My Hero Academia (14)

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All the teachers were in a meeting, Aizawa included. Each class was instructed to wait by their Teachers door until they came back from said meeting. Class 1-A was minding their own business, everyone chatting along with their friends. Danny was in a very intense staring contest with Denki. Kirishima was cheering him on while Sero cheered on Denki. The students all made bets on who was gonna win, even Bakugou.

Danny suddenly sneezed, but his eyes stayed open.
"BRO! HOW'D YOUR EYES NOT POP OUT!?" Kirishima shouted, making Denki blink at the sudden noise.

"DUDE YOU MESSED ME UP! THIS IS SABOTAGE I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Denki exclaimed, Sero backing him up.

"Nuh-uh! I win fair and circle" Danny smirked.

"Danny Kun it's 'fair and square'" Izuku mumbled into his ear.

"Nuh-uh! I win fair and square!" Danny smirked.

"I can't believe this is the class that survived that villain attack, pathetic" a Snarky voice commented behind them.

They all froze and slowly turned around, coming face to face with a blonde haired blue eyed kid around their age. He had a borderline crazy look on his face.

"I'm sorry and who are you?" Jiro asked with a raised eyebrow. Everyone glared at the kid.

"Neito Monoma, class 1-B" He answered with the same crazy smile. He opened his mouth, no doubt to insult them again, but was interrupted with laughter.

Class 1-A was not surprised to see it was Danny who was laughing. He was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes. He gripped his sides, laughing even harder. Monoma's eye twitched in annoyance.

"Why are you laughing at me! You're just a pathetic-" He was cut off by Danny falling over, his laughter only increasing.

"YOU-YOU YOU LOOK LIKE THE FUCKING KAZOO KID IM SORRY THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER!" Danny wheezed, rolling on his side. Kirishima began laughing with him, right along with Denki and Sero. Bakugou tried to hold in a smirk but failed. Mina looked up who Danny was talking about and was soon laughing as well. Eventually, the entire class was trying to hold back their laughter but failing miserably.

"MOMO! I WILL GIVE YOU MY MOCHI ICE CREAM IF YOU MAKE A KAZOO!" Danny begged the creative hero. She sighed but made one for him anyway. Danny cheered and rushed towards a frozen Momoma.

"Please hold this" Danny put the Kazoo in the blonde teens hand, who was still frozen in surprise. The ghostly teen took a picture.

"This is the best day of my life!" Danny wiped happy tears from his eyes before his facial expression became serious.

He looked at Monoma with cold dead eyes.
"Now... what were you saying about us being pathetic?" Danny said with a sickeningly sweet smile. The temperature dropped ten degrees making everyone shudder, all except 1-A who was very used to this.

When Aizawa arrived at his classroom door, he ignored the smug looks on his students and the expression on his kids face which he usually only got after scaring someone half to death.

He felt a tapping on his shoulder and turned around, coming face to face with a grinning Danny.
"I stood up against a mean kid today!" Danny said while jumping up and down with happiness. It was an overall adorable sight.

Aizawa smiled a little, patted the ghost teens head, and allowed him to eat as many muffins as he wanted after dinner.


"Can I go on patrol with you!" Danny asked for the fifth time. Aizawa sighed as he put on his capture gear.

"For the last time, no. It's not safe for you out there. Until we catch the man who's after you, you're to stay here" Aizawa said.

"But I'll be safer if I'm with you! What'll I do if Vlad finds out where I live and comes after me while you're on patrol!" Danny looked at him with puppy dog eyes while holding Spooky, who also looked at him with puppy dog eyes. Boo was curled up on the couch, sleeping.

Aizawa hated the fact that Danny was right. Still, he didn't want Danny getting hurt by any villains.
"You're not to interfere on any fights that may occur, got it? Stay at least 50 feet away, but also in a place I can see you" Aizawa said sternly.

Danny pouted.
"B-But! I have a lot of experience-" Danny's whining was cut off by his tired guardian.

"No buts, it's either that or I have Hizashi babysit you" Aizawa grinned, although Danny liked the loud superhero, he absolutely despised being babysat. The hero had a radio show but he'd be happy to cancel if it meant getting to spend time with his favorite, and only, nephew.

Danny huffed in annoyance before finally giving in.

"Now go grab some snacks, you didn't eat much of dinner. And I don't mean muffins, you had far enough of those already, grab something nutritional" Aizawa quickly added the last part when he saw Danny walking in the direction of his 'secret' muffin stash.

