Chapter 59: Frightmare

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Here we fade into Casper High. Music is playing. Fade in to Danny holding his lunch tray. He appears to be in a good mood. Danny walked, happily, with a white paper in his pocket. Cut to a close-up of the paper with blue words reading “SCIENCE TEST” in purple letters and a red mark with an “A+” inside a red circle. Cut to two kids in the lunchroom. One of them is a red-head girl with a blue cardigan over a yellow turtle-neck. The second is a brunet jock holding a sandwich. Pan left to Dash and Tucker. Cut to a close-up of Tucker and Dash, who looks angry. Cut to a close-up of Danny.

Danny: Oh, no! Dash is going to destroy Tucker! *Walks toward them* Guys, wait! Violence is never the answer.

Cut to Dash.

Dash: Well, look who's finally here. I've been waitn' for ya, Fenton! *Cut to a close-up of Danny. Zoom in on Danny's face. Danny braces for impact before he gets attacked. Dash raises hands and pulls up his seat* No, seriously, we've been saving your seat for like ten minutes. Where ya been, buddy?

Cut to Danny, surprised, looks at his seat. The football team walk by and start up a raucous victory celebration of Danny. On the table is a newspaper. The main headline reads "CASPER HI-LITES, FENTON THROWS WINNING PASS", and has headshot of Danny, in a football uniform, holding a football. Danny reaches down to pick up the paper.


Dash: Three seconds left in the game, and you call a reverse! You're the best quarterback Casper's ever had!

Cut to Danny.

Danny: I am? I-I-I-I mean I am. *Ghost sense goes off* *To himself* Speaking of comic book villains.

Danny looks up and sees Fright Knight, riding on Nightmare with his sword, through the window floating outside the school. Cut to Dash. Kwan is sitting behind him holding his hands up to his head in fear.

Dash: Danny...Outside…*points at Fright Knight*The Fright Knight!

Cut to Danny.

Danny: Eh, *so panicked that he's sweating* why ware ya telling me?

Dash: *He lifts his hand to hit his forehead* Duh! Because you have ghost powers.

Cut to Danny and pan out to reveal the crowd cheering and chanting "Go, Danny, Go". Everyone is chanting to Danny, who is surprised.

Danny: Eh, going ghost. Weird, where's (F/N), *sighs* I'm sure she'll get here.

With a flash of light, a ring forms around him and transforms him to Danny Phantom. Danny flies up through the ceiling. Cut to mid-air with a purplish-pink sky. Danny phases through the roof and flies up after the Fright Knight, resuming his color. Outside up in the air, Danny flies in and comes to a stop and floats. Cut to Danny Phantom floating in front of Fright Knight and Nightmare, his sword is held in his hand.

Danny: Hey, Frightnut. *Starts to charge up his hands with cold energy* Do you know the freezing point of metal? *He charges up a blue energy beam in his hands and launches the combined ice blasts.*

Cut to Fright Knight on his horse with his sword glowing a flaming green. As he sat there floating, he is suddenly blasted by Danny’s ice blast that freezes him into an ice block with a Fright Knight shape and a Nightmare shape inside it, with Fright Knight shrieking. The ice block falls down a long way. Cut to Danny, holding the Fenton Thermos.

Danny: I'm getting an "A+" in science, so that was really more of a rhetorical question.

He grips the Fenton Thermos and holds it out. Pan down as it blasts out a ringed beam of suction energy. Cut to the Fright Knight and Nightmare, being engulfed by the blue beam. They are pulled into the thermos before they hit the ground. Cut to Danny, holding the thermos and looking at it, satisfied with the capture. Danny caps the thermos.

Danny phases downward through a wall into the cafeteria. The crowd of teens chanting and pumping their hands up and down. The crowd continues to chant. Cut to Danny. With a flash of light, a ring forms around him and transforms him to Danny Fenton. Then, he takes his seat as Star and "Paulina" stare dreamily at him. Cut to Dash.

Dash: Sweet! Must be nice, Fenton. Being a superhero and having a harem of girls all lovesick for ya.

Tucker: Sounds like somebody's tired of taking his cousin to all the dances.

Dash: She's my mom's sister's stepdaughter.

Cut to Danny.

Danny: C'mon, guys. You know, there's only one girl for me.

Sam lower half walks in from the side. Sam, wearing a red-and-white football jacket, walks toward Danny with her face off-screen.

