Chapter Six: Monsterphilia

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Braedey walks along the cobbled pathways of Orario, seeing many people walking about today. He was told today was the famous 'Monsterphilia'. It's where the Ganesha Familia show off some of the monsters that were captured from the Dungeons, and members of the Familia train them in front of a live audience, and try and stay alive.

At first, Braedey was a little hesitant at hearing something like that, but he knew the Ganesha Familia were smart folks, and they know what they're doing.

"I guess today is a good day for a festival like the 'Monsterphilia'." Braedey commented to himself, then felt an odd chill go down his back. 'Odd. Whenever I feel like this... something bad is about to happen.' He gave a small shrug, and began to make his way down the road, approaching the 'Hostess of Fertility'.

"Nya. Hello." Braedey looked over to see one of the waitresses, a Cat Person, waving to him.

The Waitress is Chloe Rollo. She has gentle green eyes, with fair skin, and black hair with a pair of cat ears sticking up on top of her head, and a tail of the same colour behind her. She has a slender body shape with an average size bust, and a narrow waist. She has on the Hostess of Fertility uniform; a white blouse, a leaf-colour knee-length long skirt, a slightly long half apron around her waist, and a pair of brown boots over black stockings. "You must be the friend of the white-hair boy Syr spoke of." She added.

"That's right. Braedey Martin, at your service." Braedey nodded, then bowed his head to the Cat Girl. "What brings you out here today?" He asked.

"Your friend was just here a few minutes ago." Chloe told the brunette. "I wanted him to deliver Syr her wallet. She left it behind this morning by accident."

"I see." Braedey acknowledged. "Well, at least my friend is taking care of that little issue." He then noticed another waitress next to Chloe.

She is an Elf, standing 5ft 5" tall, with sky blue eyes and green hair. Her hair was originally golden blonde until her hair was dyed green by the other employees of the Hostess of Fertility. She is extremely beautiful with skin as white as snow, causing her to be referred to as a fairy on several occasions. She has a slender body shape with an average size bust, and a narrow waist. She is wearing the 'Hostess of Fertility' maid outfit with a white frilled headband, matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots over black leggings.

"Hello. You must be a fellow coworker of Chloe's." Braedey bowed his head to her.

"Yes. I am Ryuu Lion." The Elf introduced herself. "You are a friend of Bell's, and part of the Hestia Familia, I see." She narrowed her eyes a little, then noticed the Transformatrix insignia on his jacket. "You are the 'Knight of the Primes'."

"That's right." Braedey nodded to the greenette. "It's nice to know people have heard about me. Still..." He gently scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "I didn't think I'd be well-known in a world like this, though."

"Well, anyone who's anyone around these parts of Orario knows about the famous 'Dragonstorm and the Knight' legend." Ryuu commented. "Still, some thought the legend as nothing but folly."

Before Braedey could respond to Ryuu's comment, the sound of a loud snarl and roar got his attention, making him look down the road. It sounded like trouble, and he knew people need help.

"Sorry, Miss Ryuu. I gotta go!" With that, the Transformatrix bearer sprinted away towards the noise, the two waitresses watching him go on his way.


"Help, some of the monsters have escaped!!!" A man cried out, running out of the arena, as some people were taking shelter in some buildings.

Braedey soon ran up to the colosseum, and noticed a crowd of people surrounding something. He sprinted up to the scene, and he saw Miss Ais Wallenstein, armed with her sword, and she had just taken down some kind of large green goblin-like creature, as it vanished in a black cloud of smoke and dust.

"Wow. She's really got a good swinging arm." Braedey commented to himself, only to notice a large beast standing on top of one of the nearby buildings, and it seemed to have locked its eyes on the 'Sword Princess'.

This creature has a height of 40 feet, with an overall weight of 50 tonnes. It appears to walk on all fours arms and legs, instead of standing upright. It's anatomy consists of two short legs and long, four digit hands that bear a striking resemblance to those of a Pterosaur. It has a long tail with bony plates along the spine, as well as three prehensile pincers on the end of the tail. The facial structure of the beast is made up of a long neck, plated and ridged, and her head includes a large, powerful jaw and is marked by a signature crest on between the forehead and snout, with two extra, golden eyes on each front of the crest. The crest is curved in the front, with a long, sturdy spike protruding from the back for protection of the eyes. It has a dark matte grey body colour, having short blackish red hair along the length of its back until reaching the bony plates, a set of fang-like teeth jutting out of the top jaw and snout, and the claws on both its hands and feet are tipped with jet black claws.

