Chapter 62: Evil Step Sister

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Here we see the camera pan to (F/N) and Roxie planting some venus fly traps in front of the house.

(F/N): *Humming* Annnnd there we go.

Just then we see Danny, Jazz and Paulina come by and see what (F/N) is doing.

Danny: Hey Jen, what's up?

(F/N): Nothing much, just planting more flytraps.

Jazz: Well that's oddly-

(F/N): Alien fly traps.

Jazz: There it is.

Danny: And why are you planting them?

(F/N): Just in case if me or Paulina aren't here and if we can't find someone to watch Roxie, I used Wildvine’s DNA and some of mine to genetically make these fly traps to obey either me or Paulina.

Paulina: Wow, that's impressive.

(F/N): Thanks hun. *Notices Paulina's down expression* Hey what's wrong sweetie? *Realizes* Ohh…

Danny: Yeah, what's up with you?

Paulina: *Sighs* The other day, me, (F/N) and my folks were talking and well… my… step sister is moving to Amity Park.

Jazz and Danny: You're what?!

Jazz: You never told us you had a step-sister.

(F/N): That was my exact reaction too.

Danny: Anyways, what happened yesterday?

(F/N): Well it started like this.


Here we see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina cuddling and popcorn and watching a movie.

(F/N): Ahhh, nothing like watching a movie and cuddling with you sweetie.

Paulina: *Giggles* You said it sweetie and nothing can ruin this moment.

We then see the two girls about to kiss only to be interrupted by the obnoxious ringing of the  video phone.

Paulina: Annnd I spoke too soon.

(F/N): Come on, let's see who it is.

We then see (F/N) turn on the video phone to see Maria and Carlos.

(F/N): Oh hey Carlos, Maria hi.

Paulina: Hi, mama, papa.

Carlos: Hi sweetie hope we didn't interrupt anything.

(F/N): *Points to the bowl of popcorn* You kinda did.

Roxie: *Barks*

Maria: Apologies, but uh mija we have something to tell you.

Both girls heard the serious tone in the adults and decided to take them seriously.

(F/N): Um, okay what's the news?

Carlos: Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?

Paulina: Umm… let's start with the good news.

Maria: Well your father and I have been talking, and we got remarried!

Carlos: We are together once again, thanks to (F/N).

(F/N): Oh congratulations you two, now what's the bad news?

Maria: Oh uh, right the bad news… Paulina… She's moving to Amity Park.

Paulina's eyes went wide as she knew who it was but not (F/N) or Roxie, much to their confusion.

Paulina: No, no no no no no no…  not her, anyone but her!

(F/N): Uh, am I missing something here? Who are you all talking about?

Paulina: Um sweetie, there's something I never really told you about, specifically about my family.

(F/N): Babe, I already know your mom runs a cosmetics company.

Paulina: Not that. I… I have a sister.

(F/N): What?!

Paulina: Well step-sister to be specific.

(F/N): Okay wow, um didn't know that. Who is she?

Paulina: Her name's Trixie Tang… my step sister. And the  one person I hate more than Sam.

(F/N): Hm okay real talk, how bad is she?

Paulina: She steals everything from me, my boyfriends, make up, toys when we were kids, you name it she took it from me. Plus she never ever gets in trouble.

(F/N): Yikes, but how is she your step sister?

Maria: *Sighs* I made the mistake of marrying her father before I met Carlos, turns out Johnathan only wanted me for my looks! And my wealth! And to make his ex-girlfriend now wife jealous! *Groans* Just thinking about that man makes me want to-

Carlos: Easy sweetie calm down, you're not with him anymore.

Maria: *Sighs* You're right, you're right, she's with Tiffany now. I don't know how she puts up with him.

(F/N): So you all hate them?

Maria: Well I don't really hate Tiffany, I just hate the choices she made, that and making moves on my Carlos. But we were good friends back in college.

(F/N): Oookay then, uh back on topic how is this Trixie girl your step sister?

Paulina: Well my mom married her dad once then they had a divorce but… Tio John won custody over Trixie, and my mom got me.

(F/N): Hm okay that makes but what about Mrs Tang? Is she your grandma or aunt?

Paulina: She's my aunt.

