Chapter 72: Cough It Up.

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Here we a view of Undertown. A closer shot of the Sock Vendor's shop is shown, before an explosion unexpectedly occurs, sending the vendor to the ground. Sunder then appears, confronting the vendor.

Sock Vendor: Tube socks?

Sunder: *scoffs* Do I look like I need socks?

Socks fall onto Sunder, surprising him.

Sunder: *pleased* Hey, these are nice- real soft. Vulpin Yak wool?

Sunder articulates himself.

Sunder: *growls* What I need is information… and you are going to spill it. First, you're gonna tell me where it is, then you're gonna tell who has it, then you're going to tell me what it is!

Sock Vendor: Are we still talking about socks?

Sunder screams, causing onlookers to scream and run in fear. A hand holding a phone appears from the top of a nearby vendor stall, snapping a picture.

Jimmy: *to himself* I've blogged about Sunder before. He's an alien bounty hunter, obviously looking for something important. I'm lucky to be in Undertown while it's going down.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* *to Sunder* Step away from the socks!

Ben bursts onto the scene, flying over Jimmy's head on a plasma ball

Jimmy: It's Ben! Awesome!

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* WHOA!

Ben bounces around before accidentally crashing into the Sock Vendor's stall, getting himself tied up in socks. Sunder approaches Ball Weevil.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Uh-oh.

Sunder: *laughs* I'm gonna smash you like a sticky bug, Tennyson.

Jimmy tries to record the fight on his phone, but it is too low on battery and shuts off.

Jimmy: *disappointed* Aw!

Jimmy runs off, as we cut back to Ben and Sunder. Sunder takes several swings at Ben, but the latter is able to dodge them, despite his restraints.

Sunder Stay still so I can smash you!

Suddenly, Spanner drops onto Sunder from above. He then jumps off of Sunder, hovering in the air with his jet-boots and firing a laser at Sunder. He attempts to block the laser, but is pushed back into a vendor's stall.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Hey! It's... that guy!

Spanner: Spanner.

Ben: *As Ball Weevil* Right.

Ball Weevil reverts back to Ben.

Spanner: How's it going?

Ben: I've been better. Thanks for the assist.

Spanner: Anytime. Gotta go.

Spanner flies away.

Ben: Wait, where are you- *groans*

The crowd of onlookers reforms.

Ben: *annoyed* Nothing to see here. Move along.

Sunder: You may be in this hunt, Tennyson... *grunts* But Sunder is getting the prize!

Sunder mounts his hoverboard.

Sunder: *flying away* That's a promise!

Ben: Not quite sure I understood that.

Jimmy runs up to Ben.

Jimmy: *panting* Oh, good. You have everything under control. I should have known you'd be on the case.

Ben: *confused* Case?

Jimmy: You know, figuring out why all these bounty hunter-types are in Undertown causing trouble?

A brief montage of SixSix, SevenSeven, Thunderpig and EightEight harassing Undertown residents is shown, before cutting back to Jimmy and Ben. The Sock Vendor is picking up the socks strewn amongst debris from the fight.

Ben: I'm... just here for some socks. Are you sure you aren't reading into stuff? There's trouble all the time. It doesn't all need to be connected.

Jimmy: I can't prove anything- not yet. I'll work on my report, and check back with you later!

Ben: *sarcastically* Great. You... do that. *to the Sock Vendor, referring to socks* Do these come in green?

Jimmy sees Kraab walking off with one of the Undertown residents.

Jimmy: *gasps*Another one! I better tell- Ben?

Ben is nowhere to be found. Jimmy sighs and walks away.

Later on, Kraab is let into the Black Hole. Jimmy appears, partially hiding behind a dumpster.

Jimmy: *quietly to himself* Investigator's log. After following a suspect and observing the premises, this appears to be the meeting place for the unsavory elements. I'm going in for a closer look.

Jimmy makes a run for the swinging doors, but fails to gain entry, falling to the ground after hitting the door.

Bouncer: *noticing Jimmy* Private party.

Jimmy laughs nervously.

Various criminals are conversing in the Black Hole. Spanner teleports into the establishment, disturbing the conversations.

Spanner: Uh, am I interrupting something?

Psyphon: *smirking* Not at all. In fact, we were just getting started. You seem a little... slight for a bounty hunter.

The Bouncer attempts to box in Spanner from behind, but is grabbed by him and thrown overhead, shocking the others. The Bouncer falls, defeated. Spanner walks through the crowd of bounty hunters and takes a seat next to Psyphon.