Sam: *offscreen* I sure hope you're talking about me.

Danny looks over. Cut to Sam’s black pants and skirt, he is holding her lunch in her left hand. Pan up to show Sam, she has a read-and-white letterman jacket. Close-up to her jacket that reads, "DANNY". Close-up of Danny looking happy.

Sam: Can you make room for your girlfriend?

Danny pulls up a seat for Sam, who sits down.

Danny: Eh, *chuckles* Nice jacket.

Sam: It's not black but it's yours, and that's enough for me.

Danny falls for Sam. The two close their eyes and lean in for the big kiss. Cut to a close-up of Paulina linking her hands with Star, looking terrified of them about to kiss, then look at each other and are happy for them. Cut to Dash, being happy for them. Cut to Tucker, tearing with happiness. Cut back to Danny and Sam about to kiss, when suddenly they hear the sound of a car engine.

Danny: *Hears a car engine* What the?

Sam: *Also hears a car engine* What's that noise?

Danny: I dunno it sounds like a-

Suddenly the wall explodes into pieces as the Hellcharger bursts straight through it, with (F/N) behind the wheel! Everyone quickly dives out of the way, but Danny is taken completely by surprise.

Danny and Sam: …CAR?!?

(F/N): *Revs the engine* Eat my feminista agenda!!

Danny and Sam both smash right into him and drag them under the bumper. Then a flash of white light fills the screen and we see Danny Phantom lying on the ground, opening his eyes, looking alarmed, he uses his hands to sit up as some kind of metal helmet on his head breaks.

Danny: Huh, what, a dream? Woah... *Zoom out to show Danny sitting on a floating piece of rock in the Ghost Zone with rows of purple doors and windows* More like a nightmare.

Fade into the Ghost Zone. Pan right across the rows of purple doors and windows to Danny Phantom on the floating rock.

Fade into the Ghost Zone. Pan right across the rows of purple doors and windows to Danny Phantom on the floating rock.

Danny: How did I get out all the way here in the middle of the Ghost Zone?

Cut to Danny, standing on the rock with a hand on his head. Danny looks at the camera and we flash to a flashback. A billboard that reads, "Amity Park IT'S HOME!" Cut to fat green ghosts with no eyes and sewed eyelids with fang teeth flying off into the air toward the, their arms out. A ghost rises up. Cut to a ghost whose body looks like the night sky, bright black with shining dots in it like stars, his head is an oval shape with a point at the bottom, he has two curved horns on the side of his head, his eyes are red. Back in the present

Danny: I remember a shape, dark, a ghost? Did I dream that, too? *Suddenly spots the broken helmet lying a few feet from his feet and picks it up. Cut to a shot of the helmet.* Something tells me that finding out how I got here isn't going to be as half as scary as finding out who *Zoom in on his face* put me here.

Danny escapes through the portal into the Fenton Works' lab. Danny Phantom transforms into Danny Fenton. A beaker fell off a table. Danny goes up a flight of stairs.

Danny: Mom! Dad! Hello! Jazz! Its quiet. Too quiet.

A ghost flies past behind Danny. Cut to Danny peeking his head around a corner

Danny: *Shouting* Mom? Dad?

Cut to Danny as he walks through a doorway, into his parents' room. Cut to Danny's parents lying flat on their bed, each with a sleep helmet.

Danny: No!

Danny runs into his parents' room and tries to take the helmet off his mother, resulting in him getting shocked

Danny: *Yells in pain* What are these stupid things anyway? *Cut to a close-up of the dream helmets* Looks like a tiara for a high-tech princess. *Cut to Danny's face as it turns from concerned to shock and then worry* Princess- Jazz!

Cut to Danny speeding up to his sister's bedside, reaching for the helmet only to be shocked again

Danny: Going Ghost!

Rings spread over him and the transformation to Danny Phantom is complete

Danny: And going to the videotape!

Danny flies through the ceiling and to the OP center only to find Paulina and (F/N), in ghost form, were there too and (F/N) was on the floor unconscious and Paulina was concerned.

Paulina: *Sees Danny* Danny, thank goodness it worked.

Danny: Wait what? What worked? And why is (F/N) unconscious?

Paulina: Oh yeah, hang on, *to (F/N)* Sweetie, wake up, it worked! *Doesn't get a response* Sweetie? *Still doesn't get a response* Babe? *Sighs playful* Okay I know what you want.