(F/N): Okay makes sense. And now I'm starting to hate this Trixie girl too.

Maria: Yes, she and her family are moving to Amity Park. I just hope they don't cause too much trouble.

(F/N): Don't worry Maria, if Trixie tries anything I'll be there to protect Paulina no matter what.

Maria: *Smiles* Thank you (F/N).

(F/N): Anytime.

Flashback end.

(F/N): And that's how it went.

Danny: Hm that almost seemed-

Paulina: Then we made out while Roxie was watching the movie.

Danny: There it is.

Paulina: Yeah, now me and (F/N) to prepare to deal with… she who shall not be named.

Jazz: You mean-

(F/N): Jazz, do not say it, Paulina is already on edge.

Paulina: It's true.

Jazz: Right, right my bad.

The next day we see everyone at school where we see (F/N), Roxie, and the trio at school.

Danny: So (F/N), you prepared for today right?

(F/N): For the 100th time, yes. I don't see why you're making a big deal about this.

Danny: Because it is.

Just then we see Sam and Tucker walk by and Sam was a bit pleased Paulina wasn't there.

Sam: What is?

Danny: Well…

Suddenly, a pair of smooth arms were wrapped around (F/N), and she felt some lips on her cheek. It's Paulina, who decided to greet (F/N) in a way that she has come to like lately.

Paulina: Hola batata, *giggles and kisses (F/N)*

(F/N): Hey baby… *chuckled as Paulina kissed her again*.

Neither noticed that Sam was standing there, her fist was clenching and her teeth were grinding. Tucker noticed and gulped as he took a few steps back, not wanting to get caught in any crossfire. Once Paulina finished her kiss, she noticed Sam and saw the dirty look she was sending at (F/N) and she also noticed the nervous look on Tucker's face.

Paulina: Oh and hey Sam, Tucker.

Sam: *In a forceful tone* Hello… Paulina…

Tucker: Hey…

(F/N): So you think you passed today's test?

Paulina: *Giggles* Thanks to your study plans, I know I passed, and not because of cheating off another person. And I didn't even need to use my powers either. I did it all on my own.

Sam continued to glare daggers at Paulina, how could she of all people not only be (F/N)'s girlfriend, but have ghost powers and go steady with her too?! She didn't expect it to last this long, but before she could say anything, the school's speakers were on and Lancer was speaking.

Lancer: *On speakers* Good morning students, just a reminder that today we will be having a new transfer student, all the way from Dimmesdale

Paulina: Ugh…Trixie.

(F/N): Oh yeah… she's starting today.

Tucker: Trixie?

Paulina: *Mutters* You'll see soon enough, *to (F/N)* Batata..I'll be back..I got to wish luck to Valerie, Star and Barby, okay…

(F/N): Okay…

(F/N) Gets kissed by Pualina on the cheek  as she went to talk with her friends.

(F/N) had a smitten look on her face, which went away when she noticed the looks on her.friends face...annoyance and somewhat envy that a certain ghost boy didn't do this to her.

(F/N): What?

Sam: *Sarcastically* Batata?

(F/N): It's Paulina's pet name for me.

Tucker: So who's Trixie?

(F/N): Paulina's step-sister is joining us today…

Tucker: She has a sister? Is she-

Danny: Yeah (F/N) told me, she's hot. *Sees (F/N) looking at him* Not that I'm saying that, I'm just speaking in general.

(F/N): Riggghhht…

Tucker: Wait, does she have black hair and blue eyes?

(F/N): Yeah how did… *realizes* You hacked my phone didn't you?!

Tucker: No, no I-

Tucker was cut off when Roxie pulled out his PDA and it had a picture of Trixie.

(F/N): Seriously man?

Tucker: Oh come on, it's for… research purposes…

Sam: *To Tucker* Save yourself the humiliation, it's never going to happen. *To (F/N)* So (F/N), Danny ..I was wondering if after school, maybe we can go to the Nasty is Mega Monday.

Danny: Oh sure.

(F/N): Oh not me, Mondays are when me and Paulina go night jogging and drink smoothies.

Sam: *Trying hard to contain her jealousy* Ohh I see.

Soon Paulina came back and grabbed (F/N) by the hand.

