Chapter 26: Reign Storm Part 3.

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Here we fade Fade in on a sign. It says 'Amity Park- A Nice Place to Live!'. Unfortunately, that nice place to live is now encased in a ectoplasmic dome with no way out.

Close up, then cut to Casper High. Shift over to the football field where all the cool stuff is happening. We end up right where we were before, how great. We then see Danny and (F/N) fly up and crash into the dome. Valerie flies over to the sword, attempting to grab it, but is pushed away by Fright Knight. She faints as she hits the ground. Her hunter garb retracts, revealing a seriously beaten Valerie. Cut to Danny, (F/N), and Plasmius.

Danny and (F/N): Valerie!

Plasmius: My pawn! *Danny and (F/N) give him an odd look.* I mean, that poor girl.

The two fly down to take a look at Valerie. Their inspection is interrupted by Fright Knight, who says some kind of prophecy-type-thing.

Fright Knight: The sword has sunk, your die now cast, The sword removed shall signal fast. Make reappear- *Cut to Danny and (F/N) they looks terrified* The Ring thou hast- *Cut to Plasmius. He looks even more terrified. Cut back to the Fright Knight* Or your next day shall be your last.

He disappears in a puff of smoke and bats. Plasmius, (F/N), and Danny take cover from the bats. The Skeleton Armies remain motionless. Cut back to Plasmius, (F/N) and Danny.

Danny and (F/N): "The Ring thou hast"?

Vlad shrugs uncertainty.

Maddie: Children of Amity Park! *Out of nowhere, we get a shot of Maddie and Mr. Gray sitting in the FFGAV. Maddie is driving and speaking through a microphone* Report to the safe bosom of the Fenton Family Assault Vehicle!

As the vehicle drives over, it smashes through inert Skeletons. Cut back to Danny and Plasmius once more.

Danny: *Simultaneously with Plasmius* Mom!

(F/N): *Simultaneously with Plasmius* Mrs. Fenton!

Vlad: *Simultaneously with Danny Phantom and (F/N)* Maddie!

Danny, (F/N),  Vlad: I can't let her see me like this!

Danny and (F/N) fly away, Vlad disappears in a puff of pink ectoplasmic smoke. Danny and (F/N) detransforms behind a tree and runs over to Valerie just as Maddie and Mr. Gray do so. The two adults frown at him.

Danny: Uh... She was like that when we got here.

The four bend over her.

Cut to Fenton Works. The Skeleton Armies stand still. A ghost shield covers the house. We hear the news media again.

Tiffany Snow: Welcome back to Big Scary Dome Watch.

Fade to the inside. Sam, Paulina and Tucker are watching the news on a nice TV .We see Tiffany in front of a screen with the dome and the word 'Domewatch'.

Tiffany : I'm Tiffany Snow. We are in our fourth hour of captivity- *Cut to Paulina, Sam and Tuck. They look worried. Obviously* And Amity Park remains cut off from the outside world. *Cut back to the broadcast* With more on that, outside the safety of our studio, is our own Lance Thunder. Lance?

The screen changes to show Lance and some guy with a large drill. The guy with the drill is trying to break through the dome. Close up on this.

Lance Thunder: *To some guy off-screen* Why the heck do I have to do this? I'm a weatherman, for the love uhh.... *Realizing he's on camera* Tiffany, despite the odd circumstances, an eerie calm has fallen over Amity Park, emergency teams still having no luck in piercing the dome. *Cut to some shots proving that the drill guy has some friends, then back to Lance* Wishing he had taken that job in Chicago, this is Lance Thunder, Action News.

Probably thought Amity Park was a sleepy little town...hah, I say, HAH! Pull back. As it turns out, Danny, (F/N), and Valerie (revived) are watching the same thing in the basement (on a different and much less beat-up TV then the one that was in the basement before...). Behind them, Vlad and Maddie are working on the Battlesuit, which is actually beginning to look like a suit. Vlad is wearing overalls. He gets up and wipes his brow as Maddie says the next lines.

