Chapter 35: The Fenton Menace.

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Here we open with a view of the open desert, panning across to the road where the Fenton GAV is speeding and swerving on the cliff side road.

We Cut to Jack driving furiously while drinking soda from a drinking hat and Maddie sitting shotgun looking excited. Cut to Jazz and sitting in the back with a death grip on the seat.

Jazz (voiceover): Do you know how sometimes you feel like you're the only responsible person in your family?

Jazz sways with the vehicle as it drives haphazardly. Cut to the exterior of GAV as ecto-blasts hit behind it. Jazz pops her head out from the rear window looking scared.

Jazz (voiceover): Well, there are days my family makes me feel like I'm the only responsible adult in the world.

(F/N) (Voiceover): You only think you're an adult Spazmine.

Jazz (Voiceover): I'm not a spazz!

(F/N) (Voiceover): Yeah keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night spazzy.

Jazz gasps as the GAV narrowly misses getting hit by ecto-blasts and mana blasts.

Jazz: *Yelling to her parents in the front* Guys! Pay attention to the road!

In the front the stereo is blasting music on maximum volume.

Jack and Maddie: What?!

An ecto and mana blast hits near the wheels. Jack swerves and both he and Maddie gasp. Jazz runs to the front of the GAV.

Jazz (voiceover): After all, since I learned Danny and (F/N)'s secret...

Jack, Jazz and Maddie look out the front window and see Danny and Dannie Phantom blasting at air and being dragged around by seemingly nothing.

Danny and (F/N) grunts as they fight an invisible force and blasts around the GAV. Something pulls their legs and flings them around. Danny and (F/N) free themselves and blasts at the canyon walls, causing rocks to fall on the road.

Jazz (voiceover): I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone know. Mom. Dad. Even Danny and (F/N) Unless their lives depended on it. Well guess what? *Danny and (F/N) falling uncontrollably towards the GAV.* It looks like that time has come!

Jack, Jazz and Maddie: Look out!

Jazz (voiceover): You know how regular kids freak out because of a pop quiz or a pimple? *Cut to Danny and (F/N) fighting an invisible ghost and shooting ecto-blasts everywhere* Well my brother Danny and my sister (F/N) have other pressures.

Danny and (F/N) are screaming and are flung towards the GAV and Jazz, Jack and Maddie scream.

Jazz (voiceover): But I'm getting ahead of myself. *Freeze frame right before Danny and (F/N) hit the windshield. Cut to a view of a large body of water on a sunny day.* I guess it all started on a typical Fenton family outing.

The camera pans to show a Fenton sub-aquatic vehicle. Inside, Maddie pops up.

Maddie: Nothing like spending quality family time (zoom out to show Danny, (F/N), Roxie, Jack and Jazz) with the people you love.

Maddie pushes a button and the display says "DIVE. The vehicle drops underwater. Cut to a brief exterior view of the vehicle underwater. Cut to the interior, panning from the front with Jack, who is driving, and Maddie to the back with Danny and Jazz. Danny is sitting nervously while Jazz looks resigned.

Jazz: And by quality time you mean hunting down ghosts in a sub-aquatic death trap?

Jack: You betcha Jazzy Pants! Whether it's air land or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart. Molecule by molecule.

Danny looks down sadly. He turns to look outside the window and gasps.

Jazz: Danny? You okay?

(F/N): Something wrong Danny?

Danny: *Sounding tense* Who me? I'm swell. *Danny looks back out the window* Every single molecule of me. *Cut to a close-up of Youngblood's ship, then zooms out to show the whole ship with the ghost shield still active. Cut to interior of the submarine where Danny is pressed against the window looking at it.*I just don't think that we should...go in there.

Jack: Go in there? *Jack pushes the navigation controls forward quickly.* Good idea Danny!

Danny: What? *Danny grasps on to his seat as he shouts* No! *The Fenton sub goes into an opening in the side of the ship. Jack and Maddie happily look around at the sunken ship, while Jazz looks bored and Danny is gripping his seat and looking nervous and/or scared. He looks outside the window and gasps. The area Danny is looking at is empty* Don't you see it? *Danny visibly shakes and points his finger outside*How can you not see it? Ghost!

Jack: A ghost? *Jack, still in his seat, looks back to where Danny is*That I can tear apart molecule by molecule? *Jack jumps out of his seat and pounces off of the back of it towards the back of the vehicle* Where?

Cut to the back of the vehicle as Jack and Maddie rush in to stand next to Danny. They eagerly look out the window. Cut to the view outside, which remains empty. Jack, (F/N), Jazz and Maddie all look around to try to see where the ghost is. Cut to the exterior view of the vehicle.

Jack: Hey.

Maddie: *Cut to the window looking in at Danny, Jack and Maddie* There's no ghost out there.

Danny turns around to face his parents as he looks scared, motioning to the window and gesturing to the unseen ghost. Cut to Jazz looking skeptical.

Jack: *Jack is not amused*Very funny son. Save it for April Fool's Day huh.

Danny, still looking tense, runs to the front of the vehicle.

Jack: Hey!

Danny: Look out!

Danny sits in the driver's seat and takes the controls.

(F/N): Danny, what are you doing?!

Danny pushes a button and the display says "Emergency" as the interior lights turn red. Cut to the exterior of the vehicle where 6 arms pop out of the vehicle and start blasting everywhere. Green lasers hit all over the empty ship, blasting holes in the wooden frame. Cut out to show the lasers shooting through the ship and ghost shield, and into the open water. Cut to interior of the vehicle where Danny is still panicky at the wheel. He makes a sharp turn and navigates the Fenton sub out of the pirate ship. Jack, Jazz and Maddie are all flung to the back of the vehicle. Cut to exterior where the Fenton sub is seen passing through the ghost shield back into open waters. Cut to interior.

Maddie: (standing up) Danny there's no ghost out there.

(F/N): I don't see it either.

Danny: *Still looking terrified and navigating the vehicle*Are you people blind?