Paulina then kissed (F/N) on the lips as she woke up and shook herself a bit.

(F/N): *Yawns* Did it work?

Paulina: It did.

Danny: Wait, wait, hang on. Can someone tell me what the heck is going on here?

(F/N) and Paulina looked at each in confusion and concern and then back at Danny.

(F/N): You don't remember what happened?

Danny: Well all I remember is a shape, dark, I think it's a ghost, but I think it was in my dream. What were you two doing in the OP center?

Paulina: You told us to stay here in case something happened to you.

Danny: I did?

(F/N): Yeah, right before you went after tall dark and gruesome.


Here we see Danny going ghost as (F/N) and Paulina were seen in the OP center confused about what Danny told them.

(F/N): So how come you get to go after the big bad while me and Paulina are stuck on watch tower duty?

Paulina: Yeah, we wanna help too.

Danny: We've been over this, you two are the last lines of defense if anything happens to me you two have to protect the town while I'm gone.

(F/N): Fair enough.

Paulina: Fine, but if anything happens-

Danny: I'll be okay, I promise.

Danny flies off leaving (F/N) and Paulina looking concerned.

Flashback ends.

(F/N): And that's what you told us.

Paulina: But naturally we didn't listen to you and got caught. *Shows the broken pieces of their helmets*

(F/N): And then we broke out and I freed you by transferring my subconscious into your dream and waking you up from there.

Danny: Huh, neat. Well I'm gonna check out what happened here.

The scene then transitions to Danny typing on a computer in the OPs Center and (F/N) and Paulina look at the screen. Danny moves a switch and presses the play button on the recorder. Cut to the recording, which shows the front door. Six green ghosts phase through the door in two-by-two fashion.

Danny: Woah *Pans out slightly to include Danny* Rewind. What was that? *Danny hits the rewind button* Hello. Looks like breaking and entering to me.

(F/N): Well, phasing and entering anyway.

Danny plays through videos of his family being attacked. First Maddie, then Jazz, and finally Jack, for which Danny uses the refrigerator cam.

Danny What's happening? Why attack the Fentons?

Paulina: Unless…*Looks out the window* They were putting the whole town to sleep.

Danny: *Gasps* Sam!

Cut to Danny, (F/N) and Paulina phasing into Sam's room. Danny flies in and tries to remove her helmet, only to get shocked.

(F/N): Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the helmets are electrified.

Danny: *Sarcastically* Gee, thanks. *To Sam*

Sam, we'll find a way to get this off you. I promise.

Paulina: Okay so everyone's asleep and we have no idea who's doing this.

(F/N): Hm, maybe Tucker's equipment can shed some light on what's happening.

Danny: Good idea let's go.

Cut to Tucker curled up asleep on his bed. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina look at their friend, then turns to Tucker's computer and Danny starts typing.

Danny: Okay, let's see what's playing on Tucker vision.

A hologram next to the keyboard starts up, displaying a video of Tucker at his computer moments before Nocturn attacks and places a dream helmet on him. The hologram stops and Danny stands up.

Danny: A whole new ghost? And yet, he's kinda familiar. *To Tucker* Thanks Tuck. We'll be back.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina flies away. They all  looked down to see people stopped and asleep. They pause by a swingset, and a ghost goes behind him, laughing. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina (As Astrodactyl), turn around confused, and continue flying.

Danny: Woah, the whole town's asleep.

Paulina: It's like a ghost town here. Uh no pun intended.

Danny: *Ghost sense goes off. He looks down and sees two sleepwalkers attacking a couple.* Uh oh.

(F/N): Oh boy.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina fire an energy blast at them, but they morph to dodge the hit. They fly up and grab Danny and four more fly up and grab (F/N) and Paulina.

Danny: Let us go!

(F/N): Who are you?

Paulina: *As Astrodactyl* What do you want? *They show no reaction* Strong silent types, huh? Okay. Let's see how strong.

Danny and (F/N) activate their cryokinetic powers and freeze the six Sleepwalkers while Paulina blasts them apart.

Danny: We don't know where you're taking us but I’m pretty sure we don’t want to go.

The six drop in a freefall towards the ground. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina scream and extend their arms, successfully shaking off the two frozen Sleepwalkers. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina watch as the Sleepwalkers crash onto the ground.