"GET DOWN!" Braedey sprinted forward suddenly, tackling Wallenstein down before the monster jumped down at the duo.

Braedey growled under his breath at the sight of the beast, as it turns to face both the brunette and blonde, while Braedey got to his feet, helping up Wallenstein at the same time.

Ais looked at the brunette with curious eyes. "You were the young man I saw at the pub a few nights ago." She spoke quietly, Braedey's eyes turning to her without his head facing away from the beast. The 'Sword Princess' then noticed the familiar angular face on Braedey's jacket, and her eyes widen a little. "It is true. You are the boy Loki spoke of the other evening. You are Braedey the Transformer."

"I'll explain everything later. Right now..." Braedey looked at the creature, as it snarled and grunted out. "... We've got a job to do."

Braedey got into a battle stance, as Ais held up her sword, the two of them standing side by side.

Braedey reached for the Transformatrix. He tapped the black faceplate, which brought up a blue, holographic image of a robot with doors on its back, and wheels on the shoulders and ankles. He scrolled through the playlist, until he found the form he wanted, and pushed down the core to select it.

In a flash of cobalt blue light, Braedey was replaced with a 21ft tall red Decepticon. He has a finical design in the shape of spiky hair on top of his helm, with a silver face, and red optics. He has silver hands like a humans, only sharpened at the tips, car doors on the forearms, golden wheel rims on his shoulders and in his ankles, headlights and the front grille on the chest, and the Transformatrix in the centre of the chest.

"Knockout!" The red Decepticon rolled his shoulders, then narrowed his optics at the beast. "Time to slice and dice!" Suddenly, his right hand transforms into a buzz-saw weapon, as his left hand changes into the same weapon.

At once, the beast charges at the Transformer, only for Knockout to swing his arms around in an arc motion. He swings his left arm next, getting the beast by the chest again, taking some skin and flesh off, making the beast screech out. Knockout then swings his right arm again at its chest, as the creature tries to dodge the attacks. Knockout next swings his right arm forward, only for the monster to grab it. He next swings his left arm, but the monster grab it. Thinking fast, Wallenstein suddenly charges in, slicing her sword across the tail and stomach of the monster, making it screech out loudly in pain, only for Knockout to next kick the monster in the chest, making it let go of his buzz-saw weapons as he shifted them back into hands, and he next grabs the monster by its neck, pick it up above his head, and slam it down into the ground with a thud.

Knockout thinks this might be a good time to try out another form. He tapped the Transformatrix dial on his chest, engulfing him in a blue flash of light. As the flash faded from view, now standing in Knockout's place stood by a Cybertronian, standing up to 45ft in height. He has red, golden, and greyish armour all across his towering form. His hands have three claw-like structures on his wrists, while his hands are five-fingered. He is tall and largely built, having a broad chest tapering down to a narrow waist, and he possesses large broad shoulders and thickly armoured lower legs. His feet look to be boot-shaped, with the helm only having a visor and battle mask as his facial plate, with a small finical design to the rest of the helm. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia is in the centre of his chest.

"Grimlock!" The Dinobot roars out, standing in a 'power-up' stance, then his visor glared menacingly at the creature.

The beast didn't seem to be fazed by the Dinobot, and began to charge forward. Grimlock took two steps forward, before he backhands the creature into a wall, and performs an uppercut as it tries to tackle down Grimlock. Ais strikes across the back and armoured tail of the beast, only to realise the thick armour plating was too thick to cut through.

Suddenly, to the crowds' shock, along with Ais' curiosity and surprise, Grimlock punched both his fists into the ground, and his body began to transform, the sound of shifting metal echoing from his form. His hands soon became three digit clawed feet, as his arms became long legs, and his legs formed a long tail, what his shoulders and helm formed a larger head, outfitted with sharp teeth, and small arms.

Grimlock has transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A 17ft tall, 45ft long, 10 tonne, red, gold, and silver metal T-Rex; his mouth outfitted with metal razor sharp railroad spike-like teeth that could crush and rip apart metal and concrete like it was nothing, two thick strong legs, and a toughened metal body structure.