Cut back to the exterior of the pirate ship. The ship collapses, and as it does the ghost shield falls. Cut back to the Fenton sub racing away.

Danny: *Looking back, panicked*We have to get out of here!

Cut to surface of the water. The Fenton sub flies out. While mid-air it transforms into a speedboat. Cut to interior. In the back Jack, Jazz and Maddie look angrily at Danny. Pan to Danny in the front, still panicked and paranoid, looking back to see water splashing behind the speedboat water trail. Cut to interior, with Danny still in the driver's seat. Maddie reaches over and grabs his arms, pulling him out of the seat.

Maddie: Danny get away from the controls.

Maddie is still holding on to Danny's shoulders. Jack, (F/N), Roxie, Jazz and Maddie look angrily at Danny.

Jazz: What's with you? *puts her hands on her hips*

(F/N): Hunting down ghosts that aren't there is dad's job. *points to Jack*

Jack: Yeah. What she said.

Danny: *Danny walks away, going towards one of the windows* But he was there. *Looking out the window* I-I saw him. *Looking back to address his family* Why couldn't you?

We Cut to the exterior showing Danny panicky looking out the window, eyes darting back and forth while Jack, (F/N), Roxie, Jazz and Maddie watch Danny. Cut to Jazz.

Jazz: (voiceover): Clearly something was up with Danny.

Fade to the exterior of Fenton Works And as usual, my parents had their own nutty way of trying to get to the bottom of things.

Cut to Danny screaming, his face and hair flying around. Zoom out to show him strapped to a table, which is attached to a metal arm. Zoom out to show the metal arm connected to a centrifuge-like device on the ceiling.

Maddie: Just a little longer sweetie.

Jack: Don't you worry son. We'll spin the crazy out of you in no time.

Jack pushes a button on a remote and the table comes to a stop. Danny is shaking, hair sticking up with bags under his eyes.

Danny: I'm not crazy!

Jazz (voiceover): (sighs) So as usual it was up to me.

(F/N) (Voiceover): As usual? You hardly helped Danny, you told him he could only talk to girls in college.

Jazz (Voiceover): Ignoring that.

Cut to Casper High School. Jazz is walking down the hall and is about to turn the corner. She gasps and steps back to hide behind the wall and looks down the hallway. Danny and (F/N) are walking down the hallway carrying books. Danny stops to put them in his locker, and (F/N) does too when Sam and Paulina walks up to them

Sam: Danny? You okay?

Paulina: You look a little--

Danny: *He turns around to face Sam and Paulina* Crazy? *Visibly shaking* Don't say crazy!

(F/N): He's been like this for a few days now.

Danny clasps his hands and scans the hallway, shaking and paranoid. Zoom out to show Danny, (F/N), Roxie, Paulina and Sam talking while Jazz watches secretly as (F/N) hears Jazz and looks as Jazz hides.

Sam: I was gonna say you look a little like you've been on a big spinning table. Why?

Paulina: Do you think you're crazy?

Danny: I-I think I'm starting to see ghosts when there aren't any ghosts.

Paulina: Like an imaginary ghost?

Danny: I-I don't know, maybe? (F/N) come on you see it too right?

(F/N): Maybe? I felt a weird presence but other than that no ghost.

Tucker: *offscreen* Hey Danny. *Tucker walks up to Danny, (F/N), Paulina, Roxie, and Sam* How many times has this happened to you? You, (F/N), and Paulina need to sneak away and go ghost but you're stuck with your family.

Danny: Uh. More than a little. Um a lot lately.

(F/N): I can always make a human duplicate of myself.

Paulina: Yeah me too. But go on.

Tucker: Then do I have good news for you. Now you can throw away all those tired old excuse with this: The Tucker Foley Alibi-o-matic. *Tucker holds up an mp3 player* Just set it behind closed doors and presto! You're home asleep. *"Snoring" appears on the display with a looping arrow accompanied by snoring noises* But wait, there's more.

Sam: Does there have to be?

Paulina: Shush, go on.

Tucker: There's a head cold. ("Snoring" fades away as "sneezing", "sniffling" and "nose blowing" play in sequence.) And my specialty. *Tucker pushes a button on the mp3 player and it makes a fart noise. Danny grabs the mp3 player* Now how much would you pay?

(F/N): 5 bucks.

Paulina: 5 bucks and 50 cents.

Sam: To make it stop? *bell rings* I never thought I'd say this but "thank heavens. Class."

Sam grabs Tucker's arm and drags him away and Paulina does the same with (F/N). Tucker and (F/N) screams in surprise. After a pause Danny turns around and assumes a fighting stance.

Danny: *Speaking to the direction of the empty hallway* You! *Shot pans back and forth across the hallway to show it empty. Jazz looks at Danny concerned*I might not have been able to do anything last time. *Runs off down the hallway* But this time I'm going... *bumps into Jazz*going....

Jazz: Nowhere but back to class.

Danny: You...don't see anything?

Jazz: Just a little brother who's looking nuttier by the second. *Danny resumes running past her. Jazz grabs his arm to stop him* And where do you think you're going?

Danny: Wherever I want. *Danny shakes off Jazz's hand* What are you the hall monitor?

Jazz: I'm your hall monitor Danny and there's no place you can go that I can't follow you.

Danny: Really?

Danny pushes open a door behind him and walks inside. Jazz attempts to follow but the door slams in her face, showing the sign for the boys bathroom.

Jazz: Except there. *Jazz crosses her arms, defeated*

There is a flash of bright light behind the door, signaling that Danny transformed into Phantom. Danny is heard grunting (from fighting) and

Mr. Lancer walks past. He stops to talk to Jazz.

Mr. Lancer: If that's your brother making all those noises in there I suggest he get a little more fiber in his diet. *Mr. Lancer walks away*

Danny flies through the bathroom door out into the hallway. He punches at thin air a few times before charging up ecto-blasts. He blindly shoots ecto-blasts in all directions, destroying cork boards, trash cans, lights and lockers. Danny, frustrated, makes a move to grab something and flies upwards through the ceiling. Jazz is left in the destroyed hallway looking scared. A piece of ceiling falls down.