Maddie: This suit is the only hope we have to punch through that dome. *Cut to Maddie. She is working on something in the dome* But I still don't think we'll be able to perfect the neural receptors.

Cut to Jack. He is still worn out from last time, and has a cold water bottle on his head.

Jack: Which is why I'll wear the suit. If anyone's gonna beat that ghost back into the Ghost Zone, it's me.

He stands up as he says this. However, the effort weakens him considerably.

Maddie: No, Jack, look at you! You're still wiped out from the last time!

Cut to Danny, (F/N) and Vlad. Vlad is putting his suit back on when Danny drops in.

Danny: It kills ya, doesn't it?

(F/N): How much they love each other? When his mom hates you.

Vlad: I have other things to worry about and so do you. *As he says this, Jack attempts to walk away. Vlad sticks out his leg as he walks by, making the big man trip* And yet, I will always have time for that.

Cut to back upstairs. Valerie has made her way up the stairs to Sam and Tuck, who continue to watch the broadcast, now completely stationary. She is still covered in bruises. She sits with them, clutching her stomach.

Tucker: You feeling any better?

Valerie: A little. Though I'm surprised you care... You guys don't like me very much, do you?

Sam: We don't know you very much. And honestly, you used to be pretty mean to us. *Valerie looks a bit shocked*  You think we're just gonna start hanging out with you without wondering what you want?

Paulina: *Sees the ring of rage* And... How did you get that weird ring?

Close up on the Ring of Rage, which is still on Val's finger. (I am psychic, I can read Sam's mind... I won't tell you what I see...). Cut to Valerie.

Valerie: That officially falls under the category- *Cut to Sam, Paulina and Tuck. They look miffed*  Of "none of your business".

Behind her, Danny and (F/N) come up from the basement.

Danny: Hey guys.

(F/N): Sup people.

Valerie gives the other two a sly smile. Sam runs to him and grabs his arm and (F/N)'s arm angrily.

Sam: *Speaking very fast* Can I talk to you two for a second?

She hauls them away. On the way, she grabs Tucker by the backpack and hauls him too along with Paulina. (Ah, the joys of relationship...). She pushes them into a closet full of Fenton gear and slams the door. Cut to the inside of the closet. Sam turns on a light. Tuck is trying to get through to Danny.

Tucker: Yo man, you do know the minute you turn into Danny Phantom and Lady Luck she's gonna shoot first and ask questions never.

Danny: She's not gonna find out.

Paulina: You do know I found out you were the ghost boy days ago.

Danny: Okay aside from Paulina.

Sam: And how do you know she's not snooping right now? *She crowds into his personal space.* What if that ring on her finger is some sort of ghost detection device?

Cut to Danny and (F/N). They look surprised.

(F/N): Wait what?

Danny: Ring? W-what are you talking about?

He opens the door a crack, looks out, and sees the Ring. Valerie notices Danny looking at her, and waves in a slightly flirtatious manner. Danny waves back, before realizing what he's doing and closing the door. Cut back to the inside.

(F/N): Oh that ring.

Danny: Oh, man, that's gotta be the ring the Fright Knight is looking for!

(F/N): Vlad must've given it to her!

Tucker: Isn't he a little old for her?

Paulina: Plus, it's creepy on so many levels.

Danny: He's obviously using her to hide the ring from the Fright Knight.

(F/N): And something's going on with that ring, and we need to make the ghosts tell us what it is.

He and (F/N) stand up and transform. Danny then turns intangible, grabs Sam and Tuck, while (F/N) grabs Paulina and they all phase through the wall.

We Cut to the hunting/sport store. A more-than-obviously cardboard cutout of Skulker is looking at a corner. Danny and (F/N) phases up behind him with the Thermos.

Danny: I'd much rather kick your butt, but this works too!

(F/N): Wait Danny don't-

Danny powers up the Thermos and pulls Skulker in- or at least tries. The beam merely passes through the cutout, which falls over.

Danny is so surprised he doesn't notice that the real Skulker has just punched him and (F/N) into some camping gear until he does it.

Skulker: Did you actually think you could sneak upon me?