The Cybertronian Tyrannosaur glares viciously at the monster, a low metallic growl emanating from his throat, as the beast gets down low, looking like it may strike. Grimlock takes one step forward, draws in a deep breath, then lets out a loud and thunderous roar, shaking the ground and the branches of the trees, shaking people off their feet, then charges at the monster, knocking it down off its feet, and tries to crush the beast under his feet.

But then, the beast grabs Grimlock by his neck, throwing him a few feet away, fortunately not crushing any civilians as he hanged back into robot form. Grimlock shakes his helm, then sees the beast getting into a fighting stance, it's tail chomping at him. Thinking fast, Grimlock grabs one of the horns of the beast, along with the tail, grabbing it just below the large pincer, and began to pull with all his might, the sickening sound of bones cracking coming from the beast.

"Wallenstein! Slice it through the weak spot under and around the tail!" Grimlock yelled out.

Ais looked at the Dinobot, then to the beast, and she could see a red streak underneath the armour plating on the beast. She gave a single nod to Grimlock, whipped out her sword, sprinted over to the beast, jumped up onto its back, stabbing her sword into the red streak, then begins to cut along it, going all around the section, until she heard the sound of muscles tearing and bones being broken up. She jumps off the beast, taking a few steps back, as Grimlock finally pulls the tail clean off the beast's back, and throwing it a few metres away, landing in front of some people.

Grimlock threw the beast away, the creature landing on the ground with a grunt and moan, only to snarl out in anger, and screech viciously at the Dinobot. It suddenly jumps up, grabbing Grimlock by his abdomen with its talons, digging them in, and forcing the Dinobot down on his back. Suddenly, a pair of wings unfold from the front arms, folding out from an elongated, double-jointed fifth digit.

'A flying monster?!' Braedey yelled in his head.

The monster suddenly lifts off the ground, carrying its Dinobot cargo onboard, as it head off into the air. Grimlock tries to punch and bring the beast down, only for it to shake him about, and nearly knock him around.

"Okay. That's it! You're done for!" Grimlock grunted. He reaches around to his back, and pulls out what looks to be some kind of sword hilt. Suddenly, a red glow engulfed the hilt, creating a red/orange sword blade, blazing in flames. "Time to bring you down to Earth!"

Once deployed, Grimlock swings the blade into the beast's side, making the monster screech out in pain, until finally, Grimlock slices his sword right through the monster!

Braedey smiled broadly, but his smile faded from his face, as gravity takes over. As he began to fall towards the ground from being up 100ft in the air, the Dinobot orients himself around, and lands on the ground with a loud thud, cracking the ground underneath him.

As the dust settles around him, Grimlock rises up to his 45ft tall height, and looks around at the crowd of people surrounding him and Wallenstein. Braedey was concerned he'd be ridiculed by the masses. However, the crowds all cheer in uproar for the Dinobot and the 'Sword Princess', as Grimlock disappeared in the blue flash of light, and turned back into human form.

Ais walked over to Braedey, showing a small content smile on her face. "That was very brave o you to face that creature." She said to him, then held her hand out to him. "I do believe we haven't been introduced. My name is Ais Wallenstein, of the Loki Familia." She introduces herself.

Braedey was taken aback by the rather calm nature of the 'Sword Princess'. He shows a smile, and shake hands with Ais. "Thank you. My name is Braedey Martin." He introduced himself.

At that moment, the sound of a snarling roar could be heard in the far distance, getting the two's attention. Braedey's eyes narrow at the noise, as he knew Hestia or Bell could be in danger.

"Ais, I need to go and and find my Goddess and my partner." The brunette suddenly began to sprint away, much to Wallenstein's surprise, just as Loki and Miss Eina walked up to her.

"There you are, hot stuff." Loki smirked, and she was about to grope Wallenstein's butt, only for the 'Sword Princess' to spin around to face Eina, and Loki fell to the ground.

"Madame, do you know anything regarding about the 'Knight of the Primes'?" Ais asked Miss Eina.

"Well, he is part of the Hestia Familia, and he is rather courageous in his own way." Eina replied. "That's all we know of him so far."

"That was him?" Loki demanded, noticing the blue departing form. "Why, I oughta..."