Paulina: Wow, now that's a splat.

Danny: *Dusting off his hands* Huh. Not that strong after all.

(F/N): Come on, let's go before more of those things show up.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina fly down into an alley and start walking. They pop their heads around the corner to look around.

Danny: Woah.

Paulina: Hide, hide!

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina duck back into the alley and press themselves against the wall as an army of moaning sleepwalkers march past him. They stop at the alley entrance and turn to look inside. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina (Using Chameleon's powers) go invisible until they move away.

Danny: A whole freaky *turns visible* ghost army run by a new freaky ghost. Why do I get the feeling Vlad's somehow behind this.

Cut to Danny, (F/N) and Paulina phasing through a painting of Vlad. They look around and gasp when they see Vlad asleep on his bed. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina fly over and Vlad turns around and curls up, cuddling a small Maddie Fenton plush.

Danny: Well this is definitely a good news bad news moment.

Paulina: But if Vlad's not behind this.

(F/N): Then who is?

A group of Sleepwalkers phase up through the floor behind him. The trio hears the moaning and turns around.

Danny: Hey guys. *Chuckles* Love your individuality.

Paulina: *As Astrodactyl*.I don't.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina fire two energy blastsat the Sleepwalkers. Two of them are hit and disintegrate, enraging the rest who fly down to surround the trio.

Danny: Lucky we're already a student of your creepy ghost moves.

Before Danny, (F/N) and Paulina can attack, four arms phase through the wall behind them and grab their wrists and ankles to restrain them. Danny, (F/N) and Paulina (As Big Chill) start glowing blue as they charge up a cryokinetic attack.

(F/N): Get off us!

Danny: Pay attention guys. You'll see why we're not even scared.

A laugh is heard from behind the Sleepwalkers. Surprised, Danny, (F/N) and Paulina stop charging their attack, dropping the blue aura around them. The Sleepwalkers part to reveal Nocturn taking form.

Nocturn: Ah but you should be ghost children. And if you three were smart, you would be.

Danny and (F/N): You!

Flashback to Danny fighting Nocturn on the streets of Amity Park.

Danny: Look I don't know who you are or why you woke me up.

Nocturn: Don't worry ghost boy. You and your friends will get back to sleep. I promise.

Danny Is that all you got? Dude you need to get yourself some new *sees Nocturn teleport*…uh…ghost powers.

Nocturn: I get by. Would you like to see how? *puts Danny to sleep* *Nocturn and his Sleepwalkers place Danny in the Ghost Zone* Sweet dreams, ghost boy.

Flashback ends

Danny: You were the one who sent me into the ghost zone.

Nocturn: Yes and I’m about to do it again.

Danny: Who are you? What do you want?

(F/N): Nocturn.

Paulina: You know this guy?

(F/N): I've heard of him, he likes to put people to sleep and gets energy from their dreams.

Nocturn: The alien girl is right, I am Nocturn. The ghost of sleep. And what I want, I already have: your dreams. The dreams of everyone in this town. I travel from town to town, absorbing the energy from dreams. With billions of people in your realm, imagine the energy there is to harvest.

Danny: O-okay. We-we get it already. But do you get that we won't let that happen? *Breaks free along with (F/N)*

(F/N): All that beauty sleep's left us rested and stronger.

Paulina: Not a great idea.

The ghost trio all phase through the floor leaving Nocturn in shock only to get blasted upward by (F/N), Danny and Paulina and get electrocuted by the device on the ceiling and fall to the floor.

Paulina: And stay down, you dream stealer!

Nocturn: Stealing is such an ugly word. I prefer "harvest for energy." *Tries to blast but comes out fizzle*

Danny: Looks like you need it, you're running out of steam. *Nocturn gets up and into a battle stance* So what's the big deal about people's dreams?

Nocturn: Asked the ghost boy who dreams of the goth girl.

Danny: Oh man. That was private.

(F/N): Oh snap, he just went there.

Paulina: Well at least he doesn't know our dreams.

Nocturn: You two dream of being married at school and living together hand in hand.

(F/N): Hey! That was personal!

Paulina: Not cool!

Nocturn: *With a blue aura around him* Dreams are the gateway to the subconscious.

