Chapter 30: New Day, New Omni-Hero

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It's been a day since Paulina got her Omnitrix and used it for the first time. When she told the trio about what happened yesterday they were impressed by what they heard or more specifically Danny and Tucker were impressed, Sam, being the gothic individual who hates mainstream stuff and Paulina wasn't really a big fan.

Here we see (F/N), Paulina and the others at school.

(F/N): *Groans* That test was brutal.

Danny: Got that right.

Paulina: True, but if we pass then our study sessions were worth it.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): Exactly, plus our sessions would have been a lot better if someone didn't keep spraying us! *Looks at Sam*

Soon Sam saw the looks she was getting from Tucker, Danny, (F/N), Paulina, and Roxie.

Sam: Oh come on you can't seriously blame me for this.

(F/N) and the others: Yes, yes we can.

Paulina: I could have gotten a smooch from my girlfriend if you didn't keep using the spray bottle! Seriously, do you have any idea how many times I had to redo my makeup?

Sam: *Under her breath* Not enough.

Danny: Anyways, *to Paulina* How are you feeling now that you have an Omnitrix?

Paulina: It feels awesome. Sure it feels different being an alien, but at the same time I'm not me. Is this what it's like for you (F/N)?

(F/N): *Hugs Paulina's arm* Yeah, but in time you'll get used to it.

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)* Thanks sweetie.

(F/N): Anytime.

The two girls kissed again and Sam was about to spray them but Danny stopped them.

Danny: Let them have this one.

Sam: But-

Tucker: Come on Paulina earned it.

Danny: And so did (F/N) after she threatened to sue Lancer again.

Sam could only groan in dismay as she saw her two least favorite girls making out.

Sam: Oh come on! Could this get any worse?

She seems to have spoken too soon. Dash and Kwan are nearby, and Dash is holding a football.

Dash: Think fast, Fentoni!

He throws the football. Danny was about to get hit by the foot ball until it was stopped as he saw it was Paulina who caught it.

Danny: Woah…

Paulina: You're welcome.

Paulina then threw the ball back hard hitting Dash and Kwan sending them off camera and crashing into some lockers.

Paulina: Not so fun being on the other end is it Baxter!?

Dash: *In pain* *Off-screen* Ow…

(F/N): *Wipes an imaginary tear* I am so proud of you babe! *Hugs Paulina*

Paulina: *Chuckles* Thanks.

Tucker: How the heck did you do that? That's a (F/N) trick.

Paulina: Good instincts I guess. Plus I am good at futbol. *Sees the trios confused looks* *sighs* Soccer.

Trio: *Realization* Ohh…

Danny: *Sighs* You know if I didn't have a C average I would have figured that out.

Tucker: You play soccer?

Paulina: Yes, why does that sound so surprising? I told (F/N) and she took it well.

(F/N): Yeah, it's something that I never knew about her until now.

Paulina: It's true.

Sam: *Snarky* Funny I thought a girl like you would be afraid of a little mud.

Paulina: This coming from the girl who's afraid of pink stuff, changed the school menu to meet her needs, freed a gorilla and blackmailed her friends not to tell anyone, freed dissection frogs, and told her friend to sell haunted ghost gear.

Sam: *Speechless* Wha… I… you… well… your…

Paulina: That's what I thought. Come on hun, let's go.

(F/N): Yeah, good call we have a free period so how does a small "study session" sound.

Paulina: *Giggles* Sounds amazing.

We then see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie leave the trio, leaving Sam speechless.

Sam: I still can't believe (F/N) is letting herself be blinded by that little shallow little puddle ...what the heck does she see in her?...

Tucker: Her looks…

Danny: Aside from her looks, those two really love each other, and nothing can break that.

Sam: Seriously, I still can't believe (F/N), of all people, has a thing for Paulina, (F/N) is a… decent person why would she date Paulina of all people??

Danny: Sam come on, if (F/N) really loves Paulina who are we to judge?

Tucker: Yeah come on, those two are obviously made for each other.

Sam: *Huffs* Whatever.

Later on, we see (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, and the trio at the cafeteria eating lunch as the camera pans over to see Paulina, Roxie, and (F/N) eating lunch together and the trio on the other side eating too, except Sam who was glaring at the number 1 couple in Casper High.

Paulina: *Holds up a fry* Say "Ah."

(F/N): *Opens her mouth* Ah… *eats the fry Paulina fed her* Mmm.

Paulina: *Giggles* Looks like someone enjoys the fries.

(F/N): Who wouldn't? Hang on, I gotta use the can. Sweetie, can you keep on Roxie?

Danny: Oh yeah me too.

Paulina: Sure thing honey.

(F/N) and Danny walk off to use the restroom leaving Sam, Tucker, Roxie and Paulina.

Once they were out of sight, she saw the angry looks from the others and she sighed, knowing that right now was probably as good of a time as any to address them.

