My Hero Academia (13)

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Hi! Thank you all for being patient with me ♥️ you guys are truly the best and I love you all X3. I know 2020 has been real shitty so far, so here's a chapter of your guys' favorite series! (At least I'm pretty sure this is your favorite series... comment what your favorite series of one shots are :D I'm curious)


"Okay, so what's the plan again? I was spacing out while you and Izuku went on that whole 'time control quirk' theory thing" Denki said as Izuku handed him baby Danny. He awkwardly held him up by his arms.

"Dumbass pikachu that's not how you hold a kid! Dumbass" Bakugou grumbled as he took Baby Danny from him. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"What are you dumb fucks looking at me like that!? You wanna fight!?"

"Language!" Iida scolded. He received a nasty look from the explosive teen in reply. Mina quickly spoke before another fight broke out.

"The plan is that Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Sero are going to watch Danny while Ochako, Iida, Izuku, and I cause a distraction so Hagakure can sneak into the main office to try and get the file with all the students who have time related quirks! Everyone else will make sure Aizawa stays asleep. Todoroki, I keep you in charge with making sure no harm comes to Danny. Mineta... go stand in the corner your presence is bothering me"


"YOU'RE HOLDING HIM RIGHT NOW! NOW YOU BETTER BE CAREFUL BECAUSE I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HIM I WILL SEND YOU FLYING STRAIGHT INTO THE SUN!" Ochako threatened. Iida sputtered, having never heard his friend raise her voice that much. Baby's seem to bring out the more scary side of both of his friends.

Everyone stared at her, shocked. Even Bakugou; who seemed to now be holding Danny as gently as he could. Danny giggled and began chewing on a pencil. Todoroki grabbed the pencil and gave him a small rod of ice he could chew on instead.

"Well damn" Sero mumbled.

"Okay well you guys better not fuck up because I don't think ochako was kidding when she said she'd send Bakugou into the sun... anyways, let's do this!" Hagakure exclaimed, standing up from her desk.

"Wait" Momo said. They all paused to look at her. She quickly used her quirk to create a fake file filled with blank papers.

"This is so nobody will notice that the file is missing" She explained as she gave them to Izuku.

"Smart idea Momo Chan!" Izuku said, giving her a grin. She smiled in return before walking back to her seat. She began creating a music box which could hopefully help Aizawa stay asleep.

Izuku, Ochako, Hagakure, Iida, and Mina all walked out of the classroom. Classes were still going on so there wasn't anybody out in the halls. Hagakure was completely invisible so if they were all spotted, at least there was still a chance Hagakure could get the file.

Once they reached the main office, they ducked out of sight since the window blinds were drawn up.
"Okay, Iida you walk in and pretend like Aizawa sent you for more attendance sheets. Once their backs are turned, Ochako will sneak in and begin to levitate things. While they're distracted, Hagakure you'll look through the files and try to find the one we're looking for. Izuku and I will stay out here and keep watch. If anyone is coming, we'll tap the window five times. Everyone got it?" Mina asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone replied.

Iida then stood up straight and marched into the main office. Ochako peeked through the window and once they're backs were turned, she and Hagakure snuck in.

Ochako began touching things as she passed. She quickly hid behind a giant plant once the office lady turned around, this time holding a stack of attendance sheets. She gasped and dropped them in surprise. She then tried to jump up and catch a floating pencil. While she was distracted, Ochako and Iida snuck out while Hagakure went through all the quirk files. She smiled once she found the time related quirk file. As the office lady tried to grab a floating stapler, She grabbed the file and replaced it with the one Momo made. She then made her escape.

The five students cheered at their successful mission then quickly raced back to class. They opened their classroom door and froze at the sight.

The people who were supposed to be watching Danny were currently trying to prevent Bakugou from injuring a terrified Denki. Momo was eating at her desk, probably trying to recover from using her quirk, and the rest of the class was trying to prevent getting in the way of the explosive teen. Todoroki was standing off to the side, holding a crying baby Danny in front of him while looking unsure of what the fuck to do. Aizawa was, thankfully, still passed out at his desk.