He flies over and attempts to pummel Danny some more-but slams into the Specter Speeder, which Sam, Paulina, and Tuck have parked right in front of him.

Danny and (F/N)  become intangible, phases through the floor, and come up right under Skulker.


Skulker is sent careening towards the ceiling, but activates his rocket boosters at the last second. He sends out some netting towards Danny and (F/N) who is captured in it. Danny and (F/N) around aimlessly, taking Skulker along for the ride, and then phases out right before the crash landing.

A baseball helmet falls on his head, and a ball and bat fall near him. He smiles evilly as he whacks the ball towards Danny and (F/N), who is knocked down. Skulker picks them up and...

Poindexter: Ix-nay on the ight-fay, Skulker. *Cut to Poindexter* Maybe he can help us.

Pull back to reveal other ghosts. Poindexter is still riding the Dragon Ghost, and with him are Technus, Ember, Walker, Klemper, and Bullet, aka 'that guy who works for Walker from Public Enemies.' Cut back to Danny.

Danny: Please, tell us what's going on! Let me help you guys!

Reluctantly, Skulker puts Danny down. Of course, as soon as they're down, (F/N) punches him. Skulker is thrown backwards. Tuck and Sam fly over in the Speeder. (F/N) is flexing her wrist.

Sam: How is that helping?

(F/N): It's payback. It helps me on the inside.

Fade into another scene. Everyone from before, plus the Box and Lunch Lady Ghosts, is sitting around a fake electric plug-in fire listening to Skulker tell a not-so-fake campfire story.

Skulker: It was many years ago. Before you. *Cut over to Danny, Paulina, Sam, Tucker, and the Lunch Lady Ghost* Before me. *Cut to him, then to the other ghosts present* Before most of us. His name was Pariah Dark.

The screen now goes to a flashback- the Fright Knight is holding the Crown of Fire. He flies it over to the King.

Skulker: And he ruled the Ghost Zone. *The Fright Knight flies into the King's throne room on his horse. He steps down. Cut to Pariah* He was a ghost of such power and magnitude, only he could control the entities contained within the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage. *The Fright Knight places the crown on Pariah's head. He, who is already wearing the Ring, smiles evilly* When wearing both- he could do anything.

Pariah does a dramatic little spin cycle or whatever it is. At the end of it, he bangs his fists together, causing an explosion.

Close-up on his face. Then on his pupil. In the pupil, we can see six ghosts, all robed.

Skulker: Until a group of powerful ancient ghosts banded together in a last ditch effort to defeat the King.

The ancient ghosts combine their ectoplasm shooting powers to shoot Pariah in the back. He falls to the ground, seemingly defeated. One ghost takes away the Ring of Rage, another takes the Crown of Fire, depriving Pariah of most of his power.

Skulker: By locking him within the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.

Back to the main point, cut to another scene. Pariah is thrown into the sarcophagus, which is then shut. One ghost locks the sarcophagus with the Skeleton Key, sealing Pariah away for a good part of forever. The ghosts then fly out of the Keep and blast it with more ectoplasm, cutting it off from the rest of the Ghost Zone.

The flashback is over. Fade into Skulker.

Skulker: Or so he thought.

Cut to Klemper and Ember.

Ember: He's only been freed for a day and he's already destroyed our homes.

Cut to Danny, Sam, Paulina, (F/N) and Tuck.

Danny: And that's without the Ring. *Close-up*  We can't let him get it! But I'm gonna need all of you to help me put the Ghost King to sleep.

Pan across all the ghosts (and the two humans) as he says the next line.

Danny: We'll need you to battle against all odds- *Overhead view of the group* Face untold danger, doom, and destruction, with no guarantee of ever coming back. *Close-up again*WHO'S WITH ME?

Cut to the ghosts. They pause for a second, pondering, then laugh and float away. Only Dan, Sam, Paulina, and Tuck remain. Cut to them.

Tucker: You should probably take that as a 'no'.

Cut to Danny and (F/N) they look slightly worried.