Sunder: Hey! Are you wasting our time, Psyphon? We've turned this town over a dozen times and still haven't found squat.

Psyphon: *sarcastically* Mm. Nice socks.

Sunder, now wearing the socks from earlier, bashfully steps back.

Kraab: I don't like being kept in the dark.

Thunderpig: Yes. I, Thunderpig, don't even know what it is we're looking for!

The bounty hunters all begin to speak at once.

Psyphon: Please. *He fires optic lasers, catching the crowd off-guard* I have my reasons for keeping you in the dark. But perhaps it is time to share a little. My object was stolen off an armored transport three days ago- one I was intending to rob myself... but I digress. Whoever beat me to the punch incapacitated the guards... with this- a poisoned quill.

Psyphon raises the poison quill.

Psyphon: Bring me my object today, and I'll double your reward.

The bounty hunters talk amongst each other whilst quickly leaving the Black Hole. Spanner teleports away.

At Mr. Smoothy's, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook are hanging out. Ben is slurping away at his smoothie and (F/N) and Paulina are sharing one.

Ben: *referring to his smoothie* You want some?

Rook: I am good, thank you.

(F/N): So, did Sunder say what he's after?

Rook: And Is there anything else that you can remember?

Ben: *continues slurping* Not really.

Paulina: Nothing at all?

Ben: *Continues slurping* Nope.

Jimmy appears before the duo, surprising Ben.

Jimmy: *panting*  Hey, Ben. Hey, Rook. Hey, Jen. Hey Paulina.

Ben: Hey, how did you know where we were?

Jimmy: *pridefully* I'm an investigative reporter. I'm good at finding people. That, and you're here all the time. I have a huge lead in the case!

Rook: Case?

Paulina: What case?

Ben: ...Exactly.

Jimmy The bounty hunters- *glances around* they're looking for Argit.

Paulina: Argit?

(F/N): Porcupine alien, and sort of friend.

Paulina: Gotcha.

Ben: *sighs* Jimmy, you really need another hobby. And I need to finish my smoothie, so... *continues slurping*

Jimmy: So... right. Got it. I'll gather more intel and report back.

Jimmy hurries off.

Paulina: Look both ways and stay safe!

Rook: Bounty hunters? Argit? Do you suppose we should look into this?

(F/N): Yeah this could be serious.

Paulina: Like “end of someone's life” serious.

Ben: Guys, if we started investigating every nutball theory Jimmy had we'd never have time for saving the universe. *continues slurping*

Spanner arrives on the scene.

Spanner: Ben, I've got some intel for you. Bounty hunters are after something in Undertown. Argit has it.

Ben: Thanks, Spanner. *to Rook, (F/N) and Paulina* Come on. Let's check it out.

Rook: Ben, may I point out this is the exact same information that Jimmy Jones just gave us?

Spanner: Jimmy Jones?

Ben: Wait, you know Jimmy?

Spanner: Uh, yeah, who doesn't? The guy's a genius. You should definitely listen to him. Argit's office- I'll meet you there.

Paulina: Woah hang on, who are you?

Spanner: *Sees (F/N) and Paulina* Jen? Paulina?

(F/N): You know us?

Spanner: Uh yeah who doesn't? You're both geniuses.

(F/N): Thanks… *to Ben* Uh Ben, little explanation here.

Ben: Oh yeah, Spanner, meet my sister and her girlfriend, ladies, Spanner, he helped stop Animo from the future.

(F/N): Oh gotcha.

Spanner teleports away.

Ben: *to Rook* And was he talking about the same Jimmy?

(F/N): Yeah, but the way he talked about him, he sounded like he was some kind of pro journalist.

At the office, the trio confront Argit.

Argit: Benny! Jenny! Baby! This sounds like a whole lot of crazy talk.

Argit lounges in his chair.

Spanner: Psyphon said whoever took out those guards used a poison quill.

Spanner plucks a quill from Argit's head.

Argit: Ouch!

Spanner: Like this. *he holds up the quill*

Argitv Psyphon? I-I wouldn't trust anything that creep says. I'm a legitimate businessman. A pillar of the community. Look, I even got an award! *motions towards the award*

Rook and Paulina examine the award.

Paulina: This is a gift certificate...

Rook: For a car wash.

Argit: Because I'm a loyal customer. *chuckles* Point is, I'm on the up-and-up.

A loud crash happens behind Ben, making him and (F/N) stumble. Kraab emerges from the smoke.