He chose to ignor Dannys grumbling as he walked into the kitchen. He came back out with a small baggy of carrots and some fruit snacks.

"Ok now let's go!" Dannys annoyed expression was now replaced with an excited grin, eyes sparking as he held his snacks. Aizawa smiled a little and ruffled his hair.

"Remember what I said, no interfering and make sure to stay far away enough where you can't get hurt but close enough to where I can see you" He reminded.

"Yeah yeah, now c'mon!"

He followed Aizawa out the apartment and, after dropping Spooky and Boo off at their neighbors who agreed to petsit, into a more secluded area where Aizawa put his goggles on and Danny went ghost. Aizawa crouched down on the abandoned building they were on.

"Ok!! Now what!! Do we find them, or do they find us?? I only ever fought ghosts!" Danny asked, munching on his carrots in excitement.

"You won't be fighting anything, remember? Stick close to me, if we catch a villain I want you to fly a safe distance away" Danny pouted once again at the reminder.

"Can we watch a movie when we get back then? In return for this evening of boredom I'm sure to have" Danny asked, making sure to use his best puppy dog eyes.

Aizawa was about to say ok when he heard a woman's shriek. He immediately took action, quickly making his way off the building and into a alley near a set of houses. Danny made sure to stay a safe distance away.

He immediately noticed a woman floating in the air, a man who looked to be in his late 40's was standing above her. His arm was held out and seemed to be shaking.

They both didn't seem to notice Aizawa at first, however soon the woman's eyes caught sight of the hero. She didn't make any sound, not wanting to let her attacker know a hero was nearby.

Aizawa quickly ran towards the woman and the villain. He canceled the villains quirk before catching the woman and gently setting her down before using his capture gear on her attacker, restraining him. The woman immediately took off, probably to contact the police so they can take the villain into custody.

Aizawa finally blinked, returning the Villains quirk. Aizawa had made sure his arm was properly restrained so he couldn't use his quirk. On the building above where the fight had occurred, Danny was crushing his bag of carrots anxiously. He knew Aizawa was a pro hero and fully capable of handling any villain that came his way, but he still hated just sitting by doing nothing.

He noticed the woman Aizawa had saved by the set of houses next to the alleyway. She was on her phone and talking to the police. Danny, using his enhanced hearing, heard the police tell the woman that a nearby officer was on the way to take the villain away.

Danny turned back to see his guardian interrogating the villain. Danny flew off the building and made his way towards the woman.

"Are you okay?" He asked, making the woman jump. She held up a finger before finishing up her conversation with the police. She hung up then turned back towards Danny.

"Yes, Who are you?" She asked. She didn't seem suspicious of Danny, only curious.

"I'm Da- Phantom! I'm Eraserheads protege, I'm not supposed to interfere on any fights, but I wanted to make sure you were okay" Danny said, giving her a comforting smile. The woman returned with a smile of her own.

"I'm okay, a little shaken up but I'll be fine. You seem a little young kid, I take it you're training to be a prohero?" She asked, not at all surprised when Danny nodded his head.

They soon heard the familiar sound of a police car heading their way. Aizawa seemed to have heard it as well because he made his way out of the alley, dragging the villain out as well. He didn't seem surprised when he saw Danny talking with the victim.

Soon, the police officer pulled up and immediately put the villain in handcuffs. After the policeman left along with the villain, the woman turned towards Aizawa to thank him one last time before pulling out her phone to call a taxi. Once she was done, she looked back at the hero and protege only to find them gone.

Up on the rooftop of some building, Danny continued to snack on his fruit snacks while Aizawa kept a look out for any suspicious activity.

"We're like Batman and robin" Danny suddenly whispered in excitement. Aizawa gave Danny a raised eyebrow.

Danny gasped.
"We're watching Batman when we get back, Don't tell me you don't know who the Avengers are too..."

Aizawa remained silent before finally mumbling,
"Of course I know who the Avengers are"

Danny let out a relieved sigh.

"LET GO OF ME!" They heard a frightened voice yell. Aizawa turned towards the voice who sounded like it belonged to a teen and quickly sprung into action. They jumped, or In Dannys case flew, from building to building before coming across a small group of villains cornering a teenage girl. Danny immediately recognized her as Hino Chiyo, the girl who was forced to turn him into a child.

One villain, whose arm had turned to metal, had a iron grip on Chiyo's arm. Aizawa canceled his quirk, making his arm turn back to normal before jumping down and punching him in the face.

