A Call for Help

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One of Dannys classmates reach out to Phantom for help.


"Mikey?" Danny, in ghost form, asked, surprised that he was the one to call for help.

Mikeys eyes widened.
"You know my name?" He said.

"I mean... um... of course! You're the smartest kid at Casper High" Danny said, watching as a proud and happy smile appeared on Mikeys face. His smile quickly vanished and was replaced by a saddened frown.

"Um... Sorry for bothering you with this. I-I know it's probably not your thing to help with this kind of stuff, a-and I-I'd understand if-" Danny cut the stuttering teen off.

"Help with what exactly?" Danny asked. Mikeys face turned red in embarrassment for not remembering to actually tell his hero the problem.

"S-Sorry... Anyways um..." Mikey gave out a defeated sigh.

"A group of bullies at school really give me and my friends a hard time... its gotten really worse lately... so bad that my bestfriend is going to be homeschooled. We tried getting help from the teachers but they either didn't believe us or never punished them because they're jocks..." Mikey trailed off.

"I'm really worried about my friends... they seem more down lately because of them and... it just makes me worry" Mikey looked up at a stunned danny, sad.

Danny never realized how much Dash and the other jocks hurt Mikey and his friends. He suddenly felt anger but didnt let it show.

Danny was sure he knew the reason as to why Dash was being more rude to Mikey. Last year, Danny had finally stood up to Dash which made him finally leave Danny alone. Danny guessed that Dash has decided to make mikey his new 'favorite punching bag'.

Danny felt guilt. If Danny hadn't stood up to Dash then Dash wouldn't be bullying Mikey. Danny knew he could handle Dashs bullying since he's been through a lot worse.

"I understand if you dont want t-to hel-"

"I'll help"

"What?" Mikey said, a little shocked.

"It's my job to look after everyone. No matter the problem, if you need help i'll make sure to be there" Danny gave him a warm smile. Mikey gave one in return.


Danny saw Dash walk up to Mikey and his (small) group of friends. He watched as he began making fun of them.

Frowning, Danny walked over and 'accidentally' shoved Dash into the lockers.

"Hey- FENTON! You'll pay for that!" Dash growled. Danny smirked and shrugged. He turned around and ran down the hallway, Dash followed after him.

Mikey and his friends looked at one another, confused.


"Hey nerds!" Dash and his friends said, laughing as they shoved Mikey around.

They were in the middle of the lunchroom. Everyone was watching and weren't doing anything.

Danny walked over and 'accidentally' tripped, dropping his smoothie which landed all over the Jocks and their precious letterman jackets.

"Oops! My bad" Danny apologized. The jocks turned their attention towards Danny. They looked furious.

"You better be sorry you little twerp!" Ned said through clenched teeth.

Danny once again turned around and ran off. All the jocks followed, completely forgetting about Mikey and his friends.


"Hey loser, finish my homework yet?" Dash asked, pinning Nathan against the lockers.

"L-Leave him alone, Dash" Mikey stuttered out, not wanting his friend to get hurt.

One of the other jocks, Ryan, shoved Mikey which made him drop his books and papers.

Danny growled, his eyes turning green. He went invisible and moved the trash can so it was a few feet behind Ryan. Danny turned visible behind the corner then walked out.

He 'accidentally' bumped into Ryan. Ryan stumbled back and fell into the trash can.

Everyone watching burst out into laughter. Dash let go of Nathan and went to help Ryan.

Danny smiled in victory. Mikey and his friends noticed.

Ryan and Dash both stood in front of Danny, glaring at him.

"What the hell is your problem, Fenturd? Did you miss having us punch you or somethin?" Everyone watched as Danny crossed his arms, returning their glare.

"My problem? My problem is you! Quit being a jerk towards people! Since nobody's trying to put a stop to your bullying, then I guess I will!" Danny threatened.

Now, Danny was pretty damn short for his age but that didn't make him any less intimidating.

Dash laughed then threw a punch. Danny easily caught it.

Startled, Dash yanked his arm back.
"Pfft, whatever... I dont have time for this. Lets just go" Dash said. Him and his friends walked off.

Mikey turned towards Danny.
"Thanks Danny. I know you've been helping us this entire time. We really appreciate it" Mikey smiled. His friends nodded in agreement.

Danny smiled back.
"Whenever you need any help, I'll be there" With that, he turned around and walked back to a proud Sam and a smiling Tucker.

Mikeys eyes widened as it suddenly clicked.

'Thanks, Phantom'

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