Nocturn sends an energy wave at the ghost trio as they blast back causing an explosion as we see them on the floor and are levitated in the air by Nocturn and thrown off screen.

Nocturn: *Blue aura turns into green fire* My army will keep the world asleep so that I may remain all powerful.

Danny That's all you do? Put people to sleep?

Paulina: You sure you're not a teacher?

We then see the hero trio slash through Nocturn only to see him reformed again.

Paulina: *As Ghostfreak* Oh come on! What does it take to beat this guy?!

Nocturn: Sleepwalkers, form.

The trio then turns to see several sleepwalkers in the air.

Nocturn: As you three will see. Dreams also fuel my sleepwalkers. We are unstoppable.

Danny: This is where we say dream on.

(F/N), Danny, and Paulina blast away the sleepwalkers with a powerful energy blast

Nocturn: Sleepwalkers form!

We then see more sleepwalkers come in as they dog pile on the ghost trio but (F/N) lifts all of them up and she, Paulina and Danny blast an ice beam from their eyes and punch them into bits.

Nocturn: You know, with the entire town dreaming I can do this all day.

Danny: Yeah? Us, too.

Nocturn: Really? I believe this is where I say "dream on."

We then see more sleepwalkers show up as they restrain the ghost trio.

Nocturn: Time's up Danny Phantom and acquaintances . I promise you three your sleep will be much deeper this time. And by deeper, I mean permanent nap time. *Forms an energy ball*

Danny: Must be nice getting others to fight your battles. Not so nice, though, when they lose.

The hero trio all freeze the sleepwalkers and blast them away.

Danny: Time to hibernate!

The ghost trio charges at Nocturn as he tries to slash them but they get out of the way and kick him back as (F/N) punched her fist through Nocturn and then froze him using her ice powers as Danny and Paulina blasted him into bits.

Paulina: Haha. Sweet dreams.

Danny: Now to wipe out those sleepwalkers.

(F/N): But to battle an army, we'll need one of our own.

The hero trio goes intangibile and flies away as we see the ice melt and Nocturn reforming.

Nocturn: You cannot stop me, ghost and alien children. I might be weakened, but once I recharge your nightmares will truly begin.

We later see the ghost trio in Tucker's room at with Tucker still asleep with the helmet on him.

Danny: Okay, how do I remove that headset without lighting myself up like a Christmas tree. Wait a minute. Something obviously woke me up and knocked this thing off me. The question is, what?

Danny then remembers in his dream he was run over by (F/N) in the Hell Charger.

Danny: Woah. Yeah, that'd do it. Okay I don't need to risk getting shocked to remove this thing. I just need to shock Tucker…inside his dream.

Paulina: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Danny: No big deal. I've overshadowed Tucker before. Just slip inside and…

(F/N): Woah, woah! Danny! Phrasing!

Danny: …Get inside his dream. No sweat. Look out Tucker, I'm coming in. *Goes intangibile and overshadows Tucker*

(F/N): I better go too, just incase something happens, *to Paulina* sweetie, you keep watch, in case any more Sleepwalkers come in.

Paulina: Right. *Turns into Ghostfreak*

(F/N) goes intangibile and overshadows Tucker too.

Inside Tucker's dream

We see lots of fancy cars and helicopters

Danny: Nice Tuck. Even your dreams have style.

(F/N): Not bad, I guess.

We then see the duo go into the house

Tucker: Can I interest either of you ladies in a beverage? *Presses a button making a fridge appear* Say…chocolate milk. *Fridge opens and the Stars go to it* That will be all, Fentons.

Dream Danny and (F/N): Yes, sir.

Danny: Wait, I'm the janitor?

(F/N): And I'm the maid?

Tucker: Now for some ambiance. *Turns some music on*

Danny Hate to cramp your style dude.

(F/N): Actually no we don't.

Tucker: *While kissing Star's hand* *feels a tap* I can't neglect you, my pet.

Danny Seriously, I'm your janitor?

(F/N): And I'm your maid? Oh and one other thing.

(F/N) then punches Tucker in the face knocking him out.

Tucker wakes up screaming and Danny and (F/N) come out.

Tucker: What happened? Aw man I just had the worst nightmare ever.

Danny: Actually, you're now in a worse one. Come on, we gotta free Sam.

(F/N): And just so you know, we don't do windows.

Paulina: So what happened in Tucker's dream?