Paulina: Come on Batata, I wanna get to class before we have to deal with Trixie… you too Danny.

(F/N): Coming, *to Sam and Tucker* Later guys.

(F/N) and Roxie left with Paulina as Danny soon followed them.

Sam watched them leave and gritted her teeth.

Sam: What the heck does (F/N) see in her?

Tucker: *Sighs* Sam...whether you like it or not, (F/N) and Paulina are dating..we're just going to have to get used to it… *in his head* Or you just have to get used to it* Sam rolled her eyes*

Sam: *In a stubborn tone* She is all wrong for her, I still say that she is only interested in (F/N) because of her powers and generosity even though she already has powers and she's rubbing it in...besides, we still can't trust her not to say anything…

Tucker: *Sighs* Sam, they have been dating for two weeks straight and Paulina hasn't spilled the beans, even though she told her parents, Barby, and Star ...If she really only cared about (F/N) superhero side, she wouldn't hesitate to brag about it but she liked her before finding out her powers...I think (F/N) knows what she is doing..

Sam: Well, who asked you, anyway?

Before Tucker could say anything, the warning bell rang and the two teenagers knew they had to get to homeroom and fast.

We later see (F/N), Paulina, Roxie and the trio were all in the home room and to Paulina's dismay, that's where Lancer came in, with Trixie and her friend Veronica following him.

Lancer: Hello students, this is our new transfer student, Trixie Tang and her friend Veronica. They come here all the way from Dimmsdale California so please be sure to make her feel welcome.

Jock 1: Oh man, what a babe!

Many others agreed with him. Paulina rolled her eyes, since Trixie and her friend Veronica haven't been here for five minutes and are already popular and are likely going to join the A-listers before lunch time, she knew because that's how their stupid system works. If you are any combination of hot, rich and popular, you are a member.

Lancer: Anyway, Ms. Tang, Ms.Star, why don't you introduce yourselves.

Trixie and Veronica: Of course Mr. Lancer.

Sam: *In her head* Great, another Paulina and another Star.

Trixie: Hey everyone, name's Trixie Tang and this is my second popular friend Veronica Star, we're very happy to be here in Amity Park.

Paulina: *In her head* Liar.

Trixie: We are like, so looking forward to being here with my dear step sister Rosa.

Dash: Rosa? I thought your name was Paulina.

Paulina: It is.

Lancer: Anyway, since Ms. Sanchez here is her step sister, I believe that it would be best that-

(F/N): You shave your hairy back and make a toupee out of it?

The class snickered and laughed at (F/N)'s little remark.

Lancer: No I-

Trixie: Actually I don't need Rosa to guide me around the school, I do not want to be a burden on her…

Paulina: *In her head* Fine by me.

Lancer: By all means

Paulina didn't care, as long as she didn't have to be stuck with Trixie, she didn't care who ended up being her little tour guide.

Trixie: I choose (F/N) Danniela Fenton.

Boys: WHAT?!.. *in outrage and envy.*

Paulina and Sam: WHAT?!.

Danny: WHAT?!

(F/N): WHAT?!

Lancer: You want Ms. Fenton?

Trixie: Well, she is the only girl I am already familiar with…

Tucker: But (F/N) didn't even volunteer.

(F/N) facepalmed as she looked and saw all of the guys looking at her in jealousy and then she saw her girlfriend sending death glares to Trixie and Veronica, who were smug before taking their seats.

(F/N): *In her head* Oh boy.

After homeroom ended we see Paulina was outraged by what her evil step sister did in class.

Paulina: UGH! I can't believe she did it again!

(F/N): Maybe I can ask Lancer to give my job to someone else…

Paulina: No and unfortunately, I can't have you sue over annoying step siblings trying to flirt with my steady girlfriend.

(F/N): Look Paulina, you know I don't like Trixie.

Paulina: I know, I know and I trust you but I don't trust Trixie and I never will…

???(Trixie): Oh Rosa, that hurts.

Both girls turned to see it was Trixie much to their dismay.

Paulina: Good.

Trixie: Hey (F/N) so, when can we have our little tour?...  *grabbed her  by the arm, not caring that Paulina  is there, glaring daggers at her or that the guys who saw them look at (F/N) with envy*

(F/N) noticed this and pulled her arm away.