"Run" Aizawa told his student before turning back towards the three villains. Chiyo nodded and took off down the street.

Danny watched from above as Aizawa took on the three villains. He was about to ignore Aizawa's rules and help out but something stopped him. Why do those villains look so familiar? He hadn't seen their faces before so why does he have a feeling he had met them?

It hit him when one of the villains fists turned a bright blue, aiming at Aizawa. The eraser hero dodged the punch, instead making the villain punch the brick wall they had cornered Chyio against. The area he had punched immediately turned into a blue goo like substance.

Dannys eyes widened. These were the men who had attacked Danny. Danny was about to jump down and help before a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him away. He yelped in surprise and turned around, ripping out of the persons grip. He held his fists out, ectoblasts ready to fire.

"Oh Daniel..." He beard a familiar voice sigh. Danny froze in fear.

"Still think you can beat me?"

Danny spun around, not able to spot Vlad anywhere.
"Quit hiding you creepy old man" Danny said through clenched teeth. A hand suddenly appeared out of no where and grabbed Danny around the neck, causing the teen to choke out a cry. He was tossed on the ground. He rolled into a sitting position but before he could stand up a foot appeared and kicked him in the face. He was knocked to the ground again by the force. He saw another attack coming but quickly rolled out of the way and became intangible. He stood up and got into a fighting position. He was worried about how his guardian was handling the four villains, but he couldn't help him quite yet. His eyes narrowed when Vlads full body became visible.

"Hello Daniel, long time no see"

Down below, Aizawa was doing his best dodging all the attacks the villains threw at him. Right now he was focusing on the one who turns stuff to goo when punched. He canceled the villains quirk before using his capture gear to toss him into the building, successfully knocking him out. One down, two to go.

"Damn hero" One of the villains growled. This one had a gigantification quirk, Aizawa noted when he saw the villains left arm grow triple in size. He caught the arm with his capture gear and flipped the villain over. He sensed a presence behind him and immediately spun around, punching the villain in the face before he had the chance to attack. It was the same villain who could turn his arm into metal.

Using his quirk, he quickly subdued the two villains and knocked them unconscious. He tossed them next to the first villain and blinked, cursing his dry eye. He suddenly heard a scream that belonged to a certain kid of his. He cursed and looked up, not able to see Danny where he had last left him.

He quickly jumped his way up onto the roof. His heart dropped when he caught sight of a man with glowing red eyes and black hair, wearing a malicious grin standing over his kid who was no longer in his ghostly form. In the villains hand was a strange looking device.

Aizawa used his capture gear to pull his son away from the man who Aizawa recognized as the sketch Chiyo had drawn of the villain that threatened her.

"Oh, and who is this, Daniel?" The man, he remembered Danny calling him Vlad, asked with an amused looking smile. Aizawa had a feeling Vlad already knew who he was.

Aizawa looked back over at his kid and froze. He looked scared. Sure, Danny had looked scared before. For example, the USJ incident and the Sports Festival. However the look of fear on his kids face during those times was nothing compared to right now. Aizawa pushed Danny behind him and glared menacingly at the villain before him. Whoever this man is, he made Danny scared. His brave, selfless, and sometimes (all the time) stubborn kid, scared.

"We need backup, dad. He- He's really strong you can't defeat him and-and he took my powers away for three hours" He heard Danny mumble behind him, loud enough so Aizawa can hear. Aizawa never took his eyes off of the smug villain in front of him.

Aizawa knew that Hizashi's radio studio was around here somewhere.
"Kid, you know the way to Hizashi's studio, right?" Aizawa asked, only so Danny could hear. No other heroes patrolled around this area. The closest around was his loud bestfriend and self proclaimed 'best uncle'.

Danny nodded, looking around. He could make his way there from here with no problem.
"Yeah, yeah I do" Danny said, glancing at Vlad who had the audacity to yawn.

Aizawa nodded and motioned for him to go, and quickly. Danny looked like he wanted to object but didn't. Danny quickly but safely made his way down the building. Vlad turned invisible, most likely to follow, but Aizawa canceled his quirk making him become visible again. He also changed into a more human like appearance. He looked towards Aizawa in annoyance

"You're not going to stop me, you know" He said, eerily calm. Aizawa said nothing, just ran towards him to attack. He knocked the strange device out of his hands and tried his best not to blink. If he did, he wasn't sure he could beat him on his own.