Braedey soon reached down a lone alleyway, only to see Bell and Hestia fighting against a 20ft tall white silverback gorilla monster, with chains on its wrists and some armour over his snout and head, it's red eyes glaring angrily at the white-hair male.

"Bell!" Braedey called out, getting her attention of both the white-hair male and the silverback. The brunette notices the monster staring at him, but didn't care. "Get to cover!"

As the brunette sprinted into the area, the silverback gorilla monster swung its chains around, trying to strike and take down the two humans and Goddess. Braedey, thanks to his years of training alongside Grandpa Jackson, his cousin Jessie, best friend Rex, and training with the Autobots and Decepticons, his agility, speed, strength, and reaction timing has accelerated and improved almost to the point where he's like a version of Captain America or something. He jumps left and rolls right, sliding in underneath the gorilla, only to swing his left leg out, striking he beast from behind the right knee, forcing the monster to fall over to its hands and knees.

"Bell, use this!" Hestia's voice calls out, as Bell grabs the knife the Goddess has made with Hephaestus last night.

"What the..." Bell looked at the knife curiously. He had never seen a knife

"Bell, that knife is alive! Each strike you give with that knife, it grows with you!" Hestia called out to him from behind a nearby brick wall. "Use it!"

Bell seems to smile happily when he heard this, as he charges in, swinging his new weapon around, striking the chains that were about to strike him, only to be deflected back. He seems to get faster with each deflection and strike, to his surprise. At the same time, Braedey jumps left and right, dodging the chains time and time again, while the creature snarls and roads at them, trying to score a meal.

Braedey and Bell land next to one another, and as they do so, the two of them mentally come up with a plan to defeat this monster silverback. Bell holds his knife at the ready, next looks over to Braedey, as he activates the Transformatrix, selects one form that could work with this, and pushes down the dial, engulfing him in a cobalt blue flash of light.

As the light fades, now in Braedey's place stands a 20ft Autobot, with a dark yellow, silvery grey, and black colour scheme, with a broad body shape and design, with tank treads built into the upper and lower arms, whilst what could be described as parts of a large bucket scoop could be seen making up the lower legs and the feet. The cab of the vehicle mode is built into the lower section of the chest and abdomen, whilst the helm was shape and designed at best to look like that of a mining helmet with a single light in the centre, and a facial plate similar to Ratchet. The Transformatrix insignia was placed In the centre of the chest.

"EarthMuncher!" The elemental Cybertronian stood in a 'power-up' stance, then got into a battle stance. "Oh, Yeah. Let's rumble." His facial plate hardens at the monster silverback.

EarthMuncher has incredible digging capabilities and enhanced strength, and, due to his armour, EarthMuncher has incredible durability. He can create destructive earthquakes by placing his hands on the ground and pumping the jackhammer pistons on his elbows. EarthMuncher is able to create fissures in the ground. He can turn his hands into drills. Using his jackhammer arms, he can create shock waves and can launch objects he is holding.

EarthMuncher rolled his shoulders, both his arms turning into jackhammer points, then slams both his arms down into the ground, and the ground suddenly began to shake like crazy, the buildings being unaffected, while the ground around the huge silverback begins to crack apart. At that moment, the ground collapses underneath the silverback, making the creature growl in anger, only for its feet and lower half to be swallowed by the earth below.

"Bell! While it's pinned down!" EarthMuncher told his partner, then sprints forward, grabbing both the monster's chains. "I'll hold its arms down!"

Bell nodded, charges forward, his knife at the ready, next jumper right over EarthMuncher's helm, then strikes the silverback creature in the chest. He drags his knife down and across the chest, making the monster screech in pain, only for it to finally vanish in a cloud of black smoke, dropping its magic stone, while the armour and chains were left behind.

Bell breathes a sigh of relief, as EarthMuncher gets down on his knees, turning back into his human form in his cobalt blue flash, while the many townsfolk had exited their homes, and saw what had happened just then. They soon began to cheer out in happiness for Bell, even commenting about him and how Braedey and his many forms even defeated that monster.

Braedey gave a small smile to the many people around him and Bell, as Hestia jumped up and hugged the white-hair male. The Transformatrix bearer gets to his feet, only to see Hestia collapse and fall unconscious in Bell's arms, much to his partner's worry and concern.

"GODDESS HESTIA!" Bell yelled out in worry and fear. He looked to Braedey in concern. "What happened to her?" He asked in worry.

