Chapter 80: Fun Day.

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(A/N): Warning this chapter contains some sexual content so be advised.

Here we see (F/N) and Paulina are in bed enjoying each other's company ever since they got married.

Paulina: *Snuggles between (F/N)'s boobs* Mmm, nice chocolate pillow~

(F/N):*Hears the alarm go off and turns it off* Morning luv.

Paulina: *Wakes up* *Snuggles between (F/N)'s breasts* Mmm, morning Jenny-kins.

(F/N): So I see someone slept well.

Paulina: Well not only do I have an awesome butt-kicking witch girlfriend, I have an awesome cuddle buddy~.

(F/N): Oh? who is she?

Paulina: *Giggles* You silly.

(F/N): Oh yeah, and I guess my cuddle buddy loves spanking~ *spanks Paulina's butt*.

Paulina: *Feels the spank* Eep! *Giggles* Ravey you naughty girl~.

(F/N): Well can you blame me, I like your little bubble butt.

Paulina: True. Now kiss me like you miss me~.

Paulina moves and sits on (F/N)'s lap as she and her kiss which eventually leads to making out as (F/N)'s hands traveled down to Paulina's butt as she took Paulina's panties off tossing them aside.

(F/N): *Pulls back* Almost forgot.

(F/N) then summons a glyph on the door, sealing it shut to anyone who tries to get it and telekinetically shuts the curtains and dims the lights.

(F/N): Can't let anyone ruin our fun luv~.

Paulina: *Giggles lustfully* Then let's get our fun on~.

The two then went back to making out as (F/N)'s hand snaked its way to Paulina's now wet pussy as (F/N) touched it as her finger slipped in with ease

Paulina: *Feels (F/N)'s finger in her pussy* Eep!

(F/N): Oh sorry luv, was that cold?

Paulina: *Flips around so that she's sitting next to (F/N)* Oh heh no, just surprised that's all you can start moving now.

(F/N): *Giggles* Okay.

We then see (F/N) start moving her finger as there was a wet squelching noise as (F/N) felt squishiness that was Paulina's pussy as she then added another finger.

(F/N): *While fingering Paulina* How's this?

Paulina could only respond with a pleasure filled moan. As (F/N) began to push her fingers against Paulina's folds with more force, Paulina started to squirm and moan underneath her touch, her legs writhed under the attention.

The stimulation in her body grew even more as she felt (F/N) play with her pussy for a bit before going straight in again.

Paulina cried out from the satisfaction shooting up through her body, like a rush of adrenaline and lust. She quickly covered her own mouth afterwards, afraid someone would have actually heard her from her room.

This didn't distract (F/N) from sliding her now slick fingers in and out of her wife's wet folds, each time she made a movement with her fingers, she felt her friend tremble and gasp in pleasure.

Eventually Paulina's hand, as if it was moving on its own, reached out and hovered in front of her friend's winking clitoris. She seemed hesitant to do anything until (F/N) spoke up.

(F/N): It's alright dear, go right ahead.*Encouraged before letting out an excited gasp as Paulina touched her pussy and cried out to the heavens as Paulina pushed her fingers deeper inside her. She shivered a bit more before lowering her head into  Paulina's breasts again, concerning her.*

Paulina: Are you ok? You're so tight and hot down there…

(F/N): *Removed her face from Paulina's  breasts, a wide grin evident on her face, as well as a bright red blush* I'm fine. I-it's incredible. Please, do continue.

Paulina: Please… don't strain yourself…

(F/N): It's ok…

Paulina: But…

(F/N): *Smiled at her sweetly* It's ok, it's just a little pain… I can take it… Now come on… make me feel good…

Paulina was a little surprised but smiled.

Paulina: Alright

We then see (F/N) moved her head forward a bit and they kissed again.

Their tongue's started swirling around each other again, mixing their saliva while their docked breasts pushed against each other and their fingers began moving in sync as they both thrust their fingers into each other over and over again, making them breath heavily.

Paulina felt her free hand start to move again, but this time she didn't stop. She reached behind her friend and grabbed a fistful of her wife's supple brown ass, squeezing it tightly in her grasp.

(F/N) gasped with pleasure feeling this and responded by doing the same to her wife's bosom, as they both squeezed on each other's naughty bits and made love at a fast pace, they soon reached their climax at the same time.

They screamed at the top of their lungs as their juices either squirted or poured out, depending on who it was.

Both shook like crazy as pleasure generated by their individual orgasms washed over their sweaty bodies.

When it finally ended they stared into each other's eyes and then started making out once again.

Not long after, everything went dark as the two girls painted and basked in the afterglow of their little session.