Fade into Fenton Works. It is covered by the Ghost Shield. The city is still in its dome. Inside the shield, Vlad is casually leaning against the Specter Speeder, which is parked in the street. Danny, and (F/N) in human form, walks out of the house and up to Vlad.

Vlad: *Casually* You two wanted to talk to me?

Danny: You're putting innocent people in danger.

(F/N): It stops. Now cheese head.

Vlad gives him a smug look. He isn't really taking this seriously.

Vlad: Really? *He laughs a little* You two know what I'm up to? Your tiny teen minds has pieced together the rest of my plot?

Cut to Danny and (F/N)

Danny That you stole the Ring, woke the Ghost King-

(F/N): -Gave it to Valerie to hide it and now you're waiting for your chance to steal it back?

Cut back to Vlad.

Vlad: That's pretty good. It's almost as though I barely consider you both a threat.

Danny and (F/N) groans, their eyes glow green and pink.

Vlad: *Shaking in mock fear* Oh, there's that temper of yours again. What ARE you two going to do? *He leans in dangerously close* What if Valerie sees us, hm?

Cut to Valerie. She is listening by the closet door. She still thinks that the others are in there, apparent in the next statement.

Valerie: Danny? (F/N)? Are you guys still in there?

Cut back to Danny, (F/N) and Vlad. Danny fires ectoplasm from his finger, taking out a streetlight. The screen is completely dark except for the Nick logo that should be there.

Vlad: Oh, sugar cookie.

(F/N): Language!

Ooh, disembodied voice. Danny and (F/N) fires some more ectoplasm and mana, the glow lighting up his face (this is a really cool shot, I can't wait for screens to come up). The blast hits Vlad, knocking him out of the Shield. Danny and (F/N) run out after him, transforming as they leave. Vlad gets up, only to be kicked by Danny and (F/N). He crashes into a billboard.

Vlad: Sneak attack, very good, you two. *He transforms, and flies away from the billboard*. You're getting more like me with every battle.

Cut to Danny.


(F/N): And neither am I!

Danny and (F/N) fly up and ram Plasmius. They land on the Casper High football field, coincidentally.

Vlad: Oh, you're not? Using your powers to get back at people you don't like? *He stands up* Throwing the first punch? You're more like me than you know.

He hits Danny and (F/N) across the field. He lands near the Soul Shredder.

Danny: Oh yeah? *He stands up. He looks angry.* Well, if that's the case, then instead of asking you to give the ring back, I'll make you!

He puts his hand on the handle. Plasmius flies over.

(F/N): Wait, Danny don't!

Plasmius: Daniel, NO! The sword is a signal!

Danny: A signal? *He pulls the sword out of the ground.* A signal of what?

The ground begins shaking. The dome above their heads begins to crack. Pieces of it fall near people, who run screaming. Danny, (F/N) and Plasmius turn intangible to avoid them.

The students still waiting on the lawn-and Danny, (F/N) and Plasmius- watch as the dome crumbles away- revealing a terrifying sight. Not only has the dome trapped the town, it has transported it into the Ghost Zone!

The Skeleton Armies, inert up till now, spring to...afterlife and march down the streets. The Soul Shredder shakes in Danny's hands, and then flies out of them into the Fright Knight's. The Knight has brought an even more unwelcome visitor- Pariah Dark himself, in all his creepy Scottish-Viking-thing glory.

Pariah Dark: Of surrender!

Danny, (F/N) and Plasmius are frozen in their tracks. Taking advantage of this, Pariah fires red ectoplasm at them, reverting them back to their human forms. They collapse, unconscious. He looms over them, clutches them into his fist...

Cut over to a public TV screen with the words 'Amityvison' on it. It shows Jack and Maddie, who look like they mean business.

Jack: Citizens of Amity Park! This is Jack and Maddie Fenton!

Maddie: Hi everybody!

She waves and smiles. Cut to the Fenton Works basement, where her face becomes serious again.

Jack: Malevolent spirits have pulled our entire town into a dimension known to us humans as- the Ghost Zone.

