Go Fish

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*le gasp*

An ActUaL oNesHoT.

Hope you likeee XP XD CX


"Mommy! Look! It's Daniel James!"

Danny immediately turned around at the call of his name, sunglasses obviously not working as a disguise.

Even though he was running on an hours worth of sleep, his smile brightened as the small fan was waving at him excitedly, tugging on her mother's dress to get her attention. He grinned and waved back.

The girl shyly hid behind her amused looking mother. Danny looked over at his apartment building where his nice comfy bed awaited him.

It could wait some more.

"What's your name?" Danny asked as he walked closer. He bent down so he was her height.

"Alexandra, but my friends call me Alex!" Alex slowly stepped into view.

"Well, Alex, my name is Daniel but my friends call me Danny" Danny's face brightened as the girls shy expression dropped.

"Then, Danny, can I please have your autograph?" Danny chuckled at the girls puppy dog eyes.

"Of course" he pulled out a piece of folded paper.

After he gave her his autograph, he stood back up. The mom gave him a grateful smile. She turned back to Alex.

"Alright, we better head back home"

Alex frowned.
"But I wanna talk to Danny some more" Her puppy eyes intensified.

"We should let Danny get home too. Besides, I bet Grandpa will love to hear how your day at school went and about meeting your favorite singer" Alex's face brightened.

"Grandpas over!? Let's go!" Alex took off running. Her mother slowly shook her head with a smile before following after.

Danny hoped the tickets to his next concert in the folded up autograph didn't get lost.

He turned back around, making sure the coast was clear for any paparazzi, and quickly walked up to his apartment building.

Walking inside, he waved to the Janitor.
"Hey rick!"

"Still don't know why you live in this shitty place when you have enough money to buy a mansion"

Danny passed the broken elevator and towards the stairs.
"C'mon, you know you'd get sad if I left. Besides, why waste money on a house with 100 rooms, I'd get too lonely" he ran up taking two steps at a time like an excited teenager at the end of school.

He happily unlocked his apartment door and walked inside. He threw his keys and coat on the couch before jumping on it. He landed on his stomach.

"You're a literal child"

Danny huffed and turned so he was laying on his side, facing his boyfriend who was standing in the open doorway with an eyebrow raised.

"And yet you begged me to date you" He grinned cheekily.

Dash rolled his eyes.
"I didn't 'beg'" He said, closing the door. He grabbed Danny's coat and keys off of the couch and put them in their respective places.

Danny reached out his arms towards Dash.
"Yes you did. Now come and give me cuddles"

Dash walked right past him and towards his small kitchen.
"Cuddles are gonna have to wait, I can tell you haven't ate anything yet" He opened the fridge and grabbed some left over pancake batter.

Danny pouted and sat up. His phone began ringing so he dug it out of his pocket and looked at who it was. He glared as he harshly hit 'answer'


"Stop calling"

He hung up and threw his phone. Dash peeked his head out the kitchen, eyes softening at Danny's angry and sad expression.

Dash sighed.
"Love, they're your family. You can't ignore them forever"

"They didn't have a problem with ignoring me for my entire fucking childhood" Danny replied harshly.

Dash winced, he knew how sensitive and upset Danny got when discussing his family.

Danny immediately felt bad for his sharp tone. He stood up and made his way over and wrapped his arms around Dashs neck.

"I'm sorry for snapping, I'm just tired... and hangry... and still mad at them"

Dash kissed his temple and wrapped one of his arms around Danny's waist.
"Don't apologize, let's just get some food in you before you destroy something" Dash grinned as Danny stuck his tongue out at him.

"Like I said, you're a literal child"

"Just hurry up and make the damn pancakes so we can cuddle"

Dash smirked and leaned in, whispering into his ear,
"I've got something else in mind" he said in a husky voice.


"Fish fish got my wish!" Danny cheered, setting down his pair of matching threes.

"I know you wanted to play Clue, but go fish is so much better!" Danny said as he organized his cards before asking Dash if he had any Aces.

"We're playing Clue after this, y'know" Dash gave him his last card, which was an Ace.

"I won!" Danny taunted. Dash shook his head fondly before giving him a kiss.

"Only because I let you"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Speaking of night, can we just go cuddle now and play Clue tomorrow? I need sleep"

Dash yawned as he checked his watch.
"Yeah, but please reconsider my offer of you moving in with me because your bed is as hard as a rock" Dash said, standing up. He turned to go walk to the bedroom but was interrupted by Danny.


Dash spun around.

"Carry me. My legs are broken"

Dash rolled his eyes but bent down and picked him up bridal style.

"Next time, you're carrying me"

"Next time my arms will be broken"

Dash smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You know you love me"

"I know it too"


I love go fish.

I just really wanted to write Danny and Dash bEcAuSe iT mAKeS mE hApPy.

I also made Danny a famous singer bcuz I wanted to.

As you could see, DaNnYs fAmIlY iSnT tHaT gOoD iN tHiS



I is So HaPpY sHe fInallY fouNd hEr voice

If you haven't listened to it yet, *ahem*


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That tis all, good day.

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