(F/N): Look Trixie ...I'll show you where the gym, the library, the office and the cafeteria are but that's it...after that, you are on your own…

Trixie: You're a very take-charge kind of girl, I like that… *giggled only for Paulina to get in between them.*

Paulina: Hands to yourself, Trixie... You know that she is my girlfriend... *trying hard not to punch her*

Trixie: Hmpt for now anyway, (F/N), baby when can you guide me? *fluttered her eyelashes and (F/N) rolled her eyes.*

Ever since Trixie decided that she wanted to date her, she would hit on him whenever they crossed paths, despite knowing that (F/N) and Paulina are dating and she has no interest in her but the more she resisted, the more she persisted. She has even started calling (F/N) "baby"  much to (F/N)'s mild annoyance.

Paulina: We will do that now, just to get it over with.

Trixie: Excuse me? I had asked for (F/N) to be my guide, only…*with her hands on her hips*

Paulina: Well, you forget...I did promise mom that I would show you around too…*with edge in her tone*

The two girls sent vicious glares to each other.

(F/N) saw this and groaned.

(F/N): *In her head* I got two hot girls who are fighting over me...why is this not as fun as anime makes it out to be?

(F/N) knew that this was going to be a long day.

(F/N) and Paulina managed to show Trixie the basics of Casper High and Trixie spent the entire time trying to hit on Danny, while Star made not-so-ideal promises to knock her block off if she didn't quit it. Even worse, it turns out that she was going to be in the same classes as them, which only made things worse for Paulina, who was beginning to miss having her step sister living 5,000 miles away.

Anyway, they had just finished giving her a tour of the library, when this happened.

(F/N): There's the library. You know how it works and if you are confused, ask the librarian or anyone else. *In an informative tone while Trixie giggles*

Trixie: I see, well, why don't you give me a closer look…together….

Paulina: *In her head* I am right here and she is STILL flirting with her! *Outloud* Sorry but (F/N) doesn't have the time and neither do I…

Trixie: You can go if you want to, Rosa... you're not needed here.

(F/N): If she goes, I go to my girlfriend andI do have things planned

Paulina smirked at that while Trixie pouted, before she decided to keep up with her antics.

Trixie: But baby, you gotta stay! I am simply lost in this strange new place without a strong, beautiful woman to help me.

(F/N): Oh please…*rolled her eyes at her phoniness.*

Before he and Star could say anything, Dash and the other A-Listers showed up, no doubt because of Trixie


Veronica: Paulina!

(F/N) and Paulina: *in their heads* Great…

Trixie is annoying enough as it is but this is even worse.

Trixie had vague memories about this group during the few times her mama forced them to visit Rosa over the years but she never cared enough to remember their names...just that they had some good looking boys and  Trixie vaguely recalls one of them used to be Rosa's old boyfriend and also one whom she briefly dated during one of her last visits, Dash Something?

Dash looked around to make sure that neither Lancer or the other teachers were around to big them again. Once he was sure, he turned to Trixie

Dash: Hey babe..The name is Dash Baxter, school hero and quarterback..which reminds me, do you like quarterbacks?

Paulina: What do you guys want?

Veronica: Not that it's any business of an ex-member and ex-queen such as yourself, but Trixie is obviously A-List material and we have come to extend an invitation, since she is everything that you are not.

Paulina: *Sarcastically* Aw, thanks...that's so sweet.. *while both Veronica and even Trixie glared, having caught the insult.*

Before Trixie could say anything, (F/N) interrupted.

(F/N): So you guys are here to ask Trixie to join the A-listers and you want to be her tour guide, is that right, Dash?

Dash: That's right, Fentonowski! So you better-

Before Dash could even begin to finish his threat, (F/N) and Paulina both nodded, before they made a dash for it, leaving Trixie alone with the very confused A-Listers.

Trixie:  What? No! (F/N)! Come back!

Veronica: That was easy...

Dash: Who cares... *before trying to be suave with Trixie.*

Trixie: So, do you feel about joining the A-lister, the most popular club at Casper High?