Ben and (F/N):  Aah!

Argit: *shocked* Kraab!? W-when did you get out?

Kraab: Never mind, Argit. Cough it up!

Kraab thrusts his claw forwards, while Rook,  and Spanner ready their weapons and (F/N) turns into anodite form

Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Five of us, one of you.

(F/N): I don't think you're in any position to make demands here, pinchy.

Paulina: Yeah crab cakes, your outnumbered.

Rook: *looking out the window* Ben, he is not alone.

Outside the building, various criminals are now aware of Argit's location and are running towards it.

More bounty hunters run towards Argit's office. Sunder, high above, jumps onto a nearby sign.

Sunder: We're not splitting the bounty. It's every alien for himself!

Back in Argit's office, Kraab still has the group cornered.

Argit: Oh, this is bad. This is bad. This is real bad!

Rook: You need not fear for your safety.

Argit: I'm not worried about my safety, I'm worried about my reputation!

Kraab: Not so confident now, are we, Ben and Jen Tennyson?

Ben: Who do you think you're talking to, dude?

Ben transforms into Frankenstrike and Paulina transforms into Buzz shock

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* It's herrro time!

Ben, (F/N), and Paulina  both fire threebolts of lightning at Kraab, sending him flying out the window of the building.

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* *looking through the window* Hmm. One shot.

Paulina: *As Buzz Shock* *Chuckles* That might be our best one blast shot yet.

Spanner: We need to keep Argit safe.

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* Frankenstrike isn't a running guy, he's a pounding guy- as in pounding alien face meat!

(F/N): Spanner’s right Ben, our main focus is Argit.

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* Oh, fine. Is there any other way out of here?

Argit presses a button on his desk, causing it to open up and reveal a lever. He pulls the lever, opening numerous escape routes.

Argit: Take your pick.

Paulina: *As BuzzShock* Jeez, how many escape routes does one guy need?

Argit: You'd be surprised.

Spanner: I'll hold them off here, you guys run for it and find a place to hide!

Rook: Ben, come on!

Argit, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook slide down a small tunnel. Ben tries to fit inside of it, but fails.

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* You... *grunts* ...couldn't pick a bigger door?

(F/N): You couldn't pick a smaller alien to turn into?

Ben: *As Frankenstrike* Touche.

Shortly thereafter, SixSix, SevenSeven and EightEight are still on the hunt for Argit. He, Rook, (F/N), Paulina, and Ben are all hiding behind another building.

Argit: You know, I really do appreciate you taking my side like this.

Rook: Be silent.

Jimmy opens a door from inside a building next to the trio.

Jimmy:Hey Ben, Jen  in here! I found a place to hide.

They enter Jimmy's hiding spot.

Jimmy: I didn't have much time. I hope this will do.

Ben: How did you know we were on the run?

(F/N): Did Spanner contact you?

Jimmy: Spanner? Uh, I don't know any Spanner.

Argit: Am I missing somethin' here?

Ben: *to Argit* Shh. *to Jimmy* The way he was talking he definitely knows you- like he's your best friend or something.

(F/N): Or already knew you.

Jimmy: Ohh. *chuckles* I'm flattered, but you got nothing to worry about, guys. You'll always be friend-o numero uno, after Jen, and Paulina.

Ben: *sarcastically* Lucky me. *groans* How long are we hiding out for?

Rook: I do not know.

Argit: Yeah, settle down. I-I'm in no rush to get bountied, okay?

Ben: Can we at least get some food?

Paulina: You always gotta think with your stomach?

Ben: Hey give me a break, it's hard to hero on an empty stomach.

(F/N): You just had a smoothie moments ago.

Ben: Yeah and this is now, as in I'm hungry now.

Paulina: *Stomach rumbles* Okay now that you mention it, I am hungry.

(F/N): Same. *To Jimmy* Jim, you know a place where they have some good grub?

Jimmy Oh- I know a great place for chili fries. Back in a flash!

Jimmy leaves the building.

Rook: Have you ever noticed that we never see Jimmy and Spanner at the same time?

Ben: You're starting to sound like Jimmy.

Murmurs are heard outside, causing Argit to check the window. Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook confront him.

Ben: All right, Argit. What do you have that those bounty hunters are after?

Paulina: Yeah spill pin cushion.

Argit backs into the wall, only to be interrupted by the door opening.

Spanner: Chili fries, anyone? I know a great place for these. Figured you'd be hungry.

Rook: *Whispering* Do you see what I mean?

