Chapter 75: New Day, New Look.

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Here we see the camera fade to Casper High where we see (F/N) checking herself out in the mirror in her locker.

(F/N): Hmm… maybe I should start changing up my look.

Paulina, Roxie, and the trio come by and see (F/N) checking herself out.

Paulina: Hey batata, what are you doing?

(F/N): Nothing much, but I gotta ask, should I change up my look?

Sam: What do you mean? You look fine.

Tucker: Yeah nothing wrong with your look.

(F/N): Well I was thinking about changing up my look because well let's face *gestures to herself* this has gotten stale, plus I'm tired of guys drooling over me and falling over.

Danny: What do you mean?

(F/N): Well-

(F/N) was cut off when she and the others saw the football team bump into a wall followed by them bumping into each other after checking out (F/N).

(F/N): That's what I mean, I'm so sick of it. I just wanna be un-noticed by guys, like Sam, *to Sam* No offense.

Sam: *Sarcastically* None taken.

Tucker: So you're gonna change up your look?

(F/N): Yes, *to Sam who was about to speak up* And no, I'm not going goth, Tucker already told me.

Sam: Darn it!

Paulina: Well no matter what you wear I'll still love you.

(F/N): Aww, same here sweetie, even if you were in your undies I'd still love you, although I might not be able to take my eyes off of you.

Paulina: *Chuckles* True, I might actually change up my look too.

(F/N): Cool, but that's completely up to you.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks hun. *Feels a spank on her butt* Eep! *giggles* Really sweetie~?

(F/N): *Chuckles* Sorry I couldn't resist.

Sam: You could have resisted.

(F/N): Oh please, you and Danny would do the same thing if you were dating.

Paulina: Plus you two would be a couple by now.

Danny and Sam: *Blushing* We're not a couple!

(F/N): New couple says what?

Danny and Sam: What? *Realizes* Dang it!

Paulina: I swear they make it too easy. Although if they were dating, they probably would not last long.

(F/N): Yeah tell me about it. Wait Trixie isn't around is she?

Paulina: Nope, she went home early for a dentist appointment.

(F/N): Getting her teeth whitened?

Paulina: *Sighs* Yep, she always gets her teeth whitened whenever she wants something or someone.

(F/N): Huh, I wonder who's the unlucky sap, *realizes* Ohh yeah, me.

Paulina: Don't worry she's not around today.

(F/N): *Sighs* That's a relief. I could not handle getting flirted with by another girl.

Paulina: True, your with me, *Hugs (F/N) close to her* and no one gets to be with you and your cute face.

(F/N): *Blushes* Heh, thanks sweetie.

We then see (F/N), Roxie, and Paulina walk off together to their next class with Paulina hugging (F/N)'s arm in a loving way which (F/N) didn't mind much to Sam's displeasure.

Sam: I still don't understand how (F/N) can still be with that shallow puddle, she only likes her for her looks.

Tucker: Seriously Sam, you gotta drop this, if those two are happy let them be, *Danny nodding in agreement*

Sam: How can you two be okay with this? Sure Paulina has ghost powers, but she'll just use'em for irresponsible stuff and the next then you'll know the GIW and Valerie will be after her.

Danny: Sam relax, (F/N) told me Paulina's been keeping her alien powers in check and she hasn't used them irresponsibly. Just  the other day, she told me Paulina saved an out of control car from crashing, a cat from the tree, entertained a party at a kindergarten class, and donated to an animal shelter for homeless pets.

Tucker: Doesn't sound shallow to me.

Sam: That's just what she wants you to think, she's still the same shallow witch, I know she is.

The two boys could only sigh in dismay of their stubborn goth friend thinking Paulina still hasn't changed.

Danny and Tucker: *In their heads* She is so stubborn, it's annoying.

The next day we see (F/N) in her and Paulina's room where she was finishing putting the final touches on her new outfit.

(F/N): And there we go…

(F/N) examines the outfit making sure she didn't leave out any details she might have missed when making it. After a couple of examinations, there were no mistakes in her work when she made her new outfit to change up her look.

(F/N): Awesome! Now to try out my new threads.

After a quick wardrobe change, we see (F/N) looking like her future counterpart, as her hair was now back length instead of waist length, and she is now wearing a white headband, a red and white top, a bracelet on her left hand, a skirt and white flats.

(F/N): *Looks at herself in the reflection* *does some possess* Ooh not bad, guess future me was right, I do look good with a white hairband.

Paulina: *While coming back from the laundry room* Hey sweetie I'm back with the laundry and don't worry I remembered to keep our clothes-

Paulina looked up and stopped to see (F/N) wearing her new outfit and was left speechless as she dropped the laundry basket in awe as her cheeks were bright red.

