Bell: (This is my new status? I feel so much stronger and faster!)

He jumped above two separate attempts to grab him and rushed along its arm towards its head, landing a clean strike that broke the head piece it was wearing. When Bell landed, he kept his sword gripped tight in both hands while getting into a stance he felt comfortable with after all the training he did with Ais. He stared down at the monster before making his move.


The sound of a monster screeching in pain before exploding to ash was heard in another commercial area. Esmeralda wiped her blood from her hands and scanned to see if anyone was hurt.

Esmeralda: Is everyone ok?

Eina and Misha followed and helped guide her along. They caught up and gave her the update on the situation.

Eina: Thanks to you, the damage was kept to a minimum and no one was badly injured.

Esmeralda: Phew! That's a relief!

Misha: We appreciate your help, Crimson Queen.

Esmeralda: Happy to help.

She smiled and looked to see how she could help before a loud roar echoed throughout the area.

Eina: There's still one more?

Esmeralda: I'll get it!

And she jumped to the roof of a building towards where the roar came from. When she arrived, she would only be able to witness the final act of a great play.

With Bell...

Bell: HAAAAA!!!

He gave a loud battle cry and the monster roared back at him. It raised both its arms, aiming to bring them down and turn the rabbit into pulp. Bell, however, would be too fast for it. He slipped through its arms and head and was now right above it as it slammed the ground where Bell used to be. When it turned around, it only saw the brief image of Bell before the albino had his sword at his side and twisted his body as he swung sideways. He made a clean cut along its neck, spurting blood everywhere before he landed on his feet and the monster exploded to dust. Having played game versions of these scenarios as a child, he swung his sword to the ground with muscle memory to clean off the blood only to snap back to reality and realize what just happened. He turned back to where the silverback used to be and saw only a single magic stone before turning to Hestia who had a look of glee on her face.

Bell: *In disbelief* Did I do that?

Hestia: Bell!! You did it!!

All at once, the residents in the area came out of hiding and cheered for the boy who slew the monster in their area. Hestia herself rushed to her child and threw him into a hug while the boy processed everything that happened.

Hestia: You were amazing! I knew you could do it!

Bell: I'm still shocked that was all me. Not only that, but this sword was great too. He stared at the blade in his hand and mentally thanked it for its help. As he smiled awkwardly at the crowd throwing praise and thanks his was, a rapid set of footsteps approached him. When he turned to the source of the noise, he found himself staring at the wide eyes of Esmeralda, who had seen the tail end of the fight.

Esmeralda: *Shocked* Holy crap!! That was the coolest thing I've seen all day!!

Bell: Uh, thanks?!

Esmeralda: The way you finished off that silverback was totally like the end of an epic battle! Wait...

She examined the boy and remembered the description the others gave of him.

Esmeralda: Say, you wouldn't happen to be Bell Cranel, would you?

Bell: *Blushing* Y-Yes?

Thankfully he had only just finished a heated battle. Had he not, his thundering heart would be because of the other stunning beauty of the Wallenstein sisters. The red-haired beauty he'd only seen once over a week ago.

Esmeralda: *Smiling* Sweet! Nice to finally meet you properly! I'm Esmeralda and I see the stories my sisters told me weren't tall tales!

Bell: Th-They talked about me?

Esmeralda: *Smiling* Yup! They talked about this quick learner that surprised them everyday! I'm so glad I can finally meet you face to face!

She walked to him happily and threw her arm around his neck, making him blush more.

Esmeralda: We should go for a little bite to eat later. I wanna hear all the details from you.

Bell: *Steaming* I-I-I-I-I-

Hestia: Hold it!!

She got up and between them, shocking the two at the interruption.

Hestia: Now listen here! You can just go around and take my Bell wherever you please. He's... my... Familia...


As she scolded the amazon, Hestia suddenly grew drowsy and passed out onto the ground.

Bell: Goddess?! Goddess!!

He shook the body of the unconscious Hestia as tears began to leak from his eyes. He feared the worst when she showed no signs of waking up.


AN: And I will cut it there for now. Rather sad Bell's one on one time with Esmeralda got cut short and Hestia... meh. Next chapter, the sister get to have a "fun" time of their own, but that will be it for now. I also felt Bell getting B in every stat was fair considering what he was doing. It wasn't like before the Wargame where he busted his ass. He still put in a lot of effort but I didn't want to overload him so leaving him there seemed right to me but feel free to tell me if I should have gone higher or lower. Also, let me know your opinions for an alias for Cerina if you want. Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed. See you in the next one!

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