(F/N): Well…

5 minutes later.

Paulina: *to Tucker* YOU MADE MY GIRLFRIEND YOUR MAID??!?!?!

Tucker: *In fear*  It was my dream! I had no control!

The camera panned out showing (F/N) holding Paulina back from Tucker.

(F/N): Easy hun, you can beat him up later.

Paulina: *Sighs* You're right.

Cut to Sam's room. Tucker tries to take off the helmet and gets shocked.

Danny: Oops probably shoulda told you about that. My bad. Don't touch anything else. Now that we know how to do this it'll only take a second.

Danny, Paulina, and (F/N) phases into Sam's dream.

Danny: The cafeteria? Come on Sam I expected bigger dreams from--

Dream Sam: Can you make room for your girlfriend?

Danny: Girlfriend? Her dream is just like mine. Uh, her dream is just like mine!

(F/N): Yeah it is, hold that thought.

(F/N) and Paulina, turn back to normal much to Danny's confusion.

Danny: Wait, (F/N), Paulina, what are you two doing?

(F/N): Giving Sam a dose of reality.

We see Dream Danny and Sam about to kiss when suddenly they hear loud coughing as they see it's (F/N).

Dream Sam: (F/N)? What do you want?

(F/N): Oh nothing much, just wanted to congratulate you and Danny for being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Dream Sam: Thanks,  *gains a smug look* Guess you and Paulina are only the second cutest couple here.

(F/N): Oooh yeah, about that, me and Paulina aren't actually a couple anymore…

Sam: *Happy* You two broke up? Yes! I knew it! In your face you shallow witch!! Me and Danny are the only couple here not you and (F/N), me and Danny-

(F/N): I wasn't finished.

Paulina: We aren't a couple anymore, we're married now.

(F/N) and Paulina both show their wedding rings to Sam much to the goth girl's shock.

Sam: *In shock* Wh-wh-what…

Paulina: Oh yeah and we also forgot to mention that your parents redecorated your entire room.

Paulina shows Sam the picture of Sam's room as it is now pink with smiles, stuffed animals, unicorns etc.

Sam wakes up screaming as (F/N), Paulina and Danny come out

Tucker: That must have been some dream.

Danny and Sam look at each other and blush.

Danny: *Simultaneously with Sam* I didn't seen anything.

Sam: *Simultaneously with Danny* I don't remember.

Sam: What just happened?

Danny: We have another stop to make. We'll explain everything on the way.

Cut to Jazz's room.

Danny: Any objection to me waking up Jazz?

Sam: Nope. The more of us the better.

Danny: You guys stay alert. I'll be right back.

Danny phases into Jazz's dreams.

Tucker: So, what were you dreaming about?

Sam: Oh you know. Nothing specific. I was just sharing a glass of chocolate milk with two friends who looked just like Star.

Tucker: Hey that's what I-- Oh. Danny told you my dream? I'm pretty sure that violates the dude code.

(F/N): Well if it makes you feel any better, Sam was dreaming about Danny being her boyfriend, and she was wearing his letterman's jacket.

Sam: *Blushes* (F/N)!

Tucker: Ha! Knew it!

Paulina: You do have a thing for Danny! I knew it!

Sam: You do not tell Danny about this, get it?

(F/N): Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Jazz wakes up screaming.

Jazz: Did I just dream that I was a professor at Yale? And married to Dash?

Danny: Yep. Dash has really come in handy today. He's like the poster boy for nightmares.

Danny looks at Sam and they both blush and look away.

Danny and Sam: Y-yeah. Nightmares.

(F/N): Are you two done now?

Sam: Yeah we're good.

Cut to a mattress factory on the docks.

Danny: A mattress warehouse. Of course.

Paulina: That new antenna must be receiving signals from all of the headsets.

Everyone hides behind a wall.

(F/N): *to Everyone* Everyone cool with the plan?

Jazz: Take out the army of creepwalkers.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina: Sleepwalkers.

Jazz: You call them what you want I'll call 'em what I want. Then use Tucker's PDA to destroy that giant antenna.

Danny: And whatever it's connected to.

Sam:  *Pulls out the thermos* And then we unleash the Fenton Ghost Catcher.

Tucker: *takes the thermos* And we nail 'em.

We then see the camera pan over to a sleepwalker as he crushed the thermos in his hands as more appeared

Paulina: Aw nuts.