After a few minutes we see the two girls wake up.

(F/N): *Yawns* *takes her glasses off and wipes them off* Hmmm, didn't know you were good at fingering.

Paulina: *Giggles* Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me.

(F/N): Like how you're an expert in bed~.

Paulina: *Giggles* That too and showing a girl a good morning~.

(F/N): *Giggles* Yep. You know, I always did have a feeling you kinda fell for me.

Paulina: Same here. I always thought you had a thing for Danny?

(F/N): No, I mean we hung out a lot but that was because he was the first guy that treated me-

Paulina: Like a normal person?

(F/N): Yep.

Paulina blushes and smiles a bit at (F/N).

Paulina: You know… that was my first time with a girl.

(F/N): And I guess my first time doing it with someone I love.

Paulina: Guess we both had our firsts.

(F/N): Yeah we did.

After a quick shower and undoing the spells, we see the two girls and Roxie arrive at school at their lockers as they see the trio arrive too with Sam having a very disturbed face.

(F/N): Hey guys, and Sam.

Danny: Hey Jen.

Tucker: So how's the newly wedded couple?

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)’s arm* Amazing.

(F/N): *Notices Sam's disturbed look* Sam okay?

Paulina: Yeah you look like something the coffin coughed up

Sam: I was fine, until I heard you two going at it like bunnies!

Danny: It?

Sam: You know… it.

The two boys were confused until it immediately hit them like a runaway bus.

Tucker and Danny: Ohhh “It”

Tucker: So you two-

(F/N): Tied the knot? Yep.

Danny: Wow congrats, but how are you gonna… you know… have kids… since your both… girls.

Paulina: Oh easy, Gwendolyn taught (F/N) a pregnancy spell.

Sam: Pregnancy spell?

(F/N): Yep, It'll let me get Paulina pregnant but the spell only works on adults.

Paulina: And that's like 5 to 10 years from now.

Tucker: Wow you two thought of everything.

(F/N): Of course we have.

The two girls kiss each other and then make out much to Sam's dismay.

Sam: Oh brother… that's it!

Danny: Come on Sam calm down.

Tucker: Yeah they're not doing anything now.

Sam: That's just what they want you to think next thing you know, they'll go at it like bunnies.

Jazz: *Walks by* Who'll go at it like bunnies?

Sam: Our new wedded couple.

Jazz: Sam come on, let them have their fun. It's their life.

Sam: You can't be serious.

Jazz: Trust me, this is natural for two people, or in this case two girls who love each other very, very much.

We later cut to a montage of the two girls and Roxie having lovey dovey moments and Sam hating each and every moment of it. Later after school we see team Phantom are outside of Fenton Works.

Sam: Finally, so is everyone ready to patrol?

Tucker, Jazz and Danny: Ready.

(F/N): Oh not us.

Paulina: Yeah it's date night.

Sam: What?! You can't be serious.

Paulina: Hey when it comes to date night there are no jokes.

Jazz: She's got you there.

Tucker: You guys have fun, we'll keep in touch.

Paulina: Thanks guys.

Sam: *to the others* You can't be serious.

Jazz: Sam relax, they can always join patrol next time.

Sam: But-

Jazz: Sam calm down, and you're not gonna spy on them or blackmail them.

Sam: …Fine.

We later see (F/N) and Paulina at the movie theater watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and the sequel that goes with it.

(F/N): Food raining from the sky? Highly unlikely.

Paulina: Eh, I dunno, it seems believable to me.

(F/N): I guess but still though living food? Sounds like a Drakken plan if you ask me.

Paulina: Heh, yeah.

The two girls continued watching the movies as (F/N) yawns and so does Paulina.

(F/N): Okay this is starting to get boring.

Paulina: Yeah, how can we spice this up…?

(F/N): Hmm, *looks around and sees that she and Paulina are the only people here* Well, we're the only people here~.

Paulina: Yeah I noticed but I don't know why- *realizes* Ohh~ I get it now~.

(F/N): Yeah but just in case.

(F/N) then summons a glyph sealing the doors and making the windows one-way.

(F/N): There.

Paulina: What did you do?

(F/N): Sealed the doors and made the windows one way.

Paulina: Which means we can see them but they can't see us, *stands up with (F/N)* spankin' idea (F/N). *feels (F/N) spank her ass* Eep!

(F/N): And speaking of spankin' it seems that someone is in need of one~.

Paulina: Wha- what do you mean?

(F/N): *Giggles* Don't think I don't know what you did in the shower weeks ago luvey~.

Paulina: *Realizes that (F/N) knew she masturbated in the shower and blushes* Y-you knew?

