BNHA prologue

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Dnwkodwjdpe guess who made a new booooook.

I know y'all really like the BNHA crossover so I made an (angsty but still somehow c r a c c) book :D I know I said I wouldn't make one but I changed my mind cuz I really wanted to. This is the prologue of the book which should already be published. If not then soon.

If you see any mistakes wether it be grammar or spelling plz tell me so I can fix itttt :D

TW: Minor character death, parental abuse and neglect, violence, and language.

Don't worry I know it sounds bad but it's still pretty light hearted (the later chapters at least) those warnings mainly apply for the prologue. I've only written five chapters aside from this one tho so maybe in the future chapters as well.

Now, onTo tHe cHaPpY


Up until the age of four, Danny had a nice, healthy childhood. He remembered the warm hugs, joyful laughs, and the overall feeling of love. He had an amazing big sister and loving parents, the perfect family. Back then, his life was amazing. Funny how a simple check up at the clinic could change all that. Ever since his doctor explained to his parents about the extra joint in his pinky toe, his life took a nosedive into a trashcan full of abuse and loneliness.

Danny's parents both had interesting quirks. His Mom had an X-Ray quirk which allowed her to see through metal. It was very helpful when she was building inventions since it abled her to easily spot any misplaced wires or other mishaps. His father had a creation quirk which allowed him to create things made of a hardened type of fudge as long as he ate enough of the chocolaty treat. Both had drawbacks of course. His mother would eventually get a migraine if she used her quirk for too long and his dad would pass out from lack of energy. They both had high expectations for their children's quirk so they were very upset when they heard that their youngest was quirkless.


Danny was a little shocked once he heard that he would never develop a quirk, something almost unheard of. However the shock soon wore off and he wasn't really bothered by it. The only people who were affected by it was his parents. The day they returned home was the last day he received any positive attention from them. All the attention went on Jazz, his big sister who had a creation quirk just like their Dad. She was able to create anything made of Metal and was also highly intelligent for her age.

Danny was confused when his parents didn't tuck him in that night. At first he thought it was because he was getting too big. With that reasoning, Danny felt better and eventually fell asleep. But when he saw his parents tucking Jazz in the next night, he knew it was something else and it wasn't hard to figure out what. They didn't even try hide their disdain for Dannys quirklessness. They ignored him, pretended like he never existed in the first place. The only time they acknowledged him was if he did something wrong. If it wasn't for Jazz, Danny was sure he would have starved to death since they started cooking for three only.

Over the next few years, Danny tried so hard to get positive attention from his parents. He drew them pictures, made them gifts, and even made his mom a paper frog which was her favorite animal. All of them ended up in the recycle. It all got worse when Danny was 6 and Jazz woke up with a 101 degree fever. Everyone thought it was a simple cold but when Jazz's fever began growing they took her to the doctors. Danny had never seen his parents as distressed as they were when Jazz got admitted to the hospital. She was there for a week, and in that time Danny tried so hard to visit but his parents always left without him. The six year old spent most of that week in his room, wondering if his older sister was gonna be okay.

When his parents returned home from the hospital, they immediately shut themselves in their lab. It wasn't until one of Jazz's teachers came over that Danny had found out what happened. He overheard them talking and learned that Jazz had been diagnosed with a bad case of Pneumonia. Three days after her diagnosis, Jazz passed away due to her already weakened immune system which was the drawback of her Quirk.

Danny had mourned the loss of his sister alone. He didn't eat or sleep for a few days. After her funeral, Danny saw his parents at least once or twice a week. They stopped making meals and instead ordered in, taking the food and going down to their lab. Danny had mostly been surviving off of cereal and fruit snacks. However, they had eventually ran out. He tried his best to ignore the hunger pains but eventually they got bad enough to where he couldn't sleep. He ended up deciding to go ask his parents for help, which he ended up regretting.

He walked down the metal stairs and towards his parents lab. He hadn't been down there before, his parents had once explained to him that it was to dangerous for him. At least that was when he was four, he was turning seven in a few months so surly it didn't apply to him anymore. He softly knocked on the metal door but got no answer. He pushed it open with all the strength he had in his little six-year-old body. He managed to open it just enough to where he could slip through.

"M-Momma?" He played with the hem of his worn out sleeve nervously as he looked around the lab. He spotted his parents by a pile of boxes full of new machine parts. They didn't seem to hear him so he stepped closer.

"Momma? I'm hungry" he said in a timid voice. Maddie made a 'shoo-ing' motion with her hand. Danny turned around to leave but stopped when his stomach began to cramp painfully. He turned around and cleared his throat.

"P-Please, my tummy hurts"

"We're busy" his Dad gruffly answered, hands buried in the box of machine parts.

"Can you help me get the eggos from the freezer? I-I can't reach and it'll only take-"

"I said we're BUSY" His father turned around and threw a metal part he grabbed from one of the boxes.

Wether it meant to or not, it ended up hitting Danny in the forehead. He doesn't remember much afterwards, only that he woke up on the kitchen floor with a bloody mark on the middle of his forehead and a pounding headache. It eventually became a scar which he hid with his hair. Danny stopped trying to get his parents to notice him after that incident. Or at least, he should have.

When he was 10, he foolishly believed he could fix his parent's ghost portal they had spent half their lives trying to make. He thought that if he could fix their invention, that it would somehow magically make things better. It wouldn't bring his sister back, but maybe it would bring his parents back. So he put on a jumpsuit and went inside the massive machine. He looked around for a bit before deciding to check on the outside. As he was making his way back, he tripped on a wire and ended up leaning on the wall for support. He remembered something beeping, then waking up on the floor of the lab.