Paulina: Look... I get you guys don't like me and never have…

Tucker: That's not true, I liked you. *Mutters*  At least from a distance, and not seeing anyone.. *while Paulina resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that*

Sam: What are you getting at?

Paulina: Look, I'm not going to mince words here, you guys don't like me and quite frankly, it's kind of mutual, but for (F/N) and Danny's sake, I'm willing to try and get along...We don't all have to be friends but I don't want to be enemies truce?...

Tucker looked unsure of that, but Sam remained glaring.

Sam: Oh please... you may have (F/N) and Danny fooled but I'm on to you…

Paulina: Are you kidding me? I quit the A-Listers, mouthed off Dash, slapped him across the face,  and I defended (F/N) and Danny when they got dissed by the A-Listers, tell me, exactly what am I up to?

Sam: That doesn't make everything you've done to us since middle school go away… I know you and as soon as you get the chance, you'll-

Paulina: I'll what? Sam? Date (F/N) and then marry her and have a loving family with her while you're still pining for Danny outside our window.

Sam: Oh get real Paulina, Danny is my-

Paulina: Enough denial Sam, it's obvious to everyone, except Danny, that you liked him but you never made a move on him. You had your chance with (F/N), but now it's her turn and unlike you, I'm not letting (F/N) slip through my fingers… *in a warning tone* And normally, no sane girl would let someone like you near their girlfriend but since you're still Danny's and (F/N)'s best friend, I'll let you guys hang but don't try anything Sam or else…

This made Sam get angrier and Tucker gulped and was considering running away while the girls continued their argument.

Sam: You may have (F/N) and Danny fooled, but not me!

Paulina: You just can't accept I genuinely care for (F/N) and that he chose me? News flash... I fell for her before... *Looked around and recognized it isn't very safe to say it outright I have been keeping their secret for months now and I haven't told anyone unless either (F/N) or Danny say I can.

Tucker looked surprised by this.

Tucker:  *Whispers to Sam* She didn't outright say it... Maybe we should give her a chance to see that she is sincere… *Gets elbowed by Sam*

Before they could continue with the girl fight, students started running and screaming and that got their attention.

They soon saw what was causing all of the chaos. it's a large, ghostly iguana and they saw Danny and (F/N), in their alter egos. were fighting it.

Paulina: *Worried* Oh man, look at the size of that thing…

Tucker: Don't worry, they faced way worse than this without even breaking a sweat…

No sooner than he said that, Danny and (F/N) crashed to the ground, while the large ghostly iguana roared loudly and continued his attempts to destroy the school.

Paulina: Are you two okay?...

(F/N): We're good.

Danny: We Just got to deal with Scaly….

The halfa siblings flew back into the air, to face the ghostly beast as it roared.

Danny: Alright Scaly, time to make some boots out of you…

(F/N): I may be against animal cruelty, but I can make an exception.

(F/N) and Danny blasted with several ghost rays by Danny and ice blasts by (F/N) actually managing to land a hit and make it crash to the ground.

(F/N) amd Danny: *In their heads* Awesome!

The duo then heard a scream as they saw that Paulina and Roxie were still in the area, having refused to leave out of concern for (F/N) and Danny, even after Tucker and Sam left to go find an extra thermos and weapons in case they were needed.

(F/N): Paulina! Roxie *flew fast, took Paulina and Roxie, literally sweeping them off their feet, managing to save her and Roxie from being crushed by the ghostly iguana*

(F/N): Are you two okay?...

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: I am now...Thanks, (F/N)... * more relieved that she's okay than anything else.

Danny and (F/N) soon heard the ghostly iguana roaring again and continuing his rampage and they sighed.

Danny: Hate to break up the love fest, but we got trouble.

(F/N): Right, *to Paulina* I'll leave you someplace safe and then me and Danny deal with this kaiju creep…

Paulina: Kaiju?

Danny:'s a giant monster...You know, like Godzilla? Uh… We'll explain later.

(F/N) looked around for a safe place to leave her. She soon went to the front lawn, ignoring the crowds there since that is where everyone went after the ghost attack. She just placed Paulina and Roxie there.

Kwan: Is that Danny Phantom and Lady Luck?!...


(F/N) nodded once Paulina and Roxie were down and safe, so she went off to face the ghost with Danny.

(F/N) nodded once Paulina and Roxie were down and safe, so she went off to face the ghost with Danny.

Tucker and Sam soon arrived, only to see the large Crowds and also Paulina.

Tucker: Where's Danny and (F/N)?

Paulina: Winning… *pointed up and Tucker and Sam soon saw that he and (F/N) finally managed to beat the ghostly iguana into the ground, finally knocking it down*

(F/N): Finally! *Sucked the ghostly iguana in the thermos she had, no longer needing any assistance*

Once he was done, (F/N) realized that she  and Danny were still in ghost form, and (F/N) also saw Paulina several yards away, smiling at her like she was the proudest girlfriend in the world.

It made (F/N) smile and she had an idea, she whispered it to Danny as he flew off.