Jazz (voiceover): It was worse than I thought. (Fade to Fenton Works exterior.) I had to get Danny away from the pressures of ghosts and ghost hunting. (Fade to the lab where Danny, Jack, Jazz and Maddie are standing)

Somewhere like...

Danny, (F/N), Jack and Maddie: *All facing Jazz. Danny is angry, Jack and Maddie are confused*A camping trip?!

Jazz: Studies show that connecting with nature has a calming effect on troubled teens.

Danny: Are there any studies on the calming effect of big sisters minding their own business? *Danny flinches as something hits his arm* Ah! (Danny turns to yell at whatever hit him.) Quit it!

(F/N): *Something hits her arm* Ow! What the?!

Danny turns around to see Jack, Jazz and Maddie looking at him skeptically. Jack and Maddie look at Jazz.

Jazz: See? This toxic home environment is making him a nervous wreck and now it's affecting (F/N). *Cut to Danny, his hair askew and his eye twitching and (F/N) suspicious* They need a normal family outing. One that has nothing to do with ghosts.

(F/N): If by "we" you mean you, then yes, you need a family outing.

Danny: *To Jazz angrily* And will you stop talking about me like I'm not here? *Something hits behind Danny's back, nudging him forward. He turns around to yell at it* And will you stop poking me?!

(F/N): *Feels a poke* Ah! Hey!

Maddie: I don't know Jazz honey. Sure Danny seems a little high strung and (F/N) can be suspicious of the unknown but I'm sure it's nothing we can't work out here. *Maddie glances apprehensively at Danny and (F/N)*

Danny is still shaking. Something slaps him from behind and (F/N) feels the same thing too and he and (F/N) quickly turn to face it, fists clenched and ready to fight. They look around and run to a lab bench to grab some ecto-guns. They aim it at the ceiling.

Danny and (F/N): Back off punk!

Danny and (F/N) fire the weapon all over the lab. Jack, Jazz and Maddie jump for cover behind some boxes. They pop up to look at Danny and (F/N) who are standing in the middle of the lab, debris, burns on the walls, and smoke covering the ceiling. Danny and (F/N) continue to scan the room for the invisible ghost.

Maddie: I'll pack the sleeping bags.

Jack: And I'll get the ghost hunting equipment. *Jazz and Maddie stare at Jack*And by ghost hunting equipment I mean, uh, the-the other sleeping bags!

Cut to outside Fenton Works where Jack, Jazz and Maddie are standing outside the Fenton GAV. Jack is wearing his camping clothes and a soda drinking hat, Maddie is wearing camping clothes, and Jazz has a necklace with a remote control for the GAV. Maddie hops into the car. Jack goes to follow her but is stopped by Jazz. She reaches into the front pocket of his overalls and pulls out a device. Jack looks nervous as she pushes a button and the small box turns into a giant magnet.

Jack: *Nervously* It's a...waffle iron?

Jack looks at Jazz. He puts his hands in his pocket, dejected, and walks to the GAV. Cut to inside the vehicle as Jack straps in, still looking upset. Maddie pats him on the shoulder. Cut to outside where Jazz pushes the "off" button on the GAV weapons control device around her neck. The GAV rumbles a few times before powering down and the display changes from "All vehicle weapons now online" to "All vehicle weapons now offline." Jack and Maddie look at each other, with the latter looking hesitant and reassuring.

We Cut to the sidewalk where Danny, (F/N), Paulina, Sam and Tucker are standing. Danny is shaking and whimpering.

Sam: Danny, are you gonna be okay?

Danny: I don't know. What if Jazz is right? What if I am going nuts?

Tucker: You're not going nuts.

Paulina: We believe you. Even if every single other person you know doesn't.

(F/N): Yeah, and now I'm starting to get that same feeling too. *To Paulina* Honey while me and Danny are gone, can you watch over Roxie? And the house? *Gives her a spare key*

Paulina: *Takes key and puts it in her pocket* Of course babe, *picks up Roxie* I'll take care of her like you do.

Sam: Why does this scare me?

(F/N): Because she's my girlfriend. Oh one more thing, *Gives Paulina a Fenton thermos* Just in case you run into a ghost.

Paulina: *Takes the thermos* Thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Danny smiles at his friends. Jazz walks up behind him and (F/N) and puts her hand on their shoulder.

Jazz: Okay little brother and little sister. Time to go. *She motions for Danny and (F/N) to get in the GAV. He turns around, resumes shaking, and walks to the vehicle. Jazz watches him walk off then turns to Sam, Paulina, Roxie, and Tucker.* And you four. Leave them alone this weekend, okay? They need to relax.

Sam: Jazz I know you've got Danny and (F/N)'s best interest at heart. But don't even think you can tell us what to do.

Paulina: Yeah, I know how to calm (F/N) down.

Cut to Danny walking on the sidewalk. He and (F/N) stop and gasp, then they look angry. Cut to the scene in front of Danny and (F/N), which is an empty street on a sunny day. Danny and (F/N) run up to the end of the sidewalk and look back and forth down the street. Cut to Jazz, Sam and Tucker looking at Danny. Jazz gasps.

Danny: *Shouting into the air* Yeah! You better run!

(F/N): We see you again We are gonna tear you...

Danny and (F/N) turn around and see Paulina, Jazz, Sam and Tucker.

Danny: You didn't see anything, did you?

Jazz, Sam, Paulina, and Tucker look concerned and shake their heads.

(F/N): But...*Jazz, Sam, Paulina, and Tucker walk up to Danny* they were right there. * points behind herself and turns his head to scan the street again.*A-around the corner. Ugh we'll get in the assault vehicle. *walks dejectedly to the GAV along with Danny*

Maddie: *Sitting in the passenger's seat with the door open* Not this weekend honey. This weekend it's just a regular RV.

Jack: Awww.

Danny hops in as the GAV's engine starts. Jazz starts to walk to the GAV

Sam, Paulina, and Tucker: *Waving goodbye to Danny and (F/N)* We'll see ya Monday.

