Agent Danny (2)

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"I bet you Ten bucks that the new lunch lady is an Alien" Danny said, turning towards his friends.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. "That's a stupid bet to take. I do bet that she's from Mars, however"

"Nope! Saturn for sure" Danny argued.

"Obviously it's Jupiter" Countered Tucker.

"What about uranus!" Kwan exclaimed.

Dash snorted,
"What about your-"

"OK STOP! INNOCENT LITTLE MUFFINS ARE PRESENT!" Star exclaimed as Sam covered both Danny and DJ's ears.

"Ok, whoever is right, everyone has to pay them 5 dollars each!" Tucker exclaimed, everyone who was participating agreed.

"She's from Saturn" Lancer looked at his students, closing the book he was reading.

"I know right! She looks like a saturn type!" Danny smiled.

"What makes you so sure?" Dash crossed his arms. Lancer just smirked at him and went back to his reading.

Everyone looked down at their plates of food, now nervous. Kwan leaned in and whispered,
"How much do you want to bet that Lancer is an alien?"

"That would explain so much... like how he's been able to put up with us" Mikeys eyes widened.

"I can put up with you because i've had you guys as my students ever since kindergarten. I'm not an Alien" Lancer told them, not once looking up from his book.

"HOLY CRAP! YOU CAN HEAR US?? I thought you were loosing your hearing since you're, like, 80" Dash blurted out.


Dash choked on his burger, spluttering. DJ began giggling like crazy.


"This is Goth 1 to Smartass 1" Sam whispered into her fenton phone.

"This is Smartass 1, i'm right next to you, Sammy" Danny looked next to him at his girlfriend. He was dressed in his MIB suit, complete with the sunglasses.

"I know, I just can't get over the fact that you're Smartass 1. It's perfect"

"Will you two stop flirting and pay attention to the mission!" They both heard Star exclaim through their Fenton Phones.

"We're not- ok... we were but we're also paying attention!" Danny argued, watching as the new Lunch Lady continued to wash the cafeteria dishes. It was around 6 PM.

Danny and Sam were hiding in the rafters above the kitchen. Tucker, Mikey, Nathan, and Elizabeth were in one of the empty classrooms watching through the security cameras.

Star, Paulina, Dash, and Kwan were hiding nearby. Lancer was in his classroom, reading. Ned and Dexter were hiding somewhere far away, not wanting to be around Danny while he had his neuralyzer.

"I'm bored..." Danny mumbled as he rested his head on his girlfriends shoulder.

"She's moving!" Tucker exclaimed.

Danny and Sam both watched as the Lunch Lady walked towards the fridge and opened it, revealing what was inside.

There were many strange alien looking plants along with what looked to be frozen alien worms. She took one of the worms out then shut the door.

"...please tell me she didn't put that shit in our meatloaf" Tucker mumbled. Danny could picture his horrified face perfectly.

"Thank goodness I didn't eat!" Danny smiled happily. Sam gave him a look that said 'I'm happy you didnt eat that shit, but you better eat lunch next time or i'll force feed you'

They watched as the Lady began to cook it, preparing for Lunch the next day.

"THAT BITCH DID!" They heard Tucker scream, followed by the sound of him puking.

"Y'know, Tuck, this never would have happened if you were a vege-" Tucker cut Sam off.

"Are you sure, Samantha, because those weird alien plants look suspiciously close to the Salad they served! Which you ate!" He remarked. Sams face turned green.

Danny tried to hide his laughter but failed miserably. Sam glared and shoved him, accidentally pushing him off the rafters. Danny yelped as he fell, hitting the ground.

The Lady turned around, startled. Her eyes widened as she tried to hide the Alien objects behind her.

"...THE MISSION HAS BEEN COMPROMISED! REQUESTING BACKUP!" Danny exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

"ON IT!" Dash exclaimed. Dash, Paulina, Star, and Kwan all popped out of their hiding spot.

They quickly surrounded the Lunch Lady. Soon, Tucker came storming into the cafeteria while Sam began to climb down from the rafters.

"Were you trying to poison- EEEE DANNY HELP!" Tucker shrieked as the Lady lunged at him. Danny stepped in front of Tucker, kicking the Alien Lunch Lady in the stomach to keep her away.

To everyones horror, her upper body fell off. Dash passed out, falling face first onto the floor.

"That was just a disguise! I didn't kick her in half!" Danny quickly explained, calming everyone down.

Sure enough, a smaller squid like creature crawled out of the rest of the human disguise. They had small eyes with a huge forehead.

Tucker, along with everyone with the exception of Sam, hid behind Danny. They were all freaked out.

They really shouldn't have been surprised when Danny burst into laughter.

"SQUIDWARD!? IS THAT YOU!? HOLY CRAP, I'M CRYING!" Danny fell to the ground in laughter.

The Alien growled which was ignored by Danny.


"ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! I'M IN TEARS!" Danny rolled around the floor in laughter.

Danny stopped laughing when he heard a louder growl coming from the Alien. He looked up just in time to see the Alien run towards him, holding a knife in one of their many arms.

Sam grabbed Dannys Alien gun and shot the Alien herself. The Alien quickly threw the knife before getting blasted into peices.

"...uh oh" they looked and saw that the knife had pierced through Dannys shoulder. He looked up.

"Look, I've been impaled"



"Are you sure you're ok?" J asked. They were at the MIB facility along with Dannys class. Danny nodded his head.

"Yup! Not my first time being stabbed!" Danny exclaimed as he happily ate his muffin.

"Why must you say that So cheerfully?" Lancer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Because I'm a cheerful person! Also, J, do you know what planet that Alien was from?" Danny turned towards J. J thought for a moment.

"I'm pretty sure Saturn. K?" J turned towards K who nodded.

Danny cheered.
"Since we put you through so much shit, you can keep all the money! We don't need to split it" Danny gave Mr Lancer a large grin.

Danny turned towards his class and a very pale Tucker.

"Give Lancer your money"

"All I have is a quarter, a gum wrapper, and a toothpick" Mumbled a sad Tucker as he pulled the objects out of his pocket.

"If you didn't have any money, then why'd you make the bet??" Sam asked.


"Maybe you should stop listening to your gut, maybe then you'll actually make a smart decision for once"

Tucker stared at her as he brought his hand to his heart.



NEXT CHAPTER IS THE 100TH CHAPTER! I'll try to make it a special one! I'll give you a hint, it was requested awhile ago and I said I'd probably do it. I don't know when it will be out, though.


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