Paulina: *Blushing* Oh my goodness…

(F/N): *Hands behind her back* *Giggles at Paulina's reaction* You like it? heh future me did say you'd have a thing for-

(F/N) was cut off when Paulina tackled her to the ground as she was about to ask why she did that only to be silenced by a kiss by Paulina as two girls made out for hours.

Frenchie: Hours of making out later.

We see the camera pan to (F/N) and Paulina on the couch kissing each other with Paulina cuddling (F/N) like a teddy bear, with (F/N)'s face covered in lipstick marks.

(F/N): *Dazed* So I take it you like my new outfit?

Paulina: *Smiles* You know it sweetie, sorry if I got a bit feral back there.

(F/N): *Chuckles and sits up* It's okay babe your my girlfriend I don't mind.

Paulina: *Giggles* *Hugs (F/N)* Thanks sweetie.

(F/N): Anytime hun, but, and not that I mind, was it really necessary to take your pants off?

The camera zooms out revealing Paulina was not wearing her pants but only her shirt and pink panties which were more like a thong than panties courtesy of Paulina's luscious bottom.

Paulina: I was feeling a bit adventurous. Besides, you weren't complaining with the position you're in babe.

(F/N): *Chuckles softly* True, you got me there.

Paulina: Now let's get our cuddle on!

The two girls then hear a knock at the door.

Paulina: Man, not in the middle of cuddling time. I'll get it, *Gets up*

(F/N): Wait babe your-

But it was a bit late as Paulina opened the door to reveal it was none other than Sam.

Sam: Hey (F/N) do you have any…

Sam was cut off when was met with the site of Paulina with no pants on and was met with the sight of her “Shallow rival” in her thong.

Sam: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *Covers eyes* Why?! Why are you not wearing pants?!

Paulina: Oh calm down Sam I'm wearing underwear, or what was underwear.

(F/N): *Gets up and walks next to Paulina* She's got you there Sam, so was there something you wanted?

Sam: Oh yeah, *While averting her eyes* Do you guys… got any veggie chips?

Paulina: Yeah, why?

Sam: *Sighs* It's Monday.

Paulina: Annnnd that's bad because…?

Sam: Because my parents are barbecuing.

(F/N): That doesn't sound so-

Sam: And they're trying to get me to eat meat, again. And I keep telling them I'm a ultra recyclo vegetarian but they don't listen!

Paulina: There it is.

Sam: Yeah, so got any veggie chips?

(F/N): Yeah hang on.

(F/N) went to the kitchen and after a few seconds she came back with a family sized bag of mixed veggie chips.

(F/N): Here you are, one bag of veggie chips.

Sam: *Takes the bag* Thanks. And for the sake of me not losing my appetite, Paulina, put your pants on!

Paulina: Alright, alright. Sheesh, *mutters* take the fun out of everything.

Paulian then went over to where she put her pants.

Sam: And could you maybe-

But it was too late as Paulina bent over showing her girlfriend and Sam her plump tushy as Sam looked away in disgust and dismay and (F/N) didn't mind the view as Paulina  picked up her pants and put them back on.

Sam: *Looks away* Not… moon us.

(F/N): Well I certainly didn't mind the view~.

Paulina: *Giggles* Aw thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Sam: Okay I'm just gonna go before I lose my appetite or my lunch.

Sam then leaves the house as (F/N) closes and locks the door and turns around and she is met with the sight of a bottomless Paulina.

Paulina: Now then, where were we~.

(F/N): I think we were, *gets pulled Off-screen* Woah!

(A/N: Implied Lemon; just use your imagination)

Frenchie: Several hours of love making later.

We see the girls are cuddling each other on the couch after the biggest make out session they had and they were now naked under a sheet

(F/N): *Sits up a bit* Haah… oh man Paulina, where did you learn to do that?

Paulina: *Smiles*  I've been watching some videos…

(F/N): Really?

Paulina: Yep, if we're gonna have  kids in the future I gotta be experienced, and no me and Dash didn't do it, no matter how many times he asked.

(F/N): Yikes, looks like someone couldn't wait huh?

Paulina: Yeah, and even tried to get me during that party he had a few months ago before we started dating but I said no, I'm not that kind of girl, I'm saving myself until after I get hitched.

(F/N): Good call, you would not wanna be a teen mom.

Paulina: Too true. *Snuggles between (F/N)’s boobs* But I can snuggle between these~.

(F/N): Aww thanks, sorry if my boobs aren't big.

Paulina: Babe, your boobs are perfect the way they are and I wouldn't wanna change a thing.

(F/N): Aw thanks hun. *Looks around at the mess they made* Wanna clean up the mess we made?

Paulina: *While snuggling between (F/N)’s boobs* Mmm, nah, *looks at (F/N)*  into how about we make an even bigger mess~.

(F/N): *Giggles lustfully* Mmm, baby you read my mind.

We then see the two girls go at it again as the camera fades to black.

Next: Chapter 76: Popping The Big Question

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