Cut to the rear exterior of the GAV where Danny is looking out the window, acting paranoid and scanning the open skies. Jazz pops up next to him as the GAV drives away. Cut to the desert where the GAV drives by on the open road. Cut to exterior of GAV as it drives. Cut to Jack in the driver's seat, frantically drinking from his soda hat. He groans in frustration and scratches his arm.

Jack: I feel positively naked without my jumpsuit. And I'm pretty sure I'm getting a rash on my unprotected forearms.

Maddie: *Digging through a bag at her feet* Good thing I packed plenty of Fenton ointment.

Jack: Oh boy! Fointment!

Maddie turns to face the back of the vehicle. She passes back a worn down stuffed animal.

Maddie: And I packed you old Bearbert

Einstein for you Jazz.

Jazz: *Whining* Mom. *She grabs the stuffed animal and hides it behind herself.* Stop treating me like a baby.

Jazz pulls back out her bear and looks at it for a moment before smiling fondly and scratching its head. Zoom out to Danny and (F/N) sitting next to her, arms crossed.

(F/N): Oh I remember that bear, the Jazz in my world had the same one, until I "accidentally" blasted it.

Danny: Welcome to my world. *He slaps Bearbert out of Jazz's hands.)

Jazz: Hey! *sighs* Danny I don't know why you and (F/N) are mad at me. I'm not the one who trashed the lab blasting imaginary ghosts.

Danny: It was one ghost! *Danny slumps down in his seat and looks away along with (F/N)*

(F/N): ... And a parrot.

Jazz: Was it a ghost and a parrot? Or a projection of your own fears?...and a parrot.

(F/N): Don't even think about psychoanalyzing us Spazz.

Maddie: Now kids let's not fight. Who's up for a game of I, Spy? I spy with my little eye something beginning with...C!

Jack: *Furiously scratching his forearms* Cola? Chafing? Cattle Prod?

Danny and (F/N) pop up and look outside the window when he sees a silhouette of a cowboy riding a horse.

Danny and (F/N):Cowboy?

Jazz: *Skeptically to Danny and (F/N)* Where do you two see a cowboy?

Danny: Duh. He's riding right next to us! And 70 miles an hour.

(F/N): *Slumping into her seat* Oh no not again.

The GAV suddenly shakes and Jazz turns to Danny and (F/N)

Jazz: Danny. Whatever you're doing, cut it out.

Danny: I'm not doing anything.

Jazz: (F/N)...?

(F/N): I'm not doing it either.

We Cut to the exterior of the GAV. Its tire treads are wobbling.

Maddie: Oh come on. Isn't anybody gonna guess what I spy beginning with C?

Danny and (F/N): Cliff!

Maddie: Very good you two.

The GAV shakes and Jack and Maddie close their eyes as it shifts. When it stops they open their eyes, Maddie is smiling obliviously and Jack is still drinking and scratching. Cut to the exterior where the wheels are missing the tire treads.

We cut to the inside where Danny, (F/N), and Jazz look scared.

We cut to the exterior to show the GAV is driving on a cliffside and the wobbly tires are knocking rocks over the edge.

We cut to the tire tread falling on the ground with a glowing grappling hook attached to it. Pan across the rope to the silhouette of a cowboy. Pan up to show it's Youngblood dressed as a cowboy, riding a skeleton horse.

Youngblood's assistant: They still think they're crazy?

Youngblood: Yup. And they will. *Evil grin* All the way to the bottom of that ravine.

Maddie: Jack!

Jack: Fear not Maddie. I'll engage the treader re-threader.

Maddie: Good thinking hun.

Jack: I invented that technology to help me when my belts break. It's nice to know it has other uses as well.

Danny, (F/N) in and Jazz collapse into their seats and sigh in relief. Cut out to show Youngblood riding closely behind the GAV.

Youngblood's assistant: You think it's smart to get this close?

Youngblood: Pff. They're gonna be road pizza soon. I want a closer look.

Cut to inside the GAV. Jack is still furiously drinking from the soda hat and pausing to scratch his arms.

Jack: Sure is hard to drink, drive and scratch at the same time. Curse these infernal camping clothes. Maddie! Take the wheel.

Jack slides the wheel towards Maddie so he can scratch all over. Cut to Danny eyeing Jazz's necklace with the GAV weapons control.

Danny: Uh. Jazz. You wouldn't consider unlocking those ghost weapons, would ya?

Jazz: Not a chance. Why?

(F/N)' No reason. Um, excuse us.

Danny and (F/N) quickly unbuckle and run to the back of the GAV. They run into the bathroom and lock the door. Danny and (F/N) go ghost and phases through the floor, but Danny quickly pops his head back into place the Foley Alibi-o-matic. It starts playing the sounds of a stomach ache.

(F/N): Oh that doea not sound good.

Danny: Yeah, no kidding, man, what's Tucker been eating?

Danny and (F/N) duck out of the bathroom. Cut to Youngblood riding on his horse. He shoots a blaster with a cork on the end. The cork latches on to the hubcap of the GAV and he yanks it back. Danny and (F/N) phase out of the GAV and (F/N) blasts the line, freeing the GAV.

Danny: Figment of our imagination or not you need to back off cow brat.

Danny and (F/N) fire an ecto and mana blast at Youngblood, knocking him off of his horse. Youngblood's assistant flies over and catches him. The two ride back to Danny. Danny flies past the front of the GAV, catching Jack's and Maddie's attention.

Maddie: Huh. What's that ghost boy and ghost girl doing out here?

Cut to Danny and (F/N) throwing ecto blasts at Youngblood as they ride up the cliffside.

Jack: I don't know Maddie. But they must be really mad at that rock formation.

Cut to Danny and (F/N) blasting a line in the cliffside.

Maddie: Well shouldn't we be hunting them down or something?

Jazz rushes to the front of the RV, cutting off Jack before he can speak.

Jazz: No! I-I mean. You promised no ghost fighting.

