Hero Academy (4)

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"It's All Might!"

Danny turned around faster then he did when there was a muffin in the room. His eyes widened in awe as his number one hero burst into the training area.

They were all wearing their costumes. Danny was wearing a simple black jumpsuit with white combat boots and fingerless gloves. If it was necessary, he'd change into his ghost form. Hopefully his outfit stayed the same because it would be embarrassing trying to explain why he had a white flaming 'DP' on his hero costume.

"I AM HERE!" He shouted, posing in his typical All Might stance. He saw Midoriya literally buzz with excitement. He was nearly the same, All Might was one of the reasons why he started his 'vigilante' lifestyle.

So, what did he say when he saw his idol?

"Why does your hair remind me of Angelica's doll from rug rats?" As soon as the words exited his mouth, he slapped his hands across it, face burning with embarrassment.

All Might froze and nearly choked on his own spit. He quickly turned around, thankfully ignoring Danny's little comment. Danny crouched in a corner, Kirishima sympathetically patting his back while Denki was trying not to die of laughter.

"Anyways!" All Might began to explain what they would be doing. There would be four people split into teams of two. One group would be the hero team and the other would be the villains. The heroes would have to try and get the weapon by touching it, the villains would have to try and stop them before the timer ran out.

Sadly, they wouldn't be picking their teams. Danny was a little bummed out about that but quickly brightened up when he saw that he was partnered with Kirishima. Kirishima sent him a grin which he returned.

"First teams up are A and D!" All Might declared. Danny looked and saw that Midoriya and Ochako were against Tenya and Bakugou. Danny was a bit nervous for Midoriya because Bakugou looked a bit murderous.

"You got this Midoriya! I believe in you!" Danny exclaimed, trying to cheer the nervous boy up. He sent him a great full smile.

"Thank you Danny Kun, but you can just call me Izuku"

Danny nodded. Izuku and the rest of the participants walked into the building while everyone else walked into a different room so they could watch on screen what was happening.

Izuku was walking around, looking for Bakugou while Ochako was searching for the weapon. They watched as Izuku hid from a deadly looking Bakugou.

"That's not manly" Kirishima frowned.

"He's making a plan, which is smarter then just diving right in" Danny defended, knowing from experience. Kirishima nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, That is true"

Ochako found the weapon which was being guarded by Tenya. He had removed all possible items that she could use against him with her gravity.

"He took away everything she could use with her powers" Momo mumbled, impressed.

Tenya began to get into his evil character, which made Ochako laugh which gave away her position. Izuku called her to ask where she was which she answered.

Back to Izuku, Bakugou had found him. He stood in front of him, showing off the gauntlets on his hero costume.

"Don't underestimate me, Deku. These hold all of my nitro sweat which I can use to create a big explosion" he said, smirking.

"Bakugou, don't use that! You will kill Midoriya!" All Might warned. It was futile though as Bakugou did so anyway.

They watched as a huge explosion went off. Danny felt his blood run colder then it already was. He created a invisible shield over their room in case the explosion was bigger then they thought.

Ochako and Tenya felt the aftershocks of the explosion. Ochako tried to use it as an advantage to float to the weapon but Tenya was faster and stopped her.

All Might warned Bakugou not to use it again or their team would lose. He was forced to use regular combat. He began to fight Izuku by using his explosions to change direction mid air.

It was smart, but Danny decided he didn't like the guy.

Everyone began to comment and praise Bakugou, kind of surprised how the tide had changed against Izuku.

Katsuki demanded Izuku to use his quirk.
"What, you think you're to good for that now?" He angrily said. Something in Izuku snapped.
"You've always been better then me Kacchan, which is why I want to beat you!" He exclaimed.

They charged towards each other. It looked like Bakugou was going to win until Izuku used his quirk and sent a hole through the ceiling. It blasted through the floor Tenya and Ochako was, creating debris Ochako could use. She quickly sent them flying. She flew some towards Tenya while using some to make her way towards the weapon. She jumped onto it, wrapping her arms around it and declaring them the winning team.

Danny happily cheered. All Might was grinning and Bakugou looked shocked. Izuku collapsed, his arm clearly broken.


After they took Izuku to recovery girl, it was the other teams turns. Todoroki (lmaooo I nearly wrote tododeku) and Mezo won the next match and soon it was Danny and Kirishimas turn.

They were up against Denki and Sero. Danny and Kirishima were the villains while the other two were heroes.

'This is an odd feeling' Danny thought to himself as he stood in front of the weapon. Kirishima was going to distract the heroes from finding where Danny and the weapon was.

'My nightmares used to be about me turning into a villain now I'm supposed to be one' Danny decided he might as well play the part well like Tenya.

"I shall be the best villain" Danny laughed manically.

All Might watched with a nervous look from the other room. Mina shuddered.

"That was scary"

Danny grinned sadistically as Denki ran into the room. He grinned, electricity crackled across his skin. Danny blanched at the sight, his evil expression gone.

He turned away.
'Okay, don't look at the lighting. It's not gonna hit you and turn you fully dead. Just imagine the weapon as something you love... something to protect. Oh! I got it!' Danny grinned evilly again.

Denki ran towards Danny. Danny glared. Two rings appeared around his waist, going in opposite directions. His outfit stayed the same except a flaming 'DP' appeared on his chest. His hair turned Snow White and his eyes turned a electric neon green.

A green shield surrounded the weapon, making Denki smack into it.
"What the!" He exclaimed, unable to get to the weapon. He heard evil chuckling and turned to see a crazed looking Danny.

"My muffins, bitch" He said, creating an ecto blast.

"...shit" Denki squeaked.


"...I don't wanna know how... but shit... you're the scariest villain I ever met" Sero mumbled once it was announced that Danny and Kirishima won.

Kirishima gave Danny a high five.
"That was awesome bro!"

Denki was sulking in a random corner, rocking back n forth.

"And what was with that awesome transformation? Your hair turned white, your eyes bright green, and a symbol appeared on your suit" Mina said, pointing.

Danny blushed green, embarrassed she caught the symbol.
"It's part of my quirk... the symbol is something my friend designed. She wanted my suit to not be so 'bland'" he explained.

"Alright everyone! You all did amazing now I must be going!" All Might quickly ran out of the room.

"Where did muffins even come from" They heard Denki whimper.

Danny grinned at him sheepishly.


Boom! Next one will be more interesting... I hope...

Hope you enjoyed!

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