Trixie saw the direction where  (F/N)  had run and pouted. She wants him and she is going to have him, she will make sure of that. Still, she looked at the A-Listers and knew that while she was going to be at this school, she might as well start off well within the popular crowd just like she was back in Dimmsdale. She turned to them and then eyed Dash, seeing some use in him later in the future and she smirked.

Trixie: So, this group you call the A-listers? What's it like? *with a hint of mischief appearing in her blue eyes*

With (F/N) and Paulina.

They had managed to get away from Trixie and the A-Listers and were now by their lockers, happy that unpleasantness was finally over.

Paulina: Finally..One more minute and I was seriously going to deck her, detention and grounding no longer being cared about.

(F/N): I never thought I'd see the day that Dash would be useful to me. Why am I not surprised that she was going to join them?

Paulina: They deserve each other...

Paulina knows that Trixie is a horrible person, just like her former friends, so it's almost fitting that she'd join their group. One more person that Paulina hates joining that awful group she never wants to be part of, ever again.

(F/N): Let's forget about them okay I already had more than my share of Trixie and Dash for the day.

Paulina: You and me, both *notices a smile form on (F/N)'s face*

(F/N): Besides, maybe now I can focus on my pretty girlfriend and spend time with her in peace.

Paulina: *Playful* Ohh, I wonder who that could be?

(F/N): *Giggles* You silly. And besides, this is nothing we can't handle.

We later cut to the montage of (F/N), Roxie and Paulina going through their classes but each time they do Trixie tries to flirt with (F/N) which infuriates Paulina and bothers (F/N), a lot which consisted of flirty talks, asking for "help" and stuffing (F/N)'s locker with tons of gifts.

After some time, we see the couple and Roxie with the trio outside.

(F/N): That girl is relentless!

Danny: How bad is it?

(F/N): Before she got here, she sent me a selfie of her in a bathing suit. *Sees Tucker about speak up* And no you can't see it.

Tucker: Oh come on!

Paulina: Believe me when I say this, Trixie is a hard nut to crack, she gets what she wants and always gets away with everything!

Sam: *Sarcastically* Gee why does that sound familiar.

(F/N): Sam please, we're not talking about you, we're talking about Trixie.

Paulina: Yeah seriously, not everything is about you.

Sam: What?! I meant-

Danny: Anyways, how did you manage to lose her?

(F/N): I left a duplicate of myself in the girl's locker room.

Danny: *Sighs* Seriously? How is it that you have duplication down and I can barely do it?

Paulina: Probably because girl ghosts are quicker learners than boy ghosts?

Danny: Sexist, but fair.

Tucker: So what about Trixie's satellite?

Paulina: Veronica? She's only semi-tolerable.

(F/N): But still equally annoying.

Paulina: Yeah, as if dealing with Dash was bad enough now we have to deal with Trixie.

(F/N): *One arm hugs Paulina* But it's nothing we can't handle.

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: *Hugs back and smiles* True, nothing can get between us.

???(Trixie): Oh (F/N)~...

(F/N): Except for her.

We then see (F/N), Paulina and Roxie run off leaving the trio.

Danny: It's gonna be a long day for them.

Tucker: Yeah it is.

Later on, we see everyone at gym class where we see Roxie is resting on the bleachers with Jazz and we ser (F/N) doing some pull ups effortlessly all while Paulina and a certain someone else who shall not be named is too.

Paulina: *Sighs* Now this is why I like gym class.

Trixie: *While eying (F/N)* Same here…

Paulina: That's my girlfriend your eying!

Trixie: So what? I'm allowed to look at her biceps.

Both girls glared at each with fire in their eyes before they turned away from each other in a huff as (F/N) hopped off the pull up bar and wiped the sweat from her head.

(F/N): Phew now that's a work out, hang on gotta take my shirt off.

Sam: What?! Wait (F/N) don't-

But it was too late as (F/N) took her shirt off as she was now wearing her black sports bra, shorts and shoes which made both Paulina and Trixie blush bright red as they both saw (F/N) stretch showing off her somewhat visible abs.

Paulina: *Blushes* OH MY…my lady parts are quivering!

Trixie: *Blushing* Ditto…

(F/N): *Stretches* Mmm… *cracks joints* Ah, that's better.

(F/N) then notices Paulina and Trixie blushing, unable to look away at (F/N)'s muscular build.