Jazz ducks back into her seat.

Jazz: *to herself* And so did Danny and (F/N).

Cut back to Youngblood laughing and riding down the cliffside on his horse. He turns around to see Danny and (F/N) flying towards him and turns his arm into a lasso.

Youngblood: *shouts while throwing the lasso* Yee haw!

Danny and (F/N) stop and gasp in shock. The lasso wraps around his leg and (F/N)'s leg, dragging them away.

Youngblood: *shouts as he rides away with Danny and (F/N) in tow* Yee haw!

Cut to Youngblood riding around the desert with Danny and (F/N) being swung around behind him.

Youngblood rides back to the road and drags Danny and (F/N) directly in front of the GAV, but rides on top of it just before Danny and (F/N) hit the windshield. Jack and Maddie brace for impact, but Youngblood drags Danny and (F/N) away. They breathe a sigh of relief.

Maddie: What a relief.

Jack: And speaking of relief.

Jack slides the wheel to Maddie and runs to the back of the GAV. Jazz panics as he runs by and she quickly rushes to beat him, blocking Jack from entering the bathroom. Behind the door faint noises of gastrointestinal distress are heard.

Jazz: You can't go in there. Umm Danny's really sick. And so is (F/N)

Jazz pauses as the sounds switch to snoring.

Jazz: And now they have to sleep it off.

Jazz grimaces at the excuse. Jack looks at her skeptically.

Cut to Danny and (F/N) are still being dragged around by Youngblood's lasso. They rush forward to get in front of Youngblood.

They fly around Youngblood and his assistant, wrapping the lasso around Youngblood's assistant's legs, causing the pair to fall.

Danny and (F/N) try to fly off but the lasso is still around his ankle and he is dragged down with them.

The four land on top of a large rock formation. Youngblood looks down at his assistant's legs tied together.

Youngblood: No fair. You two dog-tied my horse.

Youngblood's assistant' That's hog-tied.

Danny jumps up and grabs Youngblood's vest and (F/N) glares at Youngblood.

Danny: Who cares?

(F/N): Why can't they see you?

Youngblood: Duh. Why do you think I call myself Youngblood? Only the young can see me. Only kids.

Danny Wait a minute. *Danny flashes back to his recent encounters with Youngblood*The sub. In school. At our house? *Back in the desert. Danny drops Youngblood.* Me and (F/N) were the only kids there.

(F/N): That explains why mom and dad couldn't see him.

Youngblood: Well that and your older sister, who thinks she's a grown up. Everybody thinks you're both crazy. *Swinging the lasso over their head* Now get back there and prove it!

Danny and (F/N) try to fly away but the lasso catches them around their waists. Youngblood swings him around in a circle before releasing him in the direction of the road. Danny and (F/N) goes intangible and fall through the roof of the GAV, landing in the bathroom where he immediately turns human again. Cut to outside the bathroom where Jazz is physically blocking Jack from entering. Danny and (F/N) pops their heads out and looks at his sister.

Danny: Geez can't a guy get two minutes of privacy?

(F/N): Yeah, I was fixing my hair.

Danny and (F/N) walk away and Jack quickly runs into the bathroom. Inside, he pushes a button and a drawer pops out of the wall. He reaches in and pulls out his orange jumpsuit and holds it against his face and smiles.

Jack: Ah. The healing touch of day-glow orange spandex.

We cut back to Youngblood watching, from above, the GAV drive away

Youngblood: Aw man. I wanted to see the camper go kaboom!

Youngblood's assistant: That didn't sound very cowboy.

Youngblood:Whatever. One more night of drivin' them nuts and their family will be ready to chuck them to the *grabs his hat and rolls his eyes asynchronously* crazy person's hooscow.

Youngblood's assistant: Much better.

The horse whinnies and they fly off towards the Fentons.

Cut to the desert at night where the Fentons are setting up camp. Jack inflates a mini Fenton Works to serve as their tent. Danny and Jazz share an identical tent next to theirs.

Jazz (voiceover): Okay. Maybe in retrospect putting our family in a remote wilderness with an unstable brother who has ghost powers wasn't the best idea. But since there's no way I'd admit I'm wrong...

Fade into Danny's, (F/N)'s and Jazz's tent where Jazz is staring at Danny and (F/N), arms crossed. Danny is in his sleeping bag, and so is (F/N) and Danny has his back facing Jazz and (F/N) turned her head like an owl and hissed at Jazz making her flinch in fear.

Jazz (voiceover): About anything! I had to keep Danny and (F/N) under constant watch.

(F/N) hocked a fire loggie at Jazz as she dodged it and saw it land on the ground and saw it melt and make a hole and sees (F/N) glaring at her like a hawk.

Jazz (Voiceover): No matter how much (F/N) scares me.

Danny and (F/N) are glaring at Jazz and suddenly gasps. Above Jazz's head Youngblood phases into the tent and floats above her. Danny sits up and faces them.

Danny and (F/N): Go away!

Danny throws his pillow in Jazz's face and (F/N) does it too. Once it hits her he and (F/N) fire a small mana blast from their fingers and knocks Youngblood out of the tent. Jazz takes the pillow off her face and looks at her brother and little sister.

Jazz: I can't do that two. You two may not believe it but I understand what you're going *an intangible hand passes through her head* through.

Youngblood wiggles his fingers, arm still through Jazz's head. Danny and (F/N) stand up.

Danny and (F/N):No you don't.

We cut back to Jazz, Youngblood's hand still wiggling.

Jazz: But I do.

Youngblood removes his hand and fully phases into the tent.

Jazz: More than you both know.

Danny and (F/N) glance around nervously

Jazz: *offscreen* Look I know you both think there's a ghost here.

Danny and (F/N) spot a reflective plate. Cut back to Jazz. Youngblood turns tangible and flies to the other side of Jazz.

Jazz: But there isn't you think.

Cut to a close up of Youngblood as he forms a brand bearing his initials. Danny and (F/N) stare in shock before crossing their arms and turning around.