They all froze once they noticed they were back. They all ran to sit down and Kirishima took Danny from Todoroki and immediately got him to stop crying. They looked down so they wouldn't be able to look at Ochako's scary angry face.

"You guys had ONE job" she muttered. Mina quickly grabbed the file from Hagakure and tossed them onto her desk.
"We got the files! Now let's see who the hell attacked our second cinnamon roll! REVENGE SHALL BE OURS!"

"YEAH!" Denki screamed.

They all grabbed a page that was in the file and began scanning through the information.

"Hm... It seems like Anka Aki, a first year from the General Education department, has a time quirk but it says the effects are temporary and only works on inanimate objects" Iida said, putting it down to grab another one.

"Then it can't be her, there's only 13 students with time related quirks so it shouldn't take long to find our culprit" Ochako explained as her eyes scanned the page she was holding.

"Look here, Hino Chiyo has a time quirk which allows her to control the aging process! She's also a first year from the General Education department and the effects can be permanent unless she personally undoes it!" Izuku exclaimed, turning the page around to show everyone.

"That's definitely who we're looking for" Kirishima grabbed the stapler out of Danny's hand, which nobody even noticed he grabbed, and put it back on his desk.

"Agreed, and her class isn't far from this one" Momo said.

"We can't attack her once school ends, they'll be too many people in the halls" Sero pointed out, earning a few nods of agreement.

"I wouldn't use the words 'attack' since we won't be hurting her-" Momo ignored all the complaints "-we'll just be confronting her. After all, she might have been blackmailed" She finished.

"I didn't even think of that... but why would anyone blackmail her? Danny hasn't done anything to anyone" Ochako said as she grabbed Danny from Kirishima, who had failed to prevent him from eating a pen.

"That is true, But do you recall when Danny was attacked by those villains?" Momo asked, earning an alarmed look from everybody.

"Aizawa Sensei said he got caught in the middle of a villain attack, Ribbit" Tsuyu grabbed the pen out of Danny's hands, earning a grateful look from Ochako.

"I was skeptical when Aizawa Sensei told us that. I didn't hear about any villain attacks the day Danny Kun got hurt. If Danny Kun was directly attacked, then the school probably wouldn't want us knowing which is why they used that excuse" Izuku explained.

"Well, we'll find out for sure when we confront Hino" Mina said.

"I can get the information from her" Bakugou grinned as he activated his quirk.

"Violence will not be tolerated!" Iida exclaimed.

"Yeah, and besides, I've got an even better idea" Ochako's grin matched Bakugou's which made everyone take a nervous step back.

"Oh relax, it's nothing bad"


Iida knocked on the classroom door before entering.
"Pardon my interruption, Tanaka Sensei!" Iida bowed before standing back up straight and handing the teacher the fabricated note. Tanaka Sensei read the note before motioning for Hino Chiyo to stand.

She had short black hair and green eyes. She looked nervous and as if she hasn't slept in days.
"Please follow Iida to Mr Aizawa's class. You're not in trouble, he just wishes to speak with you about making up a missed test" He explained, showing his nervous student the note.

She immediately looked relieved before confusion hit. She had no idea what test Aizawa Sensei could be talking about.
"After you, Chiyo San" Iida held the door open for her. She mumbled a thanks before walking out, Iida following after.

Iida felt sympathetic towards the nervous girl in front of him. She was nervously fingering the hem of her uniform sleeve.

Although Iida did feel bad, he knew it was for the best. He needed her to change his friend back to normal. Even he was losing patience with Baby Danny.

"Here we are" Iida said as he opened the door. She walked inside and Iida walked in after her, closing the door.

Chiyo stopped when she realized Aizawa was sleeping. She then noticed everyone in the classroom was glaring at her. Her eyes widened when she saw Danny, who was now a baby thanks to her quirk.

She gulped and tried to turn around only to be stopped by Mina.
"Hey now, don't go yet" The pink haired girl smiled at her sweetly. Her sweet smile then turned scary.

"We just wanna talk" Jiro finished for her, wearing a matching scary smile.