The ghostly girl soon floated to the area, ignoring the gasps and gawking of the crowds and he landed next to Paulina.

(F/N): Excuse me..miss...but are you alright? That ghost didn't end up harming you, did he?..

Paulina: No, I am safe now..thank you...Lady Luck…

(F/N): Good to hear that… *smiled suavely and tried hard not to chuckle at what she is about to do* If you don't mind my saying, but I think you're just about the prettiest girl I've ever rescued…  *took Paulina's hand, and knew that everyone was looking at them*

Everyone, especially Dash, could not believe what they were witnessing. Tucker shook his head and then gulped as he saw how much angrier Sam was getting and scooted away, not wanting to get caught in a crossfire.

Paulina giggled.

Paulina: Oh, go on... *trying hard to resist the urge to giggle here*

(F/N): I're really pretty, Ms...what did you say your name was again?....

Paulina: Paulina Sanchez.

(F/N): So… any plans for after school? Maybe we can catch a movie, get some dinner and maybe we could have a nice, moonlight flight of Amity Park together?...

Paulina: "Thanks but I'm seeing someone.. *Really tried hard not to laugh out loud when she saw how low Dash's jaw was dropping*

(F/N) then snapped her fingers in the "Oh, well" sort of way but continued to play this little game.

(F/N): Well, then she's a really lucky girl.

Dash: WAIT?! WAIT! *snapped out of his shock and ran between them* You're actually turning Lady Luck down for Fenton?!...

Paulina: Yeah, because I happen to like her... *silently enjoyed watching Dash's expressions turn from shock, to insulted and then to him surprise, hopeful*

Dash then turned to Lady Luck

Dash: Forget about her babe, go out with me! You know that I'm the one meant to be with you…

(F/N): I'm sorry I know you?... *playing dumb while Paulina snickered when she saw the look on Dash's face*

Dash: I'm Dash Baxter… the king of Casper… Star Quarterback. * (F/N) pretended to be deep in thought*

(F/N): Eh, I save a lot of people, it's hard to keep track of all of them...anyway lady, guy I don't know, I best be of, got a big day ahead of fighting ghosts, saving people and just upholding justice and all of that… *took to the skies*

Dash: WAIT! DON'T LEAVE! COME BACK LADY LUCK! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!... *Literally ran after (F/N) on foot, while (F/N) just flew away, making it seem like she was leaving the school dramatically*

Paulina: Man he is so pathetic. *muttered in disgust while she ignored everyone who was asking her questions and being amazed that Lady Luck had asked her out*

Once Paulina managed to get away from them, she hid under the bleachers, while (F/N) and Danny, who quickly became invisible, landed there as well and changed forms.

(F/N): *To the readers* And this is why I don't date jocks.

Later after school, at night we see (F/N) and the others arrive in Fenton labs where we see (F/N) training Paulina on how to use her Omnitrix.

Here we see Paulina, (As Jetray) is flying as fast as he can while Tucker tracks him with a speed scanner and Sam takes notes on a clipboard. The scanner clocks her at 500 mph.

Tucker: 500 miles per. Lightin' up the speed gun, girl.

(F/N): Woo! That's my girl!

Grinning, Paulina turns into Big Chill and goes intangible, phasing out through the wall and back in through the ceiling then reappearing.

Sam: *making a note on a clipboard* Intangibility, check.

Paulina then turns into Ghost freak and goes invisible, and (F/N), Danny, Roxie, Sam and Tucker look around for her.

(F/N), Sam, Tucker, and Danny: Paulina?

Paulina dives down toward them, still invisible.

Tucker: Invisibility, check.

Sam flinches as Paulina overshadows her.

Paulina: *Overshadowing Sam* Hi I'm Sam, don't let the dyed hair and goth motif fool you, I love unicorns, ribbons, and pink stuff.

Sam glows pink as Paulina leaves her.

Sam: Gah! Why?!

Danny: Okay newbie. Let's ramp it up.

Danny clicks a button on a remote, making several rings pop down from the ceilings and dart guns come out of the walls. Paulina flips through the rings then dodges the darts easily. Two board ghosts pop up from the counter and she zaps them with ecto blasts.

Paulina skips a popup board of Jazz, then hits a third ghost one. Then she zaps the Jazz one behind her back.

Metal barriers pop out of the floor, and she coasts through them intangibly. Going tangible again, Paulina gives (F/N) a thumbs up and immediately slams into the wall, falling to the floor.

(F/N): *Helps Paulina up* You okay baby?

Paulina: I'm okay.

Sam: Hi, I'm Paulina Sanchez! Don't let the concussion and bruises fool you, I need more practice.

Scowling, Paulina turns a patch of the floor intangible, and Sam falls through with a yell.

Tucker: Wow, it's quiet in here!

(F/N): *Chuckles* Not bad sweetie.

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)* Thanks I do have the best teacher around.

(F/N): *Hugs back* Aw thanks hun.

Paulina: Anytime.

Next: Chapter 31: The More Things Change Part 1.

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