Jazz: And turning your back to me won't solve anything.

Danny and (F/N) fire a small ecto blast from his elbow towards the reflective plate. It bounces off and hits Youngblood, once again knocking him out of the tent. Danny and (F/N) turn around to face Jazz.

Danny: Fine. Then I'm going to sleep.

(F/N): Me too. Anything to get away from your spazzing.

Jazz: I am not a spazz!

Danny and (F/N) lay down and pull the sleeping bag over his head and (F/N) does the same. Snoring is heard from under the cover. Jazz gets up and walks towards the sleeping bags

Jazz: You can't fool me you two. I know you're both awake there.

Jazz stands over Danny's and (F/N)'s sleeping bag, hands on her hips. A fart noise is heard from under the cover.

Jazz: And...gassy?

Jazz flips over the top cover to reveal the Foley Alibi-o-matic sitting on a pillow.

Jazz: Ugh. Nuts.

Cut to outside the tent. Danny and (F/N) phase upwards through the ground. They fly around the sky, pausing and looking around for

Youngblood. A wolf howls as the screen pans along with a flowing river nearby. Cut back to Danny and (F/N).

(F/N): Nothing.

Jazz: Danny? (F/N)?

Danny and (F/N) look up in surprise and turn invisible. Panicked, they fly towards the GAV. Jazz comes out of their tent and looks around. Danny and (F/N) Fenton open the front door of the GAV.

Danny and (F/N): Jazz.

Danny, still looking tense, jumps out of the

GAV and walks up to Jazz.

Danny You have to unlock the ghost weapons.

(F/N: *Grabs Jazz's shoulders*We're all in danger!

Jazz takes (F/N)'s hands and pushes her off.

Jazz: Yeah from you and Danny!

Danny: We know. You think we're crazy but we're not.

(F/N): You can't see him because only kids can see him.

As Danny and (F/N) talk, Jazz has her arms crossed and is staring at Danny and (F/N) nonplussed.

We Pan to show Youngblood flying up behind Jazz. He turns his arm into an ax. Danny and (F/N) panic as Youngblood raises his ax.

Danny and (F/N) run forward and grab Jazz, pulling them both out of the way just before Youngblood's axe slams down onto the empty desert ground.

Cut to Danny, (F/N) and Jazz falling on the ground, Jazz looking upset and Danny and (F/N) looking nervous.

The three stand up. Jazz looks surprised and overdramatically stares in shock at the air behind Danny.

Jazz: Wait. I do see him. He's right behind you both

Danny quickly turns around.

Danny: Where?

Jazz kicks him and (F/N) in the rear, making Danny and (F/N) fly into the open door of the GAV. Once they land inside she pushes a button on her necklace and the front door automatically shuts and the door locks.

Danny and (F/N) get up inside the GAV and turn to the door, his hands on the window.

Danny: Jazz. What are you doing?

(F/N): Get us out of here!

Jazz: This is for your own good you two.

Jazz is still outside the GAV, hands on her hips. Inside the GAV Danny and (F/N) tug, futilely, at the door's locks.

Danny: Let us out!

Danny and (F/N) pound their fists on the window. They suddenly pause, dropping their arms.

(F/N): Oh right ghost powers.

Danny: *To himself* Duh. Ghost powers.

Danny and (F/N) crouch into the seat, leaning away from the window and go ghost. He turns intangible. Cut to Jazz looking smug. She pushes a button on the remote and a green glow surrounds the GAV. Inside the GAV Danny and (F/N) , still intangible, go towards the passenger door of the GAV but are repelled and flung back into the seat.

Jazz: And just to humor you both I'm turning on the ghost shield so no ghosts or aliens can get in it. *To herself* Or out.

(F/N): *Suspicious* Why did you say that to me AND Danny?

Jazz: *Flinches* U-u-uh, n-n-no reason...

(F/N) glares at her Jazz as we pan to Youngblood on his horse, phasing through Danny's, (F/N)'s and Jazz's tent. They turn tangible and start pushing Jack's and Maddie's tent, Youngblood laughing as they do.

Cut to an aerial view with Jazz looking at the GAV while Youngblood pushes the Fentons' tent towards a nearby river. Cut to inside the tent, which is shaking, where Jack and Maddie are asleep. Jack snores but Maddie groggily wakes up and looks at her husband.

Maddie: Jack. Your snoring is rattling the whole tent. *She sits up* Jack? Ugh.

Maddie gets up and walks towards a small box of toiletries with the Fenton logo on it. She opens it and pulls out a pair of earplugs.

Maddie: *Offscreen* Better get the Fenton ear plugs.

She puts in the earplugs, smiles constantly and goes back to bed.

Cut back to an external shot of the GAV driver's side. A flash of light inside indicates Danny and (F/N) turned human. They sit back up to glare at Jazz through the window but quickly change to a look of shock as they see Youngblood pushing their parents' tent towards the river. They jump up against the glass.

Danny: Jazz! Turn around! Look! *Pointing

towards the tent* Mom and dad's tent!

(F/N): It's being pushed into the river!

Jazz looks equally concerned and turns around. The tent has stopped moving and it reforms to its original shape, the indent from Youngblood's horse pushing the tent gone. Jazz looks angry and turns around to face Danny and (F/N) again.

Jazz: Forget it you two. I'm not letting you both out of there and I'm not taking my eyes off you for one second.

Cut to Danny and (F/N) still looking concerned and looking behind Jazz. Cut to Youngblood and his horse grinning at Danny and (F/N) before turning and resuming pushing the Fentons' tent. Danny and (F/N) turn to the dashboard and (F/N) pushes a button, activating the windshield wiper fluid, effectively splashing Jazz.

Jazz: Ugh. Oh real mature you two. If you're both gonna be delusional can you at least act your age?

(F/N): Act your age? *Gets an idea* Danny, you remember what Youngblood said?

Danny: Yeah and I see where you're going with this and I approve.

Cut to Jazz wringing out her hair. Another splash of water hits her and she screams in surprise and frustration. Angrily, she looks up at Danny and (F/N). Danny and (F/N) aew inside the GAV smiling at her.