Danny: Alright guys. Let's do it!

Danny blasts ice at two sleepwalkers freezing them in place as (F/N) and Paulina(As Big Chill) froze them while Paulina slashed them with her ecto claws as we see Sam blasts them back but they reformed as Sam stumbled and fell back as was caught by the Sleepwalkers as Jazz tried to blast them out but Danny saves Sam and sets her down.

Danny: You okay?

Sam: Huh? Oh yeah.

Danny: Cool. *Goes off camera*

Sam: Yeah cool.

Tucker: Sam!

Tucker throws the thermos as Sam as she caught it as (F/N), Danny and Paulina lured the sleepwalkers to the others as they got captured.

Danny Nice teamwork guys.

Paulina:  *As Big Chill* Now let's get Nocturn.

They enter the warehouse and see that Nocturn is a giant.

Paulina: *As Big Chill* Woah!

Danny Oh no. No. Nocturn, he's huge. *Flies to the chamber* He's absorbing dreams and getting more powerful. We have to stop him. *tries to open it but can't* *tries to punch it but hurts his hand* Ow.

Danny tries to blast it open but it does nothing.

(F/N): Danny stop, that isn't gonna work.

Sam: (F/N)'s right, you need to stay focused. The longer Nocturn's in there--

Danny: The stronger he gets. I know. That's why I'm trying to break in and wake him up.

Paulina:  *Gets an idea* Wait a minute, wake him up. We wake him up. The same way Danny woke all of you. Think about it. You all woke up by being surprised. If Danny beats him in his dream it'll startle him awake and then we--

Jazz:  We catch him.

Sam: Danny you can't go into the dream alone. You don't know what's in there. I'm coming with you.

Danny I don't really have a choice, do I?

Sam: No not so much.

(F/N): Sam are you nuts?

Paulina: What if it's too much? Nocturn will get you and Danny, and you'll be trapped there, forever.

Sam: It's a risk I have to take.

Tucker: You kids have fun. I know I always say I want to be the man of someone's dreams but this isn't what I meant.

(F/N): Well me and Paulina are coming with you too.

Paulina: Yeah if you two are going, then we're going too.

Danny: Okay. Tuck, you and Jazz stay out here and calibrate your PDA to shut down this dream machine. That should stop the sleepwalkers at least. *To Sam* You sure you want to do this? I've never overshadowed anyone with a partner before.

Sam: Can you…make room for me?

Danny: *After making Sam Intangible* You okay?

Sam: Tingly, but good. Let's do this.

We then see the quartet go intangible and go into Nocturne's dream leaving Jazz and Tucker.

Jazz: Wow. Those two are really--

Tucker: Creepy!

Jazz: What?

Tucker: I mean creepwalkers at five o-clock.

We then see more sleepwalkers come in as the duo climbed up to the antenna.

Jazz: I hope Danny, (F/N), Paulina and Sam are doing better inside Nocturn's dream.

Cut to Nocturn's dream. An army of sleepwalkers are marching towards a castle on top of which Nocturn is floating and laughing.

Danny: Gotta hand it to the guy. He's got a vision. *Noticed Nocturn looking at them ans then disappeared in a flash of lightning* Uh oh. Did he just see us?

The quartet turned around to see Nocturn was behind them.

Nocturn: Ah. The ghost boy and his girlfriend along with the female couple, once again together in dream land.

(F/N): Yeah he saw us.

Danny: Well this is one dream you're gonna wish you woke up from.

We then see Danny blast Nocturn upward as (F/N) and Paulina ecto blast him in the back as Sam catches him in the thermos.

Paulina: Huh, well that was easy.

Sam: Too easy. Something's not right.

Danny: Why didn't Nocturn wake up?

We then see Nocturn, now a giant show up.

Nocturn: Did you honestly think you could defeat me in my own dreams? I am the king of dreams. You cannot win in my world.

Danny: Then we'll just have to take back the home field advantage. Let's get out of here. *Tries to get out but can't*  It didn't work. I can't get us out.

Nocturn: I told you. I control all dreams, especially my own. And in my dream you four shall remain forever.

The quartet tried to run but they were met with the army of sleepwalkers.

Danny: Oh boy.

(F/N) and Paulina: Crud.

Sam: Fight Danny!

The quartet blasted the army but it did nothing to them.