We shift over. Mr. Gray is working at a computer. Valerie is near him. Close-up on Mr. Gray.

Mr. Gray: I'm launching the Ghost Zone probe now. *He presses a red button. A device flies out of Fenton Works and heads into the unknown fathoms of the Zone* I'm also increasing the Ghost Shield's radius to protect the city.

He pushes a lever up, which expands the Shield beyond the Works. As the Shield expands, it pushes all Skeletons backwards (very funny to watch). People run screaming into the shield as Jack says these next lines. The Skeletons chasing them also crash into the shield.

Jack: The fact that we are currently in an alternate form of reality would be a lot cooler if it weren't for the fact that we are all in mortal danger.

The ghost shield now covers most of the city. Cut back into the basement.

Mr. Gray: The Ghost Shield's cranked to capacity, and our probe of the Ghost Zone is operational.

Valerie frowns. She runs, presumably to get her equipment, doubled over in pain.

Cut back to the outside. The Skeleton Armies are trying to break through the Shield.

Maddie: For your own safety, please run under the Fenton Anti-Ghost Shield- *Cut to a TV shop. People who are watching the TVs display the broadcast* Where our daughter Jazz will be serving tea and cookies! *Close-up* And boys- *Maddie pulls Jazz on screen.* She's single!

Jazz pushes her mother away.

Jazz: Mom!

Jack comes onscreen.

Jack: But more than anything, know this: *Cut to the Fenton Works roof. Valerie flies out on her hoverboard* This is not my fault! I repeat, this is not my fault!

Pariah fires ectoplasm at one screen, smashing it. He directs his attention back to the two halfas.

Pariah Dark: They're ghosts AND humans! *He readies his ectoplasmic blast* Is there no end to this day's surprises? *Looks at (F/N)* Although, that one looks familiar.

Just as he is about to fire, someone comes to ruin his fun. Aww...too bad...

Valerie: Hey Stoneface! Surprise!

Valerie fires pink ectoplasm into his eye, blinding him. He drops Danny, (F/N) and Vlad. Val flies in, carrying a rather large ecto gun. Pariah wipes the ectoplasm from his face and shoots a laser at her from his working eye. Val drops the gun to avoid the laser, and almost loses her balance. This doesn't make any difference, as she crashes into a pole a second later. On the ground, she prepares a missile...which shorts out.

Valerie: Oww!

She takes off her glove. The Fright Knight sees the Ring on her finger.

Fright Knight: The Ring! Give that to the King NOW!

Valerie obeys him...sorta. She takes the Ring off, takes out a bazooka, and puts the ring on the tip of the missile.

Valerie: If you want it, then go get it!

She powers up and fires the missile. It goes somewhere real far away. The Ghost King flies after it. Valerie drops the weapon and runs. (She must have a lot of them for her to just dispose of them like that.) She gets on her hoverboard and flies off, grabbing Danny, (F/N)  and Vlad  dodge narrowly missing getting Soul Shredded on the way. The Knight follows her, firing beams from his sword at her, which she dodges.

One beam hits one of her hoverboard's boosters, and she goes down. Fortunately, she lands inside the Ghost Shield. Actually, they bounce once, but you get the point. The Knight tries to follow her in, but crashes into the Shield. As Valerie gets up, uniform ripped and dirty, he tries to hack at the shield, but with no avail.

Fright Knight: This...Is...Not.. Over!

As he says this, Valerie walks away, taking Vlad and Danny with her. After he says it, Pariah looms over him.

Pariah Dark: Actually, my loyal servant, it is!

Cut to Pariah. He smiles evilly. As it turns out, he was able to retrieve the Ring. He puts it on. Having now acquired both items of power, the power rushes to him in a very dramatic scene (that kinda makes it look like he's in pain). There is a white flash... And Pariah Dark has reached full power.

The Fright Knight bows at the sight of him.

Pariah Dark: Come. We have plans to make. *He stomps off, the Fright Knight close behind. Each of his steps are marked by a pool of fire* For soon this... Human world... Will also be mine!

Next: Chapter 27: Reign Storm Part 4

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