Danny: You're not an adult Jazz.

(F/N): You're a kid just like us. You only think you're an adult but you're not.

Jazz: We're focusing on your problem you two, not mine.

Jazz crosses her arms and turns away but quickly looks back at the noises Danny and (F/N) are making. Cut to the GAV where Danny and (F/N) are making ridiculous faces and silly noises.

Jazz gets increasingly frustrated with them, her cheeks turning red. Cut back to Danny and (F/N) in the GAV where Danny grabs the microphone for the external speakers.

Danny and (F/N): *sing-songy into the microphone* Jazz is a spazz. Jazz is a spazz. Jazz is a spazz.

Cut to outside the GAV as Danny and (F/N)'s taunts echo through the desert. Cut to Jazz angrily addressing Danny and (F/N)

Jazz: Cut it out you little brats!

As Danny and (F/N) talk, Youngblood and his assistant are still pushing the Fentons' tent, almost reaching the river.

Danny and (F/N): *offscreen* I know you are, but what are we?

Youngblood looks up in surprise and turns around to see what is happening with the teens. He grins and flies off of his horse towards Danny, (F/N), and Jazz. Youngblood's assistant continues to push the tent. Youngblood flies up behind Jazz whose hands are on her hips in frustration.

Jazz: Will you two grow up?

Danny and (F/N): *falsetto into the microphone* Will you two grow up?

Jazz: (throwing her arms to her side and leaning forward) Stop mocking me.

Danny and (F/N): *Repeating Jazz's motion, speaking in falsetto* Stop mocking me.

Jazz looks angry and turns around, crossing her arms. Danny and (F/N) smile at this. Cut to a close up of Danny and (F/N) in the GAV.

Danny: Oh. Oh. * (F/N) Reaches down and pulls up Bearbert* Who's this? Is this *pulling out a campfire pitchfork and aiming it at Bearbert* Bearbert Einstein? *Jabs the pitchfork into Bearbert* Oh, oh no.

Cut to Jazz gasps, looking up in shock and turns around to yell at Danny and (F/N)

Jazz: Leave him alone!

Cut to Danny and (F/N) in the GAV, both staring at Jazz with a deadpan look as he rips the stuffing out of Bearbert with the pitchfork and (F/N) rips the mustache off. Jazz jumps up in horror, hands to her mouth. Cut to Youngblood floating nearby, laughing. Cut to inside the GAV as Danny continues to rip the stuffing out of Bearbert and (F/N) spits some mana acid on its hair and ripped it out.

Cut to outside the GAV where Youngblood is floating behind Jazz. She drops her arms and starts jumping up and down, crying the whole time.

Jazz: Put him down! Put him down! Put him down! Put him down! *Falling to her knees* Put him down!

Jazz is on her knees, sobbing into her hands. Cut to Danny and (F/N) looking at Jazz, still holding the stuffing. He looks up towards where Youngblood is floating behind Jazz. Cut to Youngblood. He holds his stomach, falling back laughing.

Youngblood: Hahaha. *Wipes away a tear* Man she's even brattier than I am.

(F/N): And that's saying something.

Cut to Jazz. She stops crying, removes her hands from her face and opens her eyes.

Jazz: Who said that?

Cut to Youngblood, face turning from glee to surprise.

Youngblood: Huh?

Cut to Danny and (F/N) smiling. Cut to Jazz. She turns around to look at Youngblood floating behind her. She sees him and gasps. Youngblood is frozen, either confused or scared.

Jazz: *Zoom in on Youngblood* A ghost? *Jumping up*A ghost! *Turning to face Danny and (F/N)* You two aren't crazy!

Cut to Danny who is smiling.

Danny You have now stooped to our level.

(F/N): Thank you for shopping at Fenton and Tennyson Mart.

Cut to the Fentons' tent as Youngblood's assistant pushes it over the edge and into the water. It splashes in and starts floating away.

Cut back to Danny, (F/N) and Jazz, both smiling at each other. They all gasp and turn to see their parents' tent floating away.

They exchange determined looks and Jazz releases Danny and (F/N) from the GAV (ghost shield down, doors unlocked, and the driver's door swings open). Jazz approaches Danny and (F/N), who are sitting by the open door.

Jazz: I'll take the RV. You two go...somewhere I

can't see you both and get help.

Danny and (F/N) jumps out of the GAV and run away. Jazz takes his place in the driver's seat. She looks over to the passenger's seat where Bearbert, torn to shreds, is placed. She turns on the GAV and turns the "Painful Weapons" back online. Jazz looks determined.

Jazz: This is for Bearbert.

Cut to outside the GAV as five mechanical arms with blasters come out of the vehicle. Cut to Youngblood looking scared. Cut to Jazz slamming the gas pedal. The GAV races forward and chases Youngblood.

He flies away. The weapons all start blasting him as Youngblood narrowly avoids getting hit, save for his hat. Youngblood's assistant flies over and Youngblood jumps on his back and rides away. Cut to Danny running.

Danny: I'm going ghost!

(F/N): It's hero time!

Danny go ghost and fly off as (F/N) turns into her anodite form and follows him. Cut to the Fentons' tent floating in the river. Cut to inside the tent as water washes up to the sleeping parents. Jack wakes up confused.

Jack: Huh? Why that hasn't happened since I stopped drinking coffee before bed.

Cut to the outside of the tent. Jack pops his head out the opening and the view zooms out to show the tent nearing the waterfall. Cut back to Jack back inside the tent looking scared.

Jack: Maddie wake up. *Grabbing Maddie* I spy something beginning with a W!

Jack holds up Maddie's sleeping bag, with Maddie still in it looking scared. Cut to aerial view as the tent goes over the waterfall. As it falls Danny flies down and catches it and flies it back over to land. Cut to the inside of the tent as Jack holds Maddie over his shoulder, ready to take off running.

Jack: We're about to plummet into a roaring white watery...