"She's fallen unconscious." Braedey reported to him. "We'd better get her to the 'Hostess of Fertility'. They'll know what to do."

Next, he got to his feet, selected a form inside the Transformatrix, then slapped down the dial, engulfing him in the blue flash, as many people shield their eyes from the light. As the flash faded from view, now in Braedey's place stood a 25ft tall reddish-orange and white robot. He had medical signs on his shoulders, whilst his lower arms were the front fenders and front wheels of his vehicle mode. He has an intelligent looking face with red eyebrow crests above each eye. His chest had the doors of the alt-form's cab, whilst his back was structured like the back of an ambulance, and the Transformatrix insignia is in the centre of his chest.

"Ratchet!" The red-orange/white Autobot looked at his form, then clenched his fists, and rolled his left shoulder. "Excellent. This form should do the job." With that, his body collapses in on itself with gear-shifting sounds, and the end result was a Ford F-450 Ambulance in his place. He opened his back doors for Bell. "Get her inside. I'll take us there."

Bell didn't waste another second, picking up Bell carefully, then jumped into Ratchet, the back doors shutting behind the white-hair male. Once placing Hestia down on a gurney inside, Ratchet flipped on his siren and lights, telling people to get out of the way, and he races away down the road, everyone watching the ambulance go.

Within the crowds, Ais Wallenstein and Loki had seen everything, the blonde in curiosity about the 'Knight of the Primes', while Loki is still fuming about Braedey being in Hestia's Familia. Still, Ais was wondering about the brunette, and why he is the way he is today.


Soon, nightfall came across the city of Orario. Down at the 'Hostess of Fertility', people were all drinking away, while also talking about today's events, including the 'Sword Princess', the 'Knight of the Primes', and along with how Bell defeated the silverback monster.

Upstairs, Bell was sitting outside an empty room, his mind lost in thought about Hestia's condition, while Braedey checked over the Goddess. Bell was concerned for the Goddess, and hoped she's okay.

A moment goes by, then Syr walks up the stairs, just as Braedey exited the room. "How's the Goddess?" The waitress asked Braedey.

"She'll be fine. She's only fell unconscious from running about after Bell today." Braedey reports. "Fortunately, she's back on her feet, though she wishes to talk to you, Bell."

Bell didn't need any further motivation, as he goes inside the room, Braedey closing the door behind him. The brunette gives a small sigh in relief, ten looks to Syr with a small smile. "I thank you for letting us stay over for the evening." He thanked. "Bell really is grateful for you."

"Well, Mamma Mia heard about what happened to you three, so she thought to give you the room." Syr said to him. "Also, everyone's been talking about both you and Bell fighting against that monster earlier. Seems like you've gotten the attention of the Gods, also."

"That's good news." Braedey commented with a smile. "By the way, tell Mamma Mia that I said 'thank you'."

"Sure thing." Syr smiled. With that, she heads off downstairs to the pub, as Braedey watches her go.

At that moment, Braedey could hear crying coming from the room Hestia and Bell were in. To his concern, he entered the room, and he saw Hestia awake and well, while Bell was crying on the bed, but they were happy tears. Braedey wondered as to why, then he noticed the hilt for the newly named 'Hestia Knife', seeing the red name 'Hephaestus' written on the hilt.

'Guess Bell is thankful for Hestia to get that knife.' Braedey thought to himself, then walked up to the other side of the bed. "How are you doing, Goddess Hestia?" He asked.

"Much better, thanks to you and Bell." Hestia thanked Braedey, then she gently hugged him and Bell, holding them close to her ample bosom. "You two are the best. Nobody is gonna change that ever."

"Thanks, Goddess Hestia." Braedey thanked, his face slightly blushing from being close to the Goddess' ample bust.

Later on that evening, the trio soon came downstairs, all of them being greeted by many people inside the building. Many of them thanked and congratulated the two warriors and fighters for killing that monster, while commenting to Braedey about his many transformations, some of them telling him about some they really liked. The group thanked everyone deeply for that, even getting a free meal from Mamma Mia, much to Bell and Hestia's thankfulness.

'Guess we're gonna have a great time here in this reality.' Braedey thought to himself with a smile on his face, then looks to Bell and Hestia, and they smile to him.

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