Paulina: *In her head blushing* I knew (F/N) was adorable, but I didn't think she'd actually have muscles!

Trixie: *In her head* Wow… my future girlfriend is half ripped…

(F/N): *To Paulina and Trixie* Hey sweetie, and not that I care, Trxie, you two okay?

Paulina: *Snaps out of it* Oh! Uh y-y-yeah I-I'm abs- I-I' mean I'm pec- I mean *nervously giggles* I-I'm fine.

Trixie: *While eying (F/N)'s abs* Ohh… I'm fine too…

(F/N): So uh, why are you red in the face? Wait, you're not sick are you?

The trio, Roxie and Jazz could only facepalm at (F/N)'s cluelessness, which was a little adorable.

Tucker: She's a great girlfriend to Paulina.

Jazz: Makes girls, even the snob ones, fall for her.

Sam: And she's clueless when it comes to making girls blush.

Roxie: *Barks*

Danny: *Chuckles* But it is kinda funny.

Sam: Eh, true.

(F/N): Seriously you girls okay?

Paulina: *Blushing* We-were fine… totally fine.

(F/N): Hm, well okay then. *Feels Trixie touching her biceps* *Sighs* Seriously?

The camera pans to Trixie feeling (F/N)'s left bicep who was giggling.

Trixie: Aw come on don't tell me you love this~.

(F/N): Okay I won't.

Paulina: Hey! Hands off my girlfriend! *Pulls (F/N) close to her*

Trixie: I can put my hands wherever I want, Rosa! *While hugging (F/N)'s other arm*

Tucker: *Laughs* Wow, two ladies fighting over you, how do you do it (F/N)?

(F/N): Well I don't see any girls fighting over you Tuck.

Sam: Oh! Burn!

Dash: Oh come on! Why don't you wanna hug my arms babe?

Trixie: Because they stink that's why.

After the school day was over we see (F/N), Roxie and Paulina go home, only for Trixie to hug (F/N)'s arm much to Paulina's dismay and (F/N)'s mild annoyance.

After a long walk, we see the girls finally make it to their front door as they both went in and next to the door and this was getting on Paulina's nerves.

Paulina: Let go of my steady girlfriend right now!

Trixie: Please, you hogged her long enough, it's time you shared her.

Paulina: Like heck I will!

(F/N) noticed the two were about to maul each other and she knew the only way to diffuse this situation, although Paulina was not gonna like it.

(F/N): Oh for crying out loud, if I kiss you will you let go of my arm and go home?

Paulina: What?! But babe…

(F/N): *Whispers to Paulina so Trixie can't hear* Trust me I know what I'm doing, I still love you.

Paulina saw (F/N)'s reassuring look and trusted her.

Trixie: On the lips!

(F/N): Cheek.

Teixie: But I can tell my friends it was on the lips..?

(F/N): Fine! *kisses Trixie on the cheek*

This made Trixie enter a love sick state as she had hearts floating around her and floated in the air.

Trixie: *floats away from (F/N) and Paulina's house* Bye dreamy (F/N)~

Trixie then floated away leaving the girls as they closed the door and (F/N) was wiping her mouth with a non-toxic disinfectant wipe.

(F/N): Blech! Can't say I enjoyed that. *To Paulina* And I'm sorry I had to do that hun, but it was the only way to get Trixie off our backs. I didn't want you to get in trouble if one of you got a black eye or worse. I understand if you're mad at me.

Roxie: *Barks*

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N) and smiles* Ohh it's okay sweetie, you did what you had to do and I'm not mad at you, honest.

(F/N): *Smiles* Thanks babe.

Paulina: Anytime hun, and it's like you said, nothing will come between us, even if another girl looks at you like… Trixie does.

(F/N): Exactly. Now how about we go to bed and cuddle~ *Pulls Paulina close to her*

Paulina: *Giggles flirtatiously* I say we shall~ *feels a pinch on her butt* Eep! *Chuckles* I see someone missed my tush.

(F/N): *Giggles* Couldn't help myself. Especially at gym class.

Paulina: Knew it.

Later that night and after mouthwash rinse, we see the two girls in bed cuddling each other and Roxie sleeping in her cat bed next to the couple's bed as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 63: T.G.I.S

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