Oh how the universe must hate him. Being diagnosed Quirkless then having everyone around him, except for his big sister, turn around and pretend like he didn't exist. The only form of decent attention he got was when Teachers gave him a sticker or a piece of candy for answering a question correctly in class. Then finally, when the world decided to gift him with a quirk, it was one that gave him ghost abilities. Ghosts, the one thing his parents hated more than him.

Getting his quirk was a blessing in disguise. Danny wasn't happy at first, not at all. He had grown to despise quirks. Or rather, he had grown to despise how society painted them to be a symbol of power. Made them seem so essential in life. People with strong, flashy quirks were praised and focused on. The people with 'useless' or 'weak' quirks were thrown aside, ignored, and treated like trash. However he soon realized he could help people like him. He could help people who suffered from the abuse and bullying. Even when he wasn't in his hero persona, it still gave him the strength to stand up for others. He helped the kids who were bullied in his school, although it did cause the bullies to go after him more. Still, he didn't care. Just as long as he helped others.

He also helped people by fighting the ghosts that had been terrorizing the city ever since Danny fixed his parents ghost portal. All the heroes in their town didn't have the right quirk suited for defeating the ghostly villains. Sure, there was his parents but their ghost fighting skills were shit. Only when Danny had decided to stand up and fight did the ghost attacks begin to lessen. Less buildings were getting destroyed and there were far less casualties. He never realized being a hero, albeit an illegal one, could feel so good. He could save people and prevent the pain of losing a loved one, which he knows all too well. The town loved him, all except his parents and Vlad. Although Danny wouldn't say that Vlad hated him; more like he was obsessed with him in a very concerning way.

Danny had met Vlad when he was Ten, a few months after the ghost portal incident. Vlad was quirkless as well which surprised Danny. He had come over to visit the 'family' for a little reunion. Apparently, Vlad was best friends with his parents during college. That spiked Dannys interest, he wanted to know what his parents were like back in their school days. Were they nicer? Were they the same as they were when Danny was 4?

He ended up staying the night on their couch. Danny had still been trying to get ahold of his quirk and ended up phasing right through the ceiling, much to the surprise of Vlad who had been up and reading a book. After that, He learned that during an invention gone wrong in their college days Vlad ended up getting hit by one of their machines which caused him to lose his quirk. They still weren't sure how it happened, he also knew it wasn't his parents fault so he held no grudge towards them. Danny didn't know how to feel about that. Why is it that his parents didn't treat Vlad any different when he became quirkless? Why just Danny? Was there something else wrong with him?

Vlad had asked how Danny had gotten his quirk, his parents having mentioned that their youngest was quirkless. Danny figured he could tell him, Vlad had been the only adult figure in his life to not treat him any different just because he didn't have a quirk. There was also Mr Lancer, his English Teacher, who treated everyone the same. Still, he didn't really trust him though.

So Danny foolishly explained to him how he got his quirk. He never expected the outcome. Vlad began... obsessing over him. He asked him many questions, and even tried building a ghost portal of his own to try and recreate Dannys accident. It didn't work, so he tried another tactic. He invited his parents and him over to his mansion. Vlad was very adamant that they all go so his parents, very reluctantly, gave him permission to join them as long as he stayed in the very back of the van and didn't get in their way.

Danny had been excited about the trip. He hasn't been outside their little town since he was 4 years old. He wasn't excited to stay with Vlad, however. The older man had begun creeping him out after the second portal incident. He had the right to be creeped out too. When they got there, everything seemed normal. Then night had fallen, and Danny went up to his room to finally get away from his parents snide comments.

On the way he was stopped by Vlad, who asked him to follow him to his lab. Danny didn't really have a choice in the matter because Vlad had grabbed his arm and dragged him there. When they got there, the door shut behind them with a click. Panic had begun to set in the young hero when he looked around the lab. There were ghosts in containers, or at least the remains of ghosts. Vlad had been so obsessed with getting the power Danny possessed that he began to experiment on ghosts. When Danny realized that Vlad most likely planned on experimenting on him next, he escaped through the older mans ghost portal. He then flew all the way back to his house, knowing his parents wouldn't notice nor care about his absence.

Other then power hungry creepy old men, his new quirk also gave him something he's always wanted other then his parents love. Friends. Two kids from his class, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley, confronted his ghostly side and asked if he needed help. Danny was the worst at socializing, always too afraid any friend he'd make would suddenly abandon him. But his quirk gave him the confidence he needed to finally speak to them. He ended up allowing them to help if only they helped on the sidelines. Tucker used his quirk, which allowed him to control technology, to use the security cameras around town to look for any ghosts that may be sneaking around. Sam also helped by getting information through crows, the only bird her quirk allowed her to communicate with. They both were very helpful, the crows kept a look out for Vlad and alerted Sam if he was in town who then warned Danny.

Sure, they were only friends with his ghost side, who they decided to call 'Invisobill', but it wasn't like they were rude to the actual Danny. They weren't necessarily friends but Tucker would sometimes wave to him and Sam would give him one of her rare smiles. It was better then what Danny was used to, that's for sure. As Danny grew older, so did his confidence during ghost fights. He was more vocal during the fights, which frustrated his opponents to no end.

He loved being a hero, albeit an illegal one.

So when a sleep deprived hero from Japan offered to become his mentor and give him a chance of attending one of the best hero schools in the world in order to help him become a legal hero, he couldn't say no.



Poor Danny... but thas ok cuz dadzawa is on the way 😌

(Bruh if the book had a theme song that would be it)


Tis all,

Good day.

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