Chiyo yelped in fear.
"I-I'm s-sorry! I swear! I didn't want too!" She cried.

Izuku stepped towards her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Then why did you, Hino San?" Izuku asked, although he was now certain why.

Chiyo sighed and Iida pulled up a chair so she could sit. She sat down and folded her hands in her lap. She looked down as she began to answer.
"The day before it happened, I was cornered by a man while I was walking home from school. He told me that he knew what my quirk was and that if I didn't use it on Danny, he'd hurt me and my family. I didn't want too, I promise! He didn't tell me why he wanted me too. I never saw him before in my life, he reminded me of a creepy old vampire... he was so s-scary... you have to believe me!" She looked up at everyone. They could all tell she was scared.

"We believe you"

Everyone gasped as they turned around to see Aizawa, who was now awake and looking extremely mad. They didn't know if it was because they basically kidnapped a student or if it was because he found out someone blackmailed her into transforming Danny into a baby.

"Thank you" Chiyo smiled shyly.

"You do know we're going to have to report this to the school board, We need you to tell us exactly what this man looked like so we can create a sketch and hopefully catch him" He explained. He looked over the room for Danny and yelled when he saw him trying to eat a pencil sharpener.

"DROP IT! NO!" He exclaimed, diving over his desk and grabbing the little angel of terror. He grabbed the sharpener and threw it across the room, accidentally hitting Denki in the head.

"Ouch! No, not my remaining braincells!" The yellow haired teen sobbed. Sero patted his back awkwardly while Jiro laughed.

"C-Can I g-go now?" Chiyo stuttered out. Aizawa nodded and opened the door for her.
"We need to get a sketch of the man who blackmailed you so stop by the office tomorrow after class" He told her. She nodded then left. He then turned towards his class who refused to look him in the eye.

"Wait we need her to change Danny back!" Mina exclaimed.

Aizawa's sleep deprived eyes widened and he opened the door in a panic.

"Wait! Come back!"


"...was I really that bad as a baby" A now 14 year old Danny asked, wearing a new school uniform since he had no idea what they did with his old one.

"Worse, but you were so adorable it was worth it!" Ochako gushed, showing a picture of baby him napping.

"No it wasn't" Bakugou scoffed. Sero grabbed Ochako's phone and shoved it in his face.

"C'mon man, don't deny that Baby Danny was adorable!"

"You wanna fucking die?"


"Yeah 10 outta 10 don't recommend" Danny commented, pulling out a muffin from the diaper bag Aizawa had packed earlier that morning.

Aizawa rolled his eyes and snagged the muffin out of his hand, earning a gasp from the black haired teen.
"Haven't I been through enough! I can't even eat my muffin now!?" Danny dramatically draped himself across his desk.

"End my misery"

"This is your fifth muffin in the last minute, I don't want to deal with you on a sugar rush"

"I'm not even that bad!"

"INCORRECT!" Everyone yelled.

Danny stuck his tongue out at them.
"Anyways, did Chiyo say who the man looked like?" He asked.

Denki laughed.
"Yeah! She described him as an old, creepy vampire"

Danny froze at that description. There's no way it could have been a coincidence.



Vlad stepped out of his limousine, smirking as he walked into the exquisite hotel he would be staying at.
"Mr Smith?" Vlad spoke into his ear piece and waited for the mans reply.

"Yes sir?"

"Do you know where Daniel is staying?" He asked, walking into the hotel lobby. He would have his bags be carried up to his room shortly.

"Not yet, sir" He answered, voice sounding a little nervous.

"I'm not paying you to mess around, Mr Smith. Is there a reason why you haven't figured it out yet?"

"...No, sir. I'll try to figure it out as soon as I can"

Vlad smiled, satisfied with the answer.




Y'all better be washing your hands... STAY SAFE!

This is the 150th chapter. WoW :O

Anyways I hope you enjoyed :) sorry for the long wait, thanks for being patient with me :D if you see any mistakes make sure to leave a comment so I can fix it :D

Tis all,

Good day.

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