Danny hurriedly ran down the street, following the path towards Hizashi's studio. His radio show ended ten minutes ago so he should still be there.

Soon, the building came into view and Danny ran faster. He threw the doors open, startling the occupants inside, before running inside and towards the studio room where Hizashi was certain to be.

Sure enough, when he opened the doors, there sat the loud hero who looked at Danny in surprise.
"We need your help, and quick!"


Danny quickly led Present Mic towards Aizawa and Vlad. He explained everything to him on the way.
"Vlad has enhanced hearing like me, your voice quirk will subdue him long enough to get more help" Danny said.

Soon enough, they reached his dad and his creepy stalker of an 'uncle'. Aizawa was struggling not to blink and give Vlad his quirk back. After seeing his best friend and his son who was safely behind him, Aizawa relaxed a little. He nodded towards Hizashi who nodded back, both thinking the same thing.

Aizawa finally blinked, making Vlad smirk when he felt his power return. He immediately transformed again and aimed an ectoblast at the eraser hero. Aizawa easily dodged out of the way and made sure he was out of Hizashi's attack range. Vlad aimed another one at him which he dodged once again.

Hizashi used the opportunity to activate his quirk. He yelled out, sending sound waves directly at Vlad. Instead of crumbling to the ground in agony like they all expected, he instead crumbled away entirely.

Dannys eyes widened.
"It was a duplicate"

They both turned around and their eyes widened in shock. A purple portal appeared behind Danny.

"DANNY!" Aizawa yelled out as a hand reached out of the portal and grabbed his son. Both heroes immediately took action but were too late. The hand pulled his son into the portal which immediately disappeared. Hizashi stared in shock at where his nephew once stood.

Aizawa froze, staring at the spot his son was taken from. He cursed, he knew it was odd how calm Vlad was during their fight. How confident he seemed, Aizawa should of known he was up to something, he was a pro-hero dammit, he's been doing this for over a decade yet he had allowed some creepy villain take his son. His son.

"Shota" Aizawa felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his friend.

"I know that look, It's not your fault and we will get him back" Hizashi said confidently.

Aizawa didn't say anything, just kneeled down and picked up the baggy of carrots Danny had dropped.
"What could that man possibly want my kid for?" Danny never really went into detail on why Vlad would want Danny. Aizawa suspected it was because Vlad wanted Danny to 'join' him and become a villain. Aizawa scoffed, that would never happen. His kid was far too stubborn and far to kind.

"We'll need backup, and Nedzu. If anyone can find out where that fucker most likely took Danny, it's him" Aizawa fixed his goggles before turning around, making his way towards U.A where the intelligent and frightening principal was most likely at. Hizashi followed, promising no matter what to save his nephew.


"Let go of me you fruit loop!" Danny growled out, kicking and biting his way out of Vlads grip. Said fruit loop yelped in pain when Dannys sharp teeth dug into his arm.

Vlad brung his hand up and slapped the boys cheek, making him gasp in surprise. His expression quickly turned into a glare as the side of his face began to redden.

"I'll never join you" Dannys glare never wavered, even when Vlad stepped closer.

"Oh you foolish boy, that's not why you're here. I don't need you, I have other means of becoming more powerful" The doors to Vlads mansion opened and a group of men dressed in white uniforms entered.

Danny froze at the sight of the Guys In White. All carrying weapons and looking at Danny like he was the dirt on the bottom of their pearly white shoes.

His eyes widened in shock when he finally understood. He turned towards Vlad.
"You... YOU SOLD ME!"

Vlad smirked before turning towards the agents.
"Here he is, as promised. Now I really must be going, I have an important meeting soon. You may leave the reward we promised on my table, Goodbye little badger, please behave" The villain gave Danny another smug look. Danny lunged at him but was held back by a pair of arms.

"You're sick" Danny spat at the villain. Vlad just smirked once more before turning around. Danny tried his best to get out of the agents grip.

"Let me go you asshole!" Danny really hated the Plasmius Maximus, along with It's inventor.

"Just sedate the scum already" he heard another agent say. He felt a needle stab into the side of his neck before darkness consumed his vision.


uH oHhHhhHhh vYlads (👀👀) a jerk.

So yeah :) hope you enjoyed that extra long chapter (over 3,000 words I'm proud of myselfff :D) if you see any mistakes let me know so I can (hopefully) fix them :D

Anyways hope you all had a fantastic day and if you didn't, I sowwy :(

Tis all,

Good day.

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