Ben: I have to admit, it's a little strange.

Ben accepts the chili fries and eats one and (F/N) and Paulina.

Paulina: Mmm, oh man these are good.

(F/N): Nice Chili too, not too spicy either.

Ben: Mmm. Oh yeah. These are good! I wonder how they get 'em to stay so crispy.

Argit: Hey, you have to use only the freshest dungworms.

Ben inspects the chili fry, only to find a dungworm covered in chili and cheese. He turns green in disgust but (F/N) and Paulina just ketp eating it.

Argit: *Laughing* It's an alien food court. You don't think they'd actually use potatoes, did'ja?

Rook: *To Spanner* If I may, how do you know Jimmy Jones?

Spanner: Well, doesn't everybody? He's probably one of the greatest investigative journalists of his time.

(F/N): His time?

Ben: Uh-huh. Sure. *to Argit* As for you... What are all those bounty hunters after?

Argit: My... w-winning personality?

Rook: I do not believe he is being completely forthcoming.

Paulina: You mean he isn't telling us everything.

Rook: Yes that.

Ben: You think? Argit, we can't help you unless you're honest with us.

(F/N): Yeah, so spill.

Argit: Well, who says I need your help? I'm sure this misunderstanding will all, you know, blow over.

An explosion is heard in the distance.

Argit: Or blow up!

The Sotoraggians drop in from the exploded ceiling.

Spanner: Huh, guess I didn't lose them as well as I thought.

Spanner shoots a laser at SevenSeven, but he evades the attack and jumps behind Spanner. Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook join the fight while Argit attempts to hide from the bounty hunters. Rook and Paulina takes on EightEight, while Ben takes cover behind boxes and transforms into Buzzshock to combat SixSix while (F/N) turns into her anodite form.

Ben: *As Buzzshock*. Buzzshock? Hahahahahahaha!

Ben and (F/N) takes flight. SixSix, now focusing on Spanner, fires a laser knocking him into boxes near Argit. Argit takes notice of SixSix nearing his location.

Argit: He can't see me. He can't see me. He can't see me.

SixSix: *noticing Argit* *speaks Sotoraggian language*

Argit: He can see me!...

Ben and (F/N) electrocute SixSix, defeating him.

Ben: *As Buzzshock*  Argit!

Ben ans (F/N) gets unexpectedly hit by a laser courtesy of SevenSeven. SevenSeven redirects his attention towards Argit, who dodges his fire.

Argit: Hey, watch it! I-I've got some moves of my own, you know.

SevenSeven nonchalantly grabs Argit by the head.

Argit: *appealing* Hey, nice material. Is that Techadon?

As Ben and (F/N) recover, SevenSeven begins to take his exit with the unconscious SixSix and Argit in tow. He fires a laser at Rook and Paulina, allowing EightEight to make her escape as well. They exit through the same hole in the roof they entered from.

Spanner: *panting* I'll go after them.

Spanner follows the Sotoraggians. Ben reverts back to normal as Jimmy peeks in from the top of the building.

Jimmy Guys, we've got to move! They found us!

Ben: Your timing is uncanny.

Jimmy: Huh, thanks!

Jimmy leaves.

Paulina: Okay that was weird.

Rook: *whispering* I think Jimmy is Spanner.

Ben: *sarcastically* No. I don't know. Maybe. You think?

At the Black Hole, Psyphon and the bounty hunters are confronting Argit.

Psyphon: Now, if you please, hand it over!

Argit: Hand... what... over?

Psyphon: *to the bounty hunters* Search him!

SixSix lifts up Argit, while Thunderpig inspects him.

Argit: Hey! *giggling* That tickles!

Argit slides out of his jacket and climbs onto the bar's counter. He holds up an orange cube.

Argit: Stand back, or I'm gonna use it!

Psyphon: *laughing* Please. Nobody's that foolish.

Argit: Oh, you wanna bet?!

Ben, (F/N), Paulina,  Rook and Jimmy arrive outside the Black Hole.

Ben: Are you sure this is the place?

Jimmy: Of course I'm sure.

Rook: *to Jimmy* Wait here.

Ben: Yeah. Play... lookout or whatever.

Jimmy: Ahh. Message received, loud and clear. *winks*

Jimmy takes his leave.

Ben and (F/N): Hmm.

Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook enter the Black Hole, hiding in the ceiling. Argit, meanwhile, is threatening to swallow the cube. Spanner then enters the bar through a vent near Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook.