(F/N): Yep, your scent was quite strong guessing someone was having some lustful desires~?

Paulina: *Blushes* *Giggles* Guilty as charged. *Feels (F/N) pull her pants down* Woah!

(F/N) then sees Paulina is wearing a black thong.

(F/N): Woah, a thong?

Paulina: I kept it private just in case. I thought Ron would like it, but I guess it would be your thing too.

(F/N): *Giggles* True, *breaks the right and left arm rests, takes her shorts off and tosses them aside and sits down and taps her lap* Now hop on, a naughty girl like you needs a spanking~.

Paulina: *Giggles lustfully* I sure do~.

We then see Paulina go to (F/N) as she laid across (F/N)'s lap with her butt pointing the other side as she felt (F/N)'s hand caressing her bare ass.

(F/N): *While caressing Paulina's ass* Mmm, masturbating in the shower, thinking of me, and rubbing your butt on the shower wall, naughty girl.

Paulina: Well how about you show this naughty girl a good time~ *wiggles her butt at (F/N)*.




(F/N) spanked Paulina's ass as Paulina moaned and yelped in pleasure as (F/N) continued spanking her.

Paulina: *In utter pleasure* Mmm Yes keep it up, I've been such a NAUGHTY girl!

(F/N): *Giggles* With pleasure~

With a firm but not a mean hand, (F/N) continued to spank Paulina's big bubble butt. It was soft and the sensation of Paulina's butt jiggling was kinda fun to her.

Again and again (F/N)'s hand hit Paulina's butt cheeks making them pink. Paulina let out uncontrolled moans of pleasure. She was losing herself to the sensation.

Her moans were making (F/N)'s clit stiffer and she could feel that as well. (F/N) was thinking she was enjoying this punishment a little too much but she didn't judge Paulina's kink.

Her butt stinging in all the right ways she encouraged Wade while she was on the verge of climax. she said she'd been a naughty girl.

(F/N) was really getting into it and intensified the spanks slightly. Just enough to push her over the edge

Paulina: *Moans* *feeling each spank* Ohh~ Mmm! Ohh this is *feels another spank* Spankin'!

(F/N) continued spanking Paulina getting more into it, but not too hard to cause Paulina actual pain, just pleasure as Paulina felt each smack on her bare, now pink, ass as her pleasure kept growing and growing until she reached her climax.

Paulina: *In utter ecstasy* *cried out loudly* OH YES!!

Paulina came hard as her juices soaked (F/N)'s leg once she collapsed in pleasure.

Paulina: *While resting her head* Ooh baby did that feel good~

(F/N): I bet it did, never knew you have a "spankin" kink.

Paulina: *Giggles* Nice one.

(F/N): Thanks.

Paulina: Mmm, my pussy is still wet~.

(F/N): I'll say, *caresses Paulina's pussy* It's like Niagara falls back here, *Sees Paulina's inviting butthole* but let's see how this feels here~.

Paulina: What does that me- *feels (F/N)'s finger go into her butthole* Ooh! Sweet Alabama!

(F/N): *Giggles lustfully* *while fingering Paulina's butthole* Sorry did that hurt luv?

Paulina: *Moans* Mmm, ahh, *feels (F/N)'s fingering thrusting in and out of her ass* N-Ah~ no it feels so good~. Keep going.

(F/N) complied as she continued to finger Paulina's winking butthole as Paulina was moaning like a cat in heat. This continued on for a few more minutes until Paulina felt her pussy tingle.

Paulina: *Moans* Ahhh (F/N) I'm gonna-

(F/N): *While fingering Paulina's ass* *Goes faster* Do it baby, shower this theater floor with your love juice~

After a few more thrusts Paulina moaned loudly as she came hard squirting on (F/N)'s legs and on the floor too.

Paulina: *Pants* Oh phew, *Sees (F/N)'s wet pussy and her hard clit* Now it's time for me to return the pleasure~.

We then cut to the two girls now tribbing each other and they came hard as we then cut to Paulina and (F/N) in a 69 position eating each other out hard as they squirt their juices each time. After about 50 squirts later, we see the two girls get up as they leave and go home leaving the cum stained mess behind as (F/N) unfroze time.

Later that night we see the two girls in bed.

Paulina: Man, that was such an amazing day (F/N).

(F/N): Thanks, I never knew you could make me cum, you're a regular sex expert babe.

Paulina: *Giggles* Aww thanks sweetie.

(F/N): Anytime *yawns* Now let's go to bed.

Paulina: Okay.

Next: Chapter 81: Phantom Planet

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