We're Moving Where????

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Percy's PoV

"Mom! Paul! I'm....back?" I said as I walked through the door to their apartment.

"PERCY! You're okay!" my mom exclaimed running in and hugging me.

"Yeah. Um....what is all this?"

"The boxes? Paul just got a job offer over in a town called Amity Park. How was your quest? I haven't heard from you since that phone call from Alaska."

"It was okay. Defeated giants, stopped Gaea from destroying the world, fell in to Tartarus. You know, the usual. Now back to -" I was cut short by screeching.

"YOU WHAT?!?!"

"Stopped Gaea?"

"NO! About Tartarus!"

"Oh. Um, me and Annabeth fell in while saving the Athena Parthenos, battled some curses, fought Tartarus himself, with the help of Bob, and Damasen."

"Perseus Jackson if you ever do that agai- What's on you arm? PERSEUS JACKSON! DID YOU GET A TATTOO?"

"No. More like a brand. You see Hera took my memories, placed me in the Roman camp. I fought Polybotes, killed him with the help of the statue, line, boundary, blah blah blah god Terminus' head, they Romans raised me on a shield and did this ritual where they named me a full member of the legion, and gave me this." I rushed out.

"How did you get it?"

"It's kind of burned into my skin...."

"Gods Percy."

"Anyway, what's this about MOVING!" It was my turn to freak out. I mean I had just got back from another war for Hades' sake.

"Oh we're moving to Amity Park for the school year. We're going to stay with an old friend of mine from high school, it's near Lake Erie I think she said, anyway we're leaving as soon as Paul gets back, and we enrolled you at Casper High in case you got back,"she explained.

"Okay then. Can I meet you guys there? I need to go back to camp and pack my stuff. I can meet you there tomorrow," I asked her.

"And how will you get there?"

"I have to magical pets, remember? I'll be fine. What time do you want to meet?"

"How about Noon. At the town line."

"See you tomorrow, love you Mom," I said as I left.

~~~~~~~~Ghostly time skip from the ghost zone~~~~~~~~

When I got to camp, I went and packed my bags before heading to dinner. After dinner, I went to the last campfire for the year.

"Percy, I have some bad news to tell you, about our plan," Annabeth says sitting next to me.

"So do I," I admit.

"I'm going to Boston to look for my cousin, Magnus. My crazy uncle thinks he's in danger. So I can't go to Goode with you."

"That's fine, I'll see you in the summer. Besides Paul got a job in a place called Amity Park. My mom and him are going to meet me there tomorrow. I'm going to a school called Casper High."

"IM me everyday, don't get kidnapped, and if you get in trouble, IM me so I can save your sorry butt."

"Deal. See you in the summer, Wise Girl."

"You too." And with that she ran off to leave for Boston.

~~~~~~~~Yet another ghostly time skip~~~~~~~~

"Bye Chiron! IM me if the world is in danger again!" I called getting on Blackjack.

"Yo Boss!  Where to? And you got any donuts?" Blackjack asked me.

"No I do not have donuts! We're going to Amity Park."

"On it Boss!"

"Stop calling me that."

"You got it boss."

"Just go Blackjack."

We flew for what felt like a week before I saw Paul's Prius.

"Blackjack, we're here."

"See ya boss! Don't get turned into glue!"

"Hey guys! You ready to settle in?"

"Let's go." And with that we drove into the city.


Hi there! This is my first story, and is a crossover of my favorite tv series, and book series. Tell me how you like it!!!!:D


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