Nocturn: Your weapons no longer work. The dreams of your families and friends have made me and my army unstoppable. Now you will join them and patrol the nights for eternity.

Cut to the factory.

Jazz: *After blasting the sleepwalkers* Aaah! They're getting stronger.

Tucker: Keep blasting. I need another minute. *Hears a blast* *turns to see Jazz is caught* Jazz?

Jazz: *struggling* Tucker keep going.

Tucker: *While pressing buttons and more sleepwalkers closing on Tucker*  Come on. Come on. *Enters the code* Got it! *Sees sleepwalker*  Uh oh.

We then see the antennae explode as the sleepwalkers begin to disappear.

Tucker: Aaah! *Falls to the ground* Jazz?

Jazz screams as Tucker runs to her and catches her mid air, lands on several mattresses and lands on the floor.

Tucker It's a, uh…

Jazz: Mattress factory.

Meanwhile in Nocturn's dream, we see the quartet back up and get caught by the sleepwalkers.

Nocturn: Only a miracle could save you now.

We then see the sleepwalkers disappear.

Sam: What happened?

Danny: Tucker and Jazz did it!

(F/N) and Paulina: Woo-hoo!

Nocturn: I don’t understand. Why do I suddenly feel weak?

Sam: Because this is now your worst nightmare.

Paulina then sends an ice blast at Nocturn freezing him in place.

Paulina: *As Big Chill*  Wanna do the honors sweetie?

(F/N): My pleasure.

(F/N) then flings the Nocturn into the air as she then summons a sword and uses it to slice Nocturn at a blinding speed, causing it to explode into bits.

Outside the dream, we see Nocturn wake up and smashes his way out of the machine as (F/N), Danny, Sam and Paulina come back.

Nocturn: I shall destroy you for waking me. Sleepwalkers form! *Nothing happens*

Sam: Boy, somebody woke up cranky.

Danny In your dreams Nocturn. The antenna's gone and so is your dream machine.

Paulina: Everyone you put to sleep is waking up.

(F/N): You have no power.

Enraged by this, Nocturn goes to attack them but he gets captured by Tucker in the thermos.

Tucker: Consider this your wake up call.

We later see everyone sitting at the pier

Danny: You think everyone will believe this was all a dream.

(F/N): Eh maybe.

Paulina: They were all dreaming.

Tucker I gotta say. Nocturn was an evil creep, but I wouldn't mind having my dream again. I could get used to that.

Paulina: I can't wait for me and (F/N) to get married. But I can wait.

Jazz: Me, too. Yale professor. What's not to love. What about you two?

Danny: I, uh, I don't even remember what my dream was about.

Sam: Uh, me neither.

Jazz: Really? That's too bad.

(F/N) and Paulina: We do.

Danny and Sam flinched.

(F/N): But we don't remember.

They both sighed in relief.

Danny: Oh yeah well, dreams. Gateway to the subconscious. *chuckles* I don't think so.

Sam: Yeah dream on.

Danny and Sam look at each other and blush.

(F/N): Well-

Paulina: Let's just let them have this one, they've been through enough.

(F/N): Alright fine. *To Jazz* But on a completely unrelated note, I don't see you being a good professor.

Jazz: Hey I can be a good professor at Yale, all the students will love me when I get into Yale.

(F/N): *Sarcastically* Yeah, getting into Yale, that's something to celebrate.

Tucker: What's your problem?

(F/N): I'm a Harvard girl, right next to Malibu.

Paulina: Ooh I hear that there are good beaches there. And a good college too. *Sees the looks she's getting* What? We were curious.

Jazz: You two were curious about looking into colleges?

(F/N): Yeah.

Jazz: Well why didn't you tell me?

(F/N): Well-

Jazz: And don't say "because you never asked."

(F/N): But you never did ask.

Jazz: Dang it.

Paulina: That and you'd decide what colleges were supposed to go to.

Jazz: I wouldn't-

(F/N): Yeah you would. We know you have our best interests at heart but come on, this is something me and Paulina have to decide on our own.

Paulina: Yeah, let us make the decisions. We already decided to move out of our homes and live together, why can't we find a college together?

Jazz and the rest of team Phantom were a bit surprised by what Paulina said, she actually made a valid point.

Jazz: Okay fair enough.

(F/N): Thank you.

Next: Chapter 60: Vegging Alien.

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