Jack flies out of the tent and lands on the ground with a thud.

Jack: ...doom?

Jack looks around confused as Danny flies off in the background. Cut to Jazz furiously driving the GAV.

Jazz: For Bearbert!

Cut to outside the GAV as it fires at Youngblood who is riding away in front of it. Youngblood suddenly comes to a stop, pulling on the horse's reins.

Cut to outside the GAV as it fires at Youngblood who is riding away in front of it. Youngblood suddenly comes to a stop, pulling on the horse's reins.

Youngblood: Woah. *To his assistant* What are we running away for?

Youngblood flies off of his horse and into the air. He aims his boots at the GAV. Spurs fly off as tiny serrated discs. The discs cut off all of the mechanical arms of the GAV. Jazz stops the car to a grinding halt. Youngblood rides towards the GAV as Danny and (F/N) fly in and Danny grabs him off of his horse while (F/N) blasts the horse away and Danny slams Youngblood onto the roof of the GAV. Jazz looks up at the thud and hits the gas pedal.

Danny: *Standing over Youngblood*Wanna play with the big kids, Youngbutt?

Danny reaches down and grabs Youngblood's vest. He holds him over the edge of the GAV so Youngblood's head is reaching the ground. Youngblood grunts as his hat falls off and his head slides along the ground. Danny and (F/N) look down towards Youngblood.

(F/N): Having fun yet?

Cut to Jack and Maddie standing up and dusting themselves off. The GAV drives by.

Maddie: Jack? What's going on? *Grabs

Jack* Where are the kids?

Jack: Maddie. Look! *Cut to Danny and (F/N) blasting the GAV.* It's that Phantom kid and his purple friend again. *Cut back to Jack* And this time they're attacking our wheels. Hang on, kids! *Jack pulls an weapon out with a pop*Daddy's coming!

Maddie: Jack, where did that ghost weapon come from?

Jack: I'd, um... I'd rather not say.

Cut to the GAV as a beat up looking

Youngblood slams down onto the roof with Danny and (F/N) flying over him. Youngblood's assitant whinnies and flies in but is blasted into pieces by a green ray.

Cut to Jazz holding a smoking lipstick blaster. She is still in the driver's seat as the GAV moves.

Cut to Youngblood as his assistant's head is thrown in his lap.

Danny: Not so tough now that she can see ya, huh kid?

The GAV stops.

Youngblood: What are you two gonna do, huh? At some point, I'm gonna squirm free. It's not like you can lock me up in jail or something.

The Fenton Thermos was about to hit Danny on the head but (F/N) catches it. Cut out to Jazz leaning outside the driver's side window.

Jazz: Sorry. Slipped out of my hand.

(F/N) had a suspicious look as she then activates the thermos and sucks in Youngblood and his assistant.

(F/N): Actually, It's just like to lock you up in jail or something.

As Jazz narrates, Danny, and (F/N) (Clone), floats down to Jazz. They all smile at each other.

Jazz (voiceover): So, in the end, no matter how abnormal things seem or abnormal our life can be...

Sounds of weapons charging up are off screen behind Danny and (F/N).

Jack: Put the thermos down and step away from my daughter, punks!

Jack and Maddie are behind Danny and (F/N). Jack is aiming a ghost weapon at them. Cut back to Danny and (F/N)looking scared. They look over towards Jazz who winks at him.

Jazz (voiceover): Everything was back to normal... or our version of normal.

Jazz pushes a button and activates the windshield wiper fluid. Jack and Maddie get sprayed and Danny and (F/N) fly away. Cut to Maddie fretting over Jack who is wiping the water out of his eyes.

Jack: Get me a Fenton towel, STAT!

Fade to FentonWorks

Jazz (voiceover)' So yeah. Sometimes I do feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders...

(F/N) (voiceover): Not really spazmine

Jazz (voiceover): Shut it!

Zoom into Jazz's room where she is writing at her desk, Bearbert sitting next to her.

Jazz (voiceover): And I'm the only responsible adult in the family...

(F/N) (voiceover): Who sleeps with a teddy bear wearing an Albert Einstein outfit and cried like a baby when me and Danny messed with it.

Jazz (voiceover): What did I just say?!

Cut to show Jazz is writing in her diary. Jazz stops writing and looks out the window to see Danny and (F/N) (Clone) flying.

Jazz (voiceover): *Composes herself* But Danny and (F/N) are responsible. And they're kids, which means it's probably safe for me to be a kid every now and then.

Jazz hugs Bearbert and it makes a farting noise. Jazz looks at it and pulls out the Foley Alibi-o-Matic

Jazz: Oh, real mature, Danny!

???(F/N): Jazz.

Jazz flinched when she turned and saw it was (F/N) and Roxie

Jazz: (F-F/N)?! How are you-

(F/N): Duplicate, now answer me this. How do you know Danny's half ghost?

Jazz: Whaaat? I-I don't what your-

(F/N): Jasmine, answer my question or else.

Jazz: Or else what?

(F/N): Or else Roxie will stare at you uncomfortably.

Roxie kept staring at Jazz which made her increasingly uncomfortable, more and more as the staring got intense until she cracked.

Jazz: I know Danny is half ghost too! *Covers mouth*

(F/N): Knew it.

Jazz: You knew? You're not gonna say anything are you?

(F/N): No I'm not, it's your secret, he's your brother, you tell him.

Jazz: Thanks (F/N).

(F/N): Yeah, yeah, don't mention it. By the way long did you know?

Jazz: Since the incident during Spirit week. You had to be there.

(F/N): Gotcha.

Jazz: So uh, you're not mad about me locking you and Danny in the GAV are you?

(F/N): Who says I'm not mad?

(F/N) then makes a mana cane and stomps it on Jazz's foot making her yelp in pain as she hopped around.

Jazz: Ow! Okay I deserved that.

(F/N): You totally did, spazz. Come on Roxie, mama needs her beauty sleep.

Roxie: *Barks*.

(F/N) and Roxie go to their room leaving Jazz as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 36: It Was Them

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