Rook, (F/N), and Paulina: Spanner?

Ben accidentally hits his head on the ceiling from the surprise, which Psyphon hears.

Ben: What happened to looking out!?

Spanner: I am looking out for you guys.

Ben: *annoyed* Just stop.

Rook: Ben, Argit. *points to Argit*

They see Argit with the cube. SixSix and Thunderpig step forward, but Argit brings the cube closer to his mouth, stopping the two. They press forward, only to be met with further threatening from Argit.

Psyphon: He's bluffing. Take him!

The other bounty hunters walk towards Argit, causing Argit to follow through and swallow the cube.

Argit: *cough* Now try to get it!

Psyphon: *gasps* You dolt! Do you have any idea what you've just done!? That's a dehydrated Techadon army!

Argit: Uh, yeah! And it's mine.

Ben: You don't know what "dehydrated" means, do you?

Mechanical rumblings are heard coming from Argit's stomach, causing everyone to gasp.

(F/N): Oh that's not good.

Paulina: So not good.

Psyphon: Techadon troops are reconstituting, fool!

Argit then begins hacking up a cube resembling the one he swallowed. It then begins building itself. Argit's stomach begins to rumble once again.

Argit: Ugh... Uh-oh.

The cube finishes building itself, revealing it to have become a Techadon Robot. Argit hides behind the robot.

Argit: All right, people. S-show's over! You're not getting your box back... unless you want to wait six to eight hours.

Argit begins coughing again, puking up an identical cube, which also forms into a Techadon Robot.

Argit: Whoa! Oh, no.

Ben: *to Rook* I don't know whether to be grossed out or impressed.

(F/N): Probably both.

Psyphon: The Techadon troopship is still unbelievably valuable- if we can retrieve it fast enough!

Argit: And how exactly do you plan on retrieving it?

EightEight: *speaks Sotoraggian language*

EightEight morphs her hand into a buzz saw and steps forward.

Thunderpig: *laughs*Oh, EightEight, you are too witty.

Ben activates the Omnitrix.

Ben: Give me Lodestar. Give me Lodestar.

Ben transforms into Spidermonkey and Paulina turns into Swampfire.

Ben: *As Spidermonkey* *chitters* Eh, figures.

EightEight grabs Argit by the neck, but her buzz saw is stopped by Ben's webbing. Ben drops onto EightEight, with Rook, (F/N), Paulina, and Spanner following suit.

The bounty hunters and Psyphon ready their weapons in response. Argit takes refuge behind the counter as a brawl ensues. He dives between SevenSeven's legs, causing SevenSeven to open fire on him. Rook, however, is able to take down SevenSeven using his Proto-Tool's staff. He then takes down SixSix, but isn't able to land a hit on EightEight.

At the same time, Ben and (F/N) are fighting Thunderpig.

Thunderpig: Thunder! Thunderpig!

Ben and (F/N), in her anodite form, dodges Thunderpig's flail and ensnares them in webbing and mana cables.

Ben: *As Spidermonkey* *chuckles* Piggie in a blanket.

(F/N): Nice.

As Thunderpig tries to break free, Spanner is having a shootout with Psyphon, both hiding behind tables. Argit continues to make his escape, but an axe nearly misses him.

Argit: Aah!

Sunder retrieves his axe, causing Argit to run the other way, only to be met by Kraab. Argit's stomach rumbles, forcing him to hack up another two Techadon Robots.

Finally, Thunderpig busts through Ben's webbing, and (F/N)’s mana cable and launches another attack at them. Ben and (F/N) dodges again, landing on Thunderpig's head.

Thunderpig: *squeals* Get off me, you little monkey and glowing girl!

Ben: *As Spidermonkey* *chitters* Can't he at least make these Techadons... useful?

(F/N): Yeah we can use some back up here!

Rook and Paulina knock SevenSeven away.

Rook: They appear to be awaiting orders.

Argit: From who?

Spanner: You!

Argit: Well, what do I say?

Rook: I believe the traditional command is "get them."

Argit coughs up another Techadon Robot.

Argit: Get them!

The Techadon Robots activate and one punches Thunderpig in the face. It proceeds to attack Ben and (F/N) as Ben  climbs onto a light fixture and (F/N) dodges it.

Ben: *As Spidermonkey* Could you be a little more specific?

Argit: *pointing at the bounty hunters* Them! Them!

Thunderpig and Kraab are tossed out of the bar by the Techadon Robots.

Argit: *pointing at Sunder* H-him! Get that guy! Definitely him!

Sunder fights off the Techadon Robots, as Argit throws up another one. The damaged Techadons recover, as more chase down Psyphon and the Sotoraggians.

Argit: *groans* I could kill for a glass of water.

Argit then spots a glass of water on a table and makes a break for it.

Psyphon: *noticing Argit* Noooo!

(F/N), Paulina, Ben (as Spidermonkey), Rook & Spanner:  No!

Ben webs the glass before Argit can grab it and splashes it on Psyphon.

Psyphon: *groans* This is dry-clean only! Crush them!

Sunder leaps towards the heroes, going after Spanner. Sunder is able to shoot a laser at Spanner, sending him upwards into the ceiling. Jimmy immediately falls from the ceiling, landing on Sunder. Ben reverts back to normal

Ben: *annoyed*  Oh, come on, Jimmy!

Jimmy: Ouch. I know, I know. I'll wait outside.

Jimmy takes his exit, while Spanner re-enters the Black Hole.

Ben: "Wait outside," right. You're not fooling anyone.

Spanner: Fooling?

Argit is heard retching, drawing attention to Psyphon, who is now holding onto him.

Ben: How many more are in there?!

Rook: On a troopship of that size? At least a full regiment.

Paulina: *As Swampfire* Which is how much?

(F/N): A mall full of people.

Argit: *panicked* Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out! Out, out, out, out, out!

Psyphon: With pleasure.

Ben: Leave it to me.

Ben transforms into Toepick.

Ben: *As Toepick* Ugggh! Got him. *wheezes* Okay now, this isn't gonna be pretty.

Ben opens the cage obscuring his face, causing Psyphon and Argit to both turn white with fear. Psyphon drops Argit, as he vomits various objects.

Paulina: *Changes back* Why would you eat a trophy?

Argit: *belches* I eat when I'm nervous.

Argit begins vomiting more objects, including the Dehydrated Techadon Army Cube. Toepick reverts back to Ben and he grabs the cube.

Ben: I got it! *loses grip of the saliva-covered cube* Wh-w-ugh, I don't got it!

Ben juggles the cube until it flies out of his hands, bouncing on Psyphon's head and landing in his hand instead.

Psyphon: But I do!

Argit leaps onto Psyphon, causing the cube to land in a bowl of peanuts held by Spanner.

Spanner: All right. Got what I came for. Thanks a lot, everyone.

Spanner warps away. The Techadon Robots begins to surround Psyphon and the bounty hunters.

Argit: Well, well, well, would you look at that. Argit gets the last word.

Psyphon: Consider yourself lucky, you pokey little-

The Techadon Robots grab Psyphon before he can finish his sentence.

Argit: Unh-unh-unh. I said Argit gets the last word. That's not you.

Later, Ben, (F/N), Paulina,  Rook and Argit have the bounty hunters apprehended outside. A crowd of citizens are watching.

ArgitV We catch any of you here again and you'll answer to me! You got that?

Psyphon attempts to approach Argit but is confronted by the Techadon Robots, forcing him to turn back.

Argit: Now, get out of Undertown!

The criminals are let go by the Techadons, and the crowd cheers for Argit.

Argit: Please, please. Nothing I wouldn't do for my fellow citizens.

Undertown Citizens: Argit! Argit! Argit!

Argit: * To Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook* They really like me. Hmm, I should run for mayor.

Argit leaves Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook.

Ben: *to Rook* I think he's actually serious.

Paulina: At least he'll be a better mayor than Vlad.

Jimmy walks up to Ben, (F/N), Paulina, and Rook, snacking on peanuts.

Jimmy: You did it! *laughs* I knew you could pull it off.

BenV Do you have something you want to tell us, Jimmy?

Jimmy: *sighs* All right, you got me. I know you told me to wait outside, but I was hiding in the vents in the ceiling the whole time.

Benv *sighs* That's not what I'm talking about, Jimmy.

Paulina: Wait a minute, Rook can you scan him, see if he has a techadon cube.

Rook scans Jimmy, causing Jimmy to rub his eyes.

Rook: I am not detecting the troopship. He does not have it.

Ben: Tell me what's really going on.

Jimmy: A scoop, that's what. Argit running for mayor? This is huge! I'm going to see if I can land an interview!

Jimmy leaves.

Ben: So is he Spanner or not?

Rook: The circumstantial evidence is quite compelling. If he is not...

Ben and (F/N): Yeah... Then who is?

Next